Something Completely Different

Community section => The Lounge => Topic started by: Trollheart on Jan 28, 2025, 05:05 AM

Title: The General Support Thread
Post by: Trollheart on Jan 28, 2025, 05:05 AM
No, not a thread to provide funds for high-ranking military officers (general support, geddit? Aw, you're no fun anymore) - Here's where to come if you're feeling down, scared, angry or have a beef. Share as much as you want or as little as you want. Everyone needs someone to turn to sometimes, and as we all are here for each other (except that guy, I hate him) I thought it might be a nice idea to have a thread where we can share our fears and worries, or ask for help if we need it. I suppose think of it as a support group, with no need for chairs to be drawn into a circle. Or think of it as an extension of the other thread, but with no requirement to bring Trump into it (though you can if you feel you need to). Not a suicide hotline, not the Samaritans, but just a place you can, if you want to, share your burden with friends who are made up of computer pixels, and who may be, for all you know, dreaming you or you dreaming them. Well that's silly now of course isn't it: we all know we're just battery packs for the intelligent AI running the Matrix, but let's pretend we're real.

It should go without saying but I'll say it anyway: no snark, no judgement and no making fun of people's feelings. Except, of course, again, that guy. Remember, you might be the person looking for support at some point, so treat others as you would like to be treated, or as some guys who used to travel around time in a telephone box once said, and it's as true today as it was then, and perhaps needed even more: be excellent to each other.

Smart comments can of course be delivered to me directly by PM. Clones are standing by for your calls.