Today's Kindness
No special kindness today, unfortunately. I didn't really find an opportunity.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm thankful to my boy being such a brave little guy. We went to the hospital to check out his eye which was recently infected. I know the tests and equipment scares him, but he was brave, really tried and was so funny with the doctor.

2) I'm thankful for my wife for making such a delicious green curry today 👌

3) I was happy to find a new show I might like, Uzumaki on Max.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
Well.. I tried to help a friend with a music parody project, but needed an MP3 or equivalent of the song she wanted to parody and couldn't find it. My intentions were better than my results, I guess 🙂

Today's gratitudes
1) I liked making breakfast for my family today and really tidied the kitchen too, which I like.

2) I enjoyed the conclusion to the podcast trilogy on Joseph Fritzk that I've listened to.

3) My wife made a delicious lasagna today.

4) I enjoyed watching Poltergeist 2!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I tipped off a colleague about the new Uzumaki series on Max because I know she's a fan of Junji Ito. More thoughtful than kind, maybe, but whatever 🙂 Oh and I produced a parody song for a friend to use at some guy's retirement party.

Also spent like.. hours.. folding and tidying clothes.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I am thankful to my wife for making a wonderful lamb stew with mashed potatoes and vi arious bsked root vegetables. It was delicious, though I have to say the warm southern winds will be blowing tonight.

2) I got to do a bit of music production for the first time in a while.

3) I felt inspired listening to The Happiness Lab podcast about stoicism today, a philosophy that I've vaguely held dear for most of my life.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I did some extra kitchen duty at work today, cleaning and making lotsa coffee. Is that kind?

Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the old cheese (its called Old cheese) that we bought on Saturday. People don't generally like it, so its become more rare, but we found it in a store on Saturday and I'm a fan. It's a bit like cuddling with a dirty farm animal, only in your mouth.

2) I'm thankful I got some exercise in today after taking it easy for a while after I hurt my back with the deadlifts. Just did bench presses and curls, but it's something. Will do more tomorrow.

3) I'm thankful for The Penguin. It's great!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness

I reinforced good behavior in my kitten by rewarding him with treats. He's been knocking fragile things over due to a lack of exercise and always bats the toys I give him under the fridge. When he refrains from that I snuggle him and feed him treats. I love him.

Today's Gratitudes

I spent yesterday and today working on my new video art installation project. I was able to phone an artist friend from my teens and consult her about my next steps, updated my Artist Bio and drafted an Artist Statement which I'm very happy with so far. I'm grateful that art takes me mind off my fears of unemployment and losing my home.

Anyone who'd like to chime in about my project can do so in the thread I started here.

I'm grateful for the peace and quiet of my beautiful home, and for the steadfast love of my friends.

(I'm like this all the time.)

Today's Kindness
No special acts of kindness today, unfortunately, though it's been great overall and I've had fun with family and colleagues.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I did 30 kilometers on an exercise bike today which felt great. Pace wasn't too high, trying to get some of that lower intensity aerobic stamina training in.

2) I got a couple of new projects handed to me at work which I like ❤️

3) I had so much fun playing with the kids before bedtime today! I was a robot. They fought me.

Happiness is a warm manatee