Hey we're in October so coming close to the end of the year. Just like AOTY list, except of course swap album for movie. I'd say this doesn't necessarily have to be a list of current movies - if you watched a good one on TV or a retrospective at a cinema or maybe streamed it, who knows? - you can include it. So you can have classics, cult movies, unknown movies, and of course if you wish current blockbusters or just good ones you've seen recently from this year. The only criterion, I think, that should be imposed is that you've seen the movie this year. Even if you've seen it before, that's fine, but I don't think it would be right to just list your favourite ever movies. Therefore the "OTY" of the title would refer to movies seen - whether first, second or tenth time - at some point between January and now.
Write a bit about them if you want, or not. Post videos or posters or whatever you want. Tell us what you thought, why the movies are on your list, or just type in the titles, but ideally even if you're not going to write anything try to provide a Wiki or IMDB link so we can, if we want to, look it up to see what it's about.