Huh? Weren't you told someone with an IQ like yours shouldn't even handle scissors, TH? Shut up shut up! They don't know what they're talking about! They're all against me. But they'll pay. Oh yes, they'll all pay...

Anyway it's not that kind of tailoring. I have a small talent for rewriting songs with new lyrics to fit a specific theme, like this, where I rearrange Bowie's "Life on Mars" to reflect the Irish weather:

It's a godawful day out there
Heavy rain and a chill in the air.
But the weatherman told us so
And I've nowhere that special to go.
Now the sun is nowhere to be seen
At least the rain makes the grass so green.
But the rain soaks you through and through
Soaking right through your jeans.

Yes the weather's an awful bore
But we've seen it ten times or more
Rain collecting in muddy pools
As we ask for the sun to

Shine down, please stop the rainfall
Oh man! Look at that rain fall down!
Soaking into the ground.
Take a look at the crowd there
All with big umbrellas
Oh man! Wonder if they'll ever know
It's the worst place to go
Weather in Ire-land!

It's on America's beaches now
Where Mickey Mouse will show you how
The sunshine state has no rain
Disney's on sale again.
See the tourists in milling hordes
From Ibiza to Jamiacan ports
Rule Britannia! Another round
For my best friend and all these clowns.

Home the weather's an awful bore
But we've seen it ten times or more
We are sick of the sight of rain
As we ask for the sun to

Shine down, please stop the rainfall
Oh man! Look at that rain fall down!
Soaking into the ground.
Take a look at the crowd there
All with big umbrellas
Oh man! Wonder if they'll ever know
It's the worst place to go
Weather in Ire-land!


So if you want a song rewritten to your theme, let me know and I'll do my best.

Disclaimer: No hip-hop please, as I find it hard to match melody with lyric in those, so to speak.

Have I nothing else to do? Oh you know the answer to that one!