Chinese architect Liu Jiakun has won this year's Pritzker prize. Eleven examples of his work at the link. Hard to get excited about them.

There's been a rush of "skyscraper" building in of all places Tirana, Albania...

Thanks for posting something in this thread, Buck M.
Yes, I agree, those buildings by Liu Jiakun are pretty unexciting, and a couple are just the flat-out mediocre stuff that you can see in any big city. I quite liked this one with its muted colours and clever grey setback section:-

As for the Albanian skycrapers, I thought several of those were just copies of designs that were noteworthy when they were first done elsewhere in Europe.

Anyway, thanks again for posting: it's nice to have something to grumble about here. ;)

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.