Today's Kindness
My daughter really wanted me to play fight her before bedtime, so even though I was busy with something else, I gave her a good pummeling 👊

Today's Gratitudes
1) I was grateful for the kids being at their gramps' this morning. Wow! You can get to work so quickly when you don't have to dress and feed and shepherd two little monsters to school and kindergarten first. It'd be slightly easier if they were a pair of wild badgers.

2) I was grateful for seeing the little monsters again, even though they make a point of telling me how much more they missed mom than me ❤️

3) My parents served us tacos when we went to get the kids 🙂

4) I enjoyed White Lotus S3E1, ye!

Happiness is a warm manatee

I will try and catch up a bit.

Friday's Kindness
My wife wasn't feeling great (we've both been a little under the weather) so tried to take a little care of her.

Friday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed working from the home office. It was the last day of winter vacation anyways, so the kids were gonna be home which makes it hard to go to work.

2) We had some yummy pizza 🍕

3) I also wasn't feeling great, so took half the day off and it felt so nice being able to do that 😅

Saturday's kindness
I made my family a lovely breakfast, like I do every Saturday ❤️

Saturday's Gratitudes
1) We're looking at getting a vacation to Mallorca this summer because it's so easy.. we can fly there direct from here. And we found a great hotel/place so its looking good.

2) I love that breakfast with that nice coffee

3) I had fun fighting the kids again at bedtime.

4) I did some relaxing exercise (phase 2) on the erg bike for about 70 minutes while listening to a podcast. It was good!

5) I enjoyed watching I Saw The TV Glow with wifey

Today's Kindness
Not sure.. though I did spend most of the day tidying. Is that nice?

Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm happy I did those chores. Yeah!

2) We had hamburgers for dinner and dinner was really fun too. We're a weird family. Our daughter's friend visited and ate with us and I can see his confusion sometimes.

3) I enjoyed taking a break and playing Avowed a bit today.

4) Me and wifey saw Melancholia which has been on my to-do-list since it came out. I liked it. Reminded me of a friend we have.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I guess closest thing was I spent some time with our daughter today, helped her with homework and bought her a thing for a game that she really wanted.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed my work day, working from my home office. I've been just a little under the weather so seemed smart. I felt like I got a lot done.

2) I loved dinner! A guy who sold frozen sushi quality salmon out of a car came to our door a day or two ago and my wife bought salmon for like 2000 NOK (180 USD). So today we had homemade sushi.

3) Im enjoying Avowed 🙂 I feel a bit guilty sinking more time into a game, but it's also fun!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I made a fun bath for my kids with bath salts and music and disco lights. It was fun!

Today's Gratitudes
1) I contacted a company about a parcel I haven't received and without requiring anything more from me, they just went ahead and sent another. Nice service!

2) I exercised today. Man, something is wrong as I got absolutely knackered from a workout that shouldn't be so bad. Still.. happy I went 🙂

3) I couldn't pay for groceries at the store because I only had my phone and Google Wallet only has my credit card and that was maxed out because I just paid the entirety of our upcoming 2-week vacation to Mallorca in late June. The cashier helped me out, so she paid and I was able to reimburse her ❤️ Also, I got her number now.

4) Had fun with the kids in the evening 🙂 such great little trolls

5) I enjoyed chatting with my colleague and friend. He gave me a tip about a very pure creatine supplement.. I've been a little worried about trace elements in supplements 😄 Ordered it!

6) I enjoyed watching comedy stuff with my wife on the telly ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Can't think of anything in particular besides being a helpful colleague. I get asked for help sometimes. I help!!

Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to my union's yearly meeting today. Ate pizza 👌

2) I felt like I got a lot done at work and I kinda had fun doing it.

3) Got to play Avowed for a little bit after work. I like it.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Checked in with my buddy and colleague at work today 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) I got to play the piano at the wastewater facility today ❤️

2) I liked working with my buddy today. Also, it felt like a productive day.

3) My wife came home late and a little drink today from an office party and I like her when she's drunk 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
At a pub, me and a friendly stranger tried to console a depressed guy. He'd broken up with his GF, but they still lived together and she was banging around. Gotta get out of ttere, man! Move in with a buddy.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I made an awesome breakfast ❤️

2) I cleaned the house real good. It was boring, but felt good afterwards.

3) I went to a gay bar with two female friends colleagues 🙂 and we went for a quick joyride in a very fancy Porsche afterwards. It was fun!

4) I was then dropped off at the bar where my wife and her friend was dancing, but it wasn't for me. Instead, I got picked up by a group of four women who took me along to another couple of pubs 🙂 They were super nice ❤️ I wish I could get a message back to them how much it meant to me.

5) I was overtly hit on by a very young, attractive woman, just slightly blasted drunk.. must've been in her 20s 😲 Of course I just wriggled out of it (what's there to talk about?) but I appreciated the attention 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
We hosted and celebrated our daughter's 9th birthday for our family. There was soup and pasta and cake and presents.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful to my family who came to our daughter's party 🙂

2) I'm grateful to my wife for making the food and organizing. My role was mostly getting the house tidied and cleaned.

3) I am grateful for my fantastic daughter who is such a fun, cool girl with a huge heart ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I took our daughter to gymnastics today and we also brought along her friend and classmate.

Today's Gratitudes
2) I enjoyed work today

2) I got a bit of exercise in. Feels good! I just did it at home while watching some telly. Very relaxing.. will get back on that horse.

3) I enjoyed playing some Avowed in the late evening and watching an episode of White Lotus with my wife ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Took our kids to the water park. We had dinner there (bad pizza) and played lots. So I guess that was sorta kind 🤔

Today's Gratitudes
1) I spent four hours today with a colleague I haven't seen in a while. It was very nice 🙂

2) Another colleague brought me a board game he borrowed years ago!

3) I love going to the water park. Got a good couple of swings by the sauna too ❤️ it was really fun!

4) I was at the police station to get a new passport, but I'd forgotten the old one.. not acceptable! So I couldn't get a new, but there super cute police lady there told me to come back later in the evening. So I did, just before closing time at 8 PM and she was still there . And helped me out 🙂 thank you, cute police girl.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
I was a good host to my buddies. We gathered at our place to play Magic the Gathering and Hero's Quest!

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) One of my roles is being quality manager for an org that is accredited by the international standard that commercial labs, blood banks and that sort of businesses use. Yesterday, the national org that reviews such work had their annual review with our org.. and it's by far mostly my work that is being reviewed. Every year I'm a little more prepared and yesterday was actually very good. I impressed my boss and other peeps and the reviewer who interviewed me for hours was a very cute and friendly fellow biologist from my old alma mater 😲

2) I was grateful for getting to play Magic the Gathering and Hero's Quest with my friends 😊

3) I was thankful to my wife for wrangling the kids all day 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I helped a guy with a wheelchair who was locked out of the building where a meeting he was supposed to attend was being held.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I organized and held an out of town meeting today for the heads of water/wastewater administration in municipalities in our region. It was a lunch and then open discussion about stuff in the agenda. I led the meeting and discussion and it went really well. Everyone seemed pleased and my boss told me at least twice how good he thought I was. Nice!!

2) My wife had made a delicious dinner 🙂 asian style pork chips, baby!

3) I watched Beetlejuice with my boy. I fell asleep, but it was still really nice and I love how our kids now love things that I love ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I was very kind to one of our directors who had forgotten to comment something in the yearly report/review. I fixed the whole thing for her 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) I was sitting alone at lunch because a meeting finished late, but was joined by two female colleagues from the environmental department. Very nice!

2) I was at an after work pub thing today. Yay!

3) A female colleague who knew one of the handsome bartenders forced him to come out and say hello to me in a very overt attempt at matchmaking 😅

4) I got hit on by a couple of people! Maybe more. I don't quite know how to respond, but I enjoy it 🙂

5) Another friend joined me for a drink at a gaaay bar. It was nearly empty, so we left, but not before having a drink and a nice chat.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I dunno.. I took the kids out playing outside and, uh, er bought the five nights at Freddy's movie because they wanted to see it.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I've been a little sick lately, but am getting better

2) We've had a small pressurized container of buthane for a while and it's been worrying me, so we drove to an empty industrialized area and blew it up!

3) We had tacos for dinner 🙂

4) I enjoyed playing Avowed!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
Nothing special today.. I made dinner for me fam and played with the kids 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) I've been feeling a little sick lately and so decided to work from the home office. I got so much done! Nice. Also, I actually did appreciate just being on my own.

2) I enjoyed making baked trout for me and wifey and fish cakes for the kids for dinner!

3) I enjoyed playing Avowed today as well. I'm hooked 😬😅

Happiness is a warm manatee