Today's kindness
I made everyone a lovely breakfast and later played lots with my kids today.

Today's gratitudes
1) My sin is growing up real fast and ges turning into such a funny little guy. We have so much fun together.

2) I enjoyed making breakfast which turned out great.

3) I enjoyed watching Smile 2 with my wife today 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
We brought our daughter's best friend with us to the local pool.

Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed exercise with my buddy today, early morning 🙂

2) I enjoyed Aquarama, the local pool.

3) I enjoyed catching up with my sister who seems to be doing very well, all things considered (she's getting cancer treatment)

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I don't know.. I played with the kids and put them to bed 🙂

Today's gratitudes
1) My boss gave me nice feedback on something I did for him, which was nice!

2) I went to my physiotherapist today because of my back. They have a small gym there, so he looked at my squatting form and said it was absolutely perfect 👌

3) I enjoyed some late evening me-time today.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I helped a colleague with an excellent problem 🤓

Today's Gratitudes
1) I am happy I finished one of my more annoying projects today.

2) I got to know a colleague from another department who plays music and has published a bit 🙂 he hooked me up again on Dama this evening.

3) I've been flirting a little bit with a guy today 😅 I don't necessarily intend to do anything about it, but I enjoyed the attention.

4) I enjoyed a candid and open conversation I had with my wife 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I was a receiver of kindness today more than a giver. I feel like I could be kinder 🤔 I'll work on it.

Today's Gratitudes
1) Had a long ass chat with a distant colleague and fellow music lover / musician which was great 😊 I like getting new friends.

2) I worked from the home office today and I enjoyed it. I don't use it enough.

3) I enjoyed getting a squat session in today 🙂 adding weights, trying to get back to where I was before this back pain business. Most importantly, it seems to have gone reasonably well. I feel it, but there's not much actual pain.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I sent a message to my colleague who had her baby late november, offering to drop by with some baby clothes, but they had more than enough. She seems desperate for adult connection, though, so we're gonna ser up a coffee date for next week 😊

I also checked in with friend who came to stay with us for a night or two. She's going through some stuff.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I am grateful for my understanding wife who supports me in what I know are kinda crazy ideas at times

2) I enjoyed getting a visit from our friend today

3) I enjoyed reading for my boy today. He's so enthusiastic, it's amazing.

Happiness is a warm manatee

#156 Jan 18, 2025, 03:21 PM Last Edit: Jan 18, 2025, 10:22 PM by Guybrush
Yesterday's Kindness
I stayed up until 4AM or so talking with my friend who's sleeping over about her relationship problems. It was nice, though I was very sad to hear about her loneliness. I told her she can live with us whenever she wants and also for longer periods. I love her like a sister ❤️ Eventually I fell asleep while she was talking 😅

I also talked with a colleague about her drug-addict brother who has finally been committed and is now catatonic. They're cleaning out his apartment which is a drug den, so really sounds like a lot of work. We hugged. I offered my help which was greatly appreciated.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I love my colleague who's going through a rough time with her brother (mentioned above). I told her about the date I was supposed to have yesterday, but got stood up for. I told her I was a little bummed out and she was super nice.. we've agreed to go to a gay bar together soon 😁 Sent her a message this morning, thanking her for the talk 🙂 she's so nice and supportive ❤️

2) I am grateful for our friend who is staying with us. She has love troubles and turn to us for support and consolation. I am grateful for that and hope we can help. We talked lots yesterday and had some fun reading and Fortune telling with tarot cards.

3) I went to the pub straight after work with some colleagues and ended up talking music with a very friendly and kinda cute Dutch guy 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

@Guybrush I love reading your daily posts in here and yesterday noticed a decrease in emojis used in the post. Today they are back : )

Yesterday's Kindness

1) there was a lady in the woods and she said "hello" as I walked by on the trail

2) the store worker near me in the morning while I was getting water, coffee, and protein mentioned how the next few days are going to be very cold, that was kind of her to tell me

3) i picked up a few wipes off the gym floor that were there when I put my wipe in the trash

4) during a zoom meeting yesterday, i was kind and made sure to participate with my camera on the whole time

Yesterday's Gratitudes

1) I am grateful for a friend who pushed me further to clean up my apartment more than what it was. i mentioned it was clean and she said "it can always get cleaner", so I spent the rest of the night reorganizing and cleaning as I went.

2) grateful for the app/website Bluesky, its been really amazing

Quote from: QuantumSync on Jan 18, 2025, 05:20 PM@Guybrush I love reading your daily posts in here and yesterday noticed a decrease in emojis used in the post. Today they are back : )

Thanks mate 🙂 I'm happy you enjoy them! It is a resolution of sorts to post these. Optimally, I'm in the right headspace and reflect on my day as I write. Other times, I just bang them out 😄 I'm guessing this and a lack of big feelings might cause a lack of emojis.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow yesterday, so I'm still a day behind. So:

Yesterday's Kindness
Gave more emotional support to our friend who had another rough day that culminated when she got an angry email from the wife of the guy she's in love with 😬

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) My daughter was so nice to our friend, telling her how she hoped she would feel better tomorrow. Our kids are great sometimes.

2) I'm actually thankful for my friend getting that email because although it was nasty, it's also given her some closure. I think she can move on from this guy/event in her life a little more easily now.

3) I enjoyed some special time with wifey 😘

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
Just more emotional support for our friend. I told her I was concerned with her admitted loneliness and told her she can come stay with us whenever she likes. She seemed to really appreciate that 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) We went to my parents today and also met my sister and three of her boys there. We weren't supposed to meet until next weekend, but we'd all gotten the date wrong. Still, it was great 🙂 and I got a chance to catch up with my sister again.

2) I enjoyed more intimate time with my wife. We're doing something new which is very exciting 🤩

3) I enjoyed watching Severance, first episode of the new season. Yay 😊

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
Checked in with a colleague today, the one with a semi recent divorce behind her who broke down crying at work last spring. We've been doing weekly talks and hugs. Today I showed her dick pics from the guy who stood me up and she complained about this guy who wants to be with her but who has a way too small penis. She said she's too old to have bad sex and we gave eachother a hug.

Today's gratitudes
1) I had fun posting a little on this forum today ❤️

2) I also sent a message to my colleague who I'm covering for as she's on mom leave, asking when she wants to go for a coffee. I proposed dates. She seemed very enthusiastic and suggested Thursday 🙂 so now I'm really looking forward to Thursday. I'm hoping she brings her new baby ❤️

3) We took our daughter to this gymnastics thing after school and it was a lot of fun. I was mostly playing and goofing around with my son while she was learning to jump on trampolines etc. I love my kids ❤️🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I helped some colleagues get their meeting room and equipment in order 🙂 then I asked ANOTHER colleague out for coffee, this time someone I suspect is a little burnt out and might need a good talk or a break. She's not in town, but we agreed to plan something together when she's back

Today's gratitudes
1) I got good feedback on a lecture / course I held today about Microsoft Teams 😄

2) I got some exercise in at one of my employers' gyms 💪

3) I got to relax and play some Secrets of Hogwarts or what it's called on our Xbox 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
No special kindness today. Invited a colleague for a coffee break, but that was pretty much it.

Today's gratitudes
1) I came out to my exercise mate. Ideally, I shouldn't have to, but everyone assumes I'm straight as an arrow and for good reason too as I'm married to a woman. I've actually been a little scared he might react badly, but he hasn't and I'm very thankful for that 😊 now I feel silly for even thinking it. It's always weird to bring up, but I also want to help normalize the idea that sexuality can be fluid and flexible. The reason I'm doing it now is it's just been on my mind again lately. How well do I know myself? I go through periods where I might feel some yearning. The deep of winter does tend to put me in such a frame of mind, I believe.

2) I enjoyed a cup of coffee with my colleague S who who I love to talk to about gaming and horror movies. We also seem to see eye to eye on everything, though she does tend to lecture me a bit 🙂

3) I am really enjoying the series Slow Horses that we started watching a few days ago 🐴

Happiness is a warm manatee