Doesn't have to be a reason, but if there is, you're free to enlighten us.
For me it's
moniker (is this a Jewish word?)
stink or stinker
Pot, when used in conjunction with prize, eg the money in the prize pot is...
Bikkie or biccy or bicky or whatever the fuck way it's spelled: we used this as a word for biscuit when we were three years old, we should be able to speak properly now. There is nothing more cringeworthy to me than to see a 50 or 60 year old person offer or request a "bikkie". Grow the fuck up.

A lot of my students use it because they think it sounds fancy when they should just fucking say 'use'. It's a stupid word and using it is inexcusable because there's always a better synonym

"Ideation" as in someone having suicidal ideation. It is one of those "fashion" words that popped up in the US health and social services community a few years ago, and was in widespread use. Thankfully it seems to have fallen just as quickly as it rose.

So many that sound unnecessary or idiotic to me but one in particular, which I just heard for the first time a few days ago, is "unlivenings."

I heard an American woman say it in a recent video. She used the word as a substitute for "murders."

Thankfully, that's the only time I've heard it uttered so far.

Jesus! "Unlivenings"? That's like "negative profit" (loss) isn't it?  ::)

You all know of my vitriolic hatred for this fashion of now answering any question with the word "so" preceding the answer (revving up the chainsaw as I write) but another one that has become widespread and annoys me is "loving it/this/them/that". To my mind, love is a word used to describe an act or feeling - "I love this" or "It's a thing I love". It's not perpetual action. You can't keep loving something - well, you can, but you just love it and that's it. You might as well say "I'm being frightened of the dark" as "I'm loving it." I blame that fucker Ronald MacDonald, he started it all.

When a SpaceX rocket exploded it was said to have experienced "a rapid unscheduled disassembly".

Quote from: Trollheart on Jan 28, 2025, 06:32 PMJesus! "Unlivenings"? That's like "negative profit" (loss) isn't it?

That's an example of a word people came up with out of necessity because TikTok and other mainstream platforms are very censorship heavy. You can't say "kill" or TikTok will suppress it, so people had to design a way to get their message across without saying the actual words that will be automatically detected and censored. Another example is saying "seggs" instead of sex and "corn" instead of porn.

These aren't additions to the language that anyone likes or wants to use.


'Wild' is a bit annoying. People describing things as wild instead of ridiculous, or mad, or whatever else. It's really increased.

'Two-tier', another buzz word that you hear every day over here now.

Quote from: Toy Revolver on May 10, 2023, 11:14 PMdo y'all think it's wrong to jerk off a dog

Quote from: Lexi Darling on Jan 28, 2025, 06:56 PMThat's an example of a word people came up with out of necessity because TikTok and other mainstream platforms are very censorship heavy. You can't say "kill" or TikTok will suppress it, so people had to design a way to get their message across without saying the actual words that will be automatically detected and censored. Another example is saying "seggs" instead of sex and "corn" instead of porn.

These aren't additions to the language that anyone likes or wants to use.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'm glad it's not just something that's catching on as a trendy new buzzword.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jan 28, 2025, 07:10 PM'Wild' is a bit annoying. People describing things as wild instead of ridiculous, or mad, or whatever else.