Maybe the fact that Trump signed an executive order designed to descriminate against trans people already marks a difference.

But I think Elon Musk's Sieg Heil in front of a crowd of cheering attendees was the biggest red flag for most people.

Quote from: DJChameleon on Jan 22, 2025, 11:13 PMespecially the increased Latino voters that's getting their abulita shipped away.

Dems were going to do that too because they already were doing it.

Also like, we're two days in. I don't think DJ meant to imply that we're at the stage of things escalating to truly Hitleresque levels yet, but they're pretty openly going by a fascist playbook. How successful they will be to that end in the long term remains to be seen, but given the rate he's tossing out these executive orders bluntly attempting to reverse so many progressive policies straight out the gate I don't see why it's so absurd to think that this could easily be the start of such a trajectory.

After the end of Roe I'm not going to just trust that it's hyperbolic to think a party that controls all three branches of government and has the tech industry and media kowtowing to them left and right won't have a much better chance of accomplishing fascist goals than they did in the first term.


Quote from: DJChameleon on Jan 22, 2025, 11:13 PMExcept you are acting like it's not different this time around with a detailed plan from a think tank. This term is going to be way worse than the first time around but go ahead and stick your head in the sand.

All the people that voted for Trump are now in the Find Out stage of FAFO especially the increased Latino voters that's getting their abulita shipped away.

I'm not acting like anything, I just don't get what's surprising. How is my head in the sand when I'm actively participating in the conversation lol?

#214 Jan 23, 2025, 01:13 AM Last Edit: Jan 23, 2025, 01:17 AM by degrassi.knoll
Quote from: Lucem Ferre on Jan 23, 2025, 12:07 AMMaybe the fact that Trump signed an executive order designed to descriminate against trans people already marks a difference.

But I think Elon Musk's Sieg Heil in front of a crowd of cheering attendees was the biggest red flag for most people.

In 2017 he imposed the travel ban and repealed the ACA on day one, again I don't see how this is at all surprising.

Point being 33% of executive orders are overturned by the next president anyway. Just because an EO is signed doesn't mean it's instantly the law of the land. Do you have any idea how long it will take the federal government to update all their forms to remove gender identifiers alone?

Just because I'm critical of the hysteria doesn't mean I don't get it. I'm just saying calm down, this is how it goes, what good does it do to work yourself up into a frenzy? I'm not going to participate in the doom and gloom because it's not productive.

Yes, but condescending people who are rightfully scared of a party that literally pulled a Nazi salute then crying about the criticism you predictably get in return is equally as unproductive.

"oH nO aRe PeOpLe GoInG tO tReAt Me LiKe ThE aNtIcHrIsT!"

Now that's some unproductive masterbatory hyperbole there.

Who am I condescending to? Where have I said it's not problematic? Where am I crying about being criticized?

Just because y'all don't like me doesn't mean I'm wrong or attacking you. I am literally immersed in this shit day in and day out, and I'm allowed to have an opinion. You can disagree with me but stop acting like everything I say is malicious.

Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Jan 23, 2025, 01:19 AMAm I allowed to opinions in this thread that aren't emotionally charged or do we have to believe in the antichrist to participate?

How is this not condescending?

I'm not sure where you got that from, Steph. I'm not aware of anyone here who doesn't like you. We can disagree and debate without it being personal, surely? I certainly have nothing against you (mutter.. mutter.. soon all will pay... grumble... show them who's boss...)

As I said before, I think the speed and scale of what Trump is doing this time scares people, and rightfully so. Maybe it won't be as bad, but it's hard not to see the black and red banners unfolding behind him and to hear the tramp of boots in lockstep. Musk doesn't help.

Whether you agree with that or not, I would contend that anyone debating with you here, or disagreeing with you, has no personal agenda against you, at least, none I'm aware of. Maybe you know better. But I certainly have no issue with you.

Quote from: Trollheart on Jan 23, 2025, 01:58 AMI'm not sure where you got that from, Steph. I'm not aware of anyone here who doesn't like you. We can disagree and debate without it being personal, surely? I certainly have nothing against you (mutter.. mutter.. soon all will pay... grumble... show them who's boss...)

As I said before, I think the speed and scale of what Trump is doing this time scares people, and rightfully so. Maybe it won't be as bad, but it's hard not to see the black and red banners unfolding behind him and to hear the tramp of boots in lockstep. Musk doesn't help.

Whether you agree with that or not, I would contend that anyone debating with you here, or disagreeing with you, has no personal agenda against you, at least, none I'm aware of. Maybe you know better. But I certainly have no issue with you.

Also true.

We all adore you.

Edit: Except for DJ

Quote from: Lucem Ferre on Jan 23, 2025, 01:55 AMHow is this not condescending?

That's not even from this thread. I purposefully did not come to this thread with that energy. I feel comfortable doing so in SGR's thread because he knows how to read me.

Quote from: Trollheart on Jan 23, 2025, 01:58 AMI'm not sure where you got that from, Steph. I'm not aware of anyone here who doesn't like you. We can disagree and debate without it being personal, surely? I certainly have nothing against you (mutter.. mutter.. soon all will pay... grumble... show them who's boss...)

As I said before, I think the speed and scale of what Trump is doing this time scares people, and rightfully so. Maybe it won't be as bad, but it's hard not to see the black and red banners unfolding behind him and to hear the tramp of boots in lockstep. Musk doesn't help.

Whether you agree with that or not, I would contend that anyone debating with you here, or disagreeing with you, has no personal agenda against you, at least, none I'm aware of. Maybe you know better. But I certainly have no issue with you.

All of this can be true, and the way we talk about it can still be hyperbolic.

It certainly can. Or, as we say here, it could all be a load of bollox.  :laughing:

Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Jan 23, 2025, 01:05 AMI'm not acting like anything, I just don't get what's surprising. How is my head in the sand when I'm actively participating in the conversation lol?

It's not about being surprised it's about you not seeing how this is more strategic and different this time around. The sticking your head in the sand comment is in reference to you thinking the EOs are no big deal and they are just gonna be overturned by the next President while they are doing immediate harm. Migrant farmers workers are not going to work because they fear they will be deported this is gonna cause supply chain issues and the prices on certain groceries are gonna go up even more.

In my day to day activism, I'm focusing more on fights locally and statewide but it doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore what's going on Federally as well.

I was this cool the whole time.

Sounds like projection. Expressing that people need to behave more rationally and less emotively doesn't at all imply either assertion you've made.

Just like I tell my youth, panicking about things out of your control like this isn't going to do more than prolong your own suffering and feed into the fearmongering/hysteria.

None of this suggests ignoring anything.