Yep, all great material posted so far, with my all-time favourite probably being the Argument sketch. The Spanish Inquisition, the Lumberjack Song and the Dead Parrot were so popular when they first came out that people could and would quote chunks of them from memory - by which time, of course, they start to lose some of their impact. That's why I particularly like this sketch, which hasn't received much attention afaik :-

EDIT: Thanks, TH: the famous Dead Parrot sketch - and thanks for reminding me of the Cheese Shop one , which is another real favourite of mine .

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

The crucifixion scene, yes!

A song we all need right now lol

Official 2024 New Member Silver Medalist

Would you like to come upstairs?...


Brilliant. "The room is full ... of milk men.. some of whom... are ... very old."
Leads into this, then, doesn't it?

"The funniest joke in the world"

My favourite part of the funniest joke may be the chanting of laments by the police to protect Scotland yard's crack inspector as he retrieves the joke 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

Love this bit from the movie. Just so... well, so Python!

Where is the fish? The fish goes wherever I go.. From The Meaning of Life ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Surprised this one hasn't been posted yet, so here it is...

Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks (Full Sketch)

Good evening sir, good evening madam...

Monty Python - Dirty Fork

"Death comes to dinner" from The Meaning of Life

Is your wife a goer?...

Monty Python - Nudge Nudge

^ I think 'Bicycle Repairman' was the first Monty Python skit I ever saw on TV way back in the early 70's. Needless to say, I became a fan from that episode.

Here's a short skit from the early 70's...

Monty Python's Flying Circus - Fish Slapping Dance