More than most celebs, Morrissey is a polarizing artist - and a fun subject for a thread. There was one on MB, but not here so I'm fixing that 😊

If you know him, you probably hate him, love him or enjoy doing a bit of both.

People might strongly agree or disagree with claims like:

  • He was the heart and/or soul of The Smiths
  • He's a brilliant lyricist
  • He has a beautiful voice
  • He is funny on purpose

So let's discuss and celebrate (or deride?) this important artist and his work inside and outside The Smiths and elsewhere.

Happiness is a warm manatee

The Smiths have a few songs I enjoy when I hear them, but I never listen to them of my own choice. Never heard his solo stuff.

The novelty of his self deprecating sad clown schtick gets old really quickly though.


#2 Nov 18, 2023, 07:28 PM Last Edit: Nov 18, 2023, 08:51 PM by Guybrush
What makes him more than just a sad clown (imo) is his brilliant music 🙂

Controversial opinion, but there are more bangers in his solo career than there are in the Smiths discography.

His first release after the breakup of The Smiths was this single released just ahead of his debut, Viva Hate.

.. Kinda proving straight away he was capable of making catchy music without his old band mates.


Also the pretentious James Dean worship in the video is hilarious 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

The only thing I really think of Morrissey is that he sings more out of tune than Bryan Ferry did in the 70's.  It also appears he only has a range of 5 notes and typically just uses 3.  Most Smiths/Morrissey tunes sound the exact same to me -- pitiful lyrics combined with overly happy music -- as if he's just not happy unless he's pitiful.  Needless to say I don't have much life left for that.  I liked most of Meat Is Murder but I haven't heard it since 1985 -- just "How Soon Is Now" as flashbacks every once in a while, and that's quite enough for me. 

Yes, his range isn't tremendous, but I like the way he uses his voice as an instrument. His vocals sound very musical to my ears.

I guess it's up to me to dig out the bangers.

This is from 2018, proving he still had it in him 30 years after his debut.

Happiness is a warm manatee

This thread could use a little bump.

Here's another passionate banger from 2004's You Are the Quarry 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

One of the more endearing Smiths hits is, of course, There Is A Light That Never Goes Out which has a great emo teenage vibe.

It also has those corny lyrics that seem to follow Moz around.

To die by your side? Well, the pleasure and privilege is mine.

Not sure how to describe it. Hamfisted? Would someone ever say that? Or maybe it's just me 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

A(nother) standout track from his solo career is The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get.

Again with very narcissistic and a bit corny lyrics.

My favourite lines:

I will be in the bar
With my head on the bar
(rhyming bar with bar. He doesn't care.)
I am now a central part of your mind's landscape
Whether you care or do not
Yes, I've made up your mind

How could you not find Moz lying across a bar irresistible?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Another Smiths favourite is the popular Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now. It's a little weird, has some lovely jangly guitar by Marr and it's also kinda pathetic in a ridiculous but also somewhat wonderful way.

Again, it's that mix of interesting and sometimes conflicting emotions that follows Moz' music.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Here's another wonderful song rivalling the best output the Smiths could offer, Moz's Hairdresser on Fire. It was first released as a B-side to the Suedehead single in 88 and then again on 1990's Bona Drag.

Happiness is a warm manatee

Now that summer is coming, here's a song about lazy sunbathers; a metaphor for people who care only about themselves and ignore the misery and needs of others.

Happiness is a warm manatee