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Sep 25, 2024, 05:45 PM
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Sep 25, 2024, 04:27 PM^ Thanks, degrassi. You're right: your other selections are very different. I enjoyed the ones by Mavi and Honey, but this grungy slow rocker was the stand-out winner for me. I'll definitely be checking out more of Big Thief soon

Nice! Big Thief got me to pick up my guitar again, they kind of reminded me of everything I love about the singer/songwriter vibe. Lots of gems to be discovered in their catalog- enjoy!

My personal favorite is this b side (for lack of a better term):

shark smile - edit
Sep 25, 2024, 05:27 PM
Quote from: DJChameleon on Sep 25, 2024, 02:40 PMI'm thinking about changing my diet this winter to bulk. So I'm probably gonna come up with some heavy protein weekly meal plans to cook on Sunday nights to last the whole week.

Does anyone else meal prep?

Sometimes but not really cos most of what I eat doesn't require much cooking.

Whey protein and milk - no cooking
Skyr - no cooking
Mixed veg - 4 mins in microwave
Tinned tuna or mackerel - no cooking
Cottage cheese - no cooking

1g of protein per pound of bodyweight should be enough.

The most ideal thing to cook in bulk is chili or stew. Slow cook a big pot on the weekend then you have meals for in the week.

If you post your target protein amount and how many meals you will eat a day I could help you sort a plan out if you want.
Sep 25, 2024, 04:57 PM
Good to see someone calling out Trump's "appeal to women", which was as creepy as it was patronising. I'm disgusted anew by the way Trump addresses his audience as if they were all gullible fools with the memory retention of that fish in Finding Nemo. In fact, if your powers of memory are greater than a goldfish, you'll remember Trump's "grabbing women" boast, his conviction as a sexual abuser, his lack of fidelity to his wife, and that little detail about dismantling American women's right to make choices about their own bodies.

( The whole sham about exceptions to abortion bans, which Trump and others are now touting to downplay the disasterous consequences of overturning Roe vs. Wade, that whole sham also bugs me, because of the way people have kind of accepted the phrase "...the life of the mother is endangered". I can't think of many healthcare scenarios where it would be ok to apply that parameter: "You've broken your arm, but your life is not in danger, so we can't do anything" )     
Sep 25, 2024, 04:27 PM
^ Thanks, degrassi. You're right: your other selections are very different. I enjoyed the ones by Mavi and Honey, but this grungy slow rocker was the stand-out winner for me. I'll definitely be checking out more of Big Thief soon:-

Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Sep 21, 2024, 04:18 AM"]
big theif - masterpiece

Quote from: Trollheart on Sep 24, 2024, 07:39 PMYeah one of his early tracks, "Please Mister Grave Digger" is both disturbing and hilarious, especially as he keeps coughing to show how miserable and drab the cemetery is. I actually think it's an unrecognised classic personally.

^ Yep that's certainly a curious song. I liked the mention of Lambeth: that's the London borough of Bowie's hometown turf of Brixton, both of which I used to go through on buses quite often. As you and Lexi point out, "Mister G. D." has a lot of surprising little touches, and the whole concept of the song shows that right from the start Bowie was ready to experiment with unusual ideas. Will it turn me into a fan of early Bowie ? Probably not, I'm afraid, but at least I'll be less dismissive in the future. 
Sep 25, 2024, 04:00 PM

QuoteSep 25, 2024

0:00 - Intro
0:05 - Massive US Citizen Data Leak
1:05 - KukuFM Leaks
1:57 - Space X, CNN And White House Leaks
2:53 - Kaspersky Self-Deletes
4:00 - Israel Hacked Lebanese Communications
5:01 - Telegram Update
6:04 - Discord DAVE
7:01 - AI-Generated Malware
Sep 25, 2024, 03:51 PM
Thanks, Trollheart ! This thread will be a great resource for anyone like me, who has looked at the playlist thread and thought, "I'm curious about these lists, but there are just so many songs..."
Now I'll have your own impressions to guide me through some music that I wouldn't otherwise explore. Well done :clap:  (and good luck slogging through such a mountain of material )

Sep 25, 2024, 02:40 PM
I'm thinking about changing my diet this winter to bulk. So I'm probably gonna come up with some heavy protein weekly meal plans to cook on Sunday nights to last the whole week.

Does anyone else meal prep?
Sep 25, 2024, 01:27 PM
Hello and good day to you. I'm not be a Nigerian Prince but I am a famous leading man in Hollywood...

Police arrest five people over fake Brad Pitt scam after two women lost $362,000
Sep 25, 2024, 06:36 AM

5 miles ran, the rest of the steps walking
Sep 25, 2024, 06:33 AM
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