
This is what you want. This is what you get.

Reported. Maybe @Guybrush should grant some other users the ability to deal with these spambots. Would help to have at least someone from an opposite time zone.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

like I said @Guybrush u should institute a question in order to make an account.  maybe make a number of correct answers?  idk something to prevent bots from making accounts as easily

"I own the mail" or whatever Elph said

u shud eat like at least two golf ball sized fists of dirt every day RETurn to S  O  I  L!!!1!

Yes, that's a good idea 🤔 I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

But it might also be worth mentioning that the porn this one was peddling was 👌

Happiness is a warm manatee

Anyone who throws in links to schoolgirls being spanked in the middle of my history of Ireland journal needs, um, needs... um, what was I saying?  :laughing:  :laughing:

Quote from: Trollheart on Mar 01, 2024, 09:03 PMAnyone who throws in links to schoolgirls being spanked in the middle of my history of Ireland journal needs, um, needs... um, what was I saying?  :laughing:  :laughing:

Did you save that link?

Asking for a friend...


Before I reply, are you in any way connected with the Federal Government?

Quote from: Trollheart on Mar 02, 2024, 02:00 AMBefore I reply, are you in any way connected with the Federal Government?


But I have handcuffs and a nightstick. :pimp:

I've made a few more changes now, asking more questions at sign-up and also requiring email activation.

Hoping it'll help keep them out!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on May 31, 2024, 06:30 AMI've made a few more changes now, asking more questions at sign-up and also requiring email activation.

Hoping it'll help keep them out!

I still think it's you making alternate accounts and you just don't want people to know about your secret (not so secret) porn addiction. Cmon tore, fess up, we're all friends here

Quote from: Key on May 31, 2024, 08:17 AMI still think it's you making alternate accounts and you just don't want people to know about your secret (not so secret) porn addiction. Cmon tore, fess up, we're all friends here


Though I certainly didn't mind that one about the white woman going to town on that African tribe.

Part of me will miss them 🥲

Happiness is a warm manatee