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Jun 16, 2024, 08:01 PM
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 16, 2024, 03:37 PMJanszoon ! I was just thinking yesterday that you haven't posted for ages! If it's welcome back, then Welcome Back. :)

Thanks! I pop on here and there.

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 16, 2024, 03:37 PMIn Mexico, misconceptions about England abound, most notably that we all sit around at 5 pm precisely to drink "High Tea" as it used to be called,  which means all the dainty extras of sugar bowl, cup&saucer, jug of cream etc.
I also get asked if I've ever seen the Queen, presumably on the assumption that every Englishman is infatuated with the Royal Family. (Thank you, mainstream media, for promoting that particular misconception.) In fact, even though we lived in the same city for ages, by tacit mutual agreement, me and the Queen ignored each other.

It's good that you and the Queen were able to reach an agreement! :laughing:
Jun 16, 2024, 07:55 PM
Quote from: Marie Monday on May 29, 2024, 10:11 PMTank Girl

Like if Mad Max were badly made, racially stereotyping & trying to queerbait you, 10/10
Also nerdy tomboy Naomi Watts is HOT people

I saw Tank Girl when it came out and really liked it. It's been many years since I've seen it though. 
Jun 16, 2024, 06:52 PM
I think you have to accept that though it may be, as you say, guessable, nobody here can guess it. So maybe give us the answer and we move on?
Jun 16, 2024, 06:51 PM
Quote from: DJChameleon on Jun 06, 2024, 05:21 AMI waited so late to see I Saw The TV Glow that it only had two showings left before being removed from my local theater. They only had a single showing each day. I had to skip out on work(left early) just to see it in theaters and boy was it worth it. The editing and cinematography were excellent. The plot was one big WTF but it oddly makes sense. When you get to the conclusion of the movie you kind of have to piece together what you think the director was attempting to do and there are strangely two different conclusions that both make sense as to what it could all mean. This movie felt like a nostalgia bomb and also like a memory like I've seen it before. It's hard to explain but I want more people to see this movie so they can share in the experience that I had even if it occurs on a smaller screen.


Theater was packed and so many discussions happened as people were leaving the theater about what it all meant. A+ theater experience.

I didn't even touch on the great music that got licensed for this movie. Basic jist of the plot is that it follows the story of two kids that become obsessed with a TV show that is similar to Buffy the Vampire Slayer mixed with Are you afraid of the Dark.
I watched it too yesterday and liked it. Especially all the references to Buffy, and I think as an ode to what Buffy meant for queer people the film works best (but as a queer person to whom Buffy means a lot, I'm obviously biased). Like you said the cinematography is great too, my only gripe with it is that the characters and their lives are only sketched at best, and that the two main different readings sometimes don't mesh well (such as when liberating yourself by coming out as trans on another level means leaving your mother who is dying of cancer behind) but overall solid film
Jun 16, 2024, 06:36 PM
Bump because this was fun and I swear my last riddle is very guessable
Jun 16, 2024, 06:35 PM
That would be lovely and should definitely be a thing
Jun 16, 2024, 06:14 PM
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 16, 2024, 03:37 PMJanszoon ! I was just thinking yesterday that you haven't posted for ages! If it's welcome back, then Welcome Back. :)

In Mexico, misconceptions about England abound, most notably that we all sit around at 5 pm precisely to drink "High Tea" as it used to be called,  which means all the dainty extras of sugar bowl, cup&saucer, jug of cream etc.
I also get asked if I've ever seen the Queen, presumably on the assumption that every Englishman is infatuated with the Royal Family. (Thank you, mainstream media, for promoting that particular misconception.) In fact, even though we lived in the same city for ages, by tacit mutual agreement, me and the Queen ignored each other.

This is cute though and I wish we did actually do this.

5pm hits and all across our green and pleasant land, in offices, train stations, homes and schools, we all take a seat and enjoy a cup of tea and cream cake while having a light hearted conversation with those around us.
Jun 16, 2024, 05:49 PM
Or close their walls up with our English beer!  :laughing:
Jun 16, 2024, 05:10 PM
Quote from: Trollheart on Jun 16, 2024, 04:54 PMOkay, since my Serbia shirk shrunk (try saying that after six pints!)  :laughing: I'll ask forgiveness from my ancestors and say COME ON ENGLAND! Well, no, not really - no Irish person could say that. But I'll wish you luck JJ. Should be a cakewalk.

Cheers mate really looking forward to it.

I'd be surprised if it was a cakewalk. Very tough side. Draw wouldn't be the worst result in the world.

Anyway I'm ready! Do it for Hastings, for Harry Potter, and for Henry VIII!

Jun 16, 2024, 04:54 PM
Okay, since my Serbia shirk shrunk (try saying that after six pints!)  :laughing: I'll ask forgiveness from my ancestors and say COME ON ENGLAND! Well, no, not really - no Irish person could say that. But I'll wish you luck JJ. Should be a cakewalk.