Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 19, 2023, 01:49 PMSpeaking of gathering personal data...

Give up your personal data and get a free 55-inch TV

QuoteThe sets feature a main screen on top where viewers watch content and a smaller second screen below that displays a nonstop stream of advertising.

More than 100,000 people registered...

i can't imagine wanting that amount of visual pollution in my home

that's repulsive

i hate big screens

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Quote from: Lisnaholic on May 19, 2023, 03:05 PMYep, Sen Feinstein should have stepped down months ago. In her time, she fought the good fight, I think, but has now outstayed her welcome on account of being too old and too sick to do her job. In her way, she is as shameless as George Santos, with what I see as a pigs-at-the-trough mentality: I got a nice salary, thanks to the taxpayer, and nothing will induce me to quit voluntarily. Judge R Bader Ginsberg took the same approach: stayed in the Supreme Court until she died (during Trump presidency) and gave her seat to Kavenaugh, right? If she had retired honourably during Obama's presidency, the SCOTUS majority would surely have been tipped in the liberal direction and those abortion rulings would've gone a different way. Good for you, Bader Ginsberg! Your last year on the court came at a pretty high price for America.

Well, that was more of a rant than I expected! I actually came here to post this: not news, but about a news commentator. I don't really know anything about this guy, but I see behind him 2 guitars, Winston Churchill and Joan Didion, which is quite an intriguing cultural mix, amIright?

It was actually Amy Coney Barrett who replaced Ginsburg:

She looks like a slightly older Pam from the Office:

QuoteAmy Coney Barrett

she's unfit to serve as a human urinal although clarence thomas is probably helping to fix that


Great-Grandmother, 95, in Critical Condition After Being Tasered by Police in Australia

that's not the correct way to treat a sheila

Quote from: SGR on May 19, 2023, 03:40 PMIt was actually Amy Coney Barrett who replaced Ginsburg:

Thanks for the correction! Good call on the lookalike  :laughing:

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 19, 2023, 03:44 PMshe's unfit to serve as a human urinal although clarence thomas is probably helping to fix that

^ I wonder if she's received an invitation to hop into a shower with Rudi Giuliani ?!

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Smoke from Canadian fires is pouring into the US and could linger for days


i think the only reasonable response is full on war with canada and seizing their oil fields and ski resorts



Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Okay so if you've been following along in other threads. I'm super active again locally in different groups and most recently. The group that I'm active with went to welcome asylum seekers that are being bussed up from NYC to local area hotels.

Well there was a story that ended up going viral/nationwide about the asylum seekers being taken in and that some veterans were kicked out because of them.

I did some research to find out how true that story was because even though I'm supportive of the asylum seekers I wouldn't want them to displace veterans and it seemed like a fishy story to rile up a base that already hates the asylum seekers and refers to them as illegals and aliens that should go back to Mexico. When I have yet to meet a single guy that was from Mexico. They are mostly coming from South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and a few from the Middle East.

I called the person that was in charge of moving the homeless veterans to a new hotel because of the asylum seekers and I had a lengthy conversation with her over the phone. She basically lied to me like she lied to media outlets. Come to find out, she went to a homeless shelter and recruited 15 guys to tell them to pretend to be veterans. She was supposed to pay them 200 bucks and get them food and alcohol. She only did the food and liquor part. She still owes those men their 200 dollars for her huge hoax.  The incredibly sad part is that she is a veteran herself and runs a great organization that helps out homeless veterans. So it's beyond stupid of her to ruin her reputation this way. I'm trying to figure out like who behind the scenes put her up to it and if she in turn got paid to create this fake story but her reputation is in the toilet and it's veterans that her organization helped that will end up paying the final cost for her greed.


QuoteFinch continued to change her story, Mid Hudson News reported, changing the date on which she claims the vets were displaced, the number of vets involved, and the names of the hotels where the vets were supposedly being kicked out of and relocated to.

By Thursday, seven homeless men came forward to Mid Hudson News and claimed they were part of a group of 15 men recruited to pretend they were veterans who had been kicked out of the Crossroads Hotel.

The job came with a promise of $200 in addition to food and alcohol, Mid Hudson News reported. The men say they never received the payment, Mid Hudson News reported.

Sharon Finch is the name of the lady that I spoke with on the phone.

I was this cool the whole time.

It just proves that anyone can do anything to get you on their side. It usually backfires though as it may have possibly on Finch and/or her handlers

The Word has spoken :D

why do people gaf about veterans

fuck veterans

Quote from: Nimbly9 on May 21, 2023, 04:00 AMThird time's the charm I guess.  :laughing:

Former DOE official Sam Brinton arrested for third time for allegedly stealing luggage at airport

A privileged white American stealing from an African woman of color and wearing her dress. Cultural appropriation at its fugliest.

I know Biden wanted to be inclusive in his cabinet but this guy was just a freak.

The Word has spoken :D