
crunches 50
hyperextensions 50
incline bench 230x9
seated viking press 50x20
dips 15
pull-ups 9
barbell row 315x6   
preacher curl 50x20x2
bent rear delt cable fly 40x20x2
across body tricep pull down  40x20x2
db rdl 90x25
leg press 250x25

macros: P 252, C 9, F 5
steps: 11,974
cardio: 20
sleep: 6
bw: 239.0
bp: 114/50--71

the message isn't 'do exactly what I do', it's 'I'm showing you that you're capable of doing more'.


crunches 50
hyperextensions 50
bench 280x5
viking press 70x8
dips 9
pull-ups 11
chest supported row 270x8   
preacher curl 60x20x2
bent rear delt cable fly 40x20x2
across body tricep pull down  40x20x2
rdl 225x20
leg press 250x20

macros: P 245, C 12, F 4 
steps: 16,808
cardio: 20
sleep: 5.5
bw: 241
bp: 128/57--67

the message isn't 'do exactly what I do', it's 'I'm showing you that you're capable of doing more'.


macros: P 318, C 15, F 5
steps: 15,482
cardio: 20
sleep: 7
bw: 239
bp: 120/54--70

the message isn't 'do exactly what I do', it's 'I'm showing you that you're capable of doing more'.


crunches 50
hyperextensions 50
db bench 90x5
seated db press 40x10
dips 10
pull-ups 8
barbell row 225x10 
preacher curl 65x20x2
bent rear delt cable fly 35x20x2
across body tricep pull down  35x20x2
db rdl 90x25
leg press 250x25

macros: P , C , F
steps: 10,005
cardio: 20
sleep: 9.25
bw: 242

the message isn't 'do exactly what I do', it's 'I'm showing you that you're capable of doing more'.