Favourites of the new ones: Lisna's Glen Campbell and Yes ones, SGR's hilarious Prodigy one and Lexi's inspired one about sandwiches. Well done, all! We like you so much, we'll burn you last!

Quote from: Trollheart on Nov 21, 2024, 08:49 PMFavourites of the new ones: Lisna's Glen Campbell and Yes ones, SGR's hilarious Prodigy one and Lexi's inspired one about sandwiches. Well done, all! We like you so much, we'll burn you last!

Thanks haha, but I can't take credit for that one, the artist actually spelled it as Sandwitches" on the album tracklist lol.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

It's still funny. Though I didn't know there were witches in the desert. How do they get the eye of newt for their stews way out there in the barren wilderness? Can't keep expecting the former Speaker of the House to just happen to wander by!  :laughing:

Incidentally, I don't know why, but we Irish have a weird way of saying certain things, and sandwiches is one of them: we often pronounce it sang-widges. The Irish, huh? Can't live with 'em, can't destroy their religion and turn them into a lower class. Oh. Wait.

Justin Johnson - Son of a Witch