- His name
- Come here
- Do you want your evening feed?
- Tasty, tasty biscuits
- Chicken (he will go mad if you say this)
- Treaties
- Do you want to be brushed?
- Fresh poo
- NO!

What about you?

Only God knows.

As far as I can remember mine seemed to understand:
Their name
Flea treatment (the stuff you put on them against fleas, idk what it's called in English but they would run for the hills when that word was used)
Come here
Food (like 'dinner'/'breakfast' etc)
Do you want to go outside?
Are you hungry?
Don't do that

My kitten just turned one. He's a tuxedo which are known to be temperamental. He doesn't respond to his name.

He's destroyed all my Victorian velvet furniture. He doesn't understand the vinegar spray bottle punishment and putting fabric throws over the furniture hasn't helped. I've wrapped half my sectional in aluminum foil.

Positive encouragement doesn't seem to have any effect either. He doesn't associate treats with good behavior. And the $30 scratching post with catnip I bought remains untouched. I try to redirect him when he starts clawing furniture to the post but he ignores it and walks away.

His favorite toys are the little coily springs I got him. But within 2 minutes of my giving him one, he bats it under the refrigerator or oven. I bought clear plastic guards and installed them under both appliances but he still manages to get the springs behind them. A broom handle sometimes works to fish one out but most are lost forever. I ordered 60 springs and I'm nearly out. If I don't immediately give him another spring he starts tearing apart my antique displays and runs away with items in his mouth to hide them on me. I've had to box up almost everything in the house like I'm moving to prevent him from stealing everything.

He's a real pain but I love him. I just wish I could live a normal life but he breaks everything in the house.

He was a rescue I adopted from several states away. When he was little he never jumped on anything and was very calm and quiet. I guess he's gotten comfortable owning my house.

I just hope he grows out of it so I don't have to live out of giant cardboard boxes anymore.

(I'm like this all the time.)