Yesterday's Kindness
We were kind to animals yesterday. We brought lots of food on a trip so we could feed birds. Later on, we invited friends to us for dinner.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) At the local zoo, I found a nice cockroach in the ape house. Then I petted more roaches in the reptile house. I like handling bugs 🪳

2) I also got to pet the Tapir

3) I enjoyed feeding the aforementioned ducks, sparrows, crows and.. fish too.

4) I very much enjoyed dinner which was steak with cream baked potatoes and honey baked root vegetables

5) I enjoyed having our friends over for dinner 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

#136 Dec 31, 2024, 12:38 AM Last Edit: Jan 01, 2025, 11:30 PM by Guybrush
Yesterday's Kindness
Just spent the day at home and not doing much. We were kind to my daughter's friend who visited and stayed for dinner, but I do feel like that's a given 😄

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I was quite tired today, so appreciated being able to take a slow day.

2) I enjoyed watching Squid game S2

3) I enjoyed playing Minecraft with my daughter 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

#137 Jan 01, 2025, 11:44 PM Last Edit: Jan 01, 2025, 11:55 PM by Guybrush
Yesterday's Kindness
I reached out to my buddy and invited him for some Army of Darkness 🙂 thus completing our Evil Dead trilogy marathon. Yes, it's new year's eve, but that's what I (and we) wanted to do.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I played more Poppy's Playtime with my kids which was a lot of fun.

2) I enjoyed watching Army of Darkness with my wife and my buddy, finishing the original Evil Dead trilogy.

3) I enjoyed exposing my buddy to some other ridiculous things I like, like Tim and Eric sketches 😄

4) I went to the Crossfit New Year's event which was a fairly gruelling workout. Well done, me!

I'm glossing over that it was New Year's eve. It's because I don't particularly like that day and don't feel like celebrating it, but I could add that my wife made a great tapas dinner. My kids slept through the whole fireworks thing.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
We're hosting for my in-laws who came today and are staying over the weekend. That's kind, I guess, if expected? We gave them a couple of Christmas gifts and also received a few 🙂

Today's Gratitudes
1) I tidied the house a bit and while I didn't like doing it, I love that it's mostly back in shape.

2) I bought a couple of games that I'm a little excited for. Biggest of them is Hogwart's Legacy (?) which I'm hoping will be a hit with my daughter.

3) I'm thankful for the gifts we received from my in-laws and my wife's aunt and uncle. We got a lot of edible things like salamis and cheeses.

4) I enjoyed watching the Will & Harper documentary about newly transitioned Harper Steele and her famous friend Will Ferrell who go on a road trip together.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's kindness
I dunno.. I served my father in law some cake 😄

Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed watching the 90s thriller Copycat with my wife

2) I enjoyed the brief moments I got with Hogwarts Legacy. Seems well crafted and fun!

3) I enjoyed spaghetti dinner and a late snack, christollen which is an upgraded version of Stollen which is a German cake. Yum!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Jan 3's Kindness
I invited a buddy to come with me and my wife to the cinema to see Robert Eggert's Nosferatu.

Jan 3's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the snow which has become really quite lovely.

2) I was thankful to my in-laws for watching the kids while we went out.

3) I was thankful for the movie Nosferatu which I enjoyed a lot 🙂 Also my buddy joined us and the seats were good.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Yesterday's Kindness
We were kind to the kids, perhaps, and took them and their toboggans to a place with snowy slopes.

Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the break we had during our day on the slopes. The sun was shining. The snow was crisp. We had snacks and my daughter had brought her book oj jokes that she got for Christmas (she loves reading us jokes now).

2) We made a pizza dinner and the pizza turned out so delicious, with bacon, pinespple, mushroom and the usual meaty sauce and cheese ❤️

3) I enjoyed watching Wicked Little Letters with my wife and her parents. It is set in the 1920s and based on a real life case from Littlehampton in the early 1920s.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I spoke with a woman at my crossfit who was very honest about a bad breakup she had during Christmas. One of the problems was he never validated her or commented on her looks. She is really going for the Instagram model look. I passed her by again on my way out and told her how impressed I was with her honesty and that she doesn't have to pursue the Instagram model body because she already has it. She seemed super pleased.

Also I promised to give a bunch of coffee brewing things we no longer use to my buddy!

Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to crossfit exercise today which was great. I so enjoy time with my buddy from work too.

2) Hogswatch Legacy is so much fun! Addictive for sure.

3) I enjoyed some special time with my wife ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I helped a woman get on the bus today. To understand why, you may have had to be there, but a barrier of large amounts of wet snow was involved.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I met my new doctor today and I like him a lot 🙂 pleasant, even funny, handsome and very easy going. He laughed a lot at my jokes and he placed his hand on my shoulder as a gesture of support. I'd hook up with him if that was on the table.

2) We had sushi for dinner. Lovely!

3) I weirdly connected with a lot of people today, like chit chatting with people on the bus stop, sharing a laugh at someone with their car stuck in a snow drift with a rando, taking the person I helped into the bus by the hand, the doctor etc. It's actually very nice.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I had lunch with a colleague who told me about the hard time another colleague was having at work. He told me she'd been crying at her desk. I like her a lot and wanted to see if I could help her.. I figure She probably doesn't have many to talk to. She works in a department where she's surrounded by guys. There's like two other women less commonly seen, but both are significantly older. So, with all this in mind, I asked her if she wanted to go for a coffee one day, my treat. She was very happy I asked and we agreed on friday. Maybe I can help her with whatever is troubling her or at the least just be a friend and we can enjoy some coffee together.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed putting my kids to bed today. They are so sweet.

2) I enjoyed lunch with my colleague today and a chance to catch up. He's been on and off work for a while as he's been getting cancer treatment.

3) I enjoyed dinner today which was a strange mix of leftover pizza, string beans and fish fingers.. and raw cabbage. Leftovers!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I out the kids to bed so my wife could go skiing ⛷️

Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful to myself for going to the gym today. Yay, keep it up, Beef Master!

2) I am thankful for dinner which was burgers. Eat it up, Beef Master!

3) I feel a little more virile than usual, uhm.. which I enjoy. Beat it, Beef Master!!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
A buddy came over to play some Magic: The Gathering today, so bought him a bunch of snacks he didn't want.. like pistachio soda and dried squid that smelled like sour, unwashed genitals.

Today's Gratitudes
1) I had a wonderful burger for dinner today. Nice junk place!

2) I enjoyed playing MtG with my friend

3) I felt wanted at work, like in a professional capacity. People want to pick my brain or get my help with stuff. It's a little exhausting, but also nice 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness

1) The people I talked to on the phone yesterday were kind and helpful

2) my family was kind to me

Today's Gratitudes

1) Verizon the cellphone/internet company. Amazing people in the stores and then the people at the office for online stuff are so helpful

2) the instagram ads, for promotional and personal reasons

Today's kindness
I'm taking care of the kids today while my wife gets drunk with her colleagues 🙂

Today's gratitudes
1) I had a long coffee date that turned into a lunch with my colleague who I'd made arrangements with previously. It was a great, candid talk and I definitely have a friend in her 🙂 I like her. Awesome!

2) I had fun picking up my boy from the kindergarten. I brought my daughter along and I got to have a nice chat with the guy who works there. He's a metal guitarist 🤘

3) I found time for a daytime nap 😅 Oh yeh!

Evening is still young, so I might add more.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Today's Kindness
I left my quarter in the cart when I returned it to the corral at Aldi for the next customer to use it for free, pay it forward, or keep the quarter. I do little things when I can.

Today's Gratitudes

A check engine light left my vehicle irreparable, but I scored an incredible replacement at the dealership where I bought the last used car. I've never owned a new vehicle and the concept of setting the interior temp with my voice is mind boggling. Details and photo on the Your Day thread here.

(I'm like this all the time.)