Something Completely Different

Community section => Sports & Health => Topic started by: jimmy jazz on Dec 17, 2023, 03:44 PM

Title: Dream journal
Post by: jimmy jazz on Dec 17, 2023, 03:44 PM
Post your dreams.

Last night I was at home and my back garden got redone and looked great. Then the surroundings changed to a big empty warehouse in Oklahoma. A big storm came, the building didn't fall down but it was bad. Then it passed.

Then I went to a pub/restaurant (called Toby Carvery @Marie Monday) and had my meal and drank Guinness. In the car on the way back we sped and the police later rang and said they were taking the car away.

Then I was in New York and I remember being at some legal weed place. Inside it had about 20 little desks with a consultant and you waited for one to call your name out then you discussed weed with them and they'd decide to prescribe some for you or not. I didn't get any.

That's it for now.

Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: Lexi Darling on Dec 17, 2023, 08:47 PM
I don't generally journal any particular dreams I have, but I've had a lot of very memorable ones over the years and enough of them to be able to notice certain trends and "eras" of my dreams.

One example: I had the most important dream of my life in the spring or early summer of 2008, at age 19 and just before I entered college. I was out as transgender in all areas of my life at that point, I had been publicly identifying and presenting as such for three and a half years. But in my dreams I still appeared and was treated (and even treated myself) as a boy.

So one night I had a dream in which I was at some kind of ritzy cafe on the moon, on a date with a man wearing a nice vest but whose face I don't remember. And I had pink hair in a wavy updo, I was wearing a fancy black dress, and I had fully physically transitioned in every way, I was every bit the woman the waking me knew I was.

That dream was so incredibly affirming after years of feeling like the dream me was stuck in freshman year pre-transition, and served as an incredible motivator to not lose sight of my transition goals, because one day that dream, that fancy date with a dapper man and actually feeling correct as a human being, would come true.

It's been 15 years and I'd say I'm making good progress on that.  :)
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: jimmy jazz on Jan 05, 2024, 02:46 PM
Last night I had a dream I had a pet bear. I named him Tiny Bear. It was a fluffy small dog that nobody wanted but grew quickly and became huge and then I realise it was a bear. He was so affectionate and intelligent. I just remember hugging him and kissing his big fluffy head.


Tiny Bear ❤️🥺
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: Hope on Jan 05, 2024, 04:31 PM
I  :love: bears.
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: Lexi Darling on Jan 05, 2024, 04:41 PM
We ♥️ Tiny Bear.

I had a dream last night that was kind of hilariously on the nose for Mr. W and I, we were trying to figure out ways to travel back in time to the 1950s, ostensibly to live out our dream of wholesome Leave It to Beaver-esque suburban married bliss, and we somehow found the Delorean from Back to the Future, or some car like it, just sitting in our garage. We took several tries to actually time travel, and we crashed into people's houses because we couldn't reach 88 miles per hour. But we finally got to the 1950s, and then we spent a couple minutes orienting ourselves in an unfamiliar house. And then I woke up, just when it was getting good. C'est la vie.
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: jimmy jazz on Apr 13, 2024, 12:14 AM
Had a dream I was being chased round a holiday park because I stole from someone's draw.

Loads and loads of sharp objects being thrown at me.

Also had a gay sex dream even though I'm not gay and woke up and had spunked myself.
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: Trollheart on Apr 13, 2024, 02:45 AM
Karen used to be able to recall every detail of her dreams, leading to my writing a story for her in which she and our cats took on vampires in a local graveyard, but I only ever remember, if at all, scraps and snatches. Sometimes it's just a feeling, a half-formed recollection or vague impression. I attribute this to certain memories I have which I know cannot be true, such as remembering driving a car to work and parking in the car park and locking the door (I can't drive and have never had a car) and riding a motorbike up a local lane listening to music (the same; never ridden a motorbike in my life) and a recurring theme for me seems to be going on an airplane, quite sophisticated I think: I've flown maybe three times in my life.

I've had odd dreams where I've quite clearly seen ICBMs (InterContinental Ballistic Missiles) rise out of a neighbouring garden and into the sky as Karen and I run down the road, I've had multiple half-remembered dreams about work (in which I'm invariably in trouble) and pretty graphic ones where an aircraft or helicopter comes right up against my window, obviously about to crash through it. From what I recall of my dreams, few if any are good and all leave me with a feeling of relief that that's all they were: dreams.

The only instance I ever actually realised I was in a dream before waking up was when, for some reason, someone threatened to kill my father (may he rot in Hell) if I didn't do something, and I remember saying "Hey! My father's dead! This is obviously a dream!" That felt strange, but it's never happened since.

Last night, for no particular reason I can ascertain, I dreamed my mother was giving out to me about eating biscuits, and for some reason was wrapping packets of them in plastic. I was arguing, saying I was skinny but healthy, and there was an aircraft trip briefly involved too, with Karen also in it. A phone was answered by me, but someone else wanted to do that, and I guess that's all I remember, though the impression when I woke up was quite strong.
Title: Re: Dream journal
Post by: jimmy jazz on Apr 13, 2024, 11:56 AM
QuoteThe only instance I ever actually realised I was in a dream before waking up was when, for some reason, someone threatened to kill my father (may he rot in Hell) if I didn't do something, and I remember saying "Hey! My father's dead! This is obviously a dream!" That felt strange, but it's never happened since.

My mom would say the same @Trollheart . And my dad's dad wasn't great. Both Irish 😮