Which fitness youtubers do you follow? Which are best avoided? Post channels, vids, thoughts.
I'll post mine a bit later on, no time for looking up stuff rn.


Favourite for me is Scooby1961.

He is a bit too strict with certain things but the amount of information he put out there for free and the amount of people he has helped, he will always be a legend and the original for me. His videos dive straight in and don't waste a word. Too many of the others make it about themselves and not what they're talking about and it boils my piss.

Scooby might be natty too?

Only God knows.

I think he's natty with very good genetics (that fucking chest) and mad work ethic. I like the guy but never watched that much of his content. But definitely one of the good ones and one of the first.


I want to hate on Athlean-X for a bit. His following is huge and if you don't know that much about lifting he seems very knowledgeable but his channel probably left millions of young guys not knowing any better in perpetual beginner mode. His programs are total shit. Wannabe hardcore high volume stuff, with very little thought and structure. He keeps pushing new weird exercises all the time leading to people hopping between them, never getting good at anything. His advice for big lifts and strength usually sucks. The obsession with ab training and leanness wastes so much time. He keeps fear mongering, demonizing perfectly good exercises and harmless behaviours. His supplements are underdosed bullshit. He claims to be science based but hardly bases anything he does on any real science. His comment section is heavily censored and he never admits any wrongdoing. And lets not forget that it is pretty much proven at this point that he used fake weights a few times which is just such a pathetic bitch move.


Some channels I watch or used to watch and still consider valuable:

Renaissance Periodization
Very science-based but also with tons of experience with bodybuilding, powerlifting and training people. Some incredibly in-depth stuff.
Lately too many jokes and memes but content is still on point. Lately also a bit too many ads for their app but I've heard it's actually good so whatever.

Jeff Nippard
Probably the best of the biggest channels. Dude's a high level natural pro and powerlifter. Very science based but also tons of experience. Hardly anything bad to say, great content for people who want to get into lifting. Not that much new here for people who've done it for a while though.

Geoffrey Verity Schofield
Bodybuilding focused channel. Guy is actually pretty weak for his huge size and doesn't give a shit and I like that. Too many memes in some vids and some topics that just don't interest me but great lifting content and very little dogma.

Sean Nalewanyj
Similarly to Nippard, although a bit less focused on studies. Great channel for beginners. Sells supplements but doesn't shill too much.

Alan Thrall
Used to do strongman and powerlifting content, recently switched do bodybuilding. Good guy, thoughtful content.

Alexander Bromley
Similar to Thrall he has a strength background but lately also focuses on muscle growth. (Not saying the h-word as to not trigger JJ;))
Some very in-depth stuff there, nothing for beginners and sometimes too much for me. Guy can be a bit dogmatic but overall great information.

Peter Khatcherian
His shtick is old school bodybuilding which is a bit self-limiting but some great info nonetheless. Videos are usually pretty short and to the point unlike some of the other channels here.


The h word  :laughing:

Thank you mate.

Only God knows.

House of H-word is a pretty cool channel basically summing up studies. I don't watch it that often but there's certainly good info there. I like that they don't just say "Study says x - therefore do x", they try to point out context and limitations.



Mate all of your links are showing up as desktop sites but I'm on my phone. Do you know why?

Only God knows.

I link to the channels themselves via normal link, not youtube link. I'll check whether I can link to a channel via youtube tag.
Edit: Doesn't seem to work. I wrote the posts on my laptop, so this might be another reason.




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