Hear a song. Share a song.
Aren't we all motivated to do that? This thread invites you to share your explorations of music by posting a song you have come across recently and writing a line or two of explanation about it. Also, in a two-for-one of old ideas recycled, you are invited to comment on the previous poster's song, so that this thread combines two thread ideas that most of us will be familiar with:
What Are You Listening To Right Now? + Rate The Song Above You.
If the idea of rating the previous guy's song sounds too onerous, feel free to skip that part and just post a song you want to share, but of course, He who rateth not the previous song shalt bear no expectation that his own song be rated.
To start things off, here's a song that I listened to yesterday:-
Just dripping with cool, this is my favourite track from Giant Sand's 2000 album,
Chore Of Enchantment.
I wanted to share it for the simple reason that it sounds so good to me: I'd rate it a
9/10 myself, but I'd be interested to hear someone else's comment - and, of course, someone else's song. :)
Temptation of Egg
by Giant Sand
it was odd.
i liked the instrumental parts more than the singing parts.
i will give it 5 points.
Thanks, fire.
Yes, the guy's voice (Howe Gelb) is not to everyone's taste.
How about you? Do you have a song you've been listening to lately?
Ti på taket
by Irene Tillunglistening now to her album from bandcamp.
this is the first track from the album.
That song starts strong, and fits in with the music you put in the "Music To Do Things To" thread too. I like how some unexpected sounds turn up half-way through.
7/10I don't know much about Dengue Fever the band, though I have had dengue fever, the mosquito-borne illness.
Sleepwalking Through The Mekong is a movie with a soundtrack album, and this title track throws you straight into some spooky Cambodian world:-
Just so you know Lisna, your video wouldn't play for me; just kept buffering. Nevertheless I checked it out offsite.
I liked the way it began with the slow acoustic guitar and the pipes, flutes, whatever they were. I must admit though the vocal got really on my nerves; I'm not great with Asian singing, at least ethnic singing and it just sort of grated on my nerves, like listening to some Chinese grandmother moaning about her life (no idea what age the singer is, and it's not possible for me to determine that through her singing). The music had a nice relaxing feel to it, could imagine kind of drifting down the river through mist and with strange birds flying around, odd sounds coming from the jungle to the right and left, and fish popping up out of, and then falling back into the river. But no vocals please.
Here's mine: think it would be characterised as post-rock maybe. Don't let the name put you off.
"I, ache" by Break My Fucking Sky
Thanks for taking the trouble to find the
Mekong song: it must be geoblocked or something. :(
I agree with you really; the vocals are too piercing or too high in the mix, so I found myself hoping she would keep quiet so the music could breathe a bit more. I'd give it about
Who chooses a band name with an expletive in it?! That seems to me to be a mistake on so many levels - if anything even more so when your music is such an innocuous instrumental as
I, the Ache is. It was perfectly pleasant, even though I spent the first minutes expecting it to break out into some outrageous, obscenity-filled monster to justify that name. Instead, a nice gentle build up of instruments, but it didn't seem to go anywhere.
I'm only listening to this song because the friendly young man who works in the photocopy/computer shop that I regularly use recommended it to me:-
Are these guys well known, or well regarded, I wonder?
Falling In Reverse - I'm Not A Vampire (Revamped)
new to me.
too much poppy.
sounds like it could be in the eurovision song contest.
i will give it 2 points
Æ MAK - New Friendreleased 2021
a new favourite song by Æ MAK.
i discovered them in 2018.
^Kinda punkish in spirit, which is fun. It's too much like dance / club music for my tastes specifically, but the style is cool. A more avantgarde version mighthave suited me more.
I give it :3stars:
So I just watched a very weird, gross film and I thought who the hell would do that in front of a camera? And the answer was Beatrice Manowski who turned out to also be an artist. I had to check this song out.
Beware nudity and sexual content:
Hot Sand
by Beatrice Manowski
it was an ordinary song.
i liked the instrumentals parts more than her singing.
i will give it 2 points.
Muiñeira da Lúa
by Budiñoreleased March 2022
i was so excited when they released something new but they didn't release a new album yet.
their last album "fulgor" 2019 wasn't that good it was a bit bland for my taste.
Hot Sand video had a few surprises in it, Guybrush! I thought the song was ok, but seemed a bit repetitive.
5/10Muiñeira da Lúa is a good combination of modern and traditional, I thought. I liked the fast bagpipe sections best.
6/10I keep coming back to this video clip of Pattie Smith singing
Birdland, as one of the most moving vocal performances I know of:
^Cool :) I haven't been too excited about Smith's spoken word / poetry on record, preferring her singy songs. But watching her live here was impressive. Such energy!
I'd rate it: :4stars:
Youtube handed me this today. I don't know Mike Love from before and expected something a lot less interesting. I was pleasantly surprised:
Different Mike Love obviously. The Beach Boy's Mike Love's idea of a controversial song would be something like Afternoon Delight. :laughing:
Yep, I first thought that a Beach Boy had gone rogue, and when it turned out to be someone I'd never heard of, I was also agreeably surprised. I particularly liked the soft percussive sounds at the beginning that made me think of Come Together by The Beatles.
7/10 (= for Guybrush's Mike Love song)
I'm hosting a small pool party tomorrow, so checking out some sounds in advance: maybe a touch of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?
A pool party? Where are you, Aruba?
Well, I'm at a latitude where it's like 30°C in March. No song to share here, RS ?
This is what I was listening to in the car 15 mins ago:-
Looks like Don Cherry was in LA and visited Watts Towers:-
Don Cherry - Degi-Degi
it was ok, a bit long.
Terraformer - Lupareleased 2013
still in the instrumental mood.
^ I liked the guitars
Gazelle Twin - Belly Of The Beast
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Mar 19, 2023, 02:34 AMI'm hosting a small pool party tomorrow, so checking out some sounds in advance: maybe a touch of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs?
A great song from one of my favorite albums!
^ I'm not really familiar with the album itself, but instead cherry-picked
Calaveras from a playlist.
Quote from: jadis on Apr 03, 2023, 11:30 PMGazelle Twin - Belly Of The Beast
^ I liked the electronic beatz and the way it's not easy to categorize the way the song is going or the mood it's setting. 7/10
Thanks for posting a song here, Mindy!
I really like the harmonica on this shuffling blues track, but I have a problem with Taj Mahal's voice, which is kind of rough, but not in a good way, imo.
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Mar 04, 2023, 02:56 PMHear a song. Share a song.
...this thread combines two thread ideas that most of us will be familiar with:
What Are You Listening To Right Now? + Rate The Song Above You.
Still hoping that this thread, with its pretty simple premise, will take flight and soar, so here's a song I was listening to last night:-
Still hoping that this thread, with its pretty simple premise, will take flight and soar, so here's a song I was listening to last night:-
4/5 i like it ..i like spoken word tracks got the james bond funky feel a hole album tho of spoken word is like ehhh at some point u gotta sing or scream or whatever but yeahhh kind reminds me of this track but a bit more happy :P
Welcome to SCD Norg - and thanks for posting a song in this thread.
Yeah, I also prefer spoken-word songs in small doses. With your choice, I liked the electronic sounds, and found the speaking kind of annoying really. How odd that
The Couch, along with VU's
The Gift, falls into that very narrow Art Rock sub-genre, "Spoken Narratives About Items Delivered To Your Door".
6/10 _______________________________________
Here's an old favourite of mine that I was revisiting last night:-
^It's a fun, groovy track :) I like it! And it's a long time since I listened to Traffic actually so maybe I'll check them out again tomorrow.
How about this one?
Don't think I've ever gotten around to listening to 10cc - nice, ambient intro. Vocals sound like they're swirling from an ampitheatre. Bass is lush and full. The piano adds a really nice flavor along with....is that touches of harp? Wow. Very fleshed out track. Beautiful harmonies. Out of all the things I could learn about, women are the one thing I don't think I'll ever figure out. ;)
Were these guys an influence on XTC? I hear a lot XTC-similarities in this one. Beautiful song. This a gut-reaction rating, but I'll roll with it.
Here's one:
Quote from: SGR on Jun 08, 2023, 02:34 AMDon't think I've ever gotten around to listening to 10cc - nice, ambient intro. Vocals sound like they're swirling from an ampitheatre. Bass is lush and full. The piano adds a really nice flavor along with....is that touches of harp? Wow. Very fleshed out track. Beautiful harmonies. Out of all the things I could learn about, women are the one thing I don't think I'll ever figure out. ;)
Were these guys an influence on XTC? I hear a lot XTC-similarities in this one. Beautiful song. This a gut-reaction rating, but I'll roll with it.
Cool that you liked it :) It certainly has the sound of a classic to my ears, being both beautiful and quite funny, but it doesn't seem like it's very well known. 10cc seem like the sort of talented and fun band where everyone can sing and probably play multiple instruments and can cover a wide range of styles / genres. Most of their songs that I've heard are also funny / jokey with the popular Dreadlock Holiday being a perfect example of the sort of stuff they could pull off.
They're probably underrated, maybe because they have history's most boring ass band name? I don't know. I've been meaning to explore them more.
I don't know that they're an influence on XTC, but then XTC definitely would've heard 10cc and 10cc are also known for doing some cool things in the studio which I assume may have influenced production later on.
Quote from: SGR on Jun 08, 2023, 02:34 AMHere's one:
I really like this :) Kinda trip-hoppy? I don't know them from before, but they remind me of Portishead. I really like it and have added it to my rotation. Feel free to recommend more from them!
Almost forgot the point of this. Maybe someone would tackle this quirky instrumental?
Quote from: Guybrush on Jun 08, 2023, 09:58 AMAlmost forgot the point of this. Maybe someone would tackle this quirky instrumental?
^ I really like that song! The instruments that come in at about 1 min. made me think of Zappa, and then I was unable to throw off the comparison. To me, this is the piece that Zappa would've written in response to his mom's nagging, "
Why don't you write a nice song for a change?!"
Panzerpappa is the band? I'll be checking them out, thanks.
This morning, this song was in the rotation of music I have in my car: something about the melody kind of sticks in the mind, I think : -
This morning, this song was in the rotation of music I have in my car: something about the melody kind of sticks in the mind, I think :
The Kings of Emo ...ill give it a 2/5
Why does it seem like the writers from japan know out to output any type of music jazz metal pop anything and do it will elite skill ...its crazy
i mean i cant make this stuff up during the
80's and 90's Artist from japan were just dropping masterpieces on the daily :P weird times
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 10, 2023, 11:41 PM^ I really like that song! The instruments that come in at about 1 min. made me think of Zappa, and then I was unable to throw off the comparison. To me, this is the piece that Zappa would've written in response to his mom's nagging, "Why don't you write a nice song for a change?!"
Panzerpappa is the band? I'll be checking them out, thanks. 9/10
Nice! It's a slight plug because I know these guys :laughing:
Especially the bass player (and occasional composer) is a good friend of mine. They're a talented bunch and put out some great music.
Is it allowed to post here, like just a reply to a comment, without doing the review? I'm at work without headphones, so I don't wanna listen to Norg's japanese jazz just yet :laughing:
The Yurika track is nice, Norg. I like the upright bass with the drums which gives a journey-like feel, like a rickety train chugging along. Reminds me of Pat Metheny, Cinematic Orchestra, Portico Quartet...
What made me melt into the back of the sofa was the sax solo at 1:55 to 2:00, where the notes go crazy, creating lush dissonance. I've noticed many other tunes also doing this only once, perhaps because if they stretched it all the time then they would lose their impact or something. That bit gets a 5. Overall I'll give it a 4/5.
Anyone care to review this one? Sounds like a good piece of driving rock. I had it on repeat the other day whilst cutting hedges. Makes picking up the cuttings a lot less boring.
^ "Vapour Trails" is nice - it's definitely not the kind of thing I'd listen to attentively, but I could see it being great background music to something like cutting hedges or washing dishes. It seems to have this repeating piano motif and yet it wanders, the guitar vying for space with the sax (the sax is a great touch). Lots of energy too - the vibe it gives me is that I'm completely wasted in Vegas at 3am, and I just walked out of the casino, there's bright lights everywhere and strange smelling people around me, and I'm down about $400 - but earlier in the night, I was down $1000, so I feel like a fucking winner.
Who wants to review this?
Haha, yes Vapour Trails does seem to conjure up different storylines depending on the listener. For me it was a Doogie Howser type character trying to run away from a granny waving her stick through city streets. Each transition was them hopping on different modes of transport (hanging off the back of a bus, roller skates, weaving thru heavy traffic on a skateboard, bike...) to try to lose her. The final sax part was like "jeez, what's a guy gotta do to shake off this angry lady!".
Anyway, back to Sunny Side Of The Street ^.
It is quite motivational and has an amazing vibe, also I admire vocals, it is hard for a men to sing that high
Welcome to SCD, Luka ! :thumb:
The idea of this thread is actually :
(i) review the song in the previous post, then
(ii) post your song, which will be reviewed by the next guy to contribute. So to bring the thread up to date:-
I Surrender: Some nice guitar playing. I don't know how difficult it is to sing that high, but there are a bunch of male artists who are always in that register, like the lead singer of Foreigner.
6/10 __________________________________________________________________________________________
Quote from: SGR on Jun 27, 2023, 12:33 AMWho wants to review this?
^ I thought this was nice, but a little unexceptional, SRG. I liked the various solos, but it didn't move much beyond a relaxed, old-timey feel for me. Right at the end, I really liked the way the unexpected vocals came in and reminded us what the song actually was.
Your song put me in mind of another American song about streets:-
Thanks for posting here, Mindy!
Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jun 28, 2023, 02:51 PMThe idea of this thread is actually : (i) review the song in the previous post, then (ii) post your song, which will be reviewed by the next guy to contribute.
I've now changed the thread title from
"One Song at a time..." to something that I hope is clearer. This is a thread where people comment on one song, then post a song of their own, which in turn will be commented on. I thought it might generate a more chatty, more satisfying approach to sharing songs than just putting a song and receiving no feedback.
So here's my comment on your
Of Monsters and Men song: Loved the image of the fish, also liked the clear, strong voice of the woman, though she started out with a style of singing I don't much like: a kind of disconnected, one-syllable-to-one-beat effect, instead of what is natural in language, which is to run words and rhythms into each other,
dja know wodahm sayin? But after that small obstacle, I liked how the song built up, and was happier with her voice by the end of the song:
Another female vocalist:-
Another female vocalist:-
1/5 ummm...this song is kind of to long for this stuff the music was basically on a loop with a water stick has the bridge ..kinda reminded me of mike Patton TBO his vocal solo album all i could think about is the singer is kinda doing the same stuff Ace Ventura pet detective used to do make animal noises LOL
o yes this song makes me think of my ex who i still kinda love ..(i think) yet she hates me for some reason :P
not bad^ Bladee - side by side = 6.8/10
Sonreal- ummm 1/5 sorry just a standard pop rap song nothing out of the ordinary
these guys voices are pretty good i like ..but the vibe kinda dark and French people kinda scare me sometimes dont ask :P
Yeah, there's something unsettling about their stage show, norg, though it does it's job well: once you start watching, you can't stop. As for the song, I thought it was too pleasant for its own good: very easy on the ear, but also very easy to not really notice.
Sorry, no video for this one, but this is the kind of French music I like - something that includes a touch from their days of colonial power: often
from North Africa, but in this case, from Turkey:-
paris combo- pretty good got that sands of Arabia kind of feel nice little lounge band 2/5
good night :P
Quote from: Norg on Jul 03, 2023, 10:53 AMparis combo- pretty good got that sands of Arabia kind of feel nice little lounge band 2/5
good night :P
TBH, norg, I had no idea you liked the gentle kind of music of the last few selections.
Lost My Mind is a great track: intriguing and atmospheric. At least that's how it starts, but in the second half I found myself hoping for some new audio surprise, but that never arrived, so there was something routine about the way the song ended. That's why it loses a point and ends up with
Mixing things up a bit:-
a tribe called red - 0/5
gotta be honest on my review :P just a NA chant loop with a generic edm beat ...even gots the air horns n broken glass effects ...that was bad LOL
loathe ..anyone ?
"A Sad Cartoon" - Loathe
Initial impressions were early Police (that hollow guitar) then it burst into a frenzy of power chords and I thought we were looking at something nu-metal, but the vocal was very pleasant. I don't know if this is hardcore/post-hardcore or emo or what, but the shifts in mood were really effective, the sort of dream pop interlude there at around the 2:30 mark quite unexpected, then the almost Metallica-style growling guitar. Yeah, a lot to pack in to five minutes of music. Impressive.
"With Autumn I'll Surrender" - Harakiri for the Sky
I really dig this Trollheart! really cool stuff, Svalbard is one of my favorite bands right now and this scratches a similar itch. I love how beautiful the notes are while not sacrificing the heavy onslaught of the guitar tones and drums and vocals. The video is really cool as well and gave me a cool movie idea.
Quote from: tristan_geoff on Nov 20, 2024, 06:29 PM
^ This guy has a really good, slightly spooky voice, that reminded me of Colin Blunstone, and the whole song is much more gentle than I expected. Even when the percussive stuff comes in at 25 seconds, it is light and unusual. The words didn't make a lot of sense to me, but these days I've perfected the art of listening to words and not bothering to link them together unless I choose to, so that worked well for me on this song.
Quote from: Norg on Nov 20, 2024, 06:47 AMa tribe called red - 0/5
gotta be honest on my review :P just a NA chant loop with a generic edm beat ...even gots the air horns n broken glass effects ...that was bad LOL
^ That's a really damning review, especially after I chose a song specifically because I thought it was so unusual. :laughing:
Thanks for staying honest and for revitalizing this thread Norg.
Does anyone have an opinion about this one:-