Jesus on a nuclear-powered pogo stick! I never once said I had never heard OF Korn! I said I had never heard anything BY them. And why should I? I don't like nu-metal, never have. I would imagine there are plenty of bands I like that are relatively popular but from whom you have heard nothing.

Look, you love Korn, and that's fair enough. I'm not going to try to change your mind on that, nor would I. But they don't appeal to me, so posting a million videos of their music or how others love them is not going to make any difference. I could post videos of Threshold, Shadow Gallery, Royal Hunt, Ten, Kamelot, Arena or a hundred other artists I'm into. Would it make you want to listen to their music?

So just accept it. I tried it, didn't like it, won't be going back again. I'm done with Korn.

As a matter of record, I turned 61 last July.

Trollheart out.