Mar 01, 2025, 09:28 PM Last Edit: Mar 04, 2025, 07:03 PM by Trollheart

Not the same as "Missing Posters", as most if not all of these people never posted here, nor ever will. But who do you miss from the old days? People you liked, didn't like, had good /bad relationships with, who made the place better or even worse? People you miss discussing certain topics with, people you wish were here but you know never will be?

Certainly not
Frownland: I'm not going to say I hate(d) the guy, as I barely knew him except for our interchanges over the forum, but he's one person I would be very sorry to see here. It's probably no secret that we did not get on. Despite his completely condescending attitude to many people, not just me, I tried to take him as I found him, but he seemed always to be spoiling for a fight, or just a sneer. Some of you who knew him over there will say no, that's not what he was like at all, but it's how he was with me. I even tried listening to and reviewing music he recced me (including his own) and on the rare occasions when I, surprising myself, liked it, he never commented, but any time I had something negative to say about his music, he came right at me. Anyway, long story short, I sure don't miss him.

Batty/The Batlord: I do miss him. He was a bit of a gobshite as we say here, but he was mostly fun to be around. I had my run-ins with him, too, but overall we got on fairly well. We certainly bonded over our shared love of Star Trek and Judge Dredd, and comics in general. He also tried to school me on extreme metal, god bless his heart. He'd never fit in here though, which is a pity.

Unknown Soldier: One of the greatest authorities on hard rock and heavy metal outside of Batty, he ran a journal which was, and probably will remain, the standard on that music, and still stands as one of MB's greatest, best-researched and well-informed journals.

Chula Vista: Had the odd spat with him but overall I thought the guy was really a cool dude, and he played guitar well. Bit of an obssessive with Led Zep, which kind of made me wonder why he didn't choose a Zep-themed username. Wonder what he's up to now?

Vanilla/Scarlet O'Hara: Miss her a lot. We had a good relationship and people there used to rib me over her, but she was a really nice person.

Jackhammer: The oldest music swinger in town, he was so in touch with the current music scene that it must have all but embarrassed the younger generation who knew him. Lost his wife tragically and never heard from him after that. He was a great contributor and I think one of the original MB crew, or close to it.

Goofle: I liked Goofle, his take on pop music and his general attitude of "I like it, fuck you if you don't."

Exo: the forum's movie guru, and a real nice guy. Loved his stories of people coming in to the record shop where he worked, and he introduced me to The Black Ryder.

I'm sure there are tons more; these are only the ones who come to mind right now.

Queen Boo
She and I are still in touch fairly regularly outside the forum but I miss talking music with her more often.

I liked reading his prog rock related opinions and reviews a lot and recall pleasant interactions back when he was on here in the late MB/early SCD days.

Only had pretty limited interactions with him, but when we did he seemed chill, more than some of his older posts I'd seen. And honestly I would love to talk punk with him and see what he makes of my poser ass lol.

Howard the Duck
We need more wacko cloudcuckoolanders on forums and this guy was the king of them all.

Roxy Rollah
She and I were friendly on discord for a while in 2023-24 and I really miss talking fashion and housewife related things with her.

Sending all my love and wishes of safety and happiness wherever you are. <3

And I'll second Chula and Batlord.


Goof, Manky, right-track (or should that be, wrong track, haha!)

That's pretty much it cos I speak to anyone else I liked.

Oh and Hawk, funny old man.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Oh yeah I'll second Hawk, good shout.

I never spoke to Right-Track, but word on the street was he was on a power trip at some point.  :laughing: 


Quote from: Trollheart on Mar 01, 2025, 09:28 PMChula Vista: Had the odd spat with him but overall I thought the guy was really a cool dude, and he played guitar well. Bit of an obssessive with Led Zep, which kind of made me wonder why he didn't choose a Zep-themed username. Wonder what he's up to now?

It would be cool to see him here. I hope Trump's unreal comeback and re-election isn't too much for him. He was always talking about "smoking guns" and "bombshell reports" that were going to get Trump removed from the Presidency and thrown in jail any day during his first term. Now that Trump not only dodged prison and made it through his first term and ran again and won, and is going into overdrive in his second term, it's probably Chula's worst nightmare come true.

a narcissist white supremacist being in power is so many ppls worst nightmare to be fair :( I wish Chula the best.

I liked Batlord, I got along with Frown most of the time, I know a lot of others didn't, and you all may recall I made the #downwithfrown thread in an effort to demod him.  My own experiences aside I got to stand up for what is right, period.

idk who to mention that isn't already here tbh!

Deadchannel maybe.  but we have some history from the past two years that's been difficult to parse.  i hope that we become better friends in the future but i don't like what she's like in this current stage of her life

"I own the mail" or whatever Elph said

u shud dig a hole for your lost dreams and fill it in with PFA water

When Chula lost it once and deliberately tried to get banned, but wasn't 😂

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Threatening Frown with his gun. Ah, great days!  :laughing:

"I own the mail" or whatever Elph said

u shud dig a hole for your lost dreams and fill it in with PFA water

#11 Mar 03, 2025, 01:29 AM Last Edit: Mar 03, 2025, 01:35 AM by degrassi.knoll

I don't understand the Chrissy thing haha is that a reference to someone?

"I own the mail" or whatever Elph said

u shud dig a hole for your lost dreams and fill it in with PFA water

I'll second Goofle.

I wonder what a lot of the people from MB early days are up to nowadays.

Murder Junkie, holdyoualways, ditto on Jackhammer, Spike Spiegel, Non Submissive Wife, Mojo and Engine

Even though Engine had beef with me and I think it was over Roxy but that was such a weird one sided beef.

Oh Sparky which he went through a couple of name changes and Laces Out Dan

I was this cool the whole time.