"Elder is a genre-pushing rock band that melds heavy psychedelic sounds with progressive elements and evocative soundscapes. Formed in a small coastal town in Massachusetts in the mid aughts, the band has reinvented their sound over the course of five albums to grow from a stalwart of the stoner/doom scene into one of the most unique voices in the rock underground. Their long-scale compositions unfold as journeys, running the gamut of styles from the 70's to the present within a single song with a penchant for "sheer gatefold-era grandeur" (Rolling Stone)."

Some one called them a prog-stoner band and I had to check that out. Been listening to this album today and so far I love it. I hope you do, too, friends.

Hey.. this band was just recommended to me by a guy who came over to pick his kid up after a playdate. We ended up in a long music discussion.

I haven't checked them out yet, but the album he recommended was Reflections of a Floating World from 2017.

Happiness is a warm manatee

#2 Oct 24, 2023, 12:30 AM Last Edit: Oct 24, 2023, 04:47 AM by Lexi Darling
Prog stoner sounds right up my alley! I'll peep after dinner tonight and edit this post with my thoughts.

Edit: This is great stuff! Very chunky and driving guitars, plus some classic proggy mellotron and moog action. Definitely my sh*t. Thank you for the recommendation!

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Well to the both of you then, let us know what you thought.

Tor, congrats on fatherhood. (I'm just learning)

I went to see Elder on a double-bill with Earthless back in 2016. Elder was the opening act and I sometimes skip the opener but didn't on that particular evening. Glad I didn't miss them because they played a stellar set. Hadn't heard any of their songs before, but I thoroughly enjoyed all of the ones they played. Top-notch players. Here's one of several photos I took of them at the show...