Today's Kindness
I helped a couple of colleagues figure out a mysterious error in their Excel spreadsheet. I love that sort of stuff.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I really enjoyed listening to music today. I've listened to The Grand Wazoo and Hatfield and the North (albums) as well as some Sisters of Mercy, AC/DC, Pink Floyd and The Cars. And Devo.

2) I was reunited with my wife who's been on a work trip 🙂

3) Today I got done with one of my projects that was started quite a while ago. I finished another on Monday. It feels good checking off these boxes 👍

Happiness is a warm manatee

Early morning and doing this for yesterday:

Yesterday's Kindness
I'm on a cabin trips with buddies from my old town and volunteered to help make pizza for the guys.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Im grateful for my old friends and for being invited to this trip 🙂

2) I was also grateful to be invited for a lunch out by a colleague yesterday. I had a great Club Sandwich and a good time 🙂

3) I'm grateful to my buddy's wife for lending me her sleeping bag!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Made breakfast with coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon for the guys this morning 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) I had fun playing frisbee golf with my mates today.

2) I got a cold, but very refreshing and nice bath. It's negative degrees at night up here at the cabin, so quite nippy, but still super nice.

3) We had a game in the evening, around a bonfire, where everyone got their turn getting asked one personal question each by everyone else. It lead to a lot of intimate sharing and a lot of talk around topics we don't usually get into. Such a great way to connect with old friends, I really loved it 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Made yet another massive breakfast for my hungover friends 😊

Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm happy for today's breakfast with my friends. They enjoyed the food and it was super nice.

2) I loved coming home to my wife.

3) I loved spending a little time with my kids today 🙂 Me and my daughter played Minecraft together and, being a little exhausted, it was just what I needed ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness

I received a lot of praise at last night's goth festival. One young man on the spectrum called to me to cheer my ensemble and kindly noted that my pant cuff was caught in my Chelsea boot. I smiled and thanked him.

Today a woman stopped me at a local coffeehouse to praise my attire and said her son would love it so I paused and gave her my business card in case she wanted a pic to share with him. It would be nice to make a kid smile.

Today's Gratitudes

I discovered an insanely powerful free and Open Source media manager that was just released a few days ago and spontaneously wrote and published an article about it. BBCode version is available on my member journal. It was a thrill to reserch and write.

(I'm like this all the time.)

Nice, ISB! And fun that you get compliments from strangers on your attire. You must look dashing!

I probably don't need a media manager for my modest collection, but since I do have a media server, I might check it out 🙂

Today's kindness
I was kind to my daughter who asked if I could pick her up from school today. Of course I could! I also put the kids to bed so my wife could get a little rest.

Today's gratitudes
1) I got to exercise today. It was a rough 18 minutes for which I was not prepared, but I jumped in and am satisfied that I have the will to torment myself so.

2) I got to have a really good talk with today's coach who opened up a little about the rough time he and his family is going through. It feels nice to meet and connect with new people and even more so when the things shared are of such a personal nature.

3) Me and my wife had a very fun facetime chat with a friend who is also currently struggling with the circumstances in her life. I was able to make her laugh a little.

4) Loved playfighting with my goofy kids before bedtime ❤️

5) Only saw the first half of the first episode, but The Penguin series looks pretty good. Not exciting enough to keep my wife awake, but then few things are. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of it.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
Didn't have huge opportunities for kindness today, but did ask a couple of mates if they want to go to the cinema on Thursday, sent a happy 40th bday to another and spent quite a bit of time playing with my son.

Today's gratitudes
1) My boss told me, several times, that the work I'd done writing up this thing to be presented to politicians was really good 🙂 that was nice of him.

2) I made arrangements to go see The Substance with one or more buddies at the cinema on Thursday. Yay, looking forward to it!

3) We spent a day at the local Zoo which is now more turned into Halloween land. It was nice 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Not sure that I've been so nice today. I invited a colleague for tre movie we're gonna watch tomorrow, but he said no. I bought cinema tickets for my buddies, but they paid me back.

Today's Gratitudes
1) My boss's boss also told me today I'd dine a good job with this political case and I don't normally get noticed by that level of management, so that was nice 🙂

2) I am grateful for me pushing myself and going to these workouts that are absolutely killer. Today's was deadlifts and running and my back is already killing me.

3) My wife and kids went to Oslo and I'm enjoying spending a little time by myself 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I don't think I managed any special acts of kindness today, sadly, though I grace the lives of a few people with my presence and pleasant demeanor.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I finally got to spend some time again with my colleague Elise who I've missed 🙂 She's very pregnant now and it's adorable.

2) I worked late and so played the town hall piano.. which I normally dont dare during regular working hours.

3) I saw the movie The Substance at the local cinema with a couple of mates. What a great movie! And good company too ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
It's a typical thing that I don't always get a chance to be very kind because I don't need people in a special need for kindness, but I do stay aware of the little possibilities where they appear. Yesterday, I was very helpful on the bus to a guy who needed to charge a laptop and there was a socket by my legs 😄

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed talking to my colleagues and even got to talk about some music that interests me, like Beefheart and Zappa. I sent my colleague some stuff I fine interesting and am hopeful we can continue our discussion.

2) A colleague also had her birthday yesterday and so there was cake. She's also very sweet and I like her 🙂

3) I took a bus to Oslo and just walking the streets and seeing the people, if only for a few minutes, was a delight. I feel more at home among the people here than I do the people of Kristiansand. It's a nicer culture.

4) I was rejoined with my family 🙂 my daughter in particular had missed me and gave me the longest hug. We had a playfight in the bed of the Airbnb.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Hard to think of anything in particular, but I have been generally pleasant and I ripped well after our restaurant meal.

Today's Gratitudes
Me and wifey left the kids in the Airbnb apartment while we popped out to a bakery to get some stuff for breakfast. We ended up buying cappuccinos and looking at people and talking to someone walking their dig. It was super nice.

2) We were at the university where we studied way back when I first joined MB. The biology building was locked, but a nice student let us in and we had a nice chat with her. I was thankful to see our old Alma mater 😊

3) Had lots of fun playing with the kids

4) My wife's parents watched our kids so we could go play some shuffleboard with her brother and his girlfriend at a pub 🙂 we ended up discussing horror movies after. How nice ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I was kind to the person next to me on the bus back home. She had a much too large vag with her that I helped her with 😄

Today's Gratitudes
1) We went to the botanical garden today. We met some friends there and were also joined by some of my wife's family. It was very nice. My friends want to arrange a Christmas party which Im all for.

2) I had a fun little chat with a dope dealer at the subway 😄 he asked me if I wanted to buy and I said no. He said it was real good quality and I was like how do you know? He said because it was American. I guess that's where the good shit comes from. I then asked about prices, just out of curiosity, and we had a brief chat. Of course I didn't buy anything, but it was still fun.

3) I'm thankful for getting to read on the bus. The 4,5 hours ride was a nice break in the day 🙂 Also got a couple of naps.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Today, I gave a hug to my colleague who is going through a hard time in her life. I also thought about our new trainee.. Im a little concerned that she might be feeling a little lonely and friendless, so I invited her out to the nearby Starbucks for pumpkin spice lattes and a chat.

Today's Gratitudes
1) enjoyed my friendly colleagues today for aforementioned reasons in particular.

2) I enjoyed the season finale of the Rings of Power series.

3) I also enjoyed watching the last half of The Frighteners with my kids 🙂

4) And I was thankful for the raise I got today 😊

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
There was a crazy person at the bus stop, screaming and banging a bag of bottles at a wall. I could see one of the women waiting for the bus seemed very uncomfortable, so I positioned myself between them and asked him if he needed help. He just sat down and ignored me, then resumed screaming again when I got on my (and her) bus. I wasn't able to help him, but I'm sure she appreciated me turning up.

Today's Gratitudes
1) My kids have been successfully smitten with my love for horror, so now we're watching Gremlins 🙂

2) My back is almost back to normal after the DL sesh last Wednesday, thankfully. I was worried something might have gone irrepearably wrong, but I no longer think so.

3) I am enjoying my work projects, even if they have become rather mundane 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I was friendly to a mother with a baby on the street, striking up a small conversation 😄 Uhm, and I made a point to go chat with a Russian friend who I haven't seen in a long time.

Today's Gratitudes
1) We were invited today to the place where my wife works, which is in a new building. There were games and stuff for the kids and we got a free dinner; a delicious chili con carne.

2) I enjoyed my colleagues today, E who is so positive and great and S who is nearly as morbid as I am when it comes to her taste in horror. I should invite her to the movies one day 🙂

3) I am grateful for my friend N who is unfortunately having a hard time. She's using us for friendship and support and I love that. She says we're the only ones she talks to who bring a little positivity to the situation she's in.

Happiness is a warm manatee