Something Completely Different

Community section => Sports & Health => Topic started by: Guybrush on Nov 18, 2023, 11:26 PM

Title: Partial reps better for growing beef?
Post by: Guybrush on Nov 18, 2023, 11:26 PM
Saw this video today which made me think a bit.

The claim or idea is it's the part of a rep where the muscle is stretched that's most important for hypertrophy, so partial reps where you focus only on that might be better than full ROM if your aim is to grow. The reason is simply because your muscle spends more time in that stretch.

Nippard's video seems reasonably well founded.

Another new thing obviously.. I'm new to this, but realize that these things show up with some regularity.

I'm already doing partial reps sometimes when I'm too tired for full range of motion, but I might try and be a little more strategic about it going forward.
Title: Re: Partial reps better for growing beef?
Post by: jimmy jazz on Nov 19, 2023, 03:23 AM


I've literally never tried this so I have no thoughts. I cna see the logic behind it. Maybe next time I want to shake things up a bit ill give it a try.