Quote from: Trollheart on Jul 19, 2024, 01:29 AMGot you on Willis, yes, but what do you consider retirement age? That can be up to seventy years old, and as we all know, ahem, heavy metal never dies. Dickinson is still on the road with Maiden, still flying commercial airliners, writing, producing, and not looking likely to be heading for his pipe and slippers or spending time on the golf course any time soon.

If you're talking simple age, then that's a separate question, but if you mean who SHOULD be retired, well then, Berry was performing up into his nineties. Kind of wonder, too, what the point of the question is? Don't you like people called Bruce? Or are you just bored? And why Bruce? Why not Terry or Larry or Dave? Or Quentin? Or Wowbagger the Infinitely-Prolonged, for that matter?

I consider 65 retirement age. 

Throw your dog the invisible bone.