Your Favorite?

Red/Blue/Yellow (Fire Red/Leaf Green)
1 (33.3%)
Gold/Silver/Crystal (Heart Gold/Soul Silver)
1 (33.3%)
Ruby/Sapphire (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire)
1 (33.3%)
Diamond/Pearl (Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl)
1 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
1 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee
1 (33.3%)
0 (0%)
Legends: Arceus
0 (0%)
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Anything and everything Pokémon will be discussed here. Who are your favorites? What games have you played? How long have you been a fan? Let's talk about it all!

Starting off, my favorite Pokémon is and always will be Vaporeon. I've had Vaporeon in every game that I've played and I recently just caught one in Pokemon Scarlet and I am very excited!

I love Pokémon. I bought Blue version the week of its release in 1998. One of the few series where I still try to make a point to play all the new mainline games that come out.

I voted for Diamond and Pearl, I took a year off between graduating high school in 2007 and going to college in 2008, and I sunk so many hours into that game back then.

My favorite Pokémon is probably Slurpuff.


I've also been playing since the originals. I remember me and my two brothers all got Pokemon games and a Game Boy Color for our birthdays. My younger brother got Blue, older got Red, and I got Yellow. Absolutely loved it immediately and I have also made a point to play every mainline Pokemon game. As far as generations go, I'd say my favorite is 3rd gen (Ruby/Sapphire). It came out during a time that I remember very fondly and I had an absolute blast playing it over and over again. All the others kind of just switch places over time but 3rd gen has always been my absolute fave.

I completed the main story and all the other surrounding quests in Pokemon Scarlet yesterday. I'm now going around and filling up my Pokedex. I'm definitely going to try if not succeed at filling up the Pokedex entirely. I know there are some version exclusives that I have to trade for so I'll get to those when I get to them but at the moment, I'm sitting at 220/400. I'm led to believe there are 400 mons in Scarlet / Violet but I could be wrong. Simply going off of google searches.

Pokémon came into being long after I was a kid, so I don't have any personal connection to it but I just saw this story and thought I'd post it here...

Van Gogh Museum pulls Pokémon card over safety concerns