Not sure what your response is there, DJ, but if you feel your replies are being lost let us know. I think maybe you're not quoting properly? Happens to me sometimes too.

Anyway the point I'm making is that to jump to the incredibly massive conclusion that because a ROBOT fell down stairs it committed suicide is like, I don't know, saying a car crashed because it was depressed. If there's some sort of evidence to show that - against all known logic and science, even now - machines can develop emotions, let these guys present it. Otherwise it's just clickbait to try to convince people SKYNET is on the way. There's no proof. The thing fell down stairs. It makes a better story to say the robot was depressed, but that's absolutely impossible, even with today's AI, so again I say, bollocks.  :laughing:

Quote from: Trollheart on Jul 12, 2024, 03:45 PMNot sure what your response is there, DJ, but if you feel your replies are being lost let us know. I think maybe you're not quoting properly? Happens to me sometimes too.

Anyway the point I'm making is that to jump to the incredibly massive conclusion that because a ROBOT fell down stairs it committed suicide is like, I don't know, saying a car crashed because it was depressed. If there's some sort of evidence to show that - against all known logic and science, even now - machines can develop emotions, let these guys present it. Otherwise it's just clickbait to try to convince people SKYNET is on the way. There's no proof. The thing fell down stairs. It makes a better story to say the robot was depressed, but that's absolutely impossible, even with today's AI, so again I say, bollocks.  :laughing:

I was making a joke that you support Capitalism so much you are making a grandiose argument against a robot being depressed after experiencing slave labor for cheap.

I was this cool the whole time.

Largest housing provider for migrant children engaged in pervasive sexual abuse, US says

QuoteEmployees of the largest housing provider for unaccompanied migrant children in the U.S. repeatedly sexually abused and harassed children in their care for at least eight years, the Justice Department said Thursday, alleging a shocking litany of offenses that took place as the company amassed billions of dollars in government contracts.

Southwest Key Programs Inc. employees, including supervisors, raped, touched or solicited sex and nude images of children beginning in 2015 and possibly earlier, the Justice Department said in a lawsuit filed this week. At least two employees have been indicted on criminal charges related to the allegations since 2020.

Jesus Christ.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 14, 2024, 06:41 AMI was making a joke that you support Capitalism so much you are making a grandiose argument against a robot being depressed after experiencing slave labor for cheap.

How in the name of blue jumping fuck has what I said anything to do with supporting capitalism? A) you don't know if/that I do and b) I was challenging the idea of a robot committing suicide because it was depressed without the slightest evidence to support that. How is that supporting capitalism? It's just supporting logic and common sense. Now, had you said a PERSON committed suicide because of their dead-end job, I would agree. Still would not indicate any support of, or bias against, captialism. I don't get your reasoning, and in fact you're avoiding my point by putting words in my mouth for some reason.

Quote from: SGR on Jul 20, 2024, 01:58 AMLargest housing provider for migrant children engaged in pervasive sexual abuse, US says

Jesus Christ.

It doesn't seem right to "like" your post, SGR, so I didn't, but sadly I'm not surprised, and neither should you be. Outraged, definitely. Angry, sure. But surprised? Unfortunately it seems that anywhere there is a large organisation taking care of children or young adults this kind of thing will happen. I'm of course not suggesting it's endemic to caring organisations, or that everyone or even the majority do it - the majority are most likely as sickened and appalled as any of us to find out it's happening - but where the potential for abuse is there, the sad truth is that there will always be those who will take that opportunity. See also: the Catholic Church and Irish schools.


"He who enjoys walking, will beat he who seeks the destination"

Look, I know the world is fucked up, but this has to be a new low! A 17-year-old goes on the rmapage attacking FUCKING LITTLE GIRLS WITH A KNIFE?? And nobody seems to know why?  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

It's all kicking off here now! Riots in Belfast, all across southern England. Misinformation, disinformation and datinformation (sorry) being spread to further the agenda of the right-wing anti-migrant lot, truth ignored, facts pushed to one side, all in the name of good old violence and bigotry. I mean, I get that people are angry about those girls being killed, but for the love of a god who does not exist, blame the right people! Just because you hate immigrants, Muslims, blacks, whoever, doesn't mean you can just decide those people had anything to do with the attack, which they did not. Talk about a 21st century Kristallnacht!

This was the one that made people snap and yes they have got this wrong but it's too simplistic to point to Southport and say it's because of that. If that was the only incident people were angry about then you wouldn't have the rioting that's been happening.

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Aug 04, 2024, 08:14 PMThis was the one that made people snap and yes they have got this wrong but it's too simplistic to point to Southport and say it's because of that. If that was the only incident people were angry about then you wouldn't have the rioting that's been happening.

Oh of course. Goes without saying. I'm just saying that's the excuse they're using. Disgraceful. And in the midst of all this is lost the reason - if there can be any - why that cunt killed the little girls in the first place?

Quote from: Trollheart on Aug 05, 2024, 02:04 AMOh of course. Goes without saying. I'm just saying that's the excuse they're using. Disgraceful. And in the midst of all this is lost the reason - if there can be any - why that cunt killed the little girls in the first place?

They seem to be going with the mental health thing. The guy was autistic and they've been mentioning that a lot. But there were also claims that when he was in school he said he wanted a genocide.

Only God knows.