Something Completely Different

Community section => The Lounge => Politics and Current Affairs => Topic started by: Buck_Mulligan on Feb 01, 2025, 10:14 PM

Title: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Buck_Mulligan on Feb 01, 2025, 10:14 PM
Please don't shoot the messenger, and given that NY Post is a source, maybe you should take some of this "cum grano salis".
No disrespect to the dead. Note the difference, the NYPost describes them as a "Trans" Cult, while SFGate uses "Death" cult.

Out of curiosity I Googled Jack "Ziz" LaSota and you can see the results at the links.

You can see how our "fearless leader" might seize on this to further his aims.

Until today I too had never heard of the "Zizians". SFGate has said they've been described them as a "Death Cult".
Now that a federal officer has been killed in the line of duty, we can likely expect to hear more about this.
Deets at the links. ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Trollheart on Feb 01, 2025, 11:01 PM
You're right: the difference between the articles is stark. The NY Post screams TRANS KILLERS! and also refuses to use the pronouns both prefer(red), which is clearly intentional: X identifies as a woman but they repeatedly refer to X as he, him etc. The SFGate article doesn't mention trans at all, and is far less biased. I mean, if they're killers, fine, but tell it like it is, don't stoke the already white-hot fires of trans mistrust turning to hatred for the fucking sake of it! Now we all know what's going to happen, don't we?  ::)

For me, the difference is this: NY Post - screaming, shouting, foaming at the mouth and jumping up and down shrieking TRANS TRANS TRANS!
SF Gate - calmly and rationally relaying the story and allowing people to make up their own minds without bias.

NYP = Fox News or even OAN
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Lexi Darling on Feb 02, 2025, 02:53 AM
When the all ages ban on HRT and transitioning comes, there are a lot of people who are going to support it enthusiastically because of this. I don't even think it's down to the media spin on this incident, we all know exactly what those kinds of people will think when they read the raw fact that a murderous cult made up of solely trans people exists. It's extra idiotic considering the government officially does not consider trans people to even exist, thanks to President Pedophile's EO. They're going to point to this cult as a reason why even us trans people not existing legally isn't enough, we're obviously all menaces to society because one wacko cult of shitheads happened to be all-trans, and they're going to use that as grounds to make it so we will no longer exist in society at all. They'll just keep on turning a blind eye to the child rapists in the Catholic Church and the Republican politicians who vehemently defend child marriage, and Epstein's buddies in the White House, but when it's people who dared have the same gender dysphoria as a cult that killed people, oh they simply need to go.
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Buck_Mulligan on Feb 02, 2025, 03:17 AM
^^^ Maybe I missed it when skimming the pieces, but I didn't notice that the cult was "all-trans" or limited just to trans.
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Lexi Darling on Feb 02, 2025, 03:40 AM
Quote from: Buck_Mulligan on Feb 02, 2025, 03:17 AM^^^ Maybe I missed it when skimming the pieces, but I didn't notice that the cult was "all-trans" or limited just to trans.

There's a section about it on the bottom most one of your links.

But yeah, fair. We don't know if that description is entirely accurate. But garbage headlines like the NY Post article are still going to do major damage. I'm getting YouTube recommendations by conservative commentators with video titles about the "leftist trans cult" already.
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Trollheart on Feb 02, 2025, 04:30 AM
Seriously now, what business has the truth in a Trump administration? These are the same people who denied Covid existed as they breathed their last, no doubt cursing the Democrats. All that's needed is a hint, a whiff, a clue that this is all-trans and they'll use it. You know they will. Jesus I fear for America, I really do. You couldn't pay me to be there right now.
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: DJChameleon on Feb 02, 2025, 09:13 AM

Some idiot in the comments said "Socialism in action"

That's definitely par for the course of the average OAN viewer though. Andy in his reporting did respect their preferred gender pronouns so at the very least that is something but OANs  audience is eating it up this story as a way to villianize all trans people.

Some other comments were about not being surprised by people who deny reality and are delusional.
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Trollheart on Feb 02, 2025, 03:16 PM
Deny reality? That's rich, coming from people who refused to believe a virus was stalking them and killing them!
Title: Re: "Death Cult" Linked to Shooting of US Border Patrol Agent
Post by: Buck_Mulligan on Feb 21, 2025, 09:16 PM
The leader of the Zizians, plus two associates were arrested in Western Maryland and refused bail this week. (