Quote from: DJChameleon on Dec 29, 2023, 10:42 AMIn the fitness world meal prep is on Sunday night you cook a big meal of the same thing and put them into containers into portions so you can easily access them throughout the week without having to cook something new. You just warm up your prepared food. It's a good way to calorie count and work on portion control.

Og right! Excuse my ignorance. I think the closest I get is boiling more eggs than I eat for breakfast and then putting the rest in the fridge.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I have been buying rice for months, maybe a year straight;
Well, today I saw Dollar General had frozen veggies in bags;
I have been fasting and doing one meal a day for months now and im going to munch on these veggies;
Along with a protein shake and greens nutritional shake too;



Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

I started meal prepping at the beginning of January (I think) and I can't tell you how much easier it has been for me to meet my goals and stick to my calories. It's been a game changer.

Quote from: FETCHER. on Feb 08, 2024, 10:04 PMI started meal prepping at the beginning of January (I think) and I can't tell you how much easier it has been for me to meet my goals and stick to my calories. It's been a game changer.

Yes. I / we should be doing this to a much greater extent.

Which meals do you prep ahead? Is it like most dinners?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 08, 2024, 11:23 PMYes. I / we should be doing this to a much greater extent.

Which meals do you prep ahead? Is it like most dinners?

I usually just prep my lunches for the week on a Monday and a Thursday so I can grab them and eat quickly while I'm working. I work from home so when I wasn't prepping I was eating crap that wasnt the most filling and I'd end up eating over my daily cals 🤦🏼.

I usually don't prep any dinner because either myself or Kristoffer will cook it fresh but it's all still planned and have a good idea of how many cals it will be.

I feel like the "food noise" and constant thinking about food has reduced massively by prepping because I no longer need to think or plan what I'm having so overall I don't think I'm as hungry because it's not constantly on my mind.

Went off on a little bit of a tangent there but hopefully others who might be struggling with that aspect of their weight loss will give it a go and will notice a difference 😊

Yeah, i don't really do advance meal prep but I do cook dinner most weeknights according to a scheduled meal plan, though one that can be deviated from if need be. It definitely has made me not have to worry or overthink anything dinner related, so we're the same there.

Breakfast is on a similar plan, as are Aaron's work lunches. Though these days I've been having more girl dinners than usual just due to the circumstances, haha.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Btw, @FETCHER. Your man has a very Scandinavian spelling of his name. Is he from Norway?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 13, 2024, 12:16 AMBtw, @FETCHER. Your man has a very Scandinavian spelling of his name. Is he from Norway?

No he's Scottish and of Scottish descent (as far as I know) just a cool Scandinavian name 😊 unrelated to your question but we might be going on our honeymoon to Norway 😁

Quote from: FETCHER. on Feb 13, 2024, 12:26 AMNo he's Scottish and of Scottish descent (as far as I know) just a cool Scandinavian name 😊 unrelated to your question but we might be going on our honeymoon to Norway 😁

Oh nice 🙂 do you know where and when yet?

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 13, 2024, 07:57 AMOh nice 🙂 do you know where and when yet?

We're not 100% sure where yet but it'll more than likely the end of June 2025

Quote from: FETCHER. on Feb 13, 2024, 05:07 PMWe're not 100% sure where yet but it'll more than likely the end of June 2025

Well, if you're in the south, I'd show you some places 🙂 else, I think Geirangerfjorden is very nice. Some like Lofoten. I like Svalbard (having also lived there), but not in June (mid April would be the right time).

I'd also try not to hang around Oslo. Thinking of European capitals, Oslo is a relatively boring place.

Happiness is a warm manatee

my diet has been pretty steady with protein and greens veggies, but slacking now on working out lol I never can get both timed together where Im eating clean and working out at the same time. I have been doing rice one day and a big ass plate of broccoli and green beans the next day. One meal a day but gotta get back to doing more than just walking.

three bags of broccoli is only 330 total calories and its a hella amount of food.



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