To discuss Japan related things in general I guess, but specifically because I'm travelling to Japan in the late summer. If
@Toy Revolver or anyone else who's familiar with Japan has any tips or suggestions for places to go or things to do, let me know!
I do like me some Serial Experiemnts Lain and Spirited Away.
Ooh, that's so cool! Mr. Waffles and I had a trip to Japan booked for the summer of 2020, and... well, yeah. We do still want to get there someday.
He was really excited about the Nintendo theme park that was opening then, so if you like video games it might be worth going.
these are the two most interesting places in japan that i visited
Going to Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I've always have been curious about those two cities.
Quote from: Rubber Soul on Apr 30, 2023, 05:39 PMGoing to Hiroshima or Nagasaki? I've always have been curious about those two cities.
i know you're asking her but i've been to both cities and of course the museums
honestly i don't really think the museums can do anything the best books can
i lived in hiroshima prefecture for a few years and met people who had family members die in the bombing but that's not an experience you can get without the luxury of a lot of time and a way to meet people naturally
thanks guys!
How was it,
@Marie Monday ? Did you go yet?
Of course I read John Hersey's Hiroshima over the summer (about the bombing) so now I wanna see Hiroshima 😅
I haven't gone yet
I thought about visiting Hiroshima but it's quite out of my way so I'm not going there
^ I think that's a good decision. I'm not sure how Japanese people feel about westerners visiting that city. I know neither you nor Guybrush would go there and sit on a monument eating a hamburger and Cocacola, but even so, I imagine western visitors still have to be extra-careful in that city.
I wonder how they feel in Hawaii when a Japanese tourist asks directions to the Pearl Harbor Memorial ?
If Guybrush or Marie were to put on such a crass display of American-ness I'd imagine it would be all the more confusing considering (IIRC) neither of them are American. :laughing:
They're probably fine with westerners, at least the non-US kind 🙂
@Toy Revolver did post that he'd lived in Hiroshima. At least in the prefecture, if not the city itself.
About crass displays of American-ness, I still remember being outside the Santa Maria church in Milan when I heard something like "Laaarrry! The kids wanna go to MacDooonald's!". Of course it was some American tourists and very noticeable.
It is possible that our kids would want to go to McDonald's too while on vacation in Italy, but we have the luxury of not everyone understanding us and our crassness when we talk in Norwegian 😄
Oh and Marie, I think you should go dipping in the hot Springs with the Japanese macaqs.
I will go to some hot springs for sure
Quote from: Guybrush on Aug 22, 2023, 06:35 AMOh and Marie, I think you should go dipping in the hot Springs with the Japanese macaqs.
:thumb: Great photo - great idea !
Quote from: Marie Monday on Aug 22, 2023, 10:54 AMI will go to some hot springs for sure
... posting a photo will be compulsory, not optional ;)
I love to share pictures of macaq
In Kyoto make sure to visit the Otagi Nenbutsu-ji temple
I love it, will definitely go there
Fukushima: China retaliates as Japan releases treated nuclear water (
Japan in a nutshell. :laughing:
Man gets death sentence for killing 36 people in arson attack at anime studio in Japan (
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Jan 25, 2024, 01:49 PMMan gets death sentence for killing 36 people in arson attack at anime studio in Japan (
QuoteAuthorities said Aoba, who screamed "You die!" during the attack, was neither a current nor former employee of Kyoto Animation Company, a renowned producer of hit TV series.
Sorry but 😂
Japan is my favourite culture, though it is a little more repressed than I prefer, I find it to be the most beautiful. The only thing I take issue with is, and this is going to sound like kink shaming but when it comes to pedophilia yes I am going to kink shame, is the vile nature of hentai. Here comes an actual unfair kink shame crack, but it is basically depravity maxed out. Underage girls, explosive diarrhea being raped by a tentacle monster. Maxed out.
Of course I know I'm generalizing and not every Japanese man is ultimate pervert.
But yeah this is what we see when we have these levels of repression.
But still my favourite. Then Scandinavia second. Then Russia.
Quote from: robhr on Jan 28, 2024, 03:15 AMJapan is my favourite culture, though it is a little more repressed than I prefer, I find it to be the most beautiful. The only thing I take issue with is, and this is going to sound like kink shaming but when it comes to pedophilia yes I am going to kink shame, is the vile nature of hentai. Here comes an actual unfair kink shame crack, but it is basically depravity maxed out. Underage girls, explosive diarrhea being raped by a tentacle monster. Maxed out.
Of course I know I'm generalizing and not every Japanese man is ultimate pervert.
But yeah this is what we see when we have these levels of repression.
But still my favourite. Then Scandinavia second. Then Russia.
What do you like about Russian culture?
Quote from: robhr on Jan 28, 2024, 03:15 AMJapan is my favourite culture, though it is a little more repressed than I prefer, I find it to be the most beautiful. The only thing I take issue with is, and this is going to sound like kink shaming but when it comes to pedophilia yes I am going to kink shame, is the vile nature of hentai. Here comes an actual unfair kink shame crack, but it is basically depravity maxed out. Underage girls, explosive diarrhea being raped by a tentacle monster. Maxed out.
Of course I know I'm generalizing and not every Japanese man is ultimate pervert.
But yeah this is what we see when we have these levels of repression.
But still my favourite. Then Scandinavia second. Then Russia.
Along with hearing what you like about Russia, I'd love to hear your opinion on Scandinavia as well.
I'm planning a group trip with my friends for 2027. Why so far out you may ask? I'm giving them ample time to save up as much money as possible. If they can't do that and make the trip in 3 years they will no longer be friends of mines. I'm cutting them off.
Quote from: grindy on Jan 28, 2024, 10:43 AMWhat do you like about Russian culture?
They're dark and bleak, I like dark and bleak. And Andrei Tarkovsky is one of my favourite film directors. I generally enjoy their artistic outlooks. Obviously I have my problems with Putin who doesn't.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Jan 28, 2024, 11:46 AMAlong with hearing what you like about Russia, I'd love to hear your opinion on Scandinavia as well.
I'm planning a group trip with my friends for 2027. Why so far out you may ask? I'm giving them ample time to save up as much money as possible. If they can't do that and make the trip in 3 years they will no longer be friends of mines. I'm cutting them off.
Scandinavian art has a very ethereal quality that I just eat up. They're very chill. While I am not exactly socialist though I do respect the philosophy, I like it when people take their logic all the way, and Scandinavia definitely takes their socialist logic all the way. Also dark and pretty.
Nice, I'd like to visit as well.
Quote from: robhr on Jan 28, 2024, 08:35 PMThey're dark and bleak, I like dark and bleak. And Andrei Tarkovsky is one of my favourite film directors. I generally enjoy their artistic outlooks. Obviously I have my problems with Putin who doesn't.
Scandinavian art has a very ethereal quality that I just eat up. They're very chill. While I am not exactly socialist though I do respect the philosophy, I like it when people take their logic all the way, and Scandinavia definitely takes their socialist logic all the way. Also dark and pretty.
Nice, I'd like to visit as well.
Oh god, I hate this whole pessimistic shit about my fellow eastern Europeans. To me it always seemed to be rooted in this idea that adults have to be all grim and focused on negativity, while cheery people are somehow childish and stupid. Having grown up in Russian/Soviet culture there is actually very little that I like about it.
Quote from: grindy on Jan 28, 2024, 10:04 PMOh god, I hate this whole pessimistic shit about my fellow eastern Europeans. To me it always seemed to be rooted in this idea that adults have to be all grim and focused on negativity, while cheery people are somehow childish and stupid. Having grown up in Russian/Soviet culture there is actually very little that I like about it.
Darkness does not necessarily imply pessimism and sadness. Most dark people are not sad. We acknowledge the dark side of life but manage to maintain "Happiness." It's true, Russian culture can be a little more "Sad." I enjoy observing this, it is beautiful, I am not a sad person myself.
Quote from: robhr on Jan 28, 2024, 10:15 PMDarkness does not necessarily imply pessimism and sadness. Most dark people are not sad. We acknowledge the dark side of life but manage to maintain "Happiness." It's true, Russian culture can be a little more "Sad." I enjoy observing this, it is beautiful, I am not a sad person myself.
As an insider I gotta say that this Russian way of thinking unfortunately really is more pompous pessimism that beautiful darkness, the latter of which I also certainly can dig. Maybe our perspectives differ due to you knowing the art but me also knowing the actual people.
Quote from: grindy on Jan 28, 2024, 10:21 PMAs an insider I gotta say that this Russian way of thinking unfortunately really is more pompous pessimism that beautiful darkness, the latter of which I also certainly can dig. Maybe our perspectives differ due to you knowing the art but me also knowing the actual people.
As an outsider I have no emotional attachment to the culture and can observe it without personal feelings.
Agree to disagree.
I'm sorry, that came across with pomposity. I don't mean to say I am observing objectively and you subjectively, we are both right.
Quote from: robhr on Jan 28, 2024, 10:24 PMI'm sorry, that came across with pomposity. I don't mean to say I am observing objectively and you subjectively, we are both right.
Don't worry, I didn't mind. We just have different perspectives and Russian art and its mood are very dear to me.
Quote from: grindy on Jan 28, 2024, 10:28 PMDon't worry, I didn't mind. We just have different perspectives and Russian art and its mood are very dear to me.
Okay good. It is the art and the mood that I admire myself. I just enjoy watching the sadness but I can see how you would not, having to deal with it on a daily basis. I will give you this: I gently mock and judge the sadness myself, but I do find it to be a beautiful thing to observe. I don't mind the pompous pessimism.
Russian women 🔥
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jan 28, 2024, 10:36 PMRussian women 🔥
Certainly beats Russian men.
Not Grindy ofc, just generally speaking.
Quote from: Guybrush on Jan 28, 2024, 11:41 PMCertainly beats Russian men.
Not Grindy ofc, just generally speaking.
I don't think he's Russian. Always had him down as a Ukrainian lad.
Big G am I right
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Jan 28, 2024, 11:44 PMI don't think he's Russian. Always had him down as a Ukrainian lad.
Big G am I right @grindy
I was born in Ukraine during Soviet times and I only speak Russian, no Ukrainian at all. I usually say that I'm Ukrainian but I also don't really mind being called Russian.The cultures are extremely similar anyway.
Quote from: grindy on Jan 29, 2024, 07:07 AMI was born in Ukraine during Soviet times and I only speak Russian, no Ukrainian at all. I usually say that I'm Ukrainian but I also don't really mind being called Russian.The cultures are extremely similar anyway.
Regarding this, that's interesting.
Is it a common attitude for those born during the Soviet Union? The closest thing I can think of is if the UK broke up, you wouldn't get a Scotsman, Welshman or Ulsterman born during UK times who only speaks English, who is OK with being called English. Well you might but basically no.
Quote from: jimmy jazz on Feb 09, 2024, 12:26 AMRegarding this, that's interesting.
Is it a common attitude for those born during the Soviet Union? The closest thing I can think of is if the UK broke up, you wouldn't get a Scotsman, Welshman or Ulsterman born during UK times who only speaks English, who is OK with being called English. Well you might but basically no.
I think it's mostly just me really not giving a shit about nationality and not identifying myself through that lense.
I also assume that many Ukrainians who politically align with Russia prefer to be called Russian these days but that's certainly not the case for me.
Oops, didn't catch this. I know you don't mind, but sorry for getting it wrong still,
@grindy. Especially with Russia and Ukraine being at war, it feels like a bit of a faux pas.
Quote from: Guybrush on Feb 10, 2024, 09:07 AMOops, didn't catch this. I know you don't mind, but sorry for getting it wrong still, @grindy. Especially with Russia and Ukraine being at war, it feels like a bit of a faux pas.
Nah, it's really okay. Russians and Ukrainians are similar af and with this stupid war going on people suddenly start dividing themselves along arbitrary lines. So I'm all for not giving a shit about that.
DOJ charges Japanese Yakuza leader for allegedly attempting to traffic nuclear materials (
It's a long way away but my cousin and I are starting to plan a trip to Japan possibly for spring 2026 🎉
Quote from: FETCHER. on Apr 07, 2024, 12:49 PMIt's a long way away but my cousin and I are starting to plan a trip to Japan possibly for spring 2026 🎉
Yeah same I'm planning a group trip with a couple of friends, I think it's supposed to be six of us in total but it's for spring 2027.
I even told them if you aren't able to save for this trip and go with me Spring 2027 when it's so far out. You will no longer be considered my friend. Way too irresponsible if you can't save up for a trip that's three years out. lol
The U.S. and Japan will announce a historic upgrade in security ties to counter China (
Black Rat in White Bread (
Tokyo City Hall is developing a dating app to encourage marriage and childbirth (
Imagine your government having to get involved in trying to get you laid
(Not that I'm any good at that myself to be fair, but I'm not particularly fussed about it and I'm not a breeder anyway so they would consider me a lost cause 😂)
Japan scientists make smiling robot with 'living' skin (
Japan top court says forced sterilisation unconstitutional (
Japan and the Philippines sign a defense pact in the face of shared alarm over China (
Japan wants to make it easier to shoot bears as attacks rise (
Here's a two-fer...
Japan tosses plan to woo Tokyo women into rural marriages for cash (
Nearly 40,000 people died home alone in Japan this year, report says (
That second story is super sad to think about.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 31, 2024, 11:18 PMThat second story is super sad to think about.
It truly is sad. One thought I've had about AI is once it gets to a point where it feels like you're having conversations with a kind of 'conscious intelligence' (and I think we're close), that will mitigate much of the sense of isolation and loneliness, not just in Japan, but many other countries too.
Given Japan's population crisis, they're going to need to either lift restrictions on immigration (and make it easier to immigrate and assimilate), or they need to find a way to incentivize their domestic population to start having babies. Governments need a growing tax base.
Quote from: DJChameleon on Aug 31, 2024, 11:18 PMThat second story is super sad to think about.
Yeah. It's tragic that some people grow old and get to the end of their lives with no friends or family.
It got me wondering about how other countries compare. I imagine the U.S. is probably similar in that regard.
World's longest-serving death row inmate — an 88-year-old former boxer — is acquitted of 1966 murders in Japan (
A US bomb from World War II explodes at a Japanese airport, causing a large crater in a taxiway (
Japan's new government welcomes 'forward-looking' congratulatory message from China (
Political upheaval in Japan after snap election leaves no clear winner (
Japan's oldest royal, Princess Yuriko, wartime Emperor Hirohito's sister-in-law, dies at 101 (
Bear rampaging through Japanese supermarket for 2 days is lured out with honey, then killed (
Trump vows to block U.S. Steel's takeover by Japan's Nippon Steel (
Japanese city to name and shame people who break rubbish rules (
World's oldest person Tomiko Itooka dies aged 116 (
Popular Japanese actor fired from low-alcohol beer ad after getting drunk and breaking into neighbor's home ( :beer:
Japan's birth rate fell for a ninth consecutive year in 2024 to hit a record low (
Quote from: Psy-Fi on Feb 27, 2025, 03:59 PMJapan's birth rate fell for a ninth consecutive year in 2024 to hit a record low (
QuoteSurveys show that many younger Japanese are reluctant to marry or have families, discouraged by bleak job prospects, the high cost of living that rises at a faster pace than salaries and corporate cultures that are not compatible with having both parents work.
Can't blame them. Same in this country.