Jan 10, 2025, 04:30 AM Last Edit: Jan 10, 2025, 04:44 AM by Trollheart
I've been watching The Simpsons, like most people, for what seems like all my life now, but is probably about 25 years, and I've seen them parody over that time a few of my favourite songs, or at least songs I know. Sometimes they do it well, sometimes badly, and in this new journal I'd like to share some of them with you. Just for the craic, y'know?

Here they do a great version of Falco's "Rock Me Amadeus", tied in to "Planet of the Apes: the Musical" - ah, if only! Includes a performance by Troy McClure (you may remember him from such musicals as...) featuring the voice of the late, lamented Phil Hartmann, a sad loss. Well, enjoy!

One I don't know, but know of, from the classic western musical, this is their version of Paint Your Wagon. Homer does not approve! "They're singing! Why aren't they killing each other?" The background to this, in case you don't know it, is twofold: one, it's what's known as a clip show (I think they even title it "Oh No! Another Simpsons Clip Show!" though don't quote me) and two: Homer and Bart have been sent to buy a soppy chick flick, but (say that) it's not available. In its place, Homer tells an upset Marge, they have rented something just as good: "a blood-and-guts, shoot-em-up western!" Unfortunately for him, like me, he has never seen Paint Your Wagon and is horrified when he sees it's a musical.

It's pretty hilarious, and I'm sure bears little to no resemblance to the actual movie, but the best part for me is this exchange, as Homer and Bart both watch with wide, horrified eyes and open mouths as their plan turns entirely against them, and the girls start lauding the singing prowess of Clint Eastwood!

(This is from memory, so may not be exact; the clip is below anyway)

Bart (desperately): "Look! Look! Here's Lee Marvin! He's always drunk and surly!"
(The music turns suitably ominous and dark as the two western legends approach each other, and the town falls silent)
Lee Marvin (scowling): "This here your wagon?"
Eastwood (angrily): "As a matter of fact, it is. What you gonna do about it?"
Marvin: "Ya missed a spot."
Eastwood (grinning, happy music starts up again, people begin dancing): "Well, just grab a brush and join in!" (Marvin does, and to our eternal sorrow tries to sing - this of course being one of the few talents he does not have, his version of "Wanderin' Star" a thing to be avoided at all costs)

Everyone's favourite Christmas movie. Well, after It's a Wonderful Life. And Oliver! And Miracle on 34th... Look, you all know you watch it and laugh and cry and enjoy it every year, so why fight it? Chock-full of great songs, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original: Johnny who?) gave us "A World of Pure Imagination", "The Oompa-Loompa Song" and this one, called "The Candyman" (nothing to do with Christine Aguilera, which reminds me, once I'm done here I really must look up that video...)
Anyway, in typical Simpsons fashion they rejig it to be "The Garbage Man", a paean to one of the many departments Homer has just inherited after somehow becoming mayor. Disaster looms of course, especially when it becomes painfully clear that Mister Mayor has not the first idea how to keep to a budget, much less run a city (his exchange with someone on the phone proves this: "The new garbage trucks? Are they amphibious? Only one way to find out!") and will not be able to pay them. But before that, they joyously sing (as garbage men do; I'm sure you've heard thier cheerful close harmonies and breezy whistling as they pick up your bins in the morning) about how much they love their jobs.

I always liked this one, where Homer tries to give up Beer and sings "It Was a Very Good Year" changing the lyrics to "I drank some very good beer." Very clever.