Yesterday's Kindness:

1) im sitting here thinking, i have nothing. no examples that stick out. I had short conversations with some local store workers and then saw my neighbor in the hallway, i was kind but it was just normal social interactions. yesterday wasn't an extra kindness day, just a normal kindness day

Yesterday's Gratitudes:

1) the gym was empty from 11pm to midnight, not that people in there are a problem but it was does create a different vibe when it its just you in the gym

2) Google Earth. The amount of gratitude I have for Google Earth is wild.

Today's Kindness
Just small things, trying to reach out to people who I think might need a little chat or pick-me-up.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I had lunch with my colleague Elise who is so wonderful 🙂 she bought me lunch and a Cappuccino and listened to me talk about my various uncertainties.. for once, someone's taking care of me 🙂 I love her (as a friend). Plus she brought her new, cute baby ❤️

2) I finally got fresh shrimps at the store 🦐 I've been craving it for a while, but they've the last two-three times I looked.

3) I felt a little sick today and so my wife let me rest after dinner. I greatly appreciated it 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
I was kind with a coworker on DMs when she told me she was home with her 3 year old who had had a concussion. Poor girl!

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed getting to know my aforementioned coworker a little better. She seems like such a positive person, so even though I've only had a little interaction with her, I like her a lot.

2) I've gotten to know a couple more male colleagues better as well and made a ø chat for sharing music tips with them and I got some interesting stuff sent my way already 🙂

3) I enjoyed Friday night with my wife 😘 and then we both hell asleep trying to watch Severance S2.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
I made everyone a perfect breakfast 👌

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I really enjoyed making, serving and eating my perfect cappucinos and scrambled eggs on toast.

2) I enjoyed our trip to the swimming pool 🙂

3) I enjoyed shopping strange groceries and weird flavoured snacks and beverages at this local eastern European shops. You can buy things like birch sap and soda with cashew nut flavour (kinda nice).

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
No special kindness, though I did sort everyone's socks and underwear after a huge clothes washing operation.

Today's Gratitudes
1) My friend wrote to me on DMs stating he actually feels happy. That is actually tremendous 🙂 I'm really happy about it! I'm very fond of him.

2) I did some exercise today and my wife has agreed that yes, we need to do something to better our physical selves every day, even if its just air squats while playing the piano 🎹

3) I had a lot of fun playing Minecraft with my daughter. We wanted teal dye for this house we're making which was going to have teal beds and a teal wall, so that took us on a long trek to find cacti and create a cacti farm first, then create teal sheep etc. We got it all eventually.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
My wife went to a yoga class, then a dance class later on while I left work early to take both our kids to our daughter's gymnastics thing.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed dinner today. I had baccalao 🐟🍅

2) I enjoyed playing Minecraft again with my daughter

3) At the gym thing that I brought the kids to, by chance I met the younger sister of a woman I went to primary school with. We didn't recognize each other or anything, but just started talking and it turns out we had some connection and know some of the same people from my old town 🙂 she was also there with her kid and she was very nice.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Not sure if this is kindness, but I did reach out to my old classmate whose sister I met. I thought it might be fun to connect. She's yet to respond, though.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I worked with my friend today at the wastewater facility, working together on a technical problem. It was actually a lot of fun 🙂

2) I was so tired after work, but enjoyed a little bit of post-dinner gaming.

3) Play fighting with my kids before bedtime was fun today 😊

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
No special kindness today I'm afraid. The closest may have been rough housing with the kids (which they love).

Today's Gratitudes
1) I got a new coffee and chess date with a woman I vaguely know from years before 🙂 We (me, my wife, my sister and her as well as others) were involved with an organization that was about helping immigrant women get a social / support network and basically friends. It was for women, but I did help out with IT related stuff and joined in on some activities. I kinda suggested we play chess and she was all in 🥰 just gotta find a date.

2) I had a good exercise today 🙂

3) Had to tidy the house a bit. It was a lot of work, but now I'm happy we did it 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I had a good talk with a colleague. Some days ago, I told him I'm not completely straight. Turns out.. He also isn't straight 🤯 though he is in the closet. I do hope his honesty with me can be the start of a journey towards acceptance and coming out for him. Of course my only male bff would also be a little gay.

Today's Gratitudes
1) My friend's honesty and the talk we had 🙂 looking forward to the next one!

2) Me and wifey talked a bit today and had some cuddles. I felt like I really needed it today. I'm happy that I have her and that we're doing alright ❤️

3) Bought some toys for adults and.. this one's very nice 🤩

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
I dunno.. I sorted out dinner for the fam. Not very kind, but that's what I got 😅

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Me and my wife did some exercise together for the first time in a while.

2) I enjoyed the book I'm reading

3) I felt rather productive at work 💪

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
On Saturday mornings, I usually make breakfast for the whole family. I take my time with it and do it well.

Today's gratitudes
1) I always enjoy making that breakfast

2) I enjoyed playing Minecraft with my daughter again

3) I got back on the "erg bike" and did a 1000 kcal session. Its been 2 months since last time 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I did collect all the Christmas lights that were outside.. then I put the kids to bed while my wife went off to have an evening ocean dip with her friends.

Today's gratitudes
1) I had a good workout today 🙂 Did wall balls, hand release push-ups, pull-ups, push press aaand.. toes to bar. 12 reps of everything and did 5 rounds. Could've done more, but hey. I needed breakfast.

2) Me and wifey finished The Substance 🙂 I already saw it at the cinema when it came, but she hadn't seen it. Great movie!

3) Had meatloaf for dinner for the first time in my life.. as far as I can remember. Very nice!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I finished a task my boss gave me a while ago to secure some permission for radio telemetry for some of our infrastructure. It's kinda fun sometimes what I end up working with. Anyways, we got the permission today and my boss was really appreciative. I made sure to inform both him and the rest of the org that it was really my colleague who knew everything and had everything in order that made our work so much easier. Credit where credit's due. I think my colleague appreciated it 🙂

Today's gratitudes
1) I had some passionate recreational time with my wife 👌🤩

2) We had breakfast for dinner.. that is oven baked buns and fry up with bacon. Also some soy marinated/pickled eggs which are friggin delicious.

3) I had a meeting today which I thought would be a pointless bore, but which actually ended up being super useful. It was municipalities getting together in a digital meeting to talk about buying services for no-dig pipe renewal. Yay! I'm tasked with sorting this out for us and now I know who to nag.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I spent a little extra time at the end of my working day writing something for a colleague that he wanted to have for tomorrow. I also helped my wife with some work stuff 🙂

Today's gratitudes
1) I spent the day working from home today due to my hickey that my wife gave me.. and was super effective! I got a lot of work done. Feels good!

2) I was so tired from trying to sleep in the same bed as my kid last night. Should've tossed him out! What's he doing up at 3AM? Anyways, it made me really appreciate today's daytime nap 😅

3) I am thankful for Kefir. I don't know if you have it elsewhere, but it's a bit like a yoghurt, but more sour and has this lovely mouth feel that they call "pearling" in Norwegian. I bought some today!

I usually get this one with blueberry and blackcurrant flavour 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
Not sure about kindness today. I did handle the kids and dinner time etc. while my wife went shopping birthday things with a fellow mom. Not sure if that counts.

Today's gratitudes
1) I had fun at work today 🙂 I got the exact sort of technical task that I love doing.

2) I enjoyed getting more familiar with some Michael McDonald tunes today 😄

3) My wife let me go exercise in the evening and took all bedtime duties with the kids ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee