We don't have a thread for politics that are not American yet. In case you've heard about the Dutch elections you can probably imagine that I'm appalled and upset so I guess that's a fitting occasion for making this thread
"Dutch Trump" looks a bit odd and somewhat creepy and alien-like.
In addition to that observation, it also looks like he's speaking from inside a padded cell.
What is it about this brand of politicians that inspires such terrible haircuts?
I know why Johnson was doing it but what's the excuse for the rest of them?
Ireland going all "far right" is very interesting.
A country that likes to pretend it is better than all of that.
Looks quite hostile in Dublin tonight.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 23, 2023, 07:24 PMTrump.
What is it about this brand of politicians that inspires such terrible haircuts?
I know why Johnson was doing it but what's the excuse for the rest of them?
I'm guessing they're all going for some type of "man of the common folk" look.
In Johnson's case, I prefer to think of him as an incorrigible drunkard.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Nov 23, 2023, 10:30 PMI'm guessing they're all going for some type of "man of the common folk" look.
In Johnson's case, I prefer to think of him as an incorrigible drunkard.
Johnson plays the role of loveable idiot cos he knows people will buy it.
He makes out that he's dopey and like a silly old granddad but in reality he is much smarter and more cunning than that.
I fucking hate the shitty haired bellend. Used to boil my piss when I saw/heard people making an affection out of him referring to him as 'Boris' or worse, 'BoJo' 🤢
I like Bojo because it sounds like Bozo.
The terrible haircuts is definitely an appeal to the working class, seeing as working class people also tend to have terrible haircuts.
Quote from: Nimbly9 on Nov 24, 2023, 06:26 AMThe terrible haircuts is definitely an appeal to the working class, seeing as working class people also tend to have terrible haircuts.
Do we?
Leaving aside the fascinating topic of haircuts, there is furthur aspect of global politics that we could consider: this is a glance at how the globe has divided out, in terms of free and repressed populations, after the upheavals of the Colonial Era and the Cold War Era:
To me, there are two disappointing things with this picture:-
(i) the old Cold War division is essentially still there, largely thanks to Putin, I suspect
(ii) So many African countries, many of which were given a fleeting chance at democracy, have succumbed to the control of repressive regimes.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 24, 2023, 02:19 PMDo we?
that's a dignified and to-the-point response to such a twatty comment 8)
Quote from: Marie Monday on Nov 25, 2023, 04:14 PMthat's a dignified and to-the-point response to such a twatty comment 8)
Not really, seeing as my haircut sucks too. GG NO RE.
"AFUERA" - Milei DESTROYS Argentina Politicians by Becoming President
Quote from: Nimbly9 on Nov 25, 2023, 06:07 PMNot really, seeing as my haircut sucks too. GG NO RE.
Why Finland is blaming Russia for a sudden influx of migrants on its eastern border (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/finland-blaming-russia-sudden-influx-migrants-eastern-border-105152414)
^ I think that report from the Finnish border, and the rise of Gert Wilders are two elements or reactions to what may come to define this era of global politics.
"Post-Cold War" is an ok label as far as it goes, but 30 years later surely we deserve a title that isn't just, "the time that came after an earlier time".
My suggestion is The Era of Climate Migration.
Worsening climate, fewer crops, more fighting over decent land and fresh water: these are the things that push people to relocate, and that is going to become more and more common in the coming decades, I suspect. Europe and the US are already feeling the pressure: little wonder that voters are deperately turning to leaders with comment-worthy hairstyles.
Geert Wilders | Populist parties will grow 'stronger & stronger' unless people's fears are addressed
Recorded 3 months prior to his win...
Argentina's Milei on Dollarization, Central Bank, China (Full interview in english)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 23, 2023, 10:39 PMJohnson plays the role of loveable idiot cos he knows people will buy it.
He makes out that he's dopey and like a silly old granddad but in reality he is much smarter and more cunning than that.
I fucking hate the shitty haired bellend. Used to boil my piss when I saw/heard people making an affection out of him referring to him as 'Boris' or worse, 'BoJo' 🤢
Still my favorite Boris Johnson moment:
Gavin Newsom had a similar moment a few weeks ago:
My favourite Johnson moment was the time he hid inside a freezer to avoid answering a question. Or the time he became the only PM in British history to dodge a TV debate in the rubup to an election.
Thanks, Mindy ! That's a very clear look at some of the problems underlying the present troubles in the Middle East. It's a useful counter-balance to the 24-hour news coverage that, understandably enough, focus on the latest hostage to be released, the latest hospital to be attacked.
Another historic overview is this:-
Guernica Everyday
Back in 1937, Picasso and the world were shocked by the bombardment suffered by Guernica - I'm assuming that it was one of the first times that hostilities spilled, at great speed, beyond the battlefield. Back in the old days, attrocities advanced, village by village, at the speed of horses or soldiers marching. But thanks to modern techniques, an army doesn't even have to capture the intervening territory: they can just deliver destruction from afar.
I suppose I'm making an obvious point because it's been happening that way ever since. But there's an equally obvious point that aggressors keep setting to one side: you'll never win the hearts and minds of people by bombing them into the ground. One of the main things you achieve is to make a life-long intractable enemy of the civilians you are attacking: it's a super-efficient way to radicalize civilians against you.
Police raid Moscow gay bars after Supreme Court LGBTQ+ ruling (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/police-raid-moscow-gay-bars-after-supreme-court-105327174)QuoteRussian security forces have raided gay clubs and bars across Moscow less than 48 hours after the country's top court banned what it called the "global LGBTQ+ movement" as an extremist organization.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Dec 02, 2023, 02:03 PMPolice raid Moscow gay bars after Supreme Court LGBTQ+ ruling (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/police-raid-moscow-gay-bars-after-supreme-court-105327174)
"Russian authorities reject accusations of LGBTQ+ discrimination."
Yeah, right.
Russia's morally degenerating into the future.
Yeah. And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this is the long term goal of the American right wing as well.
Quote from: Mindy on Dec 01, 2023, 03:18 PM
very interesting that you posted this Mindy. I was working on a thread about the current situation in the middle east and the potential for it to spill into a wider regional conflict. But I gave up on it.
Here's a few videos I'd recommend.
Skip to 3:35 to avoid the intro and embedded ad. That's where the real video starts.
skip the embedded ad which starts at 1:23 and ends at 3:30.
long ass post
The key points are basically that since the Hamas attack on Oct 7th, there has been a lot of speculation about the potential causes or motivations behind the attack. Although we don't know that Iran or any other power had any insight whatsoever into the attack, let alone anything to do with it, they do have some plausible motivations, as well as known ties to Hamas, though not nearly as close as Hezbollah.
So it's not like it's outside of either their means or even their usual modus operandi of how they project soft power in the region. As such, there has been a lot of speculation in certain circles from day 1 over Iran's potential involvement in the attack.
The most prominent theory is that the normalization agreement that was being pursued between Israel and Saudi Arabia presented a severe threat to Iran, and as such they sought to throw a monkey wrench in that process via Oct 7th.
It's worth pointing out that the normalization process is not so much a peace agreement, as is often presented. There hasn't been any state of war between Israel and Saudi Arabia for quite some time.
In fact, over the years, they have grown closer militarily and have formed a covert alliance against Iran, as a response to the nuclear deal that Obama signed with Iran.
Netanyahu was by far the biggest critic of and the biggest obstacle to America trying to reach any sort of diplomatic understanding with the regime in Iran. Frustrated with the Obama administration for pursuing that route, Israel and Saudi Arabia grew closer in ties.
Though not so much officially, because of the optics. The vast majority of the Saudi population is very much anti Israel, and even though they are a monarchy and so you would think they could do what they want, the amount of radical religious thinking that exists in Saudi Arabia has always presented an internal threat to their rule. So they need the optics of at least getting something for the Palestinians in exchange for officially recognizing Israel and normalizing relations.
The details on what those concessions were going to be are vague, though the general impression is that it would involve some amount of increased autonomy for the Palestianian Authority or PA, the government of the West Bank, along with freezing the expansion of settlements. So really not much of a game changer for the Palestians in the West Bank, let alone in Gaza, which seems to have been left out of the considerations altogether.
Although the Saudis did negotiate some wins for themselves, including a defense pact with the United States and assistance with developing nuclear energy.
Which kind of emphasizes the point. Historically, the idea was that broader recognition of Israel by the Arab and even broader Muslim world was a bargaining chip that was to be withheld until they resolved the situation with the Palestinians, the assumed framework being a two state solution.
By seeking to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and some of the gulf states which was seen as a launching pad for broader recognition of Israel in other Muslim countries, Israel was attempting to bypass the idea of having to resolve the Palestinian issue before getting broader recognition in that part of the world. Their mechanism for doing so was citing their mutual opposition to Iran as grounds for a common cause. Netanyahu makes this clear here:
you'll notice this video was posted less than a month before the Hamas attack. so this was what Netanyahu was saying about the prospective deal at the time. The red marker speech he refers to in this video was made in 2012, while the Obama administration was still considering negotiations with Iran.
Another dimension to consider is Saudi Arabia. They are enemies with Iran for a number of reasons. The obvious recent one being the prolonged civil war in Yemen, in which Iran is funding Shia militants known as the Houthis. These same rebels not coincidentally have declared war on Israel in response to the latest Gaza war. Yet another reminder that Iran has many such vectors of soft power in the region.
Even though concerns about Iran have drawn Saudi Arabia and Israel closer together, the Saudis are not so cut and dry as far as being an ally. Just 8 months ago they enraged Netanyahu and his regime as well as spooked the US when they apparently decided to enter into a normalization process with Iran, in a deal brokered by China.
And yet, despite this apparent pivot, we ended up back in the situation in the months leading up to Oct 7th, with the United States apparently putting extensive effort into brokering a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Part of the reason the Saudis might have been drifting out of Washington's orbit could have been Biden's early disposition to the regime. I think this segment from Mehdi Hasan's show where he was criticizing this deal highlights a few important details. This video is long but really I'm only referencing 2 specific parts for clues. Here's the video and below I will identify the points I want to cite.
The first is at the very beginning of the video, around 2:20 where Hasan shows Biden on the campaign trail condemning Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudi regime. He then notes the subsequent change of attitude Biden has taken, including fist bumping MBS and touting the prospects of the normalization process as a "mega-deal."
14:07-15:30 He highlights concerns about Saudi Arabia getting nuclear energy because it's not clear they don't want nuclear weapons, including a video of MBS saying that if Iran got a nuke, Saudi Arabia would have to get one.
So these details combine to give some insight on not only the change of heart MBS had, but also how this deal could have easily ended up leading to a nuclear arms race between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Another interesting detail is that in addition to us having clear statements from both Netanyahu and MBS regarding their attitudes towards the normalization process in the run up to Oct 7th, we also have a similar statement the leader of Iran. This is him from Oct 3.
So the Saudis are "betting on the wrong horse," and Israel will "soon be eradicated by the Palestinians." Obviously that doesn't prove anything as far as knowing what was going to happen, since I'm pretty sure they are always predicting Israel's eradication but it's pretty clear what their stance towards the prospective deal is and where their interests lie. Not that this should be any mystery, considering that Netanyahu made it crystal clear that Iran was a major target of said alliance.
Whatever progress was made on pursuing a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel doesn't seem to matter now because with Israel bombing Gaza, Saudi Arabia naturally pivoted once more, not necessarily towards Iran though somewhat distancing themselves from Isreal.
In fact you might wonder why any of this matters if say Hamas carried out the attacks without consulting Iran, which seems likely enough considering there's no hard evidence to the contrary. It would still matter because since the war in Gaza has started, Iranian proxies have not only been striking US assets (not personnel in most cases, from what I understand) but Hezbollah, their main proxy has also been ratcheting up tensions with Israel. Regardless of how the conflict started, the longer it goes on the more opportunities there are for it to expand.
Iran has a number of vectors for soft power in the region, but Hezbollah are by far their biggest asset. Iran gives them 700m annually in military aid and they are the largest non state military in the world, operating out of the failed state of Lebanon which has no control over them. They have a massive arsenal of missiles, some of which are quite advanced. Israel cannot properly defend against an all out missile attack launched by Hezbollah. That's an inherent vulnerability Israel has had for some time and it's also a useful form of deterrence for direct attacks against Iran. If the John Boltons of the world got their way for example, and we pursued a policy of regime change in Iran as we did in Iraq, Iran could unleash hellfire on Israel in retaliation via Hezbollah.
For that reason, Iran isn't necessarily eager to have Hezbollah launch their missiles at Israel and turn this into a two front war, because then they lose that significant deterrence.
So far they haven't gotten significantly involved in the conflict, despite posturing that they might be willing to do so. By providing a sense of ambiguity as to their intentions, they keep Israel on alert which potentially deviates some of their attention from the war. But so far I think it's safe to say they've been a non factor.
That's a good thing, because if they did get involved, unlike with Hamas, Iran might be implicated by default in the eyes of US and Israel. Their ties are far too close to overlook that relationship.
This is why I gave up on this post lol cause I don't know how to not go on tangent after tangent on this topic.
Hamas officials join Nelson Mandela's family at ceremony marking 10th anniversary of his death (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/hamas-officials-join-nelson-mandelas-family-ceremony-marking-105398291)
Quote from: Jwb on Dec 04, 2023, 07:53 PMThis is why I gave up on this post lol cause I don't know how to not go on tangent after tangent on this topic.
I haven't read your whole post, JwB, but can totally relate to the above comment. The situation in Israel/Palestine reminds me of a phrase the journalist P.J. O'Rourke used about another part of the world:
"The conflict that passeth all understanding."
Putin running for reelection, almost sure to win another 6-year term (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/putin-running-for-re-election-almost-sure-to-win-another-6-year-term/)
I wanted to respond to you. Jadis. But I figured I would move the discussion to this thread where it seems more relevant.
Quote from: jadis on Dec 06, 2023, 01:07 PMC'mon man... we can revive it. You, me and the pseudo-lesbian...
I'll consider it. Are there no rules at all over there now? Like for instance can I be openly anti Semitic or do I have to stick to cryptofash sealioning? :p
QuoteWhat are the US interests in the region though (apart from good relations with the owners of the oil pumps, who are gravitating toward Israel anyway)? It's not a particularly straightforward question. During the Cold War it was a matter of supporting a democracy (however troubled) against the alliance between a bunch of Arab dictatorships and the Soviets. I think some of it holds surprisingly true for today, for all that changed.
It is not a straightforward question but often it seems to be treated as such. As if the fact that we are close allies means that our interests are one in the same.
Because as I mentioned the support we give them is not based on some strict strategic analysis. It's largely based on the domestic sentiment in the US toward Israel, whether you happen to agree with that sentiment or not I would hope we could agree that is ultimately where our undying support stems from.
Now we can agree it's not straight forward in any region exactly what our interests in that region are. This is especially true in the middle east.
So it's subjective for example whether you think it was wise for Obama to pursue the JCPOA with Iran. But it's not subjective that Netanyahu fiercely opposed it and made his stance firmly known.
So here we can get a clear example where at the very least a US administration had an agenda that Israeli leadership clearly opposed, and rather than fall in line anyway and try to work with the US on pursuing what it thought was a smart path forward, Netanyahu openly antagonized Obama. Even though we are the clear benefactor in the relationship, all the aid we give doesn't translate to much on terms of actual leverage.
They don't for a second ask the question, how does our unbending stance towards Iran undermine what the United states is trying to do? That would admittedly be an absurd question to ask if you are living in Israel and convinced that Iran cannot be trusted or negotiated with.
On the flip side, invariably if you talk to zionists in the United states the idea is well they live over there and it's the only democracy in the middle east and blah blah blah. Anything and everything to make it all work out for Israel.
Then, when a US president tries to do something that an Israeli prime minister disagrees with, that prime Minister and his cohorts can make the rounds on American cable news accusing said President of being "bad for Israel" Which in American politics is really no less severe a charge than saying he's "bad for America." If anything the Israel line would get more traction.
So not only do we appear to not have much leverage based on all the aid we give, it appears to me they have much more of an ability to influence our path than we do theirs.
QuoteRe the Holocaust, let's not forget the expulsion of some 800,000 Jews from Arab and Muslim countries in the subsequent decades.
I didn't forget. I think that makes the argument that creating a Jewish state in Palestine is about keeping the jews safe even weaker.
It's not like the middle east has the same deep history of pogroms and antisemitism that Christian europe did. Clearly something changed in the 20th century.
QuoteBut I agree there's a paradox here: on October 7 Israel was clearly the least safe place in the world to be a Jew; and yet a month later Jewish friends in Montreal started talking about Aliyah, (the "I'm not antisemitic, just antizionist" mobs in Montreal are so fucking bad (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/charkaoui-politicians-jewish-groups-react-1.7022426)).
I don't want to say too much here but for many it's a matter of wishing to live without having to hide the signs of their Jewishness, which is becoming increasingly difficult in France especially (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/french-jews-fleeing-country).
I think the challenge is on us to try to understand the painful nature of anti-Jewish persecution.
I can get having a knee jerk reaction to cringe protesters. But let's get real. If someone in Montreal
is seriously considering moving to Israel right now out of a concern for safety, I think they've lost the plot.
I can get wanting a Jewish state just because you want to be the predominant in group and not just a marginalized minority. But I don't think that's at all unique to them. That's every nationalist movement.
QuoteRe "the experiment"... Antisemitism always morphs and adjusts. Once the Jews were hated for their religion, then for their "race" and now it's for their state (takes an idiot to think that antisemitism always comes dressed in SS uniform). We should remind ourselves it's the problem of the antisemites, not Jews.
I'm sorry but the perpetual victim narrative isn't working. They have a state now. They're in power. They're not the oppressed masses of a polish ghetto. They're a first world country. They are "the only democracy in the middle east." So that comes with certain expectations, believe it or not. And the fact is that they are now in the position to oppress millions of stateless Arabs. My sympathy is rapidly waning for "the most persecuted people on earth," and if anything telling people that you have to choose between either 1) loving Israel or 2) being an antisemite, the result of that sort of false dichotomy is just going to push people in the direction of antisemitism.
@Jwb I'll be responding gradually cause some of these topics are bottomless, and I take this shit seriously.
First of all, I suspect you're a Zionist yourself, in the sense that you don't wish to see the annihilation of the only Jewish state in the world. That's what that word means today https://www.musicbanter.com/current-events-philosophy-religion/100047-its-news-5.html#post2235554
Quote from: jadis on Dec 14, 2023, 11:32 PM@Jwb I'll be responding gradually cause some of these topics are bottomless, and I take this shit seriously.
First of all, I suspect you're a Zionist yourself, in the sense that you don't wish to see the annihilation of the only Jewish state in the world. That's what that word means today https://www.musicbanter.com/current-events-philosophy-religion/100047-its-news-5.html#post2235554
OK well I read the post on MB you linked and there's quite a bit in there to address, but I feel like since you said you're going to be responding gradually, I'm not going to go on another list of tangents based on that MB post. Rather, if there is a particular point in there you want a response to you can let me know and I'll oblige.
Now to answer your question.. I really don't want to get caught up in semantics but I feel like zionist implies a particular dedication to the idea of the necessity of a Jewish state. That is not an idea that particularly resonates with me.
I'm not in favor of getting rid of the state of Israel. But that's based on pragmatism. They live there and basically you are talking about potentially displacing millions of people. So that has nothing at all to do with the jews deserving a state in Palestine. Its the same basic level of human rights and consideration that should be granted to any people. Including the Palestinians.
Quote from: Jwb on Dec 15, 2023, 04:41 AMOK well I read the post on MB you linked and there's quite a bit in there to address, but I feel like since you said you're going to be responding gradually, I'm not going to go on another list of tangents based on that MB post. Rather, if there is a particular point in there you want a response to you can let me know and I'll oblige.
Now to answer your question.. I really don't want to get caught up in semantics but I feel like zionist implies a particular dedication to the idea of the necessity of a Jewish state. That is not an idea that particularly resonates with me.
I'm not in favor of getting rid of the state of Israel. But that's based on pragmatism. They live there and basically you are talking about potentially displacing millions of people. So that has nothing at all to do with the jews deserving a state in Palestine. Its the same basic level of human rights and consideration that should be granted to any people. Including the Palestinians.
Feel free to address the MB post, I'm interested in what you find contentios about it. I'm for keeping this discussion as free form as possible so that many different points can be raised and there's an exchange of information and opinion that allows one to reframe things and not get stuck in the same blind alleys.
Semantics is very important here though. The way the Z word is being bandied around smuggles in the sense that an opposition to it, something called "anti-Zionist", is a legitimate position. It's not. It's an eliminationist lunacy, either dressed up in a liberationist word salad or transparently jihadist. Actually, it's increasingly both at the same time (as people try to negotiate the gap between their Fanon quotes and the honest, no-nonsense jihadism of Hamas, illiterate mass murderers who don't give a shit about the woke alibi for killing Jews (https://twitter.com/amjadt25/status/1734299951771869541)). I get that it makes no sense to group you (or me, for that matter) under the same umbrella as Dersh or whoever is the most vocal and visible advocate of Israel in the US these days. Maybe we can talk about upper case and low case Z, dunno. But it's important to be aware of and NOT take on board the massive amount of accumulated bs weighing down on this word.
@Jwb I really don't think that it's fair to have the same degree of consideration for the Jewish people having a state as for any other group of people. Jewish people historically face a particular threat outside a country of their own, and taking that into account is important (the same goes for any other group of people in a similar position, but I don't think any other group faces as global and enduring a threat). Otherwise I agree with your opinion on the existence of Israel (anyone deserving a state is nonsense) but I do think jadis is right about the semantics thing
The state of Israel has the right to exist, yo. Think of all the crap Moses went through. :laughing:
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 15, 2023, 04:35 PM@Jwb I really don't think that it's fair to have the same degree of consideration for the Jewish people having a state as for any other group of people. Jewish people historically face a particular threat outside a country of their own, and taking that into account is important (the same goes for any other group of people in a similar position, but I don't think any other group faces as global and enduring a threat). Otherwise I agree with your opinion on the existence of Israel (anyone deserving a state is nonsense) but I do think jadis is right about the semantics thing
You don't think it's fair, but try to understand what I was saying and tell me which part you actually disagree with:
@jadis told me that I was a zionist because I don't want to annihilate the state of Israel. I simply pointed out that me not wanting to annihilate Israel is not based on any dedication to the idea of the necessity of a Jewish homeland as a safe haven for Jews, but just based sheerly on the pragmatic circumstances of the matter. They exist now and millions of people live there, regardless of any of the historical circumstances. That's why I wouldn't support annihilating the state of Israel , and yes that's the same logic that applies in my eyes to virtually every regime on the planet. There's nothing unique about my stance on Israel, in that regard.
Also, sorry if this part sounds especially unfair, but the historical persecution of the jews literally has nothing to do with my stance, in this regard. Even if they had never faced any persecution throughout their entire history, that wouldn't change my position on whether the state of Israel should be annihilated.
Pointing out said persecution would be relevant if I bought into the argument that the persecution they historically faced made the creation of a Jewish homeland a necessity in order to provide a safe haven for Jews. I have already given my thoughts on why that argument doesn't convince me. Given that I don't adhere to this line of thinking, nor do I think the Jews' ancient cultural ties to the land entitled them to attempt to make a Jewish state there, it seems strange to insist that I am a zionist based merely on the lack of a desire to annihilate Israel.
Another aspect to consider is that technically, if there was a possible one state solution where it wasn't the state of Israel but was replaced with a representative democracy that gave full rights to all residents, assuming they would be peaceful about it, I certainly wouldn't oppose it. Obviously I realize that isn't really a pragmatically feasible scenario given the antipathy on both sides for one another, but again, this is a mere pragmatic consideration. Not an ideological principle.
Quote from: Jwb on Dec 16, 2023, 03:20 AMAnother aspect to consider is that technically, if there was a possible one state solution where it wasn't the state of Israel but was replaced with a representative democracy that gave full rights to all residents, assuming they would be peaceful about it, I certainly wouldn't oppose it. Obviously I realize that isn't really a pragmatically feasible scenario given the antipathy on both sides for one another, but again, this is a mere pragmatic consideration. Not an ideological principle.
Israel doesn't seem to believe in the idea of a melting pot democracy, and considering the part of the world they occupy it isn't that hard to understand why they feel that way. It would be nice to think that they could become a real "representative democracy" at some point in the not-so-distant future though.
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 16, 2023, 01:05 AM(https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/765/157/333.jpg)
Worst party ever.
Quote from: jadis on Dec 15, 2023, 01:42 PMFeel free to address the MB post, I'm interested in what you find contentios about it. I'm for keeping this discussion as free form as possible so that many different points can be raised and there's an exchange of information and opinion that allows one to reframe things and not get stuck in the same blind alleys.
Semantics is very important here though. The way the Z word is being bandied around smuggles in the sense that an opposition to it, something called "anti-Zionist", is a legitimate position. It's not. It's an eliminationist lunacy, either dressed up in a liberationist word salad or transparently jihadist. Actually, it's increasingly both at the same time (as people try to negotiate the gap between their Fanon quotes and the honest, no-nonsense jihadism of Hamas, illiterate mass murderers who don't give a shit about the woke alibi for killing Jews (https://twitter.com/amjadt25/status/1734299951771869541)). I get that it makes no sense to group you (or me, for that matter) under the same umbrella as Dersh or whoever is the most vocal and visible advocate of Israel in the US these days. Maybe we can talk about upper case and low case Z, dunno. But it's important to be aware of and NOT take on board the massive amount of accumulated bs weighing down on this word.
I've frequently heard people say the anti-zionist line and my interpretation is that the way the term is understood in colloquial use is that zionist/anti-zionist are just used interchangeably with terms like pro-israel and pro-palestine. The vast majority of people who I've heard say they were against zionism would nonetheless agree with me that Israel shouldn't be annihilated.
You can argue these terms are being widely misused, and frankly it seems like you and I don't even see eye to eye on how the term should be used, but I think that potential disagreement is far from the top of the list of the more meaningful and interesting differences we probably have. Which is why I said the thing about not getting bogged down in semantics. Not because I don't think it's important at all, but to a certain extent I do think these labels are more likely to serve as a distraction from the more meaningful discourse.
However, you do seem to suggest it's not just a matter of misuse but some more deliberate attempt to legitimize genocidal thinking. That could be an interesting angle if you could actually substantiate it. But other than that I find the question of who is or isn't a zionist much less worthy of attention than the basic question of what is to be done.
Quote from: Jwb on Dec 16, 2023, 03:20 AMYou don't think it's fair, but try to understand what I was saying and tell me which part you actually disagree with:
@jadis told me that I was a zionist because I don't want to annihilate the state of Israel. I simply pointed out that me not wanting to annihilate Israel is not based on any dedication to the idea of the necessity of a Jewish homeland as a safe haven for Jews, but just based sheerly on the pragmatic circumstances of the matter. They exist now and millions of people live there, regardless of any of the historical circumstances. That's why I wouldn't support annihilating the state of Israel , and yes that's the same logic that applies in my eyes to virtually every regime on the planet. There's nothing unique about my stance on Israel, in that regard.
Also, sorry if this part sounds especially unfair, but the historical persecution of the jews literally has nothing to do with my stance, in this regard. Even if they had never faced any persecution throughout their entire history, that wouldn't change my position on whether the state of Israel should be annihilated.
Pointing out said persecution would be relevant if I bought into the argument that the persecution they historically faced made the creation of a Jewish homeland a necessity in order to provide a safe haven for Jews. I have already given my thoughts on why that argument doesn't convince me. Given that I don't adhere to this line of thinking, nor do I think the Jews' ancient cultural ties to the land entitled them to attempt to make a Jewish state there, it seems strange to insist that I am a zionist based merely on the lack of a desire to annihilate Israel.
Another aspect to consider is that technically, if there was a possible one state solution where it wasn't the state of Israel but was replaced with a representative democracy that gave full rights to all residents, assuming they would be peaceful about it, I certainly wouldn't oppose it. Obviously I realize that isn't really a pragmatically feasible scenario given the antipathy on both sides for one another, but again, this is a mere pragmatic consideration. Not an ideological principle.
I don't really want to debate but suffice to say the use of the word anti-zionist is manipulated by antisemites with the goal of having it seem like everyone who doesnt believe in the traditional religious jewish homeland is on their side and having their own position seem acceptable. That means we should be careful with it, and 'anti' also implies something far less neutral than you are. Anyway I'm sure jadis knows more about that than I do. I haven't followed the discussion but I'd genuinely like to read your thoughts on why a Jewish state is not strongly desirable (if not necessary) for their safety and stability
QuoteI can get having a knee jerk reaction to cringe protesters. But let's get real. If someone in Montreal
is seriously considering moving to Israel right now out of a concern for safety, I think they've lost the plot.
How about Jews in Melbourne? Does a
spike in antisemitic abuse by 738 percent (https://www.news.com.au/national/australian-jews-suffer-738-per-cent-spike-in-antisemitic-abuse/news-story/33ed1f60ff568d31ce399b325bbc03a2) entitle you to seriously consider moving to Israel or are you still deluded if you do?
QuoteECAJ co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said Jewish families were now being forced to have "difficult conversations" about their place in Australia.
"Parents are speaking to their children about not disclosing their Jewishness in public, about hiding Jewish attire and symbols," he said.
Quote from: jadis on Dec 16, 2023, 02:55 PMHow about Jews in Melbourne? Does a spike in antisemitic abuse by 738 percent (https://www.news.com.au/national/australian-jews-suffer-738-per-cent-spike-in-antisemitic-abuse/news-story/33ed1f60ff568d31ce399b325bbc03a2) entitle you to seriously consider moving to Israel or are you still deluded if you do?
You would have to break it down for me, cause I don't know whether Melbourne is safer for Jews than Israel is. A 738 percent spike doesn't quite tell me whether Melbourne is safer than Israel or not.
If Israel is safer than Melbourne is, then either its really not that dangerous in Israel at all, or it is way more dangerous in Melbourne than I expected. Which one do you think it is?
The issue is whether you feel safe as a visibly Jewish person or whether you move around in the expectation of harassment that can escalate to violence. The latter has been the soul-destroying reality of Jews in certain parts of France and Belgium (to speak only of the parts of Europe I'm somewhat familiar with, read about and know people who fled them) since the second intifada. It appears that since October 7 this phenomenon has spread elsewhere in the West.
Whatever else is true of Israel, you can be visibly Jewish here.
t's also ironic that you are citing recent antisemitic spikes which are presumably based largely on backlash towards Israel as evidence in favor of the view that the existence of Israel makes Jews safer. Js lol
Quote from: jadis on Dec 16, 2023, 03:34 PMThe issue is whether you feel safe as a visibly Jewish person or whether you move around in the expectation of harassment that can escalate to violence. The latter has been the soul-destroying reality of Jews in certain parts of France and Belgium (to speak only of the parts of Europe I'm somewhat familiar with, read about and know people who fled them) since the second intifada. It appears that since October 7 this phenomenon has spread elsewhere in the West.
Whatever else is true of Israel, you can be visibly Jewish here.
You can be visibly Jewish in America. Minus the rockets. Plus the AR-15s to defend yourself.
That a people hated for their religion and for their race, for their supposed influence on world affairs and for their marginality, for their economical activity and for their intellectualism, their taste for abstraction and their dangerous sexuality etc etc would also be hated for their state with a burning passion!
You are smart enough to see through a pile of bs as transparent as this if it was on any other issue, but that you don't is the least surprising thing in the world. Some of literally the smartest people in the history of the world had trouble thinking through this one, not just billions of retards.
Just a little food for thought. Some good points along the lines of what jadis is talking about.
@jadis I would be much more likely to be convinced if you tried making an actual argument. So far you really haven't addressed any point I do make, so I don't think you've earned the right to try patronizing me just yet.
I simply won't be convinced by your pearl clutching over antisemitism. Try a new approach. Maybe one that doesn't grant a state carte Blanche to do whatever they want, shielded by an iron dome of antisemitism accusations.
Yeah I don't feel like trying to convince you of anything.
You seem to regard the insane rise in antisemitism as a natural response to a conflict in a faraway country rather than evidence of a civilizational disease.
I find it's concerning that according to the new Harvard poll two thirds of US Zoomers believe this
But I'm also too familiar with the rhetoric — where Israel is painted as the global summum malum, while concern about antisemitism is viewed as evidence that those concerned are up to something — that brought us here to be surprised by it. I don't think you can combat a hate as deeply ingrained with good arguments and concessions that the state of Israel is far from perfect.
Quote from: Nimbly9 on Dec 17, 2023, 12:30 AMJust a little food for thought. Some good points along the lines of what jadis is talking about.
I really liked this one. Bits reminded me of the best article written on the heels of October 7 (and one of the best I've ever read on Israel-Palestine) https://mosaicmagazine.com/essay/israel-zionism/2023/11/ecstasy-and-amnesia-in-the-gaza-strip/
Quote from: jadis on Dec 17, 2023, 10:39 AMYeah I don't feel like trying to convince you of anything.
You seem to regard the insane rise in antisemitism as a natural response to a conflict in a faraway country rather than evidence of a civilizational disease.
I find it's concerning that according to the new Harvard poll two thirds of US Zoomers believe this
But I'm also too familiar with the rhetoric — where Israel is painted as the global summum malum, while concern about antisemitism is viewed as evidence that those concerned are up to something — that brought us here to be surprised by it. I don't think you can combat a hate as deeply ingrained with good arguments and concessions that the state of Israel is far from perfect.
That's such a stupid mis leading poll, they should have said Zionists and not Jews. They are just looking for reasons for people to be antisemitic when most people are just against Zionists in general the ones in power not your average jew off the street.
If there's one thing railing against "Zionists" is known for it's never spilling over into abuse of Jews, eh?
The poll shows both how loosely college students grasp these issues (you are no better), and how fraught all those terms are. When you obsessively demonize the only Jewish state in the world and believe that posters of kidnapped Israeli babies are "Zionist propaganda" I don't see how the barrier between hating imaginary Zionists and harming real Jews doesn't get blown the fuck up. It does, every time.
I always say that we're all Zionists as a way of trying to get the sting out of this word. But it's a quixotic effort when there's a huge weight of accumulated wisdom and mute prejudice weighing down on every single aspect of this topic.
I'm going to walk the fuck out of this conversation because I can already tell by your tone that you are the type of person that equates someone being pro-Palestinian with being pro- Hamas.
Bye have fun in this thread. I'm out.
Aside from people getting their brain signals mixed up and confusing the actions of the state of Israel with jewish people in general, why would US Americans not like Jews?
Is it a christian thing?
Supporting the Palestinian cause vs supporting Hamas is like the Jew/Zionist thing: a perfectly viable distinction until shit gets real.
The irony of a Scandinavian asking why would those weird racist Americans not like Jews.
Quote from: jadis on Dec 17, 2023, 12:54 PMThe irony of a Scandinavian asking why would those weird racist Americans not like Jews.
Seeing as I'm such a dumb yokel, I'd appreciate it if you'd explain this comment.
Why is it ironic that a Scandinavian would ask about what motivates anti-Semitism in the US?
Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 17, 2023, 12:49 PMAside from people getting their brain signals mixed up and confusing the actions of the state of Israel with jewish people in general, why would US Americans not like Jews?
Is it a christian thing?
Some of it is the white Christians, some of it is the African-American community and a few other places. The idea is that major financial institutions like BlackRock and organizations like Disney, as well as major film studios, favor Jewish leadership over people from other kinds of backgrounds. So instead of white supremacy its like a form of systemic Jewish supremacy that emphasizes control over wealth in these particular industries (finance and entertainment) and presumably locks out people of color (and also locks out God-fearing Christians) from those opportunities.
Quote from: jadis on Dec 17, 2023, 10:39 AMYeah I don't feel like trying to convince you of anything.
You seem to regard the insane rise in antisemitism as a natural response to a conflict in a faraway country rather than evidence of a civilizational disease.
I find it's concerning that according to the new Harvard poll two thirds of US Zoomers believe this
But I'm also too familiar with the rhetoric — where Israel is painted as the global summum malum, while concern about antisemitism is viewed as evidence that those concerned are up to something — that brought us here to be surprised by it. I don't think you can combat a hate as deeply ingrained with good arguments and concessions that the state of Israel is far from perfect.
You really think it's more effective to just endlessly play the victim card? It's incredibly frustrating. I'm not going to even look at whatever chart it is or anything else that you post until you start treating this convo like a 2 way street.
It seems to me that you are interested in trying to convince me. You are just either unwilling to risk getting in an actual argument with me where it's not just you lecturing me like one of your students, or maybe you think the discussion will get heated and cause animosity, or maybe you simply realize in the back of your mind that you actually don't have a satisfactory response.
It certainly doesn't make sense for you to in one post try to change my mind with the cheap tactic of "you're too smart for this" and then in the next post act disinterested in changing my mind. I'm frustrated more by the condescension combined with the lack of an attempt to make a real argument than anything else
Also, I would think we are both smart enough to realize neither of us are changing each other's minds. Probably on any topic.
The point of these discussions is to air out arguments on both sides. For the sheer sake of doing so. That's all it's ever been.
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 16, 2023, 12:39 PMI don't really want to debate but suffice to say the use of the word anti-zionist is manipulated by antisemites with the goal of having it seem like everyone who doesnt believe in the traditional religious jewish homeland is on their side and having their own position seem acceptable. That means we should be careful with it, and 'anti' also implies something far less neutral than you are. Anyway I'm sure jadis knows more about that than I do. I haven't followed the discussion but I'd genuinely like to read your thoughts on why a Jewish state is not strongly desirable (if not necessary) for their safety and stability
I forgot to respond to this. I had already addressed this point in a previous post which I assumed was in this thread, but I think it was actually in the other thread before I moved the discussion over here.
Basically, I acknowledge that in let's say Theodor Herzl's day, it could have seemed like a compelling argument that the only way Jews would be safe was through a nation state of their own. Herzl in some ways never got to see how correctly placed his fears were, as he died 40 years before the holocaust happened.
But Europe is a different place than it was 100 years ago. And so is the United states. That's not to say antisemitism isn't an issue in these societies, but it's not nearly on the level that it used to be. And liberal democracies where people are supposed to share equal rights are the favored structure. These societies are supposed to be safe for all groups, including jews. I think that is largely the case, and I think it's better to invest in structures like these that are open ended and capable of theoretically absorbing immigrants from any population, as opposed to investing in nationalist projects which then lead to further division and animosity, particularly in the region where you set this up.
It's funny to imagine we are talking about a group that supposedly faces opposition every where they go, that we're going to import them to a strip of land in one of the most tumultuous regions in the world and let them try to work on building a state there, while there's already people living there who view you as foreigners. I don't think this would work out well with any group, but if you're going to argue that jews are especially hated then this makes that prospect even more dubious.
We often hear about, and you sort of yourself referred to, the almost universal quality of antisemitism. How it's global and enduring. I think there's reasons for this perception, many of which are based in Jewish tradition, but that it is somewhat over simplified. Sometimes I even hear this type of talking point from apparent anti-semites, who say something along the lines of no matter where these people go they end up causing problems.
The fact is, jews are a somewhat insular group and that has often been a source of alienation and distrust, so they did get persecuted here and there by different groups prior to Christianity. They also lived in a tumultuous part of the world. Having a state where they had one was even in ancient times a vulnerability that lead to multiple conquests and periods of exile.
But with that being said, the lions share of antisemitism can attributed to Christian europe. It's not nearly as deep and mysterious as some make it seem. They were the people who were accused of killing Christ.
The scientific antisemitism of the 19th century just grew out of what was an long standing animosity for Jews in Europe, and even the rise of rabid antisemitism in the middle east in the 20th century is in part attributed to nazi propaganda being spread to that region of the world, in combination with the mass migration of jews to Palestine and subsequent creation of Israel.
So I don't think any of this has actually made jews safer. I think that is a zionist myth, and frankly one that you don't even need to tell in order to make the argument that Israel has a right to defend itself and not be annihilated. You can easily make that argument based purely on the sovereignty that is afforded to any nation state. So I think this is a distraction.
Ultimately I would really like it if we didn't solely focus on antisemites or the supposed genocidal undertones to terms like anti-zionist, if we actually talk about what is happening right now in Israel. Because the only plausible genocide scenario I can see is the Israelis ethnically cleansing Gaza.
Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 17, 2023, 01:09 PMSeeing as I'm such a dumb yokel, I'd appreciate it if you'd explain this comment.
Why is it ironic that a Scandinavian would ask about what motivates anti-Semitism in the US?
idk about scandinavians specifically but you have to see that asking what motivates antisemitism anywhere is really very naive
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 17, 2023, 07:58 PMidk about scandinavians specifically but you have to see that asking what motivates antisemitism anywhere is really very naive
Jadis posts a chart that says 67% of what I assume represent US citizens aged 18 to 24 describe Jews, as a class, as oppressors.
Maybe I am naive for not immediately understanding why this is. I guess I'm naive, then.
Quote from: Nimbly9 on Dec 17, 2023, 03:11 PMSome of it is the white Christians, some of it is the African-American community and a few other places. The idea is that major financial institutions like BlackRock and organizations like Disney, as well as major film studios, favor Jewish leadership over people from other kinds of backgrounds. So instead of white supremacy its like a form of systemic Jewish supremacy that emphasizes control over wealth in these particular industries (finance and entertainment) and presumably locks out people of color (and also locks out God-fearing Christians) from those opportunities.
Thanks, friend 👌
Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 17, 2023, 08:49 PMJadis posts a chart that says 67% of what I assume represent US citizens aged 18 to 24 describe Jews, as a class, as oppressors.
Maybe I am naive for not immediately understanding why this is. I guess I'm naive, then.
well, you were asking why Americans don't like jews and given that they have received hatred from every population they have shared a country with, I felt it was a naive question. If it's specifically about why jews are considered oppressors, that's also always been a way in which antisemitism has manifested and been justified, and it always keeps popping up in new variations, so not much cause for surprise either. I suspect that it's worse among young people for two reasons: 1. young people are generally more left wing so they don't like the Israeli government and exremely rich people (and are too naive to recognise the 'jews are rich' claim for what it is) 2. this young generation has grown up at a time when the aftershock of the holocaust has died out (and its last survivors are disappearing) and I think the realisation of the seriousness of antisemitism is dwindling, but I may be overthinking there
Not to say our history has been perfect but again I think you are painting with a broad brush saying every country that has interacted with jews has had the same dynamic. There are certainly better and worse places historically for Jews to live, as well as better and worse time periods. I think America has not persecuted jews as much as certain European countries by a wide margin. America tended to aim more of its mob violence towards the black population.
In regard to the poll, there's a common perception of jews as the sort of man behind the red curtain pulling the strings. They tend to be high iq on average and have a culture that has always valued scholarly pursuits. As such they naturally have played a sort of outsized role in many domains, which is perfect conspiracy fodder for those with that mindset.
oh sure I'm not saying their treatment has been equally bad everywhere, but some level of hate and oppressor/invisible power conspiracy seems to be quite universal
Yes but that doesn't automatically explain why it is naive to be surprised by such a high percentage of young Americans believing that. America is not a rabidly antisemitic society nor does it have a history of being so. Not to mention that America, and particularly American Christians, as Netanyahu himself notes, are the biggest source of financial and ideological support for Israel worldwide.
So actually, no. Tore wasn't being naive by being surprised by such a stat. Very likely it has directly to do with all of the carnage that has happened in Gaza since Oct 7. Notice that the older you get in the poll, the less likely you are to believe the proposition. That tracks pretty well with how different age demos in this country feel about Israel.
@Jwb I know about being scapegoats for Jesus' murder, being money lenders in a time when christians weren't allowed to, conspiracy theories blossoming in WW2 Germany and elsewhere, but I'm definitely surprised if anti-semitism is increasing - possibly by a lot - in the younger demographic today. Of course there's the ongoing conflict, but it might be fueled by rhetoric outside of that and it's worth poking around in. I'm sure some sociologists are trying to do just that.
I'm asking about the US because Jadis brought up numbers from the US. I don't know if a current trend with anti-semitism among young people is a universal trend for universal reasons, though it might be.
Quote from: Jwb on Dec 18, 2023, 02:31 AMYes but that doesn't automatically explain why it is naive to be surprised by such a high percentage of young Americans believing that. America is not a rabidly antisemitic society nor does it have a history of being so. Not to mention that America, and particularly American Christians, as Netanyahu himself notes, are the biggest source of financial and ideological support for Israel worldwide.
So actually, no. Tore wasn't being naive by being surprised by such a stat. Very likely it has directly to do with all of the carnage that has happened in Gaza since Oct 7. Notice that the older you get in the poll, the less likely you are to believe the proposition. That tracks pretty well with how different age demos in this country feel about Israel.
yeah but that wasn't his initial question and I was reacting to that
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 18, 2023, 10:03 AMyeah but that wasn't his initial question and I was reacting to that
If you were a bit more generous in your assumptions, you might assume I was writing in reply to points brought up during the discussion. Sometimes - or even usually - I simply don't have time to write a carefully worded post that noone can misinterpret. A basic assumption that I'm following the thread is then nice.
This environment where my question is dismissed as ironic because it comes from a Scandinavian and then dismissed as naive, what does that achieve? I don't think it helps create an environment where meaningful discussion can actually flourish. Instead, you end up wasting energy on things which are completely besides what you were actually interested in, like this post and the one I wrote before it.
It's a big part why I have little taste for these discussions.
Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 18, 2023, 12:10 PMIf you were a bit more generous in your assumptions, you might assume I was writing in reply to points brought up during the discussion. Sometimes - or even usually - I simply don't have time to write a carefully worded post that noone can misinterpret. A basic assumption that I'm following the thread is then nice.
This environment where my question is dismissed as ironic because it comes from a Scandinavian and then dismissed as naive, what does that achieve? I don't think it helps create an environment where meaningful discussion can actually flourish. Instead, you end up wasting energy on things which are completely besides what you were actually interested in, like this post and the one I wrote before it.
It's a big part why I have little taste for these discussions.
The bolded is exactly why political discussions nowadays suck and people can't even be civil. They are either too up their own butt and feel superior about themselves to just have a general discussion OR the tribalism is so real that they are blinded by with team/talking points they subscribe to and just end up resorting to slinging insults at the other side.
nah dude pointing out that something is naive is hardly uncivil. I still think even in its most generous interpretation the question was a bit naive, and a face-value interpretation followed the disussion guybrush was replying to perfectly well. I see nothing weird about having interpreted it that way. I know I sometimes get impatient or dismissive in discussions, I'll take your point on that, but 1. I'm used to posting MB spicy style but already water it down here, I honestly don't think it's that bad and 2. I'm tired and upset about the Israel/Palestine conflict so patience is not my greatest virtue there
It's not uncivil to call something naive, if it actually is naive.
I interpreted tore's question to be why the stats were so high and what the source of that was. Not that he is bewildered by the mere concept of antisemitism existing. I still say that's really not at all a naive question and in order to say that it is you have to believe that there is an obvious reason why this poll came out as it did. To me it's not obvious at all. I gave my best guess but I don't think any of us really know for sure what drove that one particular poll result.
Well I don't entirely agree about the obviousness (what with general antisemitism, conspiracies about rich jew bankers, the current developments in Israel, and the (in general good) concern of young left wing people with colonialism) and I didn't interpret it quite like that, but agree to disagree
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 18, 2023, 08:45 PMnah dude pointing out that something is naive is hardly uncivil. I still think even in its most generous interpretation the question was a bit naive, and a face-value interpretation followed the disussion guybrush was replying to perfectly well. I see nothing weird about having interpreted it that way. I know I sometimes get impatient or dismissive in discussions, I'll take your point on that, but 1. I'm used to posting MB spicy style but already water it down here, I honestly don't think it's that bad and 2. I'm tired and upset about the Israel/Palestine conflict so patience is not my greatest virtue there
Okay I get the last statement you made but instead of just calling him naive, you could have just answered the question or if you didn't feel like answering the question then you didn't need to post at all. It's just weird to drop it to say "ha ha you are a naive person for asking a question" then kind of buzz off without answering said question.
If it seems like I'm being defensive, it's because I'm a curious person and I ask questions when I don't know/understand something. I've had people do what you do or just like be super dismissive and insulting instead of answering the simple question.
I subscribe to the school of thought that they are no dumb questions. Just questions that have gone unanswered. No matter how simple the question is, I would answer it for the person but that's just me and I don't expect me out of others.
Team Marie.
My actions are being called weird, how uncivil! Mods!
But seriously, 'haha you're being naive' was not at all the tone of my post. And the was you describe the context is also not right
that might not have been your intention for the post but that's definitely how it came off to me. I don't want to speak for anyone else besides myself but it very much screamed that.
You can have dissenting opinions. I'm not trying to say we have to be all care bear over here but your initial naive post didn't really add anything to the discussion. All you had to do was answer his question or don't post anything at all.
Mad weirdo vibes.
Mate guybrush was wondering why jadis was being so sarcastic and I just pointed out that I thought his question was naive as a possible explanation for that
okay got it. I'll let this go.
:beer: cheers for putting up with my silly mood
Next time either post or don't, Marie. That's where you went wrong. You can either do it or not do it, but it came across to me like you did but didn't.
Quote from: Marie Monday on Dec 19, 2023, 11:48 AMMate guybrush was wondering why jadis was being so sarcastic and I just pointed out that I thought his question was naive as a possible explanation for that
the reason he got so sarcastic is because the only tools in the ziomist toolbelt are sarcasm, antisemitism accusations and other such Jewish mind tricks.
Love ya jadis. No hard feelings pal. :p
Quote from: degrassi.knoll on Dec 19, 2023, 06:02 PMNext time either post or don't, Marie. That's where you went wrong. You can either do it or not do it, but it came across to me like you did but didn't.
I feel like we have run this mini argument into the ground guys.
Time to get back to the issue at hand. Raise your hand if you are confident Israel isn't going to end up ethnically cleansing the Gaza strip.
So far they aren't giving much in the way of indicating who it is they want to take over Gaza, after they finish Hamas off (assuming that they manage to do so). That's not exactly the most hopeful sign for their long term prospects.
So I got into a discussion with this lady that's super Pro-Israel and I wanted to understand and have her explain to me what's the end game. I told her that even if they eliminated every single Hamas solider. There would create a void that would end up being filled by another group. Also while they are trying to wipe out every single Hamas solider the collateral damage of innocent Israelis AND Palestines will continue to rise.
Quote from: Guybrush on Dec 18, 2023, 08:41 AMThanks @Jwb
I know about being scapegoats for Jesus' murder, being money lenders in a time when christians weren't allowed to, conspiracy theories blossoming in WW2 Germany and elsewhere, but I'm definitely surprised if anti-semitism is increasing - possibly by a lot - in the younger demographic today. Of course there's the ongoing conflict, but it might be fueled by rhetoric outside of that and it's worth poking around in. I'm sure some sociologists are trying to do just that.
I'm asking about the US because Jadis brought up numbers from the US. I don't know if a current trend with anti-semitism among young people is a universal trend for universal reasons, though it might be.
Interesting points you bring up, Guybrush. As you say, it IS worth poking around in.
I like watching Thomas Sowell on YT, and he opined that Jews are probably disliked because they are "successful". Well they may well be (along with other successful non-Jewish peeps), and one must ask oneself if it is fueled purely by monetary jealousy, or other spiritual and cultural drivers upon which the West currently pulsates?
I'm christian (not very practising mind you) and I'm sure I partook in my school years in banter about the stingy long noses, whilst they fought back with "why wasn't Jesus born in Ireland?, because they couldn't find a virgin and three wise men", that sort of thing.
EDIT: There are occasional tensions in SW France in the cities, but I'm still convinced they are down to socio-economic factors, not religious or cultural.
Quote from: Saulaac on Dec 20, 2023, 01:06 AMwhilst they fought back with "why wasn't Jesus born in Ireland?, because they couldn't find a virgin and three wise men", that sort of thing.
Haven't heard that in a long time but lolol.
Speaking of the WEF...
'The Western world is in danger': Argentina's Milei, a self-described 'anarcho-capitalist,' urges Davos elite to reject socialism (https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/17/argentina-president-javier-milei-urges-davos-elite-to-reject-socialism.html)QuoteArgentina's president, Javier Milei, on Wednesday called on business and political leaders to reject socialism and instead embrace "free enterprise capitalism" to bring an end to world poverty.
"Today, I'm here to tell you that the Western world is in danger," Milei said in a special address at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, according to a translation.
"And it is in danger because those who are supposed to have to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism, and thereby to poverty," he added.
I wanted to respond to this post from jadis like a couple weeks ago in the 2024 primary thread but it seems like a discussion more fit for this thread. So I'll reply in here.
Quote from: jadis on Jan 26, 2024, 08:11 PMBasically I think Rettig Gur answers most of this. The normalization with the Gulf states is not just a strategic alliance against Iran, which it obviously is. It is also and more crucially a statement by the Gulf elites that the Muslim world doesn't have to be stuck in its retarded resentment against Israel. That they are better than that.
I too used to think that the campaign to subsume the Palestinian issue under Iran was disingenuous (and to the extent it's coming from Netanyahu it kinda is*). But as I see it today, Palestinians are merely the tip of the spear of Arab/Muslim resentment against the existence of a Jewish state: once the Palestinians decide that their main goal is acquiring a state for themselves, as opposed to annihilating the Jewish one, resolving the territorial issue shouldn't be too difficult. On these points I recommend the work of Shany Mor and Hussein Mansour Aboubakr. Specifically, this is the best and most lucid thing (https://archive.md/G5rAX) I've ever read on this conflict. If you don't have the energy to read it, he lays out his argument here (https://youtu.be/hxgjAtVX_mM?si=DoB1XZ98z19vy0GR). I like this essay so much I also listened to him discussing it with Rettig Gur and Mansour Aboubakr on this podcast (https://podcasts.apple.com/il/podcast/the-tikvah-podcast/id921756215?i=1000636366203). Obviously one doesn't have to agree with everything or anything they say but that's what makes sense to me today.
*What I mean here is that this man doesn't have Israel's best interest at heart. The thing with Obama over the Iran deal for example: if he cared about Israel as opposed to appearing big dicked to his base, he would've gotten something tangible from the Americans once it was clear that the deal is going to be signed. For example, to get Iran out of Syria, something along these lines. He could've gotten some concessions. Instead he went for optics and severely compromised Israel's standing with Democrats.
Yeah so I listened to your first link. I found it interesting but fundamentally it doest't change my calculus at all.
First off I'm not nearly as convinced as he is that the Saudis are in fact "better than that." As I have detailed they have ample reasons for being motivated to pursue military and economic relations with Israel. I think these reasons are much more what is at play than any sort of serious ideological commitment on the part of the Saudi regime.
What's kind of funny is that we started this conversation talking about Bidens legacy in the Middle East. Biden started his presidency by taking a uniquely hostile tone with MBS and the Saudi government, which had just gotten itself into hot water for all the world to see when they murdered and dismembered a famous US based journalist who had been critical of the Saudis. Biden responded by calling them a repugnant regime and indicating that he wants to take a tougher stance with them and stop lending so much undue legitimacy to what is truly a backward regime. Fast forward 2 years later and we're literally in negotiations with them to possibly assist them along the path to developing nuclear energy (which we all know they would never use for anything else) as one of the conditions for the normalization process with Israel.
So which Biden was right about the Saudis? The one who called them a repugnant regime or the one who reluctantly came to terms with their vital strategic role in what he thought would be a foreign policy W? I would say that they were both right. Saudi Arabia is in fact a key strategic ally. They're also the kind of savage desert monarchy that not only holds mass public executions via beheading, for certain heinous sex crimes they crucify the beheaded corpse. Which is always a good sign that a society is forward thinking and looking to embrace modernity.
In addition to this, not only 8 months prior to Oct 7 they were entertaining a possible deal with Iran to normalize relations, brokered by China, much to the chagrin of both the US and Israel. Because ultimately they are interested in winding down the brutal and failed war effort in Yemen. If a peace with Iran were possible the Saudis wouldn't necessarily rule it out. But the extent to which they've been driven into Israel's arms is largely contingent on the extent to which they become convinced that such a solution isn't really available. That's my assessment of the situation.
Might the Abraham accords and the normalization process go on anyway? Sure. It wouldn't be that surprising, let's put it that way. But even so I see it once again more as an emerging alliance against Iran than a path to peace or a new Middle East or anything of the sort. We can already see what the new Middle East looks like and it's giving a lot of old Middle East vibes atm.
Former rebel leader arrives in Haiti's capital as protests against prime minister gain momentum (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/former-rebel-leader-arrives-haitis-capital-protests-prime-106998046)QuoteGuy Philippe — who played a key role in the 2004 rebellion against former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide — was briefly spotted in the upscale community of Pétionville in Port-au-Prince, where he shook hands with Haitians at a park in front of a police station before he left. It wasn't immediately clear where Philippe was going, but dozens of motorcycle drivers, clearly his supporters, tried to track him down across streets blocked by burning tires.
Aren't we supposed to be sending Kenyan troops funded by the United States to go instill order in Haiti? It's basically a failed state at this point.
Seychelles drops witchcraft charges against opposition's Patrick Herminie (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-68307827)
Does anyone know what happened with Rafah? I was too distracted by the Super Bowl to notice the latest massacre by the Zionists of the IDF.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Feb 16, 2024, 01:27 AMDoes anyone know what happened with Rafah? I was too distracted by the Super Bowl to notice the latest massacre by the Zionists of the IDF.
Tbh, I started reading about it and there was a picture of a bleeding orphaned child in some bombed rubble and a woman with a bandaged headwound with a lot of blood in her face. It said 60% of all structures in Gaza had been bombed to smithereens and then I thought hey, let's read something else.
Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 16, 2024, 08:06 AMTbh, I started reading about it and there was a picture of a bleeding orphaned child in some bombed rubble and a woman with a bandaged headwound with a lot of blood in her face. It said 60% of all structures in Gaza had been bombed to smithereens and then I thought hey, let's read something else.
I heard a horror story that a 6 year old girl that lost her family from a bombing was then kidnapped and murdered by the IDF. Thats the point where I decided to not look more into it but I will go back and research it eventually.
Some recent homophobia in the global news...
St. Vincent upholds laws criminalizing gay sex in Caribbean island nation in setback for activists (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/st-vincent-upholds-laws-criminalizing-gay-sex-blow-107293027)
Zimbabwe's vice president says the government will block a scholarship for LGBTQ+ people (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/zimbabwes-vice-president-government-block-scholarship-lgbtq-people-107292454)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Feb 17, 2024, 03:21 PMSome recent homophobia in the global news...
St. Vincent upholds laws criminalizing gay sex in Caribbean island nation in setback for activists (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/st-vincent-upholds-laws-criminalizing-gay-sex-blow-107293027)
Zimbabwe's vice president says the government will block a scholarship for LGBTQ+ people (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/zimbabwes-vice-president-government-block-scholarship-lgbtq-people-107292454)
The first one is kind of strange. My family is from Grenada and there has been a bigger community of LGBT+ growing there over the past couple of years. They even have pride parade there because there are so many people that come there.
Polish farmers block Ukraine's border as they intensify protests against non-EU imports (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/polish-farmers-block-ukraines-border-intensify-protests-eu-107359633)
Wikileaks founder's last bid to resist extradition to the U.S. (https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2024/02/21/exp-assange-hearing-second-day-foster-live-022008aseg2-cnni-world.cnn)
I support Gary Sambrook & Andrew Mitchell!
I'm considered a huge conservative party supporter!
Quote from: Mindy on Feb 26, 2024, 05:01 PMI support Gary Sambrook & Andrew Mitchell!
I'm considered a huge conservative party supporter!
Why have you mentioned two Tory cunts from Birmingham?
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Feb 26, 2024, 05:05 PMWhy have you mentioned two Tory cunts from Birmingham?
I support them! 8)
Greek police carry out raids and arrests after resurgence in far-left militant attacks (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/greek-police-carry-raids-arrests-after-resurgence-left-107602590)
Gangs threaten Haiti takeover after mass jailbreak (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68462851)
George Galloway WINS LANDSLIDE VICTORY in Rochdale By-election
Ghana's parliament passes strict new anti-LGBTQ legislation to extend sentences and expand scope (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ghana-anti-lgbtq-legislation-passed-by-parliament/)
@Lisnaholic thoughts on the upcoming UK general election?
Seems like Labour are going to storm it ala Blair 1997 or at least get close.
U.S. military airlifts embassy staff from Port-au-Prince amid Haiti's escalating gang violence (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-military-airlifts-evacuation-staff-embassy-port-au-prince-haiti-gang-violence/)
Ukraine criticises Pope's 'white flag' comment (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68528217)
Upending the "West's Dictatorship." New MP George Galloway on the Next Era of Politics
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Mar 06, 2024, 04:25 PM@Lisnaholic thoughts on the upcoming UK general election?
Seems like Labour are going to storm it ala Blair 1997 or at least get close.
I'm sorry to say that I don't follow UK politics very closely these days, but I have picked up the fact that the image of the Tories stays at rock bottom. Remember the Liz Truss fiasco?? In autumn 2023 Britain watched the total humiliation of a major political party, and somehow the Tories don't seem to have bounced back much in terms of public appeal, so yeah, it could be a Labour landslide. Time for me to dig a bit deeper into the election issues. Thanks for the heads up, jj :thumb:
In other news, this Brit invention is surely set to be a global game-changer:-
They say money makes the world go round, and it's for sure that when things get cheap, they get popular. Anyone shopping around for a cost-effective air defense system will raise their eyebrows when they read this:-
QuoteThe [UK] Defense Ministry put the price of firing a 10-second laser burst [from DragonFire] at around $13. In contrast, the Standard Missile-2 used by the United States Navy for air defense costs more than $2 million per shot.
@Lisnaholic there is an ongoing race scandal going on atm with the Tories being pressured to hand back £10m in donations to their biggest backer.
50 killed in anti-sorcery rituals after being forced to drink "mysterious liquid," Angola officials say (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/50-dead-anti-sorcery-rituals-mysterious-liquid-angola-officials/)Quote"It's a widespread practice to make people drink the supposed poison because of the belief in witchcraft," provincial police spokesperson Antonio Hossi told the radio network, warning that cases were on the rise.
Angola does not have laws against witchcraft, leaving communities to deal with the issue as they see fit.
Allegations of sorcery are often settled by traditional healers, or "marabouts," by having the accused ingest a toxic herbal drink called "Mbulungo." Death is believed by many to prove guilt.
With the election behind him, Russia's leader says he aims to create a buffer zone in Ukraine (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/putin-russia-planning-buffer-zone-protect-ukrainian-cross-108236049)
George Galloway MP - The MOATS Monologue
@FETCHER. Thoughts on this?
QuoteRishi Sunak faces revolt over plan to criminalise homelessness
Dozens of Tory MPs on the party's left and right are prepared to challenge proposals in the Criminal Justice Bill to move on, fine or jail rough sleepers
Unreal even for this lot. Tory scum.
What the fuck
Caricature disgusting Tory behaviour
Wired reports (https://www.wired.com/story/baltimore-bridge-collapse-conspiracy-theories) - Online Conspiracies About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse Are Out of Control
"A non-exhaustive list of things that are getting blamed for the bridge collapse on Telegram and X include President Biden, Hamas, ISIS, P. Diddy, Nickelodeon, India, former president Barack Obama, Islam, aliens, Sri Lanka, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, Wokeness, Ukraine, foreign aid, the CIA, Jewish people, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Covid vaccines, DEI, immigrants, Black people, and lockdowns."
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 01, 2024, 08:07 PM@FETCHER. Thoughts on this?
I've not read much on it so far but the general consensus is wtf lol
What are everyone's thoughts on what's going down in Haiti?
Haiti's surge in gang violence has led more than 53,000 to flee the capital in less than three weeks (https://apnews.com/article/haiti-migration-violence-gangs-9283c96bc990827e6c020f6c59710be6)
I don't buy reports of cannibalism, I think that's a completely overblown narrative to generate clicks, but it is certainly a tragedy what's happening.
Quote from: SGR on Apr 03, 2024, 11:47 PMWhat are everyone's thoughts on what's going down in Haiti?
Haiti's surge in gang violence has led more than 53,000 to flee the capital in less than three weeks (https://apnews.com/article/haiti-migration-violence-gangs-9283c96bc990827e6c020f6c59710be6)
I don't buy reports of cannibalism, I think that's a completely overblown narrative to generate clicks, but it is certainly a tragedy what's happening.
So I heard that the root problem of what's going on is easy access to guns from America.
They get them here much cheaper then sell them for way higher prices in Haiti which gangs can now afford from all their criminal enterprises. The better guns they acquire the more power they gain. Higher caliber weapons are flowing through Haiti atm.
Senior UK lawmaker falls victim to a sexting scam (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/senior-uk-lawmaker-fell-victim-sexting-scam-colleagues-108885725)
Quotea senior Conservative admitted disclosing the personal phone numbers of some colleagues to an unknown individual who held "compromising" material on him.
Sounds like another noncing Tory.
A second UK lawmaker says he was targeted in a sexting scam. Police are investigating (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-lawmaker-targeted-sexting-scam-police-investigating-108942294)QuotePolitico said some of those targeted were sent naked images, with at least two reported to have responded by sending images of themselves.
My advice is to never upload or post anything online that you wouldn't want your own mother to see.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Apr 06, 2024, 05:01 PMA second UK lawmaker says he was targeted in a sexting scam. Police are investigating (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-lawmaker-targeted-sexting-scam-police-investigating-108942294)
My advice is to never upload or post anything online that you wouldn't want your own mother to see.
😂 I've been on the Internet for decades. It's too late to start now.
Quote from: SGR on Apr 03, 2024, 11:47 PMWhat are everyone's thoughts on what's going down in Haiti?
Haiti's surge in gang violence has led more than 53,000 to flee the capital in less than three weeks (https://apnews.com/article/haiti-migration-violence-gangs-9283c96bc990827e6c020f6c59710be6)
I don't buy reports of cannibalism, I think that's a completely overblown narrative to generate clicks, but it is certainly a tragedy what's happening.
The gangs in Haiti aren't just normal street gangs. They have political ties and are comprised of a lot of ex military. Haitis actual military was disbanded in the 90s due to human rights violations. All they have is the national police, which are severely undermanned and under equipped to instill order in the country. The gangs arguably comprise the largest armed force in what is basically a failed state. In addition, as Haitis official government continues to lose its grip on power, the gangs have also in some cases stepped in and filled the role of providing basic services that would usually fall to the state, such as running schools or clinics. So this does raise the obvious question of whether they are best conceptualized as mere gangs or as the earliest building blocks of a sort of proto-government.
The gangs have been applying violent pressure on Haiti's president, Ariel Henry, to step down. It seems to have worked. Henry just recently relinquished power. He had taken power after the previous president (Moise) was assassinated under dubious circumstances. Moise had just named Henry as his PM days before the assassination, only adding to the suspicions. Among those arrested for the murder were 18 Colombian mercenaries.
In addition, Henry had been linked to one of the main suspects (Joseph Badio) in the murder who was later arrested in 2023 and is essentially believed to be the one to put the hit out on Moise via the Colombian mercenaries mentioned earlier.
When Henry was confronted by Port-au-Prince's chief persecutor over the fact that he had had a phone call with Badio just hours after the killing, he fired said prosecutor. That was a mere few months after the July 2021 assassination.
Since then, Haiti has been ruled by an illegitimate government with little popular support that was being propped up by the United States and other interested parties.
Henry has been calling for help from western powers for a while. He wanted an international force to step in and put down the gangs, lead by the UN. U.N. forces have occupied the country twice in semi recent history. Once in 93-96 and again in 2004-2017. After their forces left, the power vacuum allowed for the rise of the gangs to their recent levels of power. As it stands the country has one of the lowest ratios of police to civilians in the entire world.
With the U.N. not willing to directly take the lead on this most recent operation, they are looking instead to basically shop it out to another country that will send a force of their own people while being funded by the United States. There was an agreement in place with Kenya to send around 1000 troops, but last I heard the Kenyans are having some second thoughts. Whether they are genuinely looking to back out or holding out for hopefully more money isn't exactly clear. It could be a combination of motivations. But in any case it the prospect of them stabilizing the country with 1000 troops that don't speak the native language nor have any sort of connection or ties to the local population was always dubious at best.
Quote from: Jwb on Apr 08, 2024, 01:30 AMThe gangs in Haiti aren't just normal street gangs. They have political ties and are comprised of a lot of ex military. Haitis actual military was disbanded in the 90s due to human rights violations. All they have is the national police, which are severely undermanned and under equipped to instill order in the country. The gangs arguably comprise the largest armed force in what is basically a failed state. In addition, as Haitis official government continues to lose its grip on power, the gangs have also in some cases stepped in and filled the role of providing basic services that would usually fall to the state, such as running schools or clinics. So this does raise the obvious question of whether they are best conceptualized as mere gangs or as the earliest building blocks of a sort of proto-government.
The gangs have been applying violent pressure on Haiti's president, Ariel Henry, to step down. It seems to have worked. Henry just recently relinquished power. He had taken power after the previous president (Moise) was assassinated under dubious circumstances. Moise had just named Henry as his PM days before the assassination, only adding to the suspicions. Among those arrested for the murder were 18 Colombian mercenaries.
In addition, Henry had been linked to one of the main suspects (Joseph Badio) in the murder who was later arrested in 2023 and is essentially believed to be the one to put the hit out on Moise via the Colombian mercenaries mentioned earlier.
When Henry was confronted by Port-au-Prince's chief persecutor over the fact that he had had a phone call with Badio just hours after the killing, he fired said prosecutor. That was a mere few months after the July 2021 assassination.
Since then, Haiti has been ruled by an illegitimate government with little popular support that was being propped up by the United States and other interested parties.
Henry has been calling for help from western powers for a while. He wanted an international force to step in and put down the gangs, lead by the UN. U.N. forces have occupied the country twice in semi recent history. Once in 93-96 and again in 2004-2017. After their forces left the power vacuum allowed for the rise of the gangs to their recent levels of power. As it stands the country has one of the lowest ratios of police to citizens in the entire world.
With the U.N. not willing to directly take the lead on this most recent operation, they are looking instead to basically shop it out to another country that will send a force of their own people while being funded by the United States. There was an agreement in place with Kenya to send around 1000 troops, but last I heard the Kenyans are having some second thoughts. Whether they are genuinely looking to back out or holding out for hopefully more money isn't exactly clear. It could be a combination of motivations. But in any case it the prospect of them stabilizing the country with 1000 troops that don't speak the native language nor have any sort of connection or ties to the local population was always dubious at best.
An excellent summary, thanks for that! Summarized much more concisely than any recent news article I've read about the situation and its context.
From the sounds of it, I'd guess that Ariel Henry had the backing of the American CIA, and they, in a sense, overtrhew the previous government via assassination.
I'm not so sure it goes that deep but I honestly have been recently learning about it myself.
Thing is, it seems more plausible to me that Henry just acted on his own and then the US stepped in to help him stay in power. The reason I say so is because as alluded to by the various occupations, transitions of power etc I referenced from the point of 1993 - now, instability is an unshakable trend in Haitian politics. So it's already not hard to imagine a Haitian leader being taken out by one of his rivals in a hired killing.
Also, the US hasn't exactly been desperate to keep Henry in power. They give very minimal and tepid attempts at stabilizing the current situation because it's really bad for their position, and in an election year on top of it. But the reason they aren't more gung ho about going down and setting things straight is cause we've tried that like a half dozen times before. They just want the situation to go away.
Protesters in southern Mexico set state government building afire and torch a dozen vehicles (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/protesters-southern-mexico-set-state-government-building-afire-109004971)
Kangana Ranaut, actor and BJP election candidate, denies eating beef (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68761734)
Haiti police recover hijacked cargo ship in rare victory after 5-hour shootout with gangs (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/haiti-police-recover-hijacked-cargo-ship-rare-victory-108996725)
Iran about to smash Israel.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 12, 2024, 07:50 PMhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68796363
Iran about to smash Israel.
Is the Shiite ready to hit the fan?
Spain will scrap 'golden visas' that allow wealthy non-EU residents to stay if they buy real estate (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/spain-scrap-golden-visas-wealthy-eu-residents-stay-108998028)
I doubt Iran will attack a population center. If they do, Israel will wipe out their leadership - and this would be the most opportune time for them to do so, and Iran must know that. All Iran needs to do is give them a reason.
Israel says it intercepted 99% of drones and missiles launched by Iran (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/latest-israel-hails-interception-drones-missiles-unprecedented-attack-109214109)QuoteIsrael praised the success of its defenses in the face of an unprecedented attack by Iran involving hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles.
An Israeli military spokesman said Sunday the launches numbered more than 300, but 99% of them were intercepted. Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Iran fired 170 drones, more than 30 cruise missiles and more than 120 ballistic missiles. Several ballistic missiles reached Israeli territory, causing minor damage to an air base.
That's very impressive if true.
I doubt Iran will have that kind of success defending itself against an Israeli counterattack if the Israelis decide to retaliate.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Apr 14, 2024, 02:13 PMIsrael says it intercepted 99% of drones and missiles launched by Iran (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/latest-israel-hails-interception-drones-missiles-unprecedented-attack-109214109)
That's very impressive if true.
I doubt Iran will have that kind of success defending itself against an Israeli counterattack if the Israelis decide to retaliate.
It's not that impressive when you learn that they were given a heads up it was gonna happen within 72 hours and that other countries help in with defending them. It was not Israel alone that defended against that attack. They did it this way on purpose.
New Zealand tightens visa rules as immigration minister says "unsustainable numbers coming into the country" (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/new-zealand-tighten-visa-rules-migration-levels-unsustainable/)
Quote from: DJChameleon on Apr 16, 2024, 12:21 AMIt's not that impressive when you learn that they were given a heads up it was gonna happen within 72 hours and that other countries help in with defending them. It was not Israel alone that defended against that attack. They did it this way on purpose.
Yeah, I think it was a fake 'attack' meant to keep up appearances with their public - not an actual retaliation. They had to respond in some way or the Iranian public would be pretty pissed.
Scotland to ditch key climate change target (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-68841141)
London police apologize after threatening to arrest 'openly Jewish' man near pro-Palestinian protest (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/london-police-apologize-after-threatening-arrest-openly-jewish-109457228)
Can see why the police did it. They don't want things to kick off. Not right obviously, but the fact they feared for his safety simply because he was visibly Jewish tells you all you need to know about the types of people at these Palestine protests.
The first apology is just taking the piss.
UK approves bill to send some asylum-seekers to Rwanda (https://abcnews.go.com/International/uk-approves-bill-send-asylum-seekers-rwanda/story?id=109525949)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Apr 23, 2024, 10:12 PMUK approves bill to send some asylum-seekers to Rwanda (https://abcnews.go.com/International/uk-approves-bill-send-asylum-seekers-rwanda/story?id=109525949)
Apparently this is going to cost £1.8m per deportee.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 23, 2024, 10:17 PMApparently this is going to cost £1.8m per deportee.
At first, I thought you made a typo on the cost per deportee. I looked at another article where the cost was mentioned and that figure appears to be correct.
I'd like to see an itemized list showing exactly where all of that money is going and what it's being used for.
I looked up one-way flights per person in coach class from London to Rwanda and came up with a cost of £735.76 for a flight leaving on July 1st.
That's what I thought, £1.8m has got to be bollocks but no apparently that is the real cost.
No money for doctors, nurses, the homeless or the disabled but billions to send some people to Rwanda.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Apr 24, 2024, 05:52 PMThat's what I thought, £1.8m has got to be bollocks but no apparently that is the real cost.
No money for doctors, nurses, the homeless or the disabled but billions to send some people to Rwanda.
Looks like the rulers of Rwanda aren't bribed cheaply.
Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi sentenced to death for songs critical of regime (https://abcnews.go.com/International/iranian-rapper-toomaj-salehi-sentenced-death-songs-critical/story?id=109575605)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Apr 25, 2024, 03:15 PMIranian rapper Toomaj Salehi sentenced to death for songs critical of regime (https://abcnews.go.com/International/iranian-rapper-toomaj-salehi-sentenced-death-songs-critical/story?id=109575605)
Yeah I sadly heard about this.
Humza might be on the way out already?
Hopefully 🤞. He's a fanny.
Spain accidentally releases alleged Dutch druglord Karim Bouyakhrichan (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68882474)
Irish government wants to send asylum seekers back to UK (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68914399)
Humza Yousaf, the most reported man in Scotland for racial hate speech, has resigned.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Apr 28, 2024, 12:49 PMIrish government wants to send asylum seekers back to UK (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68914399)
You've got to laugh.
Ex-U.K. leader Boris Johnson turned away from polling station for forgetting photo ID under law he ushered in (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boris-johnson-turned-away-voter-id-uk/)
Tories smashed to bits in the local elections.
Our mayor has gone too.
Hopefully this is the start of better times.
Russia calls France leader Macron refusing to rule out troops for Ukraine "very dangerous" (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-russia-war-macron-french-troops-nato-latest-news-front-lines/)
Why Egypt and other Arab countries are unwilling to take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza (https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 13, 2024, 01:37 PMWhy Egypt and other Arab countries are unwilling to take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza (https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d)
QuoteAt the same time, Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil.
So they don't want terrorists in their country? :laughing:
Gazans flee Rafah as Israel pushes its war with Hamas — and the U.S. and others push for an endgame (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-hamas-war-rafah-gaza-offensive-netanyahu-under-us-pressure/)
Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico in life-threatening condition after apparent assassination attempt (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/slovakia-prime-minister-robert-fico-shot/)
Infected blood scandal: Inquiry into NHS disaster to publish findings (https://www.bbc.com/news/health-69022726)
What happened in the UK's infected blood scandal from the 1970s to '90s? (https://apnews.com/article/uk-infected-blood-inquiry-report-compensation-a01ca275febabf5b7d1d183b92857dbc)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 20, 2024, 02:15 PMInfected blood scandal: Inquiry into NHS disaster to publish findings (https://www.bbc.com/news/health-69022726)
What happened in the UK's infected blood scandal from the 1970s to '90s? (https://apnews.com/article/uk-infected-blood-inquiry-report-compensation-a01ca275febabf5b7d1d183b92857dbc)
There's a podcast called Bed of Lies about this.
The Americans told the British government at the time that they would also see a surge in Hepatitis and HIV diagnoses if they continued to use the Factor 8 products made in the USA. They knew they were basically experimenting on the kids in the special schools and continued anyway.
When it came to one of the early compensation offers, each victim/widow of a victim was offered something like £20,000 to not pursue charges but the catch was, if just one of the many people refused that offer, not a single one got the compensation. So basically, the government guilt tripped them into taking peanuts and staying quiet.
They got the plasma from US prisons as well, knowing the risks that that would involve.
Its seriously fucked up.
Yeah, this screw-up has been devastating, lethal, for the unlucky people caught up in such mis-management. Even though the problem began before we were aware of AIDS, someone completely failed to do their due diligence research:
QuoteThe World Health Organization, which had warned in 1953 of the hepatitis risks associated with the mass pooling of plasma products, urged countries not to import plasma.
Factor VIII was made by mixing plasma from thousands of donations. In this pooling, one infected donor would compromise the whole batch.
Quote from: Mindy on May 20, 2024, 11:46 PM
"As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."
Austrian leader lauds UK's efforts on migration and cites its plan for deportations to Rwanda (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/austrian-leader-lauds-uks-efforts-migration-cites-plan-110426590)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 21, 2024, 01:10 PM"As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions."
These Americans* that got caught in Congo, had American passports on them! :laughing:
Russia begins nuclear drills in an apparent warning to West over Ukraine (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russia-begins-nuclear-drills-wests-remarks-suggesting-deepening-110442491)QuoteRussia's military on Tuesday began drills involving tactical nuclear weapons that were announced by Russian authorities earlier this month in an apparent warning to senior Western officials who had spoken about the possibility of deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine.
BREAKING: UK General Election set for July 4th.
@Lisnaholic what do you think mate?
@Marie Monday are you eligible to vote?
I think I will try to avoid too much coverage this time. I felt doom and gloom in 15, 17 and 19.
I'm not eligible, only for the local ones :(
Quote from: Marie Monday on May 22, 2024, 07:56 PMI'm not eligible, only for the local ones :(
Will think of you when I'm voting against the Tories then.
Kosovo's parliament passes a bill on leasing some of its prison space for Denmark's use (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/kosovos-parliament-passes-law-renting-prison-cells-denmark-110506087)
Sunak's plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/sunaks-plan-make-18-year-olds-national-service-110569987)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 26, 2024, 01:34 PMSunak's plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/sunaks-plan-make-18-year-olds-national-service-110569987)
Basically everyone supporting this will have been too young or not even born to have actually done National Service but want to see kids do it because they are spiteful, old cunts. Do as I say not as I do.
Thanks for asking my opinion, jimmy jazz :thumb:
First up, I'd say it's a good decision to call an election now rather than drag speculation about an election date out for months.
Second, I suspect the recent Tory record (i.e. since and including David Cameron) has been so bad that Sunak's party doesn't stand a chance: it's just a question of how much they lose by.
Third, I think people will be voting Labour, mainly as a protest vote: they don't want Tories so they'll go with Starmer. I hope the voters are better informed than me, because tbh I don't know anything about the guy.
Finally, I think Britain has some deep-seated economic woes that nobody in politics really knows how to fix. I've been watching some depressing YouTube vids about economic downturn, abandoned High Streets, increasing poverty and NHS burden and other stuff: no easy solutions in sight, and most things made worse by Brexit.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 26, 2024, 01:34 PMSunak's plan to make 18-year-olds do national service grabs attention on UK election trail (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/sunaks-plan-make-18-year-olds-national-service-110569987)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 26, 2024, 09:56 PMBasically everyone supporting this will have been too young or not even born to have actually done National Service but want to see kids do it because they are spiteful, old cunts. Do as I say not as I do.
^ :laughing: A good, honest, forthright opinion, J-man ! I bet most people under, what, 30, will think the same.
I was really surprised to see this startling plan, which is going to be really unpopular. I can't pretend to tap into the thinking of young people in the UK, but I'm sure the idea of National Service is in totally the opposite direction.
I hope I'm not one of the spiteful people you mention, jimmy jazz, but there could be upsides to a scheme of this kind. Slight easing of unemployment, and the chance for people to get vocational training, for example.
QuoteUnder the plan, a small minority of 18-year-olds — 30,000 out of an estimated 700,000 — would spend 12 months in the military, working in areas such as logistics or cyber defense. The rest would spend one weekend a month working for charities, community groups, or organizations such as hospitals, the police and the fire service.
Sunak said the program would help "create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country."
It remains unclear how it will be made compulsory. Home Secretary James Cleverly said no one would be forced to serve in the military.
People's gut reaction is to assume the worst, I think: compulsory square-bashing of the kind we see in American boot-camp movies, but it might not be like that. Here in Mexico there's a National Service requirement, that goes a bit like this:
Every male teenager goes to an interview in a recruitment centre and picks out a ball from a bingo-type machine: the lucky ones get white and are free to go, the guys who selected black have to do some light soldierly-type stuff on alternate Saturday afternoons. From what I've heard, most of the time is spent sweeping and painting - but that's the low-budget, low-tech, go-through-the-motions Mexican version. Sunak's idea sounds more serious, but it could also be more productive, but who cares: I don't think it'll ever happen. It's just going to damn the Tories even more in the eyes of the electorate.
@Lisnaholic no you could never be one of the spiteful old farts.
In fact the country would be in a better place if the mature voters were more like you.
Quotethere could be upsides to a scheme of this kind.
In theory yes. In practice, no. Not with this lot and their track record.
^Thanks, jimmy jazz ! :thumb:
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 27, 2024, 07:02 PMIn theory yes. In practice, no. Not with this lot and their track record.
Yeah, you're right. To be of benefit, a scheme like that would need careful planning and thoughtful implementation - which the Tories have shown themselves to be incapable of.
France's Macron urges a green light for Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/frances-macron-urges-green-light-ukraine-strike-targets-110636827)
Former Thai PM Thaksin to face royal insult charges (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn44555ly8lo)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 22, 2024, 06:01 PMBREAKING: UK General Election set for July 4th.
I think I will try to avoid too much coverage this time. I felt doom and gloom in 15, 17 and 19.
What are the political parties in the UK?
I've seen you guys mention Tory and Labour. How are those two similar to Democrats and Republicans in the states?
Also is there more than two parties?
Quote from: DJChameleon on May 30, 2024, 02:18 PMWhat are the political parties in the UK?
I've seen you guys mention Tory and Labour. How are those two similar to Democrats and Republicans in the states?
Also is there more than two parties?
The Tories are right wing. They'd be closest to the Republicans over there. But they obviously aren't the same. They're the party of the British elite, aristocracy, posh people etc. Social class is most linked to this party.
Labour are supposed to be left of centre, but many would argue there isn't much between Labour and Tory these days. They're supposed to be the party for the working class, for progressive politics and that sort of thing.
Liberal Democrats have historically been the third biggest party and are supposed to be centre/centre-left. Since 2010 they've declined a lot. They're known now for being very pro-European, obviously trying to win voters back since Brexit.
Scottish National Party - as the name says. Nationalist party in Scotland. Pretty much running things in Scotland but even their cult of followers is starting to see through them. I expect them to lose a load of seats at this election.
Reform - Basically an alternative right wing party post-Brexit. Nigel Farage started this one.
Green Party - left wing. Very focused on green politics (obviously), LGBT issues, cannabis legalisation, refugees etc. They only ever get one seat and that's in Brighton.
DUP - discussed these with you before, they are the biggest unionist party in Northern Ireland. Unionist in this context means keeping Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.
Sinn Fein - Northern Irish nationalist party. Several of its members and politicians used to be in the IRA. They usually get about 5 seats but don't take them up in Westminster.
Plaid Cymru - Welsh nationalist party. Had a bit of momentum off the back of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum but you don't hear of them any more.
There are many other minor parties but these are the main ones and the only ones that you need to know. The only ones with a chance of actually winning are Tory and Labour.
^ That's a great description of the parties, jimmy jazz ! Thanks for reminding me of all the options and factions that exist in UK politics. May I just add a graphic that gives a quick idea of the relative size and importance of the different parties, as they were after the last election ?
(...and just in case it's unclear to anyone, "Tories" is the informal name for The Conservative Party )
Quote from: Psy-Fi on May 29, 2024, 02:23 PMFrance's Macron urges a green light for Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/frances-macron-urges-green-light-ukraine-strike-targets-110636827)
Ship attacked by Yemen's Houthi rebels was full of grain bound for Iran, the group's main benefactor (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ship-attacked-yemens-houthi-rebels-full-grain-bound-110668542)
Moscow warns West after Ukraine told it can hit Russia with Western weapons (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ceqq2zn3zw6o)
South Korea pledges to retaliate against North Korea over its launch of garbage-filled balloons over border (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/south-korea-retaliate-north-korea-garbage-filled-balloons-border/) :poop:
QuoteSouth Korean officials didn't say what retaliatory steps they would take. But many observers say South Korea will likely resume front-line loudspeaker broadcasts into North Korea that include criticism of its abysmal human rights situation, world news and K-pop songs.
Broadcasting K-pop songs is cruel and unusual punishment.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 30, 2024, 02:40 PMThe Tories are right wing. They'd be closest to the Republicans over there. But they obviously aren't the same. They're the party of the British elite, aristocracy, posh people etc. Social class is most linked to this party.
Labour are supposed to be left of centre, but many would argue there isn't much between Labour and Tory these days. They're supposed to be the party for the working class, for progressive politics and that sort of thing.
Liberal Democrats have historically been the third biggest party and are supposed to be centre/centre-left. Since 2010 they've declined a lot. They're known now for being very pro-European, obviously trying to win voters back since Brexit.
Scottish National Party - as the name says. Nationalist party in Scotland. Pretty much running things in Scotland but even their cult of followers is starting to see through them. I expect them to lose a load of seats at this election.
Reform - Basically an alternative right wing party post-Brexit. Nigel Farage started this one.
Green Party - left wing. Very focused on green politics (obviously), LGBT issues, cannabis legalisation, refugees etc. They only ever get one seat and that's in Brighton.
DUP - discussed these with you before, they are the biggest unionist party in Northern Ireland. Unionist in this context means keeping Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom.
Sinn Fein - Northern Irish nationalist party. Several of its members and politicians used to be in the IRA. They usually get about 5 seats but don't take them up in Westminster.
Plaid Cymru - Welsh nationalist party. Had a bit of momentum off the back of the 2014 Scottish independence referendum but you don't hear of them any more.
There are many other minor parties but these are the main ones and the only ones that you need to know. The only ones with a chance of actually winning are Tory and Labour.
Thank you big JJ for the thorough breakdown of the different groups. I had no idea about some of the smaller ones.
Quote from: Mindy on Jun 03, 2024, 08:55 AM
R.I.P. to the 37 candidates who didn't make it through their campaigns for public office.
Mexican candidate assassinations hit grim record ahead of Sunday's election (https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-candidate-assassinations-hit-grim-record-ahead-sundays-election-2024-06-01/)Congrats to the winners and survivors.
^ HaHa ! Yeah, sometimes being a presidential candidate in Mexico is like walking around with a target painted on your back. :(
Still, congrats to Mexico for electing a woman president:-
Quote... as Americas Society/Council of the Americas President and CEO Susan Segal noted, "This is great news, as studies show that women are more likely to build consensus and advocate for a socially inclusive agenda."
@LisnaholicTories are 25/1 to win the election. I don't think I've ever seen the odds that long.
Labour are 1/20!
I know a lot can change in five weeks but surely it's done now. Labour might be headed for a bigger majority than Blair got in 1997. Tories might not even be the opposition party.
Woman held after milkshake thrown at Nigel Farage (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6pp7yg0y3po)
He should look on the bright side.
At least he's not running for public office in Mexico.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jun 05, 2024, 09:25 PMWoman held after milkshake thrown at Nigel Farage (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6pp7yg0y3po)
He should look on the bright side.
At least he's not running for public office in Mexico.
This whole thing is appalling including the pathetic witch hunt for the girl who was wrongly accused of doing this.
Hope she manages to sue every single person who accused her.
Finland and Sweden move to relax strict alcohol laws (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjmmzr8n1dxo) :beer:
Recreating a jump into Normandy D-Day zone 80 years later, British paratroopers face French customs (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/recreating-jump-normandy-day-zone-80-years-british-110898148)
Russian warships to arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials, as military exercises expected (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-warships-havana-nuclear-powered-submarine-caribbean/)
Maybe some of those "exercises" will include Russian sailors unloading some missiles while they're in town.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jun 07, 2024, 12:25 PMRussian warships to arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials, as military exercises expected (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-warships-havana-nuclear-powered-submarine-caribbean/)
Maybe some of those "exercises" will include Russian sailors unloading some missiles while they're in town.
Quote from: Mindy on Jun 07, 2024, 08:59 AM
^ That's a very sobering newsclip, Mindy, and a spooky hint of how history could come back and be played out all over again.
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the D-Day Landings: both take on extra significance when you consider the relationship between NATO and Russia today. Of course the D-Day events are in large part a show, but they also bring into focus how some countries stand. What I notice:-
- Though Russia was our ally at the time, Putin wasn't invited to the international commemoration events this weekend (a first-time snub, I belive ).
- Biden gave a decent speech, linking the fight for democracy in the past to a similar fight today. Here's a short extract:-
- Show or not, Brit Prime Minister Rishi Sunak disgraced his country by leaving before the international events were concluded. So that was the message he sent to the world, "Oh, it's international: nothing to do with Britain, then. I can go home."
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 08, 2024, 06:12 PM^ That's a very sobering newsclip, Mindy, and a spooky hint of how history could come back and be played out all over again.
I agree with you :-[
Juicy developments in France as Macron has called a snap election due to the rise of the far-right.
Election in 21 days.
Speaking of Indian news...
Pakistani man sent to mental hospital after trying to form a gay club (https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/pakistan/pakistani-man-sent-to-mental-hospital-after-trying-to-form-gay-club/articleshow/110881718.cms)
QuoteJUNE 11, 2024
Clare Daly, the often-controversial left wing MEP for Dublin, formally lost her seat in the European Parliament on Tuesday afternoon.
Daly, who achieved worldwide notoriety for her staunch opposition to NATO and hostility to the funding of the war in Ukraine by western countries, was eliminated after the 17th count in the European constituency that encompasses Ireland's capital. Ireland uses a transferable vote system that allows voters to transfer their votes from one candidate to another, with the weakest candidates eliminated count after count. When the votes were announced, Daly needed to gain over 6,000 votes on her closest rival, but fell short.
Daly's close associate and colleague, Mick Wallace, is also in a dogfight to hold his seat in the Ireland South constituency, where counting is at a much less advanced stage – and where it is much too early to say anything other than that his re-election is far from assured.
Daly and Wallace had operated as a high-profile duo in the European Parliament, courting controversy by often appearing to echo the arguments of Russian President Vladimir Putin in relation to the Ukraine War, and by making high profile visits to China, and pro-Iranian militias operating in Iraq.
However, the two MEPs had also built a substantial following outside of Ireland, where their speeches and statements often went internationally viral, and were regularly featured in Russian, Chinese, and Iranian state media.
Following this election however, Daly, at least, will no longer have the platform of the EU parliament from which to make those speeches.
I'd rather the evil ass israelis focus on assad and syria rather than hamas >:(
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jun 09, 2024, 11:07 PMJuicy developments in France as Macron has called a snap election due to the rise of the far-right.
Election in 21 days.
Bardella on the far-right did well in the European elections. But he did so with only about 50% voter turnout; in addition the European elections are are little bit far away in Brussels so French voters feel they can vent their spleen because it's not on French soil.
I think what Macron is doing now is trying to motivate the other 50% who didn't bother to get off their arses, and say to them
"Is this what you really want? I tell you what, I'll dissolve parliament and fire all MPs, but I really need all of you to get off you arses and vote this time. Okay? Are we on the same page here?"
Sunak was asked as someone who is wealthier than the king, how can he relate to people in Britain now?
He said multiple times his parents had to make sacrifices he was a kid and when pushed he came out with, "well we didn't have Sky TV".
He was 10 when Sky was founded and it wasn't really a common thing until he was about 16 anyway.
Iran installing and starting cascades of advanced centrifuges (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/iran-installing-starting-cascades-advanced-centrifuges-tensions-high-111117279)
U.S. lifts weapons and training ban on Ukraine's Azov Brigade (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-azov-brigade-weapons-training-us-ban-lifted/)QuoteThe United States has lifted restrictions on providing weapons and training for the high-profile Ukrainian military unit the Azov Brigade. The U.S. State Department confirmed Monday that the unit, which has played a significant role in Ukraine's effort to repel the ongoing invasion launched by Russia in February 2022, could now be trained by U.S. military personnel and use U.S.-provided weapons.
The State Department's move reversed a decade-old prohibition imposed on the Azov forces under the Leahy Law, which prohibits the U.S. from supplying weapons or financial assistance "to units of foreign security forces where there is credible information implicating that unit in the commission of gross violations of human rights."
The State Department said it had concluded there was "no evidence of Gross Violation of Human Rights committed by the 12th Azov Brigade."
I see this as a very worrying development, which enhances the military power of two "wild card" countries with repressive dictatorships and territorial ambitions.
I presumed that Fox 32 was an affiliate of the notorious Fox News, so I was surprised that they squeezed in a quote that calls the two countries "an Axis of Evil", but at the end of the clip we realize that it's Joe Biden's fault all along.
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 20, 2024, 01:06 AM
I see this as a very worrying development, which enhances the military power of two "wild card" countries with repressive dictatorships and territorial ambitions.
I presumed that Fox 32 was an affiliate of the notorious Fox News, so I was surprised that they squeezed in a quote that calls the two countries "an Axis of Evil", but at the end of the clip we realize that it's Joe Biden's fault all along.
Given that NK is economically dependent on China for its survival, is this pact signing a bit of political gamesmanship that is, at its root, a pact between Russia and China, done by proxy through North Korea?
Quote from: SGR on Jun 20, 2024, 04:48 AMGiven that NK is economically dependent on China for its survival, is this pact signing a bit of political gamesmanship that is, at its root, a pact between Russia and China, done by proxy through North Korea?
I haven't read much about this pact, but an agreement to mutually defend each other if attacked is a big deal in terms of the diplomatic relationship between two countries, so I'm guessing that there's nothing "by proxy" going on, but yes, "at its root" it's certainly making firmer the bonds between Russia, NK, and by implication, China.
Perhaps I've read too much about the causes of the two World Wars, but isn't there now a case for NK to say, "Ukraine is attacking Russia, so, as per our new pact, we will attack Ukraine" ?!
Wind your neck in Sunak, your time is over pal.
Iran overturns the death sentence of rapper Toomaj Salehi (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-overturns-death-sentence-rapper-toomaj-salehi-mahsa-amini-death-protest/)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jun 12, 2024, 09:19 PMSunak was asked as someone who is wealthier than the king, how can he relate to people in Britain now?
He said multiple times his parents had to make sacrifices he was a kid and when pushed he came out with, "well we didn't have Sky TV".
He was 10 when Sky was founded and it wasn't really a common thing until he was about 16 anyway.
am I the only one who intrinsically hates the veneration of the working class and watching rich people pander to us and pretend like they used to be one of us?
It's not even the phoniness I hate, it's the impulse to debase yourself by pretending to be of lower stock than you are. As if it's some kind of personal virtue of yours that your parents were fuck-ups with little education and no financial planning.
Gaza operation winding down, Lebanon war could be next, Netanyahu says (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/netanyahu-claims-us-withholding-arms-shipments-days-after-111346993)
Russia vows retaliation on America after Ukraine allegedly fires US-supplied missile at Crimea, killing at least 4 (https://nypost.com/2024/06/24/us-news/russia-vows-retaliation-on-america-after-ukraine-allegedly-fires-us-missile-on-crimea-killing-at-least-4/)
Julian Assange lands in Australia a free man (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxee24pvl94o)
Denmark to target flatulent livestock with tax in bid to fight climate change (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/denmark-flatulent-livestock-tax-climate-change/)
Sing Hallelujah, Assange is free
Quote from: Jwb on Jun 24, 2024, 05:34 AMam I the only one who intrinsically hates the veneration of the working class and watching rich people pander to us and pretend like they used to be one of us?
It's not even the phoniness I hate, it's the impulse to debase yourself by pretending to be of lower stock than you are. As if it's some kind of personal virtue of yours that your parents were fuck-ups with little education and no financial planning.
It is kinda stupid, but maybe it's also healthy to want to be relatable and common rather than an übermensch belonging to a different breed from the rest of us.
I prefer self aggrandizing to faux modesty. That's why Islam is better than Christianity.
Quote from: Guybrush on Jul 02, 2024, 03:59 PMIt is kinda stupid, but maybe it's also healthy to want to be relatable and common rather than an übermensch belonging to a different breed from the rest of us.
I feel like they also do it to calm people down so they don't get riled up enough to do something revolutionary about it.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Jul 02, 2024, 05:55 PMI feel like they also do it to calm people down so they don't get riled up enough to do something revolutionary about it.
The campaign trail photo ops that always make me laugh, are the ones where they go into a local eatery to mingle with the customers and order some food. You always see pics of them biting into whatever they ordered and/or leaving the premises smiling and carrying bags of take out food.
Renowned Nazi hunter in France advises Jews to choose far right over far left in elections (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/renowned-nazi-hunter-france-advises-jews-choose-left-111645318)
Sinn Fein for the fucking win win!
US blocks British court from British territory (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cxe2v2mdg7vo)
The Ukrainian army pulls out from another eastern village as Russia smashes defensive positions (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/ukrainian-army-pulls-eastern-village-russia-smashes-defensive-112062656)
Quote from: Jwb on Jul 02, 2024, 05:49 PMI prefer self aggrandizing to faux modesty. That's why Islam is better than Christianity.
Based JWB.
Yes that was a quality post
Russia's Wagner has deadliest loss in Africa's Sahel, highlighting the region's instability (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russias-wagner-deadliest-loss-africas-sahel-highlighting-regions-112378025)
UK prime minister and police hold crisis meeting over unrest as stabbing attack suspect due in court (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-prime-minister-police-hold-crisis-meeting-unrest-112466964)
US to send jets and warships as Iran threatens Israel (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw5y5637eqdo)
Mossad hired IRGC agents in May to plant explosives that killed Haniyeh (https://www.timesofisrael.com/mossad-hired-irgc-agents-in-may-to-plant-explosives-that-killed-haniyeh-report/)
Bangladesh prime minister resigns, flees country amid deadly protests (https://abcnews.go.com/International/bangladesh-prime-minister-resigns-flees-country-amid-deadly/story?id=112570617)
I've always been interested in Peter Hitchens, and I could listen to him for hours. He was a far left Troskyist who moved away from the far left. He has some strong views and opinions on Starmer.
Mexican prosecutors consider treason charges after US jails drug lord 'El Mayo' Zambada (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/mexican-prosecutors-treason-charges-after-us-jails-drug-112781066)QuoteThe United States managed to arrest Mexico's most-wanted drug lord, but Mexican prosecutors — and the president — now say they are considering bringing treason charges against those who handed him over
Ryan McBeth breaking it all down lol
The Tax Justice Network said trillions could be raised with a 'featherlight' tax on the 0.5% of richest households, copying a current Spanish tax
I know this is a sensitive topic because the minute you mention a tax on the super rich they go all mental and threaten to unleash all sorts of skullduggery in the media like watch out nuclear war is close; watch out for that crazy bastard with a knife; the poor will have to make a choice to heat or eat this winter; your kids aren't safe etc. etc.
But honestly, raising taxes a tiny bit on the top 0.5% of earners does not strike me as unjust. After all, the majority of their earnings are on passive income, built up on previous generations or on family businesses who employ teams of lawyers and financial advisors to ringfence and protect their investments. I'd say they can very easily afford this tiny transfer of wealth.
If there was ever a time for Keir Starmer's (who the fuck is this bloke) UK Labour government to step up and behave like a proper labour government, then now is their time to show it.
Nicaragua forces 1,500 church and civil society groups to close (https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/19/americas/nicaragua-ban-church-organization-civil-society-intl-latam/index.html)
The UAE accepts credentials of Taliban ambassador in a major diplomatic win for Afghanistan's rulers (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uae-accepts-credentials-taliban-ambassador-major-diplomatic-coup-113022416)
Thousands of Indonesians attempt to storm parliament to protest election law (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/thousands-indonesians-attempt-storm-parliament-protest-election-law-113052776)
German warship blasts the Darth Vader theme on the Thames (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/german-warship-blasted-darth-vader-theme-thames-deeper-113056478)
A regional war seems perpetually around the corner in the middle east lately. I wonder if we're seeing the beginning stages of that or if this is another set of tit for tat hostilities that eventually pass without boiling over into all out war.
Hungary says it will provide free tickets to Brussels for migrants trying to enter the EU (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/hungary-provide-free-tickets-brussels-migrants-enter-eu-113052775)
Mexico to bring charges against cartel leader — for turning over another drug lord to U.S. (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexico-treason-charge-joaquin-guzman-lopez-cartel-leader-us/)QuoteThe strange saga of how two Mexican drug lords were detained after landing in a plane in the United States in July just got stranger.
The Mexican government now says it is bringing charges against Joaquín Guzmán López, but not because he was a leader of the Sinaloa drug cartel founded by his father, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán.
Instead, Mexican prosecutors are bringing charges against the younger Guzmán for apparently kidnapping Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada — an older drug boss from a rival faction of the cartel — forcing him onto the plane and flying to an airport near El Paso, Texas.
Taliban reject UN concerns over laws banning women's voices and bare faces in public (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taliban-rejects-concerns-laws-banning-womens-voices-bare-113156953)
Germany resumes Afghan deportations after mass stabbing (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cewlzkq5x74o)
Major power outage hits Venezuela's capital, with government blaming 'sabotage' (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/major-power-outage-hits-venezuelas-capital-maduro-government-113267840)
Norwegian princess marries American self-styled shaman in front of star-studded audience (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/02/europe/norway-princess-wedding-scli-intl/index.html)
Looks like she picked a real winner...
Durek Verrett (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durek_Verrett)
Malaysia's police rescue 402 children after sex abuse allegations at Islamic welfare homes (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/malaysias-police-rescue-402-children-after-sex-abuse-113587855)
Three Americans and 34 others sentenced to death over coup attempt in Congo (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/africa/congo-court-sentences-3-americans-and-34-others-to-death-on-coup-charges/index.html)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Sep 14, 2024, 02:47 PMThree Americans and 34 others sentenced to death over coup attempt in Congo (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/13/africa/congo-court-sentences-3-americans-and-34-others-to-death-on-coup-charges/index.html)
this is going to be one to those....moments for the media and history...
Three more CIA stooges arrested for plotting another coup...
3 U.S. citizens, 2 Spaniards held over alleged plot to "destabilize" Venezuela (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/3-u-s-citizens-2-spaniards-held-over-alleged-plot-to-destabilize-venezuela/)QuoteThree American citizens, two Spaniards and a Czech citizen have been detained in Venezuela on suspicion of plotting to destabilize the country through "violent actions," the government said Saturday, adding that hundreds of weapons had been seized.
Is this a Mossad version of the old exploding cigar trick?...
Dozens of Hezbollah members reportedly injured by exploding pagers (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd7xnelvpepo)
yellow team down bad today
Venezuela says 4th American arrested over alleged "plot" against Maduro (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/venezuela-4th-american-arrested-nicolas-maduro-alleged-plot/)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Sep 18, 2024, 01:04 PMVenezuela says 4th American arrested over alleged "plot" against Maduro (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/venezuela-4th-american-arrested-nicolas-maduro-alleged-plot/)
Dozens of walkie-talkies explode in Lebanon one day after pager blasts injure thousands, state media reports (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/18/middleeast/lebanon-explosions-intl/index.html)
UK leader Starmer is facing flak for taking freebies. He says he's done nothing wrong (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/uk-leader-starmer-facing-flak-taking-freebies-wrong-113835361)
Georgian parliament approves law curbing LGBTQ rights (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/17/europe/georgia-parliament-lgbtq-rights-intl/index.html)
Top Hezbollah commanders among 31 killed in Israeli strike on Beirut (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hezbollah-commanders-killed-israel-strike-beirut-device-blasts-rcna172085)
Long-forbidden French anti-riot force sent to Martinique as thousands defy bans on protests (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/long-forbidden-french-anti-riot-force-martinique-thousands-113910898)
Sep 23, 2024
Are war crimes being committed in the war in Sudan? We analyse open-source intelligence to investigate the allegations coming from the city of el-Fasher in Darfur.
Quote from: Jwb on Aug 25, 2024, 07:40 AM
A regional war seems perpetually around the corner in the middle east lately. I wonder if we're seeing the beginning stages of that or if this is another set of tit for tat hostilities that eventually pass without boiling over into all out war.
looks like it might be time.
Anyone here been following this?
Russia's test launch of ICBM known as Satan II appears to have failed (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-icbm-test-launch-failed/)
The sequel is always a letdown.
Quote from: Jwb on Sep 23, 2024, 11:02 PMlooks like it might be time.
Anyone here been following this?
Looks like the Israelis are 'going for broke' this time...
Israeli military preparing for possible Lebanon ground incursion, army chief says (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/25/middleeast/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-ground-invasion-intl/index.html)
Israel keeps bombing Lebanon, with Hezbollah and civilian deaths rising, as Netanyahu shifts tone on cease-fire (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-bombing-continues-netanyahu-addresses-un-ceasefire/)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Sep 25, 2024, 10:42 PMLooks like the Israelis are 'going for broke' this time...
Israeli military preparing for possible Lebanon ground incursion, army chief says (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/25/middleeast/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-ground-invasion-intl/index.html)
It's looking that way. One of their latest strikes reportedly targeted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, with cautious claims that he is believed to be killed.
An interesting angle to the timing here is this comes right on the heels of the Biden administration once again touting a prospective cease fire deal (this time for 21 days) that Israel is (according to DC) on board with, only to once again be rebuked by Isreal and then act puzzled at the seeming miscommunication. How many times can we watch the same play?
"WP Artcle excerpt"
QuoteIsrael's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday dismissed a U.S.-backed push for a 21-day cease-fire with Hezbollah in Lebanon and vowed that fighting would continue, even as Biden administration officials complained that Israel was fully informed of the truce proposal and indicated Netanyahu had agreed to it.
After arriving in New York for a speech Friday morning to the U.N. General Assembly, the Israeli leader told reporters, "The policy is clear: We will continue striking Hezbollah with full force — we will not stop until we achieve all of our objectives." Earlier, his office called reports that Israel had eased up on fighting in Lebanon "the opposite of the truth."
Less than a day before, administration officials had described a statement, signed by the United States and major European and Middle East allies, released Wednesday night as a major development. It was accompanied by a high-level background briefing for reporters. The statement called for a temporary halt in the escalating conflict to negotiate a more permanent cease-fire.
In a sharp pushback to Netanyahu on Thursday, the Biden administration described his rejection of the temporary truce as a bait and switch.
"A lot of care and effort was put into that statement," including extensive conversations with senior Israeli officials, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters. "And we wouldn't have made that statement if we didn't have reason to believe that the conversations that we were having, with the Israelis in particular, were supportive of that goal."
The statement, he said, "wasn't just drawn up in a vacuum. It was done after careful consultation, not only with the countries that signed on to it, but Israel itself. ... And we had every reason to believe that ... in the drafting of it, and in the delivery of it, that the Israelis were fully informed ... and fully aware of every word in it. And we wouldn't have done it, as I said, if we didn't believe ... that it would be received with the seriousness with which it was composed."
Asked directly if he was saying that the statement would not have been released if there had been uncertainty about Israeli's position, Kirby said, "I didn't state exactly those words, but I'm not going to disagree."
He added that U.S. officials were continuing conversations with Netanyahu and his team in New York, and would be listening carefully Friday morning to Netanyahu's U.N. address.
For the past year, as Israel has conducted its separate war against Hamas militants in Gaza, U.S. officials have frequently referred to hard-line statements Netanyahu has made in public as differing from their private conversations with him. Expressing frustration, they have described him as seeking to assuage certain members of his political coalition who have threatened to bring down his government if he does not comply with their demands.
Israel's far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, said Thursday he had informed Netanyahu that if a temporary cease-fire with Hezbollah is agreed to, his party would not vote with the coalition, and if the cease-fire became permanent, then his party would withdraw from the government, threatening Netanyahu's hold on power.
But the rejection wasn't confined to small, extreme elements in Israel's governing coalition. Foreign Minister Israel Katz, a member of Netanyahu's Likud party, said in a social media post: "There will be no cease-fire in the North. We will continue to fight against Hezbollah with all our strength until victory."
Funny that they said they would be listening closely to Netanyahu's UN Address. I don't think you had to listen very close to get the picture that they aren't in a "cease fire" kind of mood at the moment. But it was on the heels of this that they then carry out this strike intended to kill the leader of Hezbollah. The timing couldn't be more perfectly poised to drive home Netanyahu's message. Which is that the cease fire can go to hell. The war will continue, and now we will see the opening of a second front in the North with Hezbollah, which represents a serious escalation that could see the dimensions of this war widen further still.
"NTY live update"
QuoteIsraeli warplanes flattened several residential buildings just south of Beirut on Friday evening in an attempt to kill Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, who was convening a leadership meeting in an underground headquarters, according to five Israeli officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence reports.
The initial assessment of Israeli intelligence agencies, based on the number and the size of the bombs used and information gathered from inside the militant group, is that Mr. Nasrallah has been killed, the officials said. But they cautioned that conclusion may yet change.
A few hours later, Israel's forces launched a series of new airstrikes early Saturday on buildings in the same neighborhood, known as the Dahiya, after warning residents to flee, the military said. The strikes were intended to destroy weapons.
Killing Mr. Nasrallah would be a major escalation in Israel's rapidly expanding campaign against Hezbollah over the last two weeks, which has threatened to spiral into an all-out regional war. Fears have grown that Hezbollah's backer, Iran, might be drawn into the fight, further destabilizing the Middle East.
The real question is will they launch a ground invasion and subsequent occupation of southern Lebanon? The stated goal is to drive Hezbollah north of the Litani River, which seems like it would likely require a ground force that would have to occupy the region, and that when said force retreats again, Hezbollah can move right back in. So I could be missing something but right away the way they are conducting this very much reminds me of Gaza, where all the emphasis is placed on the short term goal of eradicating a threat, while losing sight of longer term questions about what an off ramp is ever going to look like than can actually bring any kind of lasting peace or stability. All the while basically sabotaging any hope of being able to obtain any such stability through the relentless pursuit of seeking a military objective that doesn't even seem particularly attainable.
Quote from: Jwb on Sep 28, 2024, 06:17 AMOne of their latest strikes reportedly targeted Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, with cautious claims that he is believed to be killed.
Looks like they got him...
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Israeli airstrikes on Beirut (https://abcnews.go.com/International/hezbollah-leader-hassan-nasrallah-killed-beirut-airstrikes/story?id=114310729)
US airstrikes on Syria kill 37 militants affiliated with extremist groups (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/us-airstrikes-syria-kill-37-militants-affiliated-extremist-114325714)
This shit is moving so quickly, virtually every day there's a new ominous development.
The worst case scenario from the beginning has been a wider regional war that drags in the direct involvement of both Iran and the US. And there's no guarantee that's what will happen but it seems like recent developments keep brining us closer to that scenario.
And I believe that the rhetoric coming out of Israel recently in response to the Nasrallah killing that basically "anyone can get it" including the Iranians, this is because they would like Iran to respond so that it gives Israel the pretext to "finish the job." If Iran launches anything, regardless of whether it's shot down, this could be just that pretext.
EDIT: Well. It's started. Iran launching missiles at Israel rn.
Anyone remember this John McCain blast from the past?...
McCain Sings "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"
After newly elected mayor is beheaded in Mexico, others ask federal authorities for protection (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mayor-beheaded-mexico-others-ask-federal-protection/)
Why the US is sending Israel a powerful Thaad anti-missile system (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c39le0dp4p7o)
QuoteOct 15, 2024
The U.S. said Tuesday it did not approve of Israel's bombing campaign in Beirut over the last several weeks that has led to major civilian casualties. Far from Beirut in northern Lebanon, a deadly Israeli airstrike targeted one Hezbollah member but killed nearly two dozen people. Leila Molana-Allen reports. A warning, images in this story may disturb some viewers.
The US is like we don't approve what they are doing but here take 100 troops and more missile defense capabilities for your ongoing offensive strikes.
Vietnamese real estate tycoon sentenced to life for billions in fraud in government graft crackdown (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/vietnamese-real-estate-tycoon-found-guilty-billions-fraud-114883569)
Israel says Yahya Sinwar, Hamas' top leader in Gaza, killed in major blow to militant group (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-yahya-sinwar-hamas-gaza-war-killed-in-rafah-operation/)
US attacks Houthi targets in Yemen with B-2 stealth bombers for first time (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/17/us-strikes-stealth-bombers-houthis-yemen)
Venezuela arrests five foreigners over alleged anti-government plot (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly24q16ev0o)QuoteVenezuelan authorities have arrested five foreign nationals in connection with an alleged anti-government plot, the latest in a wave of arrests following July's contested presidential election.
The country's interior minister Diosdado Cabello said on Thursday that the five - three Americans, a Bolivian and a Peruvian - had engaged in a plan to destabilise the country.
Cabello claimed that US intelligence agencies were involved in the plot, though he provided no evidence for the allegation.
The CIA previously denied a claim it was involved in an alleged plot to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro.
I'm sure the CIA would be honest and admit it if it is involved in any way. :laughing:
Israel's war with Iran-backed Hezbollah escalates as IDF bombs financial institutions across Lebanon (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israel-war-iran-backed-hezbollah-idf-bombs-lebanon-civilians-displaced/)
An Afghan province bans all media from showing images of living things to comply with Taliban laws (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/afghan-province-bans-media-showing-images-living-things-115097528)
Putin hosts growing BRICS alliance in Russia, touting it as an alternative to the West's "perverse methods" (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-putin-brics-summit-china-ukraine-war-us-nato-sanctions-perverse-methods/)
Not going to bother posting a UK politics thread as we already have about five politics threads and we don't need another so I'll ask here.
What do people think of Starmer's first few months in charge?
Think he's done OK so far myself. Took swift action against the rioters and ended the strikes, think the WFA cut is the right idea but maybe the threshold needs to be higher.
The way Brexit Dads respond to every little thing Labour do about how they 'told us so' has been absolutely pathetic BTW.
'What the fuck to do with them?' Russian soldiers heard condemning North Korean recruits in intercepted audio (https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/25/europe/russian-soldiers-north-korean-recruits-intercepts-intl/index.html?iid=cnn_buildContentRecirc_end_recirc)
UK far-right activist Tommy Robinson jailed for 18 months (https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/28/uk/tommy-robinson-uk-court-sentencing-intl/index.html)
Austrian mayor shot dead with suspect on the run, police say (https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/28/europe/austria-mayor-franz-hofer-shooting-intl/index.html)
Repressive Terrorism Act Weaponized Against Israel's Critics
QuoteTask & Purpose
Nov 1, 2024
New intelligence indicates North Korea has deployed thousands of troops to support Russia's war effort, marking the first time in history that their soldiers have ever fought in Europe. This shocking escalation has major consequences on the war but not for the reasons you might think. It opens up a whole can of worms on every level from the tactical to the diplomatic. When analysts warned about the war in Ukraine spreading to other parts of the world this is what they were talking about. In this rundown I'm going to use diplomatic messages, declassified intelligence and historical analysis to find out....How does North Korea think they will benefit from this move? and In what way will this change the situation on the battlefield?
Zooming in to the more granite tactical level, I believe even if 12,000 additional North Korean soldiers are sent to Kursk it is unlikely to be the deciding factor. This is because the US intelligence agencies assessed Russia would need around 100,000 soldiers here to completely repel Ukraine and they currently have around 50,000 there. Additional reinforcements here could be enough to turn the tide though. A lot is at stake for both sides in Kursk with that fight being more politically important than strategically which also explains why Russia may have calculated this risk of escalation is worth it. If Ukraine is able to hold onto this territory it would potentially force Putin into making concessions in a potential future peace negotiations. However it will of course depend on the quality of the soldiers which is a problem for North Korea.
By late october we were getting reports that some Russian soldiers were already raising concerns about how some of these North Koreans will be integrated into their unit. From what I'm hearing it's this early so far its a cluster f**k. One radio transmission intercepted by Ukraine heard them saying quote "what the f**k do we do with them?" and it went on to say that they have one interpreter for every 3 senior officers. Obviously this is a developing situation but early intercepted communications from SIGNIT indicate that three Russian soldiers will be assigned as advisors for every platoon of 30 north korean fighters. According to these intercepts from Ukraine Russian soldiers were heard talking with frustration about the North Koreans. Their transmissions sound like they are baby sitting them.
Some of you might I'm being a conspiracy theorist believing what Ukraine has to say. And I can understand why you would suggest that, On InfoWars last night Alex Jones played a clip of my mercenary episode. I reached out to them and I'm now in high level talks to host the show when he plans to steps down later this year.
But if you do take ukraine at their word. A Ukrainian spy recorded a Russian soldier in this recording - translated you can hear he is saying he was outraged that his commander ordered him to hand over Russian armored vehicles to the new North Korean soldiers. In another intercept a soldier is heard derogatorily referring to them as Chinese.
Meanwhile The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessed that a number of the North Koreans would likely desert the frontlines and they believed an advance team had already made it to the frontlines
"Turning Gaza Into A Place No Human Can Exist!"
Looking good! And very brave.. I hope they don't mistreat her 😢
These morality laws are such amazing hypocrisy.
Equatorial Guinea VP warns against office sex after viral videos (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwyx32945gqo) :pimp:
QuoteCivil servants caught having sex in their offices will face "severe measures", the vice-president of Equatorial Guinea has warned after hundreds of allegedly pornographic videos were leaked to the public.
The videos reportedly involve high-ranking civil servant Baltasar Ebang Engonga having sex with various women - including the wives of prominent officials - in his office.
Mr Engonga is head of the country's National Financial Investigation Agency and also a relative of the country's president.
The BBC has asked him for comment.
On his Facebook page, Mr Engonga has posted that he is feeling sad, along with a photo of him with a woman and children captioned: "Family is everything".
Nov 6, 2024
Sudan Files Complaint Against Chad at African Union for Supporting the RSF | Firstpost Africa
Sudan said it had filed a complaint at the African Union accusing neighbouring Chad of supplying arms and mercenaries to paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. The North African country said it was demanding compensation from Chad. Since April 2023, the Sudanese Army and the RSF have been involved in a power struggle. The conflict has created one of the world's largest displacement crises. Sudan has repeatedly accused Chad in recent months of delivering weapons to the RSF through its borders, but Chad has constantly dismissed them. While there is no response from Chad yet on the complaint, it had last month reiterated that it was in favour of peace in the region. The rising tensions between Chad and Sudan have also threatened the U.N. humanitarian aid. Watch the video to know more.
Germany's normally stable government has collapsed. Here's why (https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/07/europe/germany-government-collapse-explainer-intl/index.html)
British Parliament member charged with assault over an altercation in the street (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/british-parliament-member-charged-assault-altercation-street-115598604)
Quote from: QuantumSync on Nov 09, 2024, 01:43 PMhttps://x.com/wjfm21/status/1855175544918430207
Maybe we should get a dislike button as well.
Saudi crown prince accuses Israel of committing 'collective genocide' in Gaza (https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/12/middleeast/saudi-mbs-accuses-israel-genocide-gaza-intl/index.html)
US flights to Haiti halted while doctors report patient killings (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c87xl848gqgo)QuoteAmerica's aviation regulator has suspended flights by US carriers to Haiti for at least 30 days after three gun attacks in a day on planes departing from the Caribbean nation.
Aircraft from JetBlue, Spirit and American Airlines were all hit by bullets on Monday after flying to the capital, Port-au-Prince.
In the attack on the Spirit plane, a flight attendant suffered minor injuries but no passengers were hurt.
Also on Monday, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said two of its patients had been seized and executed by police and gang members in the capital.
The medical charity said its paramedics had been taking three patients in an ambulance to their medical centre when they were forced to divert to a public hospital, where officers and gang members took the wounded patients out of the hospitals grounds and killed them.
Staff in the ambulance were also "violently attacked, insulted, tear-gassed, threatened with death" and held hostage for four hours before being released, the charity added.
Russia fires dozens of missiles and drones at Ukraine's capital as North Korean troops start fighting in Kursk (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-war-north-korea-troops-combat-kursk-kyiv-attack/)
Here's a two-fer from Iran...
U.S. received Iran's written assurance it was not actively trying to assassinate Trump (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-received-irans-written-assurance-not-actively-trying-to-assassinate-trump/)
Iran 'categorically denies' UN envoy met Elon Musk (https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/16/middleeast/iran-denies-musk-meeting-intl/index.html)
Ukraine's Zelenskyy says he wants to end war with Russia through diplomacy next year (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-russia-war-zelenskyy-diplomacy-trump/)
Pope Francis calls for probe to determine if Israel's attacks in Gaza are 'genocide' (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/pope-francis-calls-investigation-determine-israels-attacks-gaza-115941637)
Amsterdam violence exposes tensions in society and spills over to politics (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c30p1jmzjrzo)
Brazil police arrest 5 officers over alleged coup plot, plans to kill President Lula (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/brazilian-police-arrest-5-officers-alleged-coup-plot-116004042)
Farmers protesting because they can't pass on millions in assets to their kids tax free.
I'm finding it hard to have sympathy here lads.
They're only going to be paying half of what everyone else has to pay, and it can be paid over 10 years. That's a good deal.
Am I wrong for thinking they are cheeky twats?
QuoteAn 18-year-old Briton faces up to 20 years in a Dubai prison for having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old British girl while the pair were on holiday in the emirate, a human rights campaigner has said.
Marcus Fakana, of Tottenham, north London, was on holiday with his family when he began a secretive holiday romance in September with another Londoner, who has since turned 18, according to Radha Stirling, of campaign group Detained in Dubai.
After returning home and seeing pictures and chats, the girl's mother reported the relationship to Dubai police, who then arrested Mr Fakana at his hotel, Ms Stirling said.
Wasn't the age of consent something like 14 a few years ago? Sucks to be that guy messing with a girl that has a petty mother like that.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Nov 21, 2024, 07:47 PMWasn't the age of consent something like 14 a few years ago? Sucks to be that guy messing with a girl that has a petty mother like that.
Dunno, it's 16 here and 18 over there.
Absolutely no common sense shown here.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 21, 2024, 08:01 PMDunno, it's 16 here and 18 over there.
Absolutely no common sense shown here.
They have very strict consent laws so when you travel there you have to abide by their age of consent law not the one where you come from.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Nov 21, 2024, 11:47 PMThey have very strict consent laws so when you travel there you have to abide by their age of consent law not the one where you come from.
Not disagreeing. I wouldn't go there and I don't think anyone else should.
Deportation would have been appropriate imo.
Either way, 18 year old looking at 20 years for consensual sex with a girl the same age. Crazy.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 22, 2024, 12:01 AMNot disagreeing. I wouldn't go there and I don't think anyone else should.
Deportation would have been appropriate imo.
Either way, 18 year old looking at 20 years for consensual sex with a girl the same age. Crazy.
It's just a lesson he has to learn the hard way about researching countries laws before you visit but idk that wouldn't help in this case because he thought she turned 18 already. She was a few months away.
Philippines vice president publicly threatens to have nation's president assassinated (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/sara-duterte-ferdinand-marcos-jr-philippines-assassination-threat/)
Thousands of Imran Khan supporters converge on Pakistan capital (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgdwjp3vqlo)
That petition for another general election is the most pathetic thing I've seen in British politics.
For those who are not aware, a petition has been set up because people think Labour are shit and they want another election.
After 14 years of Tory rule and 'yeah but Labour' every time a Tory scandal came to light or they lied about something or fucked the working classes up the arse, Labour only have to fart and the Brexit means Brexit democracy defenders demand another election, just four months since the last one.
Bunch of gimps suddenly developed a conscience when pensioners (the wealthiest demographic in the country) got hit with a means tested reduction in benefits yet called for cut after cut after cut for the jobless, disabled and parents.
They called anyone objecting to Brexit or wanting a second referendum a 'Remoaner' and are now doing the same thing if not worse.
Piss-taking hypocrites of the highest order.
Make me sick.
You can have another election in 2029 you whingeing cunts.
Totally agree. They are bloody hypocrites if they are calling for another general election just because they're not happy with how things are turning out. Queensbury rules.
The Tories somehow fucked the country right up. I mean, the GDP is still quite healthy but the majority of UK citizens, from young parents to pensioners, are struggling to meet basic costs. How the fuck do we make sense of that?
But I do think modern politics is a bit Orwellian. And usually I wouldn't normally comment like this about the UK 'cos I don't live there now, but I see similarities with the local farmers here in France who being constantly pounded on the one hand by lower prices from the supermarkets and then targeted by higher taxes by the government on the other. It's like a joint spit-roast party by Macron and Monsieur Intermarché. It's just annoying that governments throw out a very wide net in order to catch the investor class who may have invested in farming but do not farm, but are hitting the more working class farmers who toil.
Some people like Dan Neidle (former tax lawyer turned 'truther') are questioning the IHT stuff, which I'm looking at.
You know what is actually happening on the ground a lot more than me, JJ. :o
I feel sorry for Americans. I can't imagine how they are feeling. The closest I could imagine is Brexit, this is basically Brexit on acid for you guys. Stay strong Americans. Please don't tax the shit out of us.
Quote from: Thelonious Monkey on Nov 26, 2024, 05:09 AMI feel sorry for Americans. I can't imagine how they are feeling. The closest I could imagine is Brexit, this is basically Brexit on acid for you guys. Stay strong Americans. Please don't tax the shit out of us.
We are around 400 years late but time to pay up on taxes.
You're not getting shit!
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 26, 2024, 02:20 PMYou're not getting shit!
Now you know how we felt about the tea but you haven't even experienced it yet.
Trump vows tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China on day one (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvg7y52n411o)QuoteDonald Trump says he will hit China, Mexico and Canada with new tariffs on day one of his presidency, in an effort to force them to crack down on illegal immigration and drug smuggling into the US.
The US president-elect said he would sign an executive order imposing a 25% tariff on all goods coming from Mexico and Canada, after being inaugurated on 20 January 2025.
He also said "we will be charging China an additional 10% tariff, above any additional tariffs" until it cracked down on fentanyl smuggling.
https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-president-tells-trump-tariffs-will-worsen-inflation-kill-jobs-2024-11-26/ (https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-president-tells-trump-tariffs-will-worsen-inflation-kill-jobs-2024-11-26/)
Mexican president is planning tariffs on us in retaliation.
QuoteMEXICO CITY, Nov 26 (Reuters) - Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum on Tuesday warned U.S. President-elect Donald Trump of dire economic consequences for both countries from tariffs and suggested possible retaliation following his threat of across-the-board tariffs of 25% on Mexico and Canada.
"One tariff will follow another in response and so on, until we put our common businesses at risk," Sheinbaum said in a letter to Trump, which she read aloud in a press conference, warning that tariffs would cause inflation and job losses in both countries.
Better stock up on your avocados or risk spending 50 bucks for one.
Australia social media ban for under-16s approved by both houses of parliament (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/social-media-ban-australia-children-under-16-advances-parliament/)
This chart doesn't claim to be either perfect or complete, but if you've ever wondered why the EU economy has fallen so far behind the US so quickly this is about as good an example as you'll get.
https://x.com/ThorstenPolleit/status/1861182818442789152 (https://x.com/ThorstenPolleit/status/1861182818442789152)
White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia (https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-war-biden-draft-08e3bad195585b7c3d9662819cc5618f)
Starmer basically has admitted too many people have been let in and it was deliberate.
I think people are finally starting to accept now that immigration is a legitimate issue in this country. By people I mean the left.
Russian strikes hit Aleppo as rebels take control (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cly27r5p0yno)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 30, 2024, 03:31 PMhttps://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1862158721347932537?t=vYK9Lit2x--ZK7Mi9__7Xw&s=19
Starmer basically has admitted too many people have been let in and it was deliberate.
I think people are finally starting to accept now that immigration is a legitimate issue in this country. By people I mean the left.
of course immigration is worthy of being discussed and afaik he made some good points (a friend just told me the basics of his speech so i can't really judge properly yet) but this mostly just seems like sneaky and clever political manoeuvring. I do like that (according to my friend) he seems to not just focus on lower class immigrants/people in dire situations but considers middle class immigrants.
Quote from: Marie Monday on Nov 30, 2024, 08:20 PMof course immigration is worthy of being discussed and afaik he made some good points (a friend just told me the basics of his speech so i can't really judge properly yet) but this mostly just seems like sneaky and clever political manoeuvring. I do like that (according to my friend) he seems to not just focus on lower class immigrants/people in dire situations but considers middle class immigrants.
He's using it to attack the Tories yes, but it's frustrating that working class people, who live in the communities that have been hit the hardest by population increases (we add a city the size of Liverpool every year net, and don't build the infrastructure or services to handle that growth) have been saying this for years and just get ignored/smeared/shut down. There is a section of the population who deny any negative impact whatsoever and will only frame immigration as something positive.
It's just not something you could say and be listened to or taken seriously.
I doubt that immigration is a significant factor in reducing the means of living of the working class as opposed to other factors (like typical Tory policies) but of course I agree that the situation is dire and working class complaints need to be heard ,and a common cause of failure of comparatively left-wing parties is that they usually don't listen to these concerns
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Nov 30, 2024, 03:31 PMhttps://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1862158721347932537?t=vYK9Lit2x--ZK7Mi9__7Xw&s=19
Starmer basically has admitted too many people have been let in and it was deliberate.
I think people are finally starting to accept now that immigration is a legitimate issue in this country. By people I mean the left.
Immigration is a legitimate issue in every country. More than half the countries in the world, including almost all developed nations have a fertility rate below replacement level. To maintain current standards of living those countries will need to import people. The immigration claims by the Brexiteers ring hollow now.
We don't need more people. If we did then people here could be having more kids, except they can't because they can't afford to support themselves as it is.
Adding a city the size of Liverpool annually without investing in the public services to deal with it is mental.
Whether Brexiteers are hypocrites or have got it wrong is irrelevant really.
That's less than 1.5% meanwhile the UK fertility rate hovers around 1.5. If it weren't for immigrants the UK would likely be in recession.
That assumes literally everyone coming here is a net positive in terms of contribution which is obviously not the case. And even if it was the case, these people need houses, jobs, GP appointments and school places. Things that haven't been increased to keep in line with the population. In fact they've been cut largely due to Tory policy.
The numbers need to go down and the investment in these things needs to go up.
In your opinion, is there a limit or should we let every single person in that wants to come here?
Of course there's a limit. I've already noted that immigration is an issue for every (most)(developed) countries. Each county must find the best solution for their particular circumstances.I recognize that immigration "MAY BE" more acute in the UK than in other countries, but that's not the fault of the immigrants, it's the fault of the British planning/development system and banning/lowering immigration is just a cheap shot that won't solve the underlying issue.
Here's the opening to a long piece about what ails Britain.
QuoteHere are some facts to set the scene about the state of the British economy.
Between 2004 and 2021, before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the industrial price of energy tripled in nominal terms, or doubled relative to consumer prices.
With almost identical population sizes, the UK has under 30 million homes, while France has around 37 million. 800,000 British families have second homes compared to 3.4 million French families.
Per capita electricity generation in the UK is just two thirds of what it is in France (4,800 kilowatt-hours per year in Britain versus 7,300 kilowatt-hours per year in France) and barely over a third of what it is in the United States (12,672 kilowatt-hours per year). We are closer to developing countries like Brazil and South Africa in terms of per capita electricity output than we are to Germany, China, Japan, Sweden, or Canada.
Britain's last nuclear power plant was built between 1987 and 1995. Its next one, Hinkley Point C, is between four and six times more costly per megawatt of capacity than South Korean nuclear power plants, and four times as expensive as those that South Korea's KEPCO has agreed to build in Czechia.
Tram projects in Britain are two and a half times more expensive than French projects on a per mile basis. In the last 25 years, France has built 21 tramways in different cities, including cities with populations of just 150,000, equivalent to Lincoln or Carlisle. The UK has still not managed to build a tramway in Leeds, the largest city in Europe without mass transit, with a population of nearly 800,000.
At £396 million, each mile of HS2 will cost more than four times more than each mile of the Naples to Bari high speed line. It will be more than eight times more expensive per mile than France's high speed link between Tours and Bordeaux.
Britain has not built a new reservoir since 1992. Since then, Britain's population has grown by 10 million.
Despite huge and rising demand, Heathrow annual flight numbers have been almost completely flat since 2000. Annual passenger numbers have risen by 10 million because planes have become larger, but this still compares poorly to the 22 million added at Amsterdam's Schiphol and the 15 million added at Paris's Charles de Gaulle. The right to take off and land at Heathrow once per week is worth tens of millions of pounds.
The planning documentation for the Lower Thames Crossing, a proposed tunnel under the Thames connecting Kent and Essex, runs to 360,000 pages, and the application process alone has cost £297 million. That is more than twice as much as it cost in Norway to actually build the longest road tunnel in the world.
These are not just disconnected observations. They highlight the most important economic fact about modern Britain: that it is difficult to build almost anything, anywhere. This prevents investment, increases energy costs, and makes it harder for productive economic clusters to expand. This, in turn, lowers our productivity, incomes, and tax revenues.
https://ukfoundations.co (https://ukfoundations.co/)
I already know we're being ripped off. That doesn't change the fact that there aren't enough jobs, houses, schools and GPs to go round.
Numbers need to come down as well as development going up, your article even mentions it. Both of these statements can be true at once.
We can look at adding more when we've built the infrastructure to deal with it.
UK fertility fell below replacement level in 1973 and remained below ever since. Without immigration taxes would have to go up significantly in order to rebuild crumbling infrastructure.
https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/migobs/viz/Populationgrowth2024a/1 (https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/migobs/viz/Populationgrowth2024a/1)
You've said that already and I've addressed that already. People don't have kids as often if they can't afford to raise them. Even if we assume everyone coming here is a net contributer, they are going to need school places, jobs, housing and health care that there just isn't enough of.
You too have repeated yourself, but you seem to miss the underlying issue.
Which would you prefer, return to the living standards of the 1960's and have no immigration but sufficient housing etc. or maintain current standards and permit immigration.
People want their living standards to go only in one direction, and there is a price to be paid for that. No free lunches.
You only have to look next door at Ireland, probably the only developed country where the population is lower today than in 1840. Ireland couldn't have gotten wealthy without help from the EU. Today, it's a net contributor to the EU budget.
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 01, 2024, 04:14 PM"...The planning documentation for the Lower Thames Crossing, a proposed tunnel under the Thames connecting Kent and Essex, runs to 360,000 pages, and the application process alone has cost £297 million. That is more than twice as much as it cost in Norway to actually build the longest road tunnel in the world..."
https://ukfoundations.co (https://ukfoundations.co/)
I haven't clicked on that link, Buck, but it looks to be a well written piece so hopefulyl I'll get round to reading it tonight.
Regarding the small quote I inserted above, yes £297 million does seem to be a stupid amount for the initial stage of a new Thames crossing. However, when I see these kind of figures/projects I often wonder a) who has spent the money, and b) where has the money gone.
There are many scenarios but I can think of three for now:
Scenario 1: Private investors raise funding rounds to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils
AND those people in turn spend their money in the UK economy, in UK shops, in UK restaurants, at UK car mechanics, UK plumbers; at least that keeps the wheel turning because the money is trickling down into the local economy. Tick :checkmark: :)
Scenario 2: Private investors who raise funding rounds to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils
AND those people in turn funnel the money towards their mates abroad who may be operating shady businesses, putting their money into tax havens (including healthcare companies, PPP etc.), then that's not a good sign. The trickle down effect will not happen in the local economy. No tick for UK but maybe a tick globally.
Scenario 3: Taxpayers money is used to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils
AND most of that money goes towards their mates abroad. That is crap for the local UK economy. No tick.
This is a rather crude and over-simplified analysis. Where is local nowadays? In our day, local meant within a convenient distance.
QuoteWhich would you prefer, return to the living standards of the 1960's and have no immigration but sufficient housing etc. or maintain current standards and permit immigration.
That's an easy choice. I'll go back to people having sufficient affordable housing, jobs that weren't gig work and health care.
You said earlier that there is a limit to immigration, in your view where is that limit?
Quote from: Saulaac on Dec 01, 2024, 07:49 PMI haven't clicked on that link, Buck, but it looks to be a well written piece so hopefulyl I'll get round to reading it tonight.
Regarding the small quote I inserted above, yes £297 million does seem to be a stupid amount for the initial stage of a new Thames crossing. However, when I see these kind of figures/projects I often wonder a) who has spent the money, and b) where has the money gone.
There are many scenarios but I can think of three for now:
Scenario 1: Private investors raise funding rounds to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils AND those people in turn spend their money in the UK economy, in UK shops, in UK restaurants, at UK car mechanics, UK plumbers; at least that keeps the wheel turning because the money is trickling down into the local economy. Tick :checkmark: :)
Scenario 2: Private investors who raise funding rounds to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils AND those people in turn funnel the money towards their mates abroad who may be operating shady businesses, putting their money into tax havens (including healthcare companies, PPP etc.), then that's not a good sign. The trickle down effect will not happen in the local economy. No tick for UK but maybe a tick globally.
Scenario 3: Taxpayers money is used to pay consultants, lawyers, bankers, architects, planning companies, local councils AND most of that money goes towards their mates abroad. That is crap for the local UK economy. No tick.
This is a rather crude and over-simplified analysis. Where is local nowadays? In our day, local meant within a convenient distance.
In the UK #3 is the usual choice.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 01, 2024, 07:55 PMThat's an easy choice. I'll go back to people having sufficient affordable housing, jobs that weren't gig work and health care.
You said earlier that there is a limit to immigration, in your view where is that limit?
I said each country has to find what's optimal for their particular circumstances. I've been trying to explain to you why I believe banning immigration is not in the UK's best interest.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 01, 2024, 04:51 PMI already know we're being ripped off. That doesn't change the fact that there aren't enough jobs, houses, schools and GPs to go round.
Numbers need to come down as well as development going up, your article even mentions it. Both of these statements can be true at once.
We can look at adding more when we've built the infrastructure to deal with it.
JJ, you say it how you see it, that's why I love you mate :love:. There's a lot of chicken and egg going on in international politics. The UK and French and most of EU government is skint cash-wise (meaning what is available to spend on those who may or may not have voted for theml), and in order to build more houses, they need cashington houseworthy. But no government has any cash! OK, so why not? And who holds this so-called cash debt?
There is no way a labour or a tory or a trump or a farage or a harris or a lord buckethead or any politician will get us out of this financial mess, without a war.
And I put myself on this front line right now. To fight again (with words or with weapons) against those politicians and local councillors who stood at the pulprit or in the house of commons or house of lords, knowing they were backing a system which needed a massive overhaul but they did very litle to change things (of course because their mortgages and kids' private school fees depended on it).
Just to conclude my thoughts before I turn in, I was speaking with my brother a few weeks ago who works in finance in Hong Kong, and he said quite simply that "they have pulled the ladders up". So I wanted to ask him who the fuck are "they", and how exactly did they pull the ladders up. But I didn't, because I didn't want to sound like a novice in front of him.
And it didn't really matter. For I had heard "pulling the ladders up" many times before. And I knew I could ask him again in a couple of years if I still hadn't understood.
But the feeling still bothered me. What did he mean? Did he mean the West?
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 01, 2024, 08:06 PMI said each country has to find what's optimal for their particular circumstances. I've been trying to explain to you why I believe banning immigration is not in the UK's best interest.
I get that but you also said there is a limit. If people cannot afford to buy homes or get GP appointments then where is the limit? At what point do you stop adding numbers?
Quote from: Saulaac on Dec 01, 2024, 08:33 PMJJ, you say it how you see it, that's why I love you mate :love:. There's a lot of chicken and egg going on in international politics. The UK and French and most of EU government is skint cash-wise (meaning what is available to spend on those who may or may not have voted for theml), and in order to build more houses, they need cashington houseworthy. But no government has any cash! OK, so why not? And who holds this so-called cash debt?
There is no way a labour or a tory or a trump or a farage or a harris or a lord buckethead or any politician will get us out of this financial mess, without a war.
I appreciate that mate thank you.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 01, 2024, 10:17 PMI get that but you also said there is a limit. If people cannot afford to buy homes or get GP appointments then where is the limit? At what point do you stop adding numbers?
I appreciate that mate thank you.
A pleasure mate. From one North West guy near the M6 to another xx
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 01, 2024, 10:17 PMI get that but you also said there is a limit. If people cannot afford to buy homes or get GP appointments then where is the limit? At what point do you stop adding numbers?
UK's current immigrant level of 13% is below the average of 14% for high income countries, when given the legacy of empire etc. it should be higher than average.
The Netherlands has a population density that is more than 50% higher than the UK.
UK 67M +50% =100M. I'll cut you a break and allow that the UK can easily support 80M, with 20% immigrants. That's nominally, about 60% more than now. You'd still be 25% less dense than the Netherlands.
Quote from: Saulaac on Dec 01, 2024, 09:56 PMJust to conclude my thoughts before I turn in, I was speaking with my brother a few weeks ago who works in finance in Hong Kong, and he said quite simply that "they have pulled the ladders up". So I wanted to ask him who the fuck are "they", and how exactly did they pull the ladders up. But I didn't, because I didn't want to sound like a novice in front of him.
And it didn't really matter. For I had heard "pulling the ladders up" many times before. And I knew I could ask him again in a couple of years if I still hadn't understood.
But the feeling still bothered me. What did he mean? Did he mean the West?
I think he meant China is pulling up the ladders in HK by exerting more control and reducing freedoms for HK residents.
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 02, 2024, 12:49 AMUK's current immigrant level of 13% is below the average of 14% for high income countries, when given the legacy of empire etc. it should be higher than average.
The Netherlands has a population density that is more than 50% higher than the UK.
UK 67M +50% =100M. I'll cut you a break and allow that the UK can easily support 80M, with 20% immigrants. That's nominally, about 60% more than now. You'd still be 25% less dense than the Netherlands.
I wasn't talking about population density nor The Netherlands (we are already one of the most densely populated (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/PopulationDensityMapPerSquareKilometre.png) places in the world BTW). I haven't said we don't have green spaces to build things. I said that we don't have the jobs, GPs, housing and everything else to support such large numbers. That's nothing to do with density which is why I said we also need to invest in those things as well as reduce numbers.
But if density is your argument we are one of the last countries (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population_density) that should be taking people in, especially compared to other high income countries when density is your measurement of how 'full' somewhere is.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 02, 2024, 01:38 AMI wasn't talking about population density nor The Netherlands (we are already one of the most densely populated (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/PopulationDensityMapPerSquareKilometre.png) places in the world BTW). I haven't said we don't have green spaces to build things. I said that we don't have the jobs, GPs, housing and everything else to support such large numbers. That's nothing to do with density which is why I said we also need to invest in those things as well as reduce numbers.
But if density is your argument we are one of the last countries (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population_density) that should be taking people in, especially compared to other high income countries when density is your measurement of how 'full' somewhere is.
You don't seem to understand that building infrastructure creates jobs. If the gubbermint needs money to invest, they do some combination of borrowing, raising taxes, or cutting services. The world doesn't owe Britain a living.
You asked me for a number, I gave you a number, and told you how I arrived at it. You're not required to like it. Case closed.
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 02, 2024, 02:42 AMYou don't seem to understand that building infrastructure creates jobs. If the gubbermint needs money to invest, they do some combination of borrowing, raising taxes, or cutting services. The world doesn't owe Britain a living.
You asked me for a number, I gave you a number, and told you how I arrived at it. You're not required to like it. Case closed.
And you don't seem to understand that these things, housing, schools, GPs don't just appear overnight. They take years.
And cut what? There's nothing left to cut. Councils are skint. Public services are already down to the bare bones.
You also said this bit:
Quoteeach country has to find what's optimal for their particular circumstances.
Our circumstances = already one of the most densely populated countries in the world without the infrastructure to support the current population as it is.
We should not be adding more.
QuoteThe world doesn't owe Britain a living.
This is all positive though you said. We'd be in a recession without it ::)
Here's a two-fer from Trump...
Zelensky wants to 'work directly' with Trump on ending Ukraine's war with Russia (https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/30/europe/zelensky-trump-ukraine-russia-war-intl/index.html)
Trump praises 'very productive' Mar-a-Lago meeting with Trudeau (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy8787nxl7do)
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 02, 2024, 06:46 AMAnd you don't seem to understand that these things, housing, schools, GPs don't just appear overnight. They take years.
And cut what? There's nothing left to cut. Councils are skint. Public services are already down to the bare bones.
Nothing exceptional about that. Same for every country.
For a guy who started this conversation with an implicit criticism of the left, you're sounding quite leftish yourself now.
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 02, 2024, 06:02 PMNothing exceptional about that. Same for every country.
For a guy who started this conversation with an implicit criticism of the left, you're sounding quite leftish yourself now.
I am a Labour voter who didn't vote Brexit and I criticise everyone. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.
You can criticise your own side you know.
When we understand that there's no moral grounds for restricting people's freedom of movement...that human rights are supreme over national rights, then we can have serious discussions about immigration.
Quote from: Weekender on Dec 02, 2024, 09:39 PMWhen we understand that there's no moral grounds for restricting people's freedom of movement...that human rights are supreme over national rights, then we can have serious discussions about immigration.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Dec 02, 2024, 08:43 PMI am a Labour voter who didn't vote Brexit and I criticise everyone. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.
You can criticise your own side you know.
Not much point in criticizing Labor at this early stage. Got to give their policies time to take effect.
Quote from: Weekender on Dec 02, 2024, 09:39 PMWhen we understand that there's no moral grounds for restricting people's freedom of movement...that human rights are supreme over national rights, then we can have serious discussions about immigration.
If what you say is correct, then there's not much need for serious discussions about immigration. I don't believe you are correct. Care to elaborate?
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 02, 2024, 11:22 PMNot much point in criticizing Labor at this early stage. Got to give their policies time to take effect.
Was talking generally, I'm not just going to defend Labour because I'm a Labour voter. And just because I don't vote for someone else doesn't mean they're wrong on everything.
I just posted that as you seemed to think I am on the right. You can find plenty of evidence of me criticising Tories and the like on here.
There is a purely scientific debate to be had over how much immigration is destabilizing over what period of time.
Generally, high levels of immigration are good for a nation's economy for the same reason higher birth rates lead to higher GDP, but that doesn't mean the benefits are spread evenly. Some areas may be harmed by immigration while others prosper.
This hints at the flaw of looking at the world as being made up of countries rather than communities. Northern England has a separate identity from Southern England. Your average Texan does not really care about people in Maine etc.
Borders create the problems of immigration (which are political) but they can not solve them.
Belgium gives sex workers the same employment rights as other workers in world-first law (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/belgium-sex-workers-rights-health-insurance-maternity-leave/) :pimp:
Quote from: Weekender on Dec 03, 2024, 03:49 AMThere is a purely scientific debate to be had over how much immigration is destabilizing over what period of time.
Generally, high levels of immigration are good for a nation's economy for the same reason higher birth rates lead to higher GDP, but that doesn't mean the benefits are spread evenly. Some areas may be harmed by immigration while others prosper.
This hints at the flaw of looking at the world as being made up of countries rather than communities. Northern England has a separate identity from Southern England. Your average Texan does not really care about people in Maine etc.
Borders create the problems of immigration (which are political) but they can not solve them.
Now this bit I agree with.
Immigration is not all positive bros.
There does come a point where you have to say, enough!
History tells us that if you go about saying "enough is enough" from the perspective that immigration rights are something that the host country extends and retracts according to its whim, there will be a couple problems:
1. The politics of Nationalism always end up being anti-labor, anti-trade, anti-peace, undemocratic, and generally neglectful of the working class. Again, the crux of the issue is that there is in reality no such thing as a national identity.
2. Stricter immigration policy goes hand in hand with militarization. Invasion of privacy and bloat in the defense budget is a sure bet when you go down this path.
So, I propose we look at immigration from the perspective of a peace agreement. Doing this requires that we give due respect to refugees on the basis that they do hold inalienable rights (which are codified by the UN). This kind of resolution will produce better outcomes for the very reason that it emphasizes the existence of human rights.
The last graph above reads like communism, which sounds good in theory, but not so much in practice.
Beyond refugees (fleeing famine, war, persecution) there are other reasons for migration. Economic migrants are not refugees.
Right to movement aligns neatly within free market values. Since England's spike in immigration is wrapped up in the refugee crisis I focused on people displaced by war. Refugee has a legal definition but I think everyone understands that in practice it's not so clear. In fact, there's a backlog of pending applications because it is costly and difficult to assess refugee status.
We might say that refugees are different from economic immigrants in that the latter is responding to demand. Refugees are not arriving by choice in search of opportunity so much as they're fleeing from desolation.
Economic immigration is most effectively reduced by policies that punish employers, but such policies are almost never pursued because they are inflationary.
In the UK in 2023 only 14% of immigrants sought asylum refugee status. In the US the number was 2%.
Not a good idea to base policy on the needs of small minorities.
If you're in favor of unlimited migration, why would you want reduce economic migration?
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Dec 03, 2024, 11:24 PMIn the UK in 2023 only 14% of immigrants sought asylum refugee status. In the US the number was 2%.
Not a good idea to base policy on the needs of small minorities.
If you're in favor of unlimited migration, why would you want reduce economic migration?
This is what I thought too. I didn't have stats but just based on living here, I'd have said no way are most immigrants refugees.
Weekender where are you from?
^^^This thread is interesting and heartening. Every one of us has built up experience working in different global environments and we have all read shedloads of articles on global politics & economics and spoken to shedloads of people. The above posts are healthy, and are digested views of current affairs (a bit like Readers' Digest which I think TH quipped about recently. BTW I wrote Readers Digest not Readers Wiv.. FFS! :laughing:
That's why I tune into SCD! It provides quite a balanced view, and saves me having to go through the left and right leaning stories of the day. Appreciate all your views and I hope I can contribute more myself forthwith.
In the case of the EU it's the increase in immigration that's of interest. Immigration talks in America however are completely disconnected from any tangible reality.
I'm in favor of immigration policy that takes into account individual freedom.
A conversation about limiting someone's speech begins with the assumption of freedom of speech...so too should the conversation on immigration begin with the assumption that people have a right to migrate.
I do not have a specific interest in reducing immigration, but I offered a more reasonable way to go about it.
You're mistaken to assume free speech is a given.
https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-freedom-of-speech (https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-freedom-of-speech)
If you want to institute a regime that globally abolishes borders etc. you can't be concerned with only immigration to the EU. Another of your contradictions, but leaving that aside...
Three of the top six destination countries, and two of the top five origin counties for asylum seekers are in the Americas.
https://www.worlddata.info/refugees-by-country.php (https://www.worlddata.info/refugees-by-country.php)
It is a given when you and I have a conversation about putting limitations on it. I came into a conversation about British immigration so that's what my posts addressed.
At least one of you two gotta choose a unique profile picture/avatar or my OCD is going to make me immigrate to a different forum.
Death sentence upheld for property tycoon in Vietnam — unless she pays $9 billion before execution (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/vietnam-death-sentence-tycoon-truong-my-lan-upheld-unless-pays-9-billion/)
Here's another one from Vietnam...
Vietnam approves $67 billion high-speed railway project (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/vietnam-approves-67-billion-high-speed-railway-project-116332971)
Looks like Vietnam will be getting a high-speed rail network before America does.
French lawmakers vote to oust PM in first successful no-confidence vote since 1962 (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/confidence-vote-topple-french-government-time-1962-116442300)
Seeing loads of this shit now.
And yes the guy in the video is a horrible cunt but that's not the point.
Not to ask for another politics thread but if any situation warranted one it's the Middle East.
Mexico makes record fentanyl bust days after Trump tariff threat (https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/04/americas/mexico-fentanyl-seizure-trump-tariffs-intl-latam/index.html)
Now that Assad is gone, the opening of the Syrian "Stasi" files may reveal a few surprises. The US Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is a person to whom the heads of all the (13, or is it 16) US intelligence agencies report. Trump recently nominated former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii for the post. The intelligence community is not happy. Neither are many in Congress.
She is best described as an odd duck. She met Assad in Syria in 2012, and since then has been the only US politician to publicly defend him. She introduced legislation (that went nowhere) very favorable to Assad. She and her parents were/are devotees of a new Hawaii originating religion called The Science of Identity Foundation. Seems it's a split-off from Hare Krishna. Needless to say USINT is eager to see those "Stasi" files.
184 killed in Haiti, U.N. says, as gang leader allegedly orders massacre of elderly on voodoo priest's advice (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/haiti-massacre-cite-soleil-port-au-prince-gang-violence-un-death-toll/)
Israel strikes and advances into Syrian territory after Assad's overthrow, fueling alarm (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-strikes-advances-syria-buffer-zone-assad-overthrow-rebels-rcna183565)QuoteIsrael said its actions were temporary and aimed at preventing the ousted dictator's arsenal of rockets and chemical weapons falling into the hands of extremists. But Arab powers accused it of violating international law and exploiting the chaos in Syria.
Brazilian President Lula stable in intensive care after emergency brain surgery (https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/10/americas/brazil-lula-brain-surgery-intl-hnk/index.html)
Al-Qaeda Now In Charge Of Syria! w/ Richard Medhurst
N Korea mocks 'dictator' Yoon's 'insane' martial law attempt (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx26eglgn3wo)
U.K. indefinitely bans puberty blockers for people under 18 (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uk-ban-puberty-blockers-transgender-young-people/)
Medically-assisted dying in Canada reached record high in 2023, about 1 in 20 deaths (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/medically-assisted-deaths-canada-2023/)
QuoteQuoteChannel 4 News
Dec 13, 2024
Ahmad al-Sharaa, better known as Abu Mohammad al-Jolani is the leader of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), the rebel group responsible for toppling Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad's regime.
0:00 - Introduction
0:52 - Who is al-Jolani?
5:39 - How HTS brought down Assad
7:56 - What next for Syria?
Key Russian general killed in Moscow bomb blast claimed by Ukraine (https://www.cnn.com/2024/12/17/europe/russia-bomb-kills-nuclear-protection-chief-intl-hnk/index.html)
QuoteCampaigners have reacted with fury to what they call the government's "unjustified" rejection of compensation for women hit by changes to the state pension age.
They say 3.6 million women born in the 1950s were not properly informed of the rise in state pension age to bring them into line with men.
Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall apologised for a 28-month delay in sending letters, but has rejected any kind of financial payouts.
Nine months ago, a parliamentary ombudsman recommended compensation of between £1,000 and £2,950 for each of those affected.
The Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi) campaign described the government's decision as an "insult".
Suspected 'witchdoctors' arrested over attempt to 'bewitch' Zambia's president (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clyx9x98v4zo)
60 Minutes
Dec 22, 2024
Pagers exploded across Lebanon in September. Retired Mossad agents, key to the operation, tell 60 Minutes Israel's plot started years ago with getting Hezbollah terrorists to buy walkie-talkies.
Kurdish-led forces push back Turkish-backed Syrian rebels in a tense offensive (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/kurdish-led-forces-push-back-turkish-backed-syrian-117081306)
At least 2 journalists killed in shooting during hospital reopening in Haiti (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/haiti-port-au-prince-journalists-killed-hospital-christmas-eve/)
Parents of Belgrade school shooter jailed (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c17d2j7qrrdo)
Elon Musk now sticking his beak into British politics. Commenting authoratively on subjects he knows nothing about and endorsing Reform.
There's no fucking way he's been paying attention long enough to know the finer details of why Tommy Robinson is in prison or what kind of a job Keir Starmer has been doing but he's shouting his mouth off like some sort of expert.
Needs to go back to posting his shit memes and sort that fucking app out!
I read that he called for a new election. >:(
A dawn stand-off, a human wall and a failed arrest: South Korea enters uncharted territory (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp8n0ng2m88o)
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Jan 02, 2025, 10:30 PMI read that he called for a new election. >:(
He can have one, in four years and 6 months.
Still sticking his beak in.
All he ever seems to tweet about now is UK politics.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jan 05, 2025, 05:06 PMhttps://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875935051118203274
Still sticking his beak in.
All he ever seems to tweet about now is UK politics.
Seems Musk is an equal opportunity discriminator. He's having a go at Farage as well.
https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875904634419859928 (https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875904634419859928)
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Jan 05, 2025, 08:16 PMSeems Musk is an equal opportunity discriminator. He's having a go at Farage as well.
https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875904634419859928 (https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875904634419859928)
He was sucking farts out of his bumhole last week.
He knows nothing.
Even Farage had to come out and correct him for chatting shit about Tommy Robinson and why he is in prison.
I'm guessing Elon Musk is upset and offended and now has withdrawn his support for Farage because of it.
If I had that much money I wouldn't be on Twitter bitching and crying. I'd be in the Med somewhere wearing my Vacheron Constantin watch, staring out at the sea from my balcony and enjoying life.
Such a weird man.
Musk is not confining his political comments to the UK.
https://www.semafor.com/newsletter/01/05/2025/semafor-flagship-trying-to-have-it-both-ways?utm_source=newslettershare&utm_medium=flagship+asia&utm_campaign=flagshipnumbered5 (https://www.semafor.com/newsletter/01/05/2025/semafor-flagship-trying-to-have-it-both-ways?utm_source=newslettershare&utm_medium=flagship+asia&utm_campaign=flagshipnumbered5)
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau may quit within days, say media reports (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4g211j728wo)
Macron's claim that Africans failed to say 'thank you' for French military aid sparks outrage (https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/07/africa/macron-africa-comments-spark-outrage-intl/index.html)
King of Denmark trolls Trump by changing royal coat of arms to make Greenland prominent (https://nypost.com/2025/01/07/world-news/king-of-denmark-trolls-trump-by-changing-royal-coat-of-arms-to-feature-greenland/)
More Trump-trolling...
Mexico president trolls Trump with "Mexican America" map after his "Gulf of America" name change proposal (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexico-president-trolls-trump-us-should-be-renamed-mexican-america/)
Two men are vying to be inaugurated as Venezuela's president this week. (https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/09/americas/venezuela-maduro-inauguration-explainer-intl-latam/index.html)
Tens of thousands protest in Romania's capital against annulled presidential race (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/tens-thousands-protest-romanias-capital-annulled-presidential-race-117600426)
QuoteTaiwan Talks
Jan 22, 2025
On the final day of 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the concept of "one family across the Taiwan Strait" and "reunification of the motherland" in his New Year's address. The Wall Street Journal reported that this is Xi's attempt to solidify domestic confidence in economic transformation and resistance to foreign pressure. The next day, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te proposed in his New Year's speech the concept of "Taiwan is brave", highlighting Taiwan's resilience and glory. What new chapter will cross-strait relations will open in 2025? With President Trump taking office, what are the key focal points of U.S.-China-Taiwan interactions?
00:00:00 – Cross-Strait Future: Xi vs. Lai's Vision
00:01:02 – Xi Stands Firm on Unification Goals
00:01:22 – Xi's Remarks: A Signal to the World
00:04:39 – Lai Stands Firm on Defense Commitment
00:05:15 – Is Lai Sending a Message to the U.S.?
00:09:15 – Lai's Defense Moves: A U.S. Connection?
00:12:03 – How Taiwan Can Strengthen Its Defense?
00:14:25 – Can Lai and Xi Open a Dialogue?
00:17:20 – Uncertainty in China's Reply to Trump
00:17:50 – Will Trump's Strategy with Xi Pay Off?
00:23:33 – Xi's Plan for U.S.-China Relations
Italy government under fire for releasing Libyan warlord accused of war crimes (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/italy-government-fire-releasing-libyan-warlord-accused-war-117973435)
Saudi Arabia plans to invest $600 billion in U.S. over next 4 years, crown prince says in call with Trump (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/saudi-arabia-600-billion-us-next-4-years-mohammed-bin-salman-trump/)
QuotePreston Stewart
Jan 23, 2025
QuoteRussians advances slowly as Trump threatens Putin to end the war
Today we're looking at a general update around the ongoing war in Ukraine from battlefield changes to recent statements by Trump to news of a filtration camp in Mariupol. All sources used in the video are linked below.
01:00 Map update
06:59 Trump threatens Putin
10:15 US reevaluates foreign aid
13:42 Western troops to Ukraine?
18:01 Filtration camps
26:54 Girkin meltdown
South Korean president indicted on insurrection charges after martial law declaration (https://abcnews.go.com/International/south-korea-president-yoon-indicted-martial-law/story?id=118114172)
The Cipher Brief
Jan 27, 2025 QuotePaula Doyle served as Assistant Deputy Director for Operations at CIA, where she oversaw worldwide HUMINT operations and activities that required the use of air, land, maritime, space-based and cyber technologies. She was the Deputy National Counterintelligence Executive from 2012-2014, where she oversaw the official US Damage Assessment resulting from Private Manning's 2010 unauthorized disclosures to Wikileaks and led the IC's extensive review of Edward Snowden's unauthorized disclosures and defection to Russia. She led three CIA stations in Europe, the Levant, and Asia.
Denmark boosts Arctic defense spending by $2 billion after Trump's Greenland interest (https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/27/europe/denmark-greenland-trump-defense-latam-intl/index.html)
Man who burned Quran 'shot dead in Sweden' (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpdx2wqpg7zo)
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jan 30, 2025, 12:30 PMMan who burned Quran 'shot dead in Sweden' (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpdx2wqpg7zo)
QuoteThe Wall Street Journal
Feb 1, 2025
QuoteRussia is developing a new naval base in the breakaway Georgian region of Abkhazia after Ukraine destroyed around a third of its Black Sea fleet. In 2023, Russian-backed Abkhaz authorities announced Moscow's intentions to transform a port in Ochamchire into a permanent naval base, which could threaten Ukraine and the security of NATO member states like Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.
WSJ explains what the new base reveals about Moscow's plans for the region.
0:00 Russia's new base
0:38 Ochamchire
2:41 Trade routes
4:03 Construction and development
4:44 NATO's Black Sea strategy
Cocaine "no worse than whiskey," would be "sold like wine" if legalized worldwide, Colombia's president says (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cocaine-no-worse-than-whiskey-colombia-president/)
The Cipher Brief
Feb 7, 2025
QuoteAmbassador Gary Grappo served as Minister Counselor for Political Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad; U.S. Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman; and Charge d'Affaires and Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He's currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Center for Middle East Studies at the Korbel School for International Studies, University of Denver.
Lebanon's prime minister forms new government after unusual US intervention (https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/08/middleeast/lebanon-prime-minister-new-government-intl/index.html)
How Spain's economy became the envy of Europe (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5y7jmlyx02o)
Ukraine, Russia position for peace talks ahead of pivotal White House visits (https://abcnews.go.com/International/ukraine-russia-position-peace-talks-ahead-pivotal-white/story?id=118644026)
Germany extends border controls by 6 months as election rivals focus on migration ahead of poll (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/germany-extends-border-controls-6-months-election-rivals-118729124)
Kremlin says Russian citizen released in US after Trump greets freed teacher (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c15z8983kvzo)
India has 'good vibes' with Trump, and Modi is trying to keep it that way (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/india-narendra-modi-trump-white-house-visit-rcna191435)
QuoteVice President JD Vance stated that the U.S. Could send troops to Ukraine if Russia does not negotiate in good faith, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned Russia's actions, declaring them a 'terrorist threat to the entire world' following a drone attack on Chernobyl.
Russia's recent drone attack on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was criticized by Zelenskyy, calling Russia a terrorist threat to the world.
QuoteThe left emphasizes Vice President JD Vance's readiness to pursue military action, reflecting a confrontational tone and urgency in diplomacy. 2. The right reinforces Vance's position while adding Zelenskyy's designation of Russia as a 'terrorist threat', intensifying the narrative against Russia. 3. Some sources describes Russia as a primary obstacle to peace, implying moral superiority for the U.S. Stance, while emphasizing immediate threats to Ukraine through a drone attack, further justifying Vance's military options. 4. Side 4 contrasts Vance's proactive military rhetoric with Trump's vagueness on territorial concessions, reinforcing Trump's ambiguity while stressing the need for Ukraine's agency in peace talks.
A drone damaged the outer shell of Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant. Radiation levels are normal (https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-chernobyl-zelenskyy-71d781dbd66754d0a548edd388f3447a)QuoteCHERNOBYL NUCLEAR POWER STATION, Ukraine (AP) — A drone armed with a warhead hit the protective outer shell of Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear plant early Friday, damaging the structure and briefly starting a fire, in an attack Kyiv blamed on Russia. The Kremlin denied it was responsible.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied Russia was responsible. "There is no talk about strikes on nuclear infrastructure, nuclear energy facilities. Any such claim isn't true. Our military doesn't do that," Peskov said in a conference call with reporters.
It was not possible to independently confirm who was behind the strike. Both sides frequently trade blame when nuclear sites come under attack.
Peskov alleged that the strike was a "false flag" attack staged by Ukraine to incriminate Russia and to thwart efforts to end the war through negotiations between Trump and Putin.
"It's obvious that there are those (in the Ukrainian government) who will continue to oppose any attempts to launch a negotiation process, and it's obvious that those people will do everything to try to derail this process," Peskov said.
'Army of Europe' needed to challenge Russia says Zelensky (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cvgl27x74wpo)
US and Russia to appoint teams to negotiate end of Ukraine war in talks that excluded Kyiv (https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/18/europe/us-russia-riyadh-talks-intl/index.html)
"UKRAINE WILL WIN" | No Amount of Propaganda Can Hide the Fact that Ukraine is Winning this War
Mexico to reform constitution in wake of US terrorism designations (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/mexico-reform-constitution-wake-us-terrorism-designations-119006527)
Ryan McBeth
Feb 23, 2025
QuoteMICE is a term used in the intelligence community for the factors that motivate people to provide intelligence to agents. It stands for:
and Ego
Note that these aren't mutually exclusive, a combination of factors may be used to influence someone to provide information.
The problem is that many people believe that some celebrities and Internet personalities are motivated by money or are actively being paid or "handled" by Russia.
That is typically unlikely.
The truth is that some of these people may not even believe what they are saying, but taking a contrarian point of view gets you clicks. It gets you invited onto podcasts and it gets you invited back.
If you are running for President, or you are a disgraced journalist, or a former Army officer who is facing irrelevancy after a storied career, the temptation of relevance may be too enticing to pass up.
Trump's actions regarding Russia and Ukraine seem bizarre. According to the Institute for the Study of War and other sources of information, things don't seem to be going well for Russia. I'd guess Putin would also fear the end of the war and the possibly resulting discontent in the Russian people when the war has resulted in few gains and a lot of damage.
Now it seems like Trump is working on giving Putin an easy "out" from his own mess? Why?
Zelensky says he is 'ready' to resign as Ukraine president if it brought peace (https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/23/europe/ukraine-zelensky-resign-nato-intl/index.html)
Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 23, 2025, 04:22 PMTrump's actions regarding Russia and Ukraine seem bizarre. According to the Institute for the Study of War and other sources of information, things don't seem to be going well for Russia. I'd guess Putin would also fear the end of the war and the possibly resulting discontent in the Russian people when the war has resulted in few gains and a lot of damage.
Now it seems like Trump is working on giving Putin an easy "out" from his own mess? Why?
Trump hates Zelensky, for a couple of reasons mostly related to the 2016 US Prez election.
1: Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort was discovered to have been on the payroll of previous Ukraine prez Poroshenko a buddy of Putin.
2: Zelensky refused to provide evidence to Trump (likely because none existed) that the conspiracy claims that Russian interference in the 2016 election was done by Ukrainians disguised as Russians.
3: Zelensky refused Trump's request to open an Investigation into claims that Joe Biden was profiting from Ukraine due to his (troublesome) son Hunter's involvement with a Ukrainian oil company.
Trump looks at this as payback time.
Apparently there's a report out there somewhere today that Putin has "secretly" sold 100 tons of Russian gold to bolster finances. That would be a little under 5% of Russia's holdings, and if sold at market price would be about $10B worth.
Are we going on about Gordon Brown again for the umpteenth time??
Oops sorry wrong thread, please do carry on.
Will US-Russia ties strain Europe? | The Bottom Line
Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 23, 2025, 04:22 PMTrump's actions regarding Russia and Ukraine seem bizarre. According to the Institute for the Study of War and other sources of information, things don't seem to be going well for Russia. I'd guess Putin would also fear the end of the war and the possibly resulting discontent in the Russian people when the war has resulted in few gains and a lot of damage.
Now it seems like Trump is working on giving Putin an easy "out" from his own mess? Why?
Trump campaigned on ending the war in 24 hours. Anyone who was paying attention and who was honest about the situation knew that meant selling out Ukraine. If we had the leverage to pressure Russia into just ending the war, that certainly wasn't made apparent during the Biden administration. The option for sticking it to Russia was to continue to fund and arm Ukraine and bleed Russia dry in a war of attrition, and that would essentially just be a continuation of the Biden administration's policy.
So that's a no go for Trump. First and foremost because it doesn't break from Biden in any way. This is similar logic to why Trump pulled out of the JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal) in his first term. If there's a contentious policy associated with the previous administration, Trump is already instinctively primed to break against it.
Trump also fancies himself a master negotiator, as I'm sure we've all noticed. So virtually every endeavor he makes into foreign policy is framed in terms of Trump trying to "get the best deal" in whatever possible situation. This was the case with the JCPOA. It was a bad deal because Obama negotiated it. Trump would get a better deal. It was the case with North Korea. Although the DMZ photo opp didn't actually result in a deal, Trump still uses his "good relationship " with Kim to brag about his diplomatic credentials and suggest that if anyone can solve any of these international disputes, it's Trump. He's made similar comments about Viktor Orban, Xi Jinping, and of course Vladimir Putin.
His supporters latch on to this narrative of "Trump the deal maker" and reflexively defend even his most outlandish statements and policy prescriptions as "just a brilliant negotiating tactic" where Trump starts out with an outlandish maximalist demand and then through the negotiating process, they land on a more modest compromise that still benefits the position of the United States.
Such is the excuse given for his statements on acquiring Greenland and the Panama Canal, suggesting Canada become the 51st state, threatening tariffs only to get very superficial concessions they can sell as a PR victory, etc. The myth of the deal, and by extension Donald Trump as the deal maker, is much more important than the deal itself.
Obviously in the case of Ukraine/Russia, the idea that Trump is employing tough negotiating tactics would indeed seem confusing if you assume he is negotiating on behalf of Ukraine and their interests.
In such a case, starting with the maximalist position would be, for instance, declaring that Russia must pull out of all of its illegally occupied territory and that Ukraine would be allowed to join NATO, possibly with US military installations on Ukrainian territory.
That would be the maximalist position that you would then have Russia try to negotiate a compromise from. Not that I expect that would particularly work as a negotiating tactic in this case, but that would be the Trump philosophy of negotiation if it were applied to trying to secure Ukraine's interests. Instead they are doing the exact opposite, and telegraphing their pre emptive capitulation to the Russian position on each of these issues.
That's because their priority isn't Ukraine, it's the myth of the deal. Of Donald Trump ending the war. The guy literally wants a noble peace prize for this shit. No joke. And as I said, they don't have the leverage to just pressure Russia to step down. I doubt they do with Ukraine either, truth be told, but Trump sees them as an easier and weaker target. That much seems clear as day to me.
The only actual lingering question as to his motives is whether Putin has some other kind of leverage over Trump that we're not privy to. But that's yet to be demonstrated, and while I don't rule it out, I actually think Trump's actions do comport with his world view if you keep in mind that the main thrust of said world view centers around the myth of Donald Trump the deal maker who is the only one who has the negotiating chops to solve xyz issue.
@Buck_Mulligan and
You'd think this was about USA, Ukraine and Russia alone, but ofc Europe is involved and non-US NATO countries are currently sponsoring the war effort as much as the US is. We're still on the war of attrition plan which should result in a safer Europe. It's not that I want prolonged war, but I do want an end of it on our terms as Russia has to end its war or end up depleted. I do want Putin to face consequences. My country shares a border with Russia and share Svalbard with them. And then the US, an ally, pulls this baffling shit and goes into peace talks without Europe.
It seems such a diplomatic blunder. In a matter of days, he's just obliterating relations left and right.
I'm sad to say that putting it politely, I don't think much of USA under Trump.
Don't worry, you aren't going to hurt my feelings lol. I think you would be a fool to consider the US an actual ally at this point. Trump only respects power. Any relationship that you manage to maintain with the US under this kind of leadership will only ever be purely transactional and based more on Trump's short term political aims than any long term strategic vision.
That said, the one thing he did call correctly is that Europe has been slacking on their own security for some time now, as they've been all too comfortable to exist under the American security umbrella. That's done with now, and the war in Ukraine does seem to have woken them up to that reality. I agree with you in the sense that it's necessary as a safeguard against Russia, but it's uncertain that this all leads to a safer Europe. Just like a change in leadership can drastically change the extent to which you can rely on the United States, the leadership in the various European countries is what will determine exactly how "safe" a newly militarized Europe actually is. I wish I had more confidence in that dynamic. But I see no silver lining to any of this. The world is becoming more unstable seemingly everywhere you look.
Netanyahu says Israel won't allow Syrian forces 'south of Damascus' (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/netanyahu-israel-syrian-forces-south-damascus-119101924)
Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 24, 2025, 06:41 AMThanks @Buck_Mulligan and @Jwb.
You'd think this was about USA, Ukraine and Russia alone, but ofc Europe is involved and non-US NATO countries are currently sponsoring the war effort as much as the US is. We're still on the war of attrition plan which should result in a safer Europe. It's not that I want prolonged war, but I do want an end of it on our terms as Russia has to end its war or end up depleted. I do want Putin to face consequences. My country shares a border with Russia and share Svalbard with them. And then the US, an ally, pulls this baffling shit and goes into peace talks without Europe.
It seems such a diplomatic blunder. In a matter of days, he's just obliterating relations left and right.
I'm sad to say that putting it politely, I don't think much of USA under Trump.
Trump wants to make it about the US to satisfy his ego. He's treating it like he does everything, as if it were a New York real estate deal. He wants a deal so he can claim success, but cares not about the details of the deal or the consequences for the people who have to live with it. If he gets his deal, he'll want people to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize.
US and Ukraine agree terms on natural resources and reconstruction deal: Ukrainian official (https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/25/europe/us-ukraine-resources-reconstruction-deal-intl-latam/index.html)
^ He'll get the Knob-Bellend piece prize for that one.
Preston Stewart
Feb 26, 2025
QuoteThis is a bad look and a bad move for the United States
Today we're diving into a recent US vote in the United Nations that aligned with Russia and North Korea against Ukraine and most of our allies around the world. This appears to be setting the stage for a US-led ceasefire deal that would cede Ukrainian territory to Russia in exchange for US economic benefits with the Russian Federation. The signal this sends to our allies is going to be hard to come back from.
John Mearsheimer PREDICTED How Ukraine War Would End 10 Years Ago!
2 college students were publicly caned for having gay sex in Indonesia's Aceh (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/2-college-students-publicly-caned-gay-sex-indonesias-119241932)
Kurdish separatist leader calls on followers to disarm, potentially ending a five-decade insurgency with Turkey (https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/27/middleeast/turkey-kurdish-pkk-ocalan-call-disarm-insurgency-intl/index.html)
Notorious Mexican drug lord among 29 extradited to US (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2995y25lyo)QuoteMexico has extradited 29 alleged drug cartel members to the United States – including high-profile gang leaders.
Those extradited include notorious drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero who has been wanted by the US for the murder of an American agent 40 years ago.
The move – considered to be of the biggest extraditions in Mexico's history – is seen as a major step in bilateral security relations between the two countries.
It comes after US President Donald Trump threatened earlier this year to impose tariffs on imports from Mexico, accusing it of failing to tackle drug trafficking and mass migration.
Ukraine's $500 billion rare earths scam: they don't exist, and we should know better
based on the title and quickly skimming through - what a stupid fucking video, regardless of whether he's right about the rare earth stuff. Making it sound as if Ukraine is just trying to scam the US, as if the US isn't trying to bully a country in distress for monetary gain. Tired in general of the below-par shit on politics and news you tend to post without taking any accountability when people call you out on it
Quote from: Marie Monday on Feb 28, 2025, 10:55 PMbased on the title and quickly skimming through - what a stupid fucking video, regardless of whether he's right about the rare earth stuff. Making it sound as if Ukraine is just trying to scam the US, as if the US isn't trying to bully a country in distress for monetary gain. Tired in general of the below-par shit on politics and news you tend to post without taking any accountability when people call you out on it
Actually, he's suggesting that the U.S. is full of shit and that they're using the "rare earths" messaging for deceptive purposes.
Here's another video on the same topic...
Renowned Critical Minerals Expert Jack Lifton Says There Are No Rare Earth Deposits in the Ukraine
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Mar 01, 2025, 01:03 PMActually, he's suggesting that the U.S. is full of shit and that they're using the "rare earths" messaging for deceptive purposes.
that is not the impression I got but since I didn't watch the thing properly I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on it
Israel has cut off all supplies to Gaza. Here's what that means (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/israel-cut-off-supplies-gaza-means-119349009)QuoteIsrael has cut off the entry of all food and other goods into Gaza in an echo of the siege it imposed in the earliest days of its war with Hamas. The United Nations and other humanitarian aid providers are sharply criticizing the decision and calling it a violation of international law.
"A tool of extortion," Saudi Arabia's foreign ministry said. "A reckless act of collective punishment," Oxfam said. Key mediator Egypt accused Israel of using "starvation as a weapon."
Hunger has been an issue throughout the war for Gaza's over 2 million people, and some aid experts had warned of possible famine. Now there is concern about losing the progress that experts reported under the past six weeks of a ceasefire.
Arab leaders set to back alternative to Trump's Gaza reconstruction plan (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjd32xyjg4eo)
Not surprising...
US and Israel reject Arab alternative to Trump's Gaza plan (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn7vd4pnxx3o)
Zelensky's conciliatory letter to Trump suggests he's out of options (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4gde1zj5pyo)
Taliban insist Afghan women's rights are protected as UN says bans cannot be ignored (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taliban-insist-afghan-womens-rights-protected-bans-119583708)QuoteThe Taliban issued a message on International Women's Day, saying Afghan women live in security with their rights protected, even as the U.N. condemned ongoing employment and education bans.
Since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan in 2021, they have barred education for women and girls beyond sixth grade, most employment, and many public spaces. Last August, the Vice and Virtue Ministry published laws that ban women's voices and bare faces outside the home.
The Taliban's chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid released a statement on his official X account, without specifically mentioning International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8.
He said the dignity, honor, and legal rights of women were a priority for the Islamic emirate, the term used by the Taliban to describe their government.
Afghan women lived in security, both physically and psychologically, he added.
"In accordance with Islamic law and the culture and traditions of Afghan society, the fundamental rights of Afghan women have been secured. However, it should not be forgotten that the rights of Afghan women are being discussed within an Islamic and Afghan society, which has clear differences from Western societies and their culture," said Mujahid.
Hundreds reported killed in Syria clashes in worst violence since ouster of Assad regime (https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/07/middleeast/syria-army-assad-deadly-clashes-intl/index.html)
Philippines ex-leader Duterte on plane to the Hague after arrest (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp9ykn85401o)
A Swiss politician was fined for buying pink water pistols online (https://apnews.com/article/switzerland-water-pistols-af9d922957d2980c141b06e2abd59ba7)QuoteZURICH (AP) — A Swiss politician was fined for buying pink water pistols online because authorities say the toys violated the country's weapons law, a local newspaper reported.
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Mar 08, 2025, 01:13 PMTaliban insist Afghan women's rights are protected as UN says bans cannot be ignored (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/taliban-insist-afghan-womens-rights-protected-bans-119583708)
This is what MAGA means by "protecting women" btw. "Protection" in a paternalist patriarchal sense.
TikToker jailed in Indonesia for telling Jesus to cut his hair (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2x5kn7njlo)
Putin responds to US-Ukraine ceasefire proposal, says Russia 'for it' but has concerns (https://abcnews.go.com/International/witkoff-arrives-russia-ukraine-ceasefire-talks/story?id=119744117)
Syrian leader signs constitution that puts the country under an Islamist group's rule for 5 years (https://www.cnn.com/2025/03/13/middleeast/syria-constitution-ap-intl/index.html)