Dear friends,
@jimmy jazz' workout thread, I wanted a thread for some of the non-physical healthy exercises we should be doing. Here, I want to focus on two things; daily acts of kindness and thoughts of gratitude.
My challenge to you is this: Every day, perform an act of kindness and reflect on three things you are thankful for.
While it may sound wishy washy, these simple things are empirically proven to increase your own happiness, as discussed here (
I am going to give it my best and will use this as my journal. I encourage you to do the same 🙂
Act of kindness : I haven't done an act of kindness just yet today, so will mention yesterday's. Yesterday, I invited our friend who recently broke up with her husband to move into our place if she wants (I think she's lonely and that this would comfort her). She said she might do that and seemed grateful 🙂 and then she invited me to a trip to New York in December, so that was nice.
Three other things I am thankful for:
Friday's lunch: Once in may, I went to a social gathering after work. I briefly spoke with someone I didn't know, but she works in the same building and is absolutely gorgeous and with such a friendly, mild personality as well. On Friday, I was eating a late lunch with some of my more peripheral acquaintances and she came to join us 🙂 we had a super nice chat and I ended up spending more time lunching than I should. So am grateful for getting to know this wonderful person a bit more.
Crossfit: The crossfit gym is giving me free exercise next week and seem very happy about me deciding to join for reals. Nice people! I like them 🙂 hoping to get to know them better.
Rings of Power: The new season is out. My wife had been in Oslo since Tuesday, but is coming home today. Looking forward to pumping some iron, then starting this series with her afterwards 🙂
I also made a killer cup of coffee for breakfast today with my bialetti brewer 👌
Nice idea, Guybrush, to focus on our better selves and the good things we take for granted. :thumb:
Kindness: Like Shhon, I haven't had much irl social interaction today, but I did give a small tip to a couple of guys at the supermarket: one for bagging my groceries, the other one just begging.
Gratitude: Actually, on a regular basis, I think how lucky I am. Perhaps for today specifically:-
1. I have a cellphone and some good friends, so I was entertained by them for a while today.
2. My car is prone to probs, but it did its job today: no breakdown like I had during the week.
3. Not a killer coffee, but a regular one that I enjoyed at the start of my day, sitting in the garden that this house has, and reading an enjoyable book.
Lovely thread idea!
Kindness: Yesterday we went over to my mom's house to hang out with my sister for a bit before we went shopping and I made breakfast for the four of us; sausage, eggs and English muffins with jam.
Gratitude: 1. I'm grateful for having the close family I have. 2. I'm hopefully going to be going on a cruise with a longtime friend of mine in January 2026, it's not set in stone yet due to potential financial snags but we're trying to find any way we can to make it work. 3. I'm grateful for the supportive online communities I have, SCD included of course.
Oh you guys 🥰 I'm so thankful for you partaking in this happiness journey with me!
Today's Act of Kindness
I started helping out my union reps with some excel problems and will finish that tomorrow. Is that kindness? I also bought tickets for myself and a friend to see Alien: Romulus at the cinema tomorrow 🙂 And I tried to buy a colleague lunch when she had trouble paying at the cash register.. but she promptly wired me back!
1. I am thankful for the swim I had with my wife yesterday. She's been out of town for days, but came home yesterday. We left the kids to their cartoons, then put on our swimwear and bathrobe and drove to the little lake where I've done most of my bathing lately. We got in. It was cold, but also very nice 🙂
2. I'm thankful for my colleague Nina who dropped by my office for a chat. We ended up having lunch together which was very nice. I was the one who hired her and did all the onboarding and I do think she misses me as head of the wastewater department, but I'm ofc very happy about no longer being someone's boss 🙂
3. I am thankful for my wonderful sister. She's a sociology professor and we went to a panel discussion held at an old theatre where she was one of four participants. The topic was male equality issues. I was sceptical, but it was actually very interesting, generally allied with women's rights and the discussion made me reflect on some things I haven't thought of much before.
Today's Act of Kindness
Just a small thing. I made my wife a cup of honey sweetened tea with some biscuits and coffee after dinner, then diverted our youngest's attention so she could have a bit of peace and quiet 🙂
Today's gratitude
1) I'm grateful for getting to see Alien Romulus, both the movie, my pal John whom I went with and the movie for being a decent watch 🙂
2) Getting some help from ChatGPT, I learned a way to do something in Excel that I already did years ago, but this way is so much simpler. I like Excel, so this was fun for me.
3) I am thankful for the book I'm reading and the time I get to read taking the bus to and from work. Today, I couldn't put it down and had to keep on reading after I got home.
Acts of kindness
Maybe two minor ones today. I spent some special time with my boy because I thought he'd enjoy it and I put both our kids to bed so my wife could take some time off.
Today's gratitudes
1) My colleague Elise was really appreciative of the work I've done on a project and loudly praised it in a meeting and said she was so happy I was working with them. I feel like I'm undeserving, so actually got a little bothered and didn't say thanks 😅 but I really appreciate it and will see if I can do something nice for her tomorrow. She's pregnant and probably has the munchies.. and she likes smoothies, so I have an idea 😊
2) I love my boy who is such a brave and funny little guy 🙂 he's really found some weird strength of character lately, taking hardship on the chin like a champ and seemingly always in a good mood.
3) I am thankful to my wife being so supportive of my exercise regime which has me leaving the house at least a couple of times a week. Plus I was at the cinema yesterday.
Today's Act of Kindness
Haven't felt particularly kind today, but I did do hours of onboarding with a trainee and then spent a good half hour teaching a colleague some excel functions.. that's a little kind? Ill try harder tomorrow 😅
Today's gratitudes
1) I am happy for the weather turning suddenly amazing. It was so warm, immediately after work we picked up the kids, some pizza and went to this cove.
2) I am grateful to echinoderms and particularly sea stars whose larvae were everywhere in that cove today. I can't remember seeing them before and here there may have been literally millions. Huge amounts of comb jellies too so bathing was like dipping in jello.
3) Am grateful to my wife who put the kids to bed today while I got to relax. I was unusually tired.
Today's Kindness
I went to pick up my wife after her work with the car today, so maybe that was nice? 🤔
Today's gratitudes
My gratitudes are mostly other people 😄
1) A day or two ago, I invited the wastewater department to take a look at an application I'm writing for a permit for one of our wastewater facilities. There's a bit of technical information that I needed another pair of eyes on. By chance, I mer a colleague today and he was carrying a printout of my application with a few notes in it. Perfect! He filled in most of the remaining gaps and I am very thankful for having such a great colleague.
2) I got to talk a lot about Japanese knotweed today, an invasive plant that thrives around some of our facilities.
3) We went swimming and it was great. Some warm currents have apparently come up from a warmer climate, cause it must be close to 20 degrees C.
I forgot yesterday's, or at least to write them down, so here they are :)
Yesterday's kindness
I supported my wife going to this wine festival and gave my kid money to go buy weekend candy. She's at that age where she's so proud of being able to do stuff like that on her own. I also checked in on a buddy who's sick.
Yesterday's gratitudes
1) I want to challenge talking to strangers more, so when we got to the beach yesterday, I stopped for a brief chit chat with one of the families there. It was pleasant! The dad came to us a little while after with a bucket of live crabs that their kids were no longer paying attention to.
2) The surprisingly warm waters and beautiful reefs of southern Norway 🙂 I was rolicking in the water.
3) The intimate time I had with my wife before bedtime 😄
Today's Kindness
I shared a chat with a stranger today, someone who probably doesn't get approached much that way, but who greatly seemed to appreciate it 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I spent so much of today in the water, so I feel like I'm still thankful for the nice weather and temperature we've had 😊
2) I'm thankful for our son who is a huge goofball and so good at just enjoying himself by himself.
3) I'm hugely thankful to my close family and these gatherings we do a few times a year 🙂 this year we'll be celebrating Christmas together which will be great!
Act of kindness:
I, too, was kind to myself today. I stepped outside for a bit to get some fresh air and reached out to a community online for tips on how to endure the quarantine.
Daily Gratefulness:
1) Ever the avid archivist, I successfully retrieved my documentation from when I last applied for food stamps 4 months ago and completed the re-application process with all required supporting documents in under 20 minutes.
2) My generous neighbors offered to mind my kitten when the exterminators arrive tomorrow to keep him safe from the chemicals. They also offered to drive me to the local food pantries to stock up on staples while I have no income.
3) Despite his finicky behavior, I'm so grateful to have my kitten to share my home. It helps to curb the loneliness. And he listens without judgment.
Today's Kindness
At work today, I first checked in on a colleague who has been depressed. We hugged and had a really nice chat. Later on, I talked to another colleague and learned that the 14 year old daughter of another colleague has been really getting into drugs and she dare not leave her for fear that something will happen. It seems this will prevent her from going on the social trip from Wednesday to Friday. She was struggling not to cry when she told me about it.. it must be so hard. I told her Im here if she ever needs someone to talk to.
Today's gratitudes
1) Today I'm especially thankful for being able to connect with my colleagues.
2) I'm thankful for my daughter being such a goof when we played cards with my parents today. She lost two games in a row and then I lost on purpose and her level of schadenfreude is unparalelled.
3) My parents visited us and brought a warm dinner 🙂 Perfect! They're so thoughtful and nice.
Today's Kindness
I haven't really done anything particularly kind today. The closest is probably organizing a reply from me and my band mates to the guy who's trying to book us for a concert on December 26th.
Today's gratitudes
1) I am thankful for AI technology. I made some pop songs about my kids and we had fun today listening to them repeatedly 🙂
2) I am thankful for getting to enjoy Rings of Power S2. The series gets some flak, but I definitely feel like S2 is a step up and the production value is amazing.
3) I am thankful for my improved Stamina 🙂 Getting to the kindergarten with my kid today, I realized Id forgotten my laptop at home. I managed to run back home, get my laptop and then get on the earliest available bus.. which required me doing all this in 10 minutes, which I did. Only downside was.. I was so sweaty afterwards 😅 oh well.
Today's Kindness
A few kind things today, but most appreciated was I gave some money to a very thankful beggar.
Today's gratitudes
1) I am on a work trip and sleeping at a hotel and the room is very nice!
2) I had a nice workout at the hotel with a couple of colleagues, which was very nice.
3) Im in bed alone and with a book which is so nice 😊
4) Work paid for dinner and drinks! And I had a great time getting to know a new colleague better 🙂
I went straight to sleep yesterday without doing this little exercise, so will catch up 😊
Yesterday's kindness
I was kind yesterday, but mostly in very small and social ways. I am trying to do things like taking care making people feel included. If
However, I guess I didn't find the opportunity to do something big.
Yesterday's gratitudes
1) I loved the hotel breakfast 😊 looking forward to doing it again.
2) We went on a biking trip to see the biking infrastructure they've made here and it was an excellent trip. The stuff that's been built, inspired in part by accommodations for bike cycling in Netherlands, was great and fun to use and during the stops, I found some very nice little wasps and hoverflies in the side of the road.
3) We took a boat to an island here which has a large, beautiful botanical garden and we ate inside a huge greenhouse with palm trees and other exotic plants. The main course, halibut, may have been this year's best fish course. I bought some cheese and honey from their gift store that I'm looking forward to sharing with my family when I get back today.
Today's Kindness
I helped cook rice. That's about it.
Today's Gratitude
Weather is much cooler and not scorching hot.
I got a sweet bus pass for free.
Dinner was yummy and we've kept the kitchen clean.
Act of kindness:
Quarantine will continue for most of the month, so I was as kind to myself as I could manage. I've read countless quotes about loneliness and how it is up to ourselves to determine whether isolation is a heaven or a hell.
Daily Gratefulness:
1) I'm an introvert so I'm trying to appreciate and practice gratitude for the fact that I have a quiet home all to myself. I couldn't imagine having to endure this with another human being throwing in all sorts of unknown variables.
2) I'm taking this opportunity to perform dedicated listening sessions to dusty areas of my music library. I may as well indulge my favorite hobby while I have all this time to myself, and who knows - it might inspire me to write again. (Today I performed a chronological survey of GoGo Penguin's catalog.)
3) I'm reminding myself that in public I am in constant fear of contracting illness. There I am constantly wearing a mask, sanitizing my hands, and social-distancing as much as possible. At least here at home I am safe from the diseased. I'm grateful for my health while I have it. I'm absolutely terrified of getting sick and need to find a job where I can work from home. (I'm frightened of the general public as well, and dread forced conversation.) I'm spending most of my waking hours in silent meditation, and sleep to meditative drones through the night.
I also appreciate being able to interact safely with this community. Thank you.
Today's Kindness
I played with my kids today at a playground in a way that might have been kind. I also let my wife sneak off for a good hour long nap 😄
Today's gratitudes
1) I am thankful for my old buddy who wants to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with me tomorrow, so that'll be great 🙂
2) I am thankful for the delicious boba tea I had today.
3) I am thankful for the funny old movie we saw, The Dark Old House from 1932!
Today's Kindness
Some small acts of kindness today. Made some coffee for our neighbours who we met for our kids play date, bought cinema tickets for my friend, flipped big rocks with the kids so we could find various bugs.
Today's gratitudes
1) Our daughter has some beef with another kid in school and her teacher told us parents and we've had a good talk. We all seem to be of a like mind and positive that we can make it work and I'm grateful that everyone involved are of a similar, positive attitude about it.
2) I enjoyed seeing Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with my friend, even if the movie was a little shy of being great.
3) I enjoyed today's workout with another buddy 🙂 It was tough, but felt great.
Today's Kindness
Didn't really get to do much kind things today as the kindergarten called and I had to get my boy who was sick and crying. I spent the rest of the day at home with him. However, it is my wife's birthday tomorrow and I did get the kids to draw her some birthday cards.
Today's gratitudes
1) I am grateful that the thing my kids like the most in the entire world is when I play with them ❤️
2) Also got to cuddle lots in the couch with both my kids today.
3) I've finally moved on from Elden Ring 😄 feels like a relief.
Today's Kindness
It was my wife's birthday, so I did various nice things.. like giving her a present. I also took our boy to the doctor and the hairdresser (both things he hates).
Today's gratitudes
1) The hairdresser had three parrots and one of them, called Mambo, wanted to sit on my shoulder. Yay! It later locked my boy's lollipop. Friendly pets are great.
2) I am happy to have started watching a haunted house movie with Mia Fattoe that scared me as a kid. Yay!
3) We had lovely sushi today
Today's Kindness
Did little things today, like my wife couldn't be bothered getting her favorite pillow from the basement, so I did it for her.
Today's gratitudes
1) I was absolutely smashed at Crossfit today, but I really appreciate going 🙂
2) I had fun with my kids today. I do most days, but today was especially goofy.
3) My wife saw the last half of the Mia Farrow movie The Haunting of Julia, aka. Full Circle. While watching it, she said she loves watching old movies with me 🙂 I love it too ❤️
Today's kindness
I invited a colleague who I don't know that well to eat lunch on the roof today. She and another colleague didn't even know it was possible to get up there. She also likes horror and gaming, so we never run out of things to talk about 😊 it was real nice.
Today's gratitudes
1) Gonna tie this in with today's kindness and say today's lunch and getting to know a new colleague better 😊
2) I felt really charming and social today 😅 must be the full moon. But I'm trying to lean into my social side and I feel like I have a knack for it. I invite people to talk or just strike up conversations with strangers and kinda yes myself into it when I used to think no. I really like this change in me and it just feels really powerful somehow.
3) Woop! Saw Poltergeist with my kids, mostly our eldest. She wasn't traumatised! Brilliant. Hope I can get her hooked on the scary stuff like her old man.
Today's kindness
I've done various little things. Something my daughter was especially appreciative of was I picked up some new reusable water bottles I'd bought for her, her brother and their mom.
Today's gratitudes
1) I'm grateful for having a wife that comes swimming with me in the evenings still, even though the water has gotten quite cool. We did it today, yesterday and might repeat tomorrow.
2) I've been home today with my boy who's sick and have gotten to cuddle with him, which I love.
3) I'm happy with my own efforts today as a friend, father and husband. When tempted to just rest, I've instead managed to motivate myself to do housework and other things we needed.
Was too tired yesterday to do it, so will catch up 🙂
For Saturday 21st of September:
The most directly kind thing was probably we got our daughter to buy a pair of woolen socks from a romani street beggar.
1) My parents babysat our kids so me and my wife got to go and see The Infernal Comedy with John Maljovich 🙂
2) We had a romantic dinner and I ordered those scallops that I love so much ❤️
3) We had a swim earlier in the day with the kids joining us. It was nice and sunny.. so nice!
4) The show wasn't that great, but it did feature wonderful classical music and two incredible, beautiful opera singers (Chen Reiss and Susanne Langbein) there were parts where I just closed my eyes and let the beauty of the music wash over me.
Today's Kindness
I gave my wife a little massage while we were out swimming 🙂 maybe that was nice?
Today's gratitudes
1) I love that the house is tidy now 😄 we tidied before my parents got here on Saturday.
2) We went swimming again in the ocean at a location I'd wanted to visit earlier in the summer, but never got to. It was wonderful there; nice and sunny, good water temperature (I'd guess about 16 Cs) and a lovely reef that was easy to reach. Shallows for the kids.. we swam and sunbathed, are snacks and had a great time.
3) I exercised with my buddy 🙂 My favourite thing was doing some squats, 3 sets of 8 reps with 90 kgs. I took it a bit easy because its been a while since I did proper squats and then it was on a Smith machine. I don't want to hurt myself, but those sets felt great!
4) I enjoyed putting my boy to bed 🙂 We conked out together.
Today's Kindness
I was kind to my boy, perhaps? I figured he might not want to stay long in kindergarten today, so picked him up early and worked from home. I also submitted to my daughter's request that I play Minecraft with her, but it wasn't a hard sell.
Today's gratitudes
1) I love how goofy and funny my boy is, making dinosaur screams at dinner.. and today he casually said the equivalent of bye fools to the people working at the kindergarten 😅
2) I enjoyed playing Minecraft with my daughter today.
3) I feel like I got increased motivation for exercise these days, which is great.
Today's Kindness
Nothing much.. though I did help a colleague with a coding problem she had. I've also been very kind, I think, to the kids in various little ways.
Today's gratitudes
1) I saw Gravity with the kids. Yay! And I recently saw Poltergeist with our eldest. I may have mentioned this before, but I am so happy they're coming to an age where we can watch more movies together.
2) It was really fun picking up our boy from kindergarten. I was in the car and on my way, but met my daughter who was walking home at that time. She got in the car with me. Then I get a phone call from kindergarten that he was very sad and they wondered if I could pick him up. I said I'm almost there! So we rolled down the car windows and shouted at him as we drove past slowly and he immediately cheered up. My daughter entertained him further as I packed his stuff. They're such great kids.
3) I am really enjoying the book I'm reading, Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. It's book two of the Stormlight Archive series. I don't post as much as I used to and part of the reason is I try to use the phone less and mostly for reading 🙂
Today's Kindness
I was supportive and accommodating to my daughter who had suddenly invited a small party of kids to our house 😅
Today's gratitudes
1) I got to be a nerd today, programming and sorting stuff out. I had fun working 🙂
2) I just had a lovely bath.
3) I also got a good exercise today and have actually been getting some good exercise volume lately. Planning to go jogging tomorrow, or possibly a squat session.
Today's Kindness
I helped a couple of colleagues figure out a mysterious error in their Excel spreadsheet. I love that sort of stuff.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I really enjoyed listening to music today. I've listened to The Grand Wazoo and Hatfield and the North (albums) as well as some Sisters of Mercy, AC/DC, Pink Floyd and The Cars. And Devo.
2) I was reunited with my wife who's been on a work trip 🙂
3) Today I got done with one of my projects that was started quite a while ago. I finished another on Monday. It feels good checking off these boxes 👍
Early morning and doing this for yesterday:
Yesterday's Kindness
I'm on a cabin trips with buddies from my old town and volunteered to help make pizza for the guys.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Im grateful for my old friends and for being invited to this trip 🙂
2) I was also grateful to be invited for a lunch out by a colleague yesterday. I had a great Club Sandwich and a good time 🙂
3) I'm grateful to my buddy's wife for lending me her sleeping bag!
Today's Kindness
Made breakfast with coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon for the guys this morning 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had fun playing frisbee golf with my mates today.
2) I got a cold, but very refreshing and nice bath. It's negative degrees at night up here at the cabin, so quite nippy, but still super nice.
3) We had a game in the evening, around a bonfire, where everyone got their turn getting asked one personal question each by everyone else. It lead to a lot of intimate sharing and a lot of talk around topics we don't usually get into. Such a great way to connect with old friends, I really loved it 🙂
Today's Kindness
Made yet another massive breakfast for my hungover friends 😊
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm happy for today's breakfast with my friends. They enjoyed the food and it was super nice.
2) I loved coming home to my wife.
3) I loved spending a little time with my kids today 🙂 Me and my daughter played Minecraft together and, being a little exhausted, it was just what I needed ❤️
Today's Kindness
I received a lot of praise at last night's goth festival. One young man on the spectrum called to me to cheer my ensemble and kindly noted that my pant cuff was caught in my Chelsea boot. I smiled and thanked him.
Today a woman stopped me at a local coffeehouse to praise my attire and said her son would love it so I paused and gave her my business card in case she wanted a pic to share with him. It would be nice to make a kid smile.
Today's Gratitudes
I discovered an insanely powerful free and Open Source media manager that was just released a few days ago and spontaneously wrote and published an article about it. BBCode version is available on my member journal ( It was a thrill to reserch and write.
Nice, ISB! And fun that you get compliments from strangers on your attire. You must look dashing!
I probably don't need a media manager for my modest collection, but since I do have a media server, I might check it out 🙂
Today's kindness
I was kind to my daughter who asked if I could pick her up from school today. Of course I could! I also put the kids to bed so my wife could get a little rest.
Today's gratitudes
1) I got to exercise today. It was a rough 18 minutes for which I was not prepared, but I jumped in and am satisfied that I have the will to torment myself so.
2) I got to have a really good talk with today's coach who opened up a little about the rough time he and his family is going through. It feels nice to meet and connect with new people and even more so when the things shared are of such a personal nature.
3) Me and my wife had a very fun facetime chat with a friend who is also currently struggling with the circumstances in her life. I was able to make her laugh a little.
4) Loved playfighting with my goofy kids before bedtime ❤️
5) Only saw the first half of the first episode, but The Penguin series looks pretty good. Not exciting enough to keep my wife awake, but then few things are. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of it.
Today's kindness
Didn't have huge opportunities for kindness today, but did ask a couple of mates if they want to go to the cinema on Thursday, sent a happy 40th bday to another and spent quite a bit of time playing with my son.
Today's gratitudes
1) My boss told me, several times, that the work I'd done writing up this thing to be presented to politicians was really good 🙂 that was nice of him.
2) I made arrangements to go see The Substance with one or more buddies at the cinema on Thursday. Yay, looking forward to it!
3) We spent a day at the local Zoo which is now more turned into Halloween land. It was nice 🙂
Today's Kindness
Not sure that I've been so nice today. I invited a colleague for tre movie we're gonna watch tomorrow, but he said no. I bought cinema tickets for my buddies, but they paid me back.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My boss's boss also told me today I'd dine a good job with this political case and I don't normally get noticed by that level of management, so that was nice 🙂
2) I am grateful for me pushing myself and going to these workouts that are absolutely killer. Today's was deadlifts and running and my back is already killing me.
3) My wife and kids went to Oslo and I'm enjoying spending a little time by myself 🙂
Today's Kindness
I don't think I managed any special acts of kindness today, sadly, though I grace the lives of a few people with my presence and pleasant demeanor.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I finally got to spend some time again with my colleague Elise who I've missed 🙂 She's very pregnant now and it's adorable.
2) I worked late and so played the town hall piano.. which I normally dont dare during regular working hours.
3) I saw the movie The Substance at the local cinema with a couple of mates. What a great movie! And good company too ❤️
Yesterday's Kindness
It's a typical thing that I don't always get a chance to be very kind because I don't need people in a special need for kindness, but I do stay aware of the little possibilities where they appear. Yesterday, I was very helpful on the bus to a guy who needed to charge a laptop and there was a socket by my legs 😄
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed talking to my colleagues and even got to talk about some music that interests me, like Beefheart and Zappa. I sent my colleague some stuff I fine interesting and am hopeful we can continue our discussion.
2) A colleague also had her birthday yesterday and so there was cake. She's also very sweet and I like her 🙂
3) I took a bus to Oslo and just walking the streets and seeing the people, if only for a few minutes, was a delight. I feel more at home among the people here than I do the people of Kristiansand. It's a nicer culture.
4) I was rejoined with my family 🙂 my daughter in particular had missed me and gave me the longest hug. We had a playfight in the bed of the Airbnb.
Today's Kindness
Hard to think of anything in particular, but I have been generally pleasant and I ripped well after our restaurant meal.
Today's Gratitudes
Me and wifey left the kids in the Airbnb apartment while we popped out to a bakery to get some stuff for breakfast. We ended up buying cappuccinos and looking at people and talking to someone walking their dig. It was super nice.
2) We were at the university where we studied way back when I first joined MB. The biology building was locked, but a nice student let us in and we had a nice chat with her. I was thankful to see our old Alma mater 😊
3) Had lots of fun playing with the kids
4) My wife's parents watched our kids so we could go play some shuffleboard with her brother and his girlfriend at a pub 🙂 we ended up discussing horror movies after. How nice ❤️
Today's Kindness
I was kind to the person next to me on the bus back home. She had a much too large vag with her that I helped her with 😄
Today's Gratitudes
1) We went to the botanical garden today. We met some friends there and were also joined by some of my wife's family. It was very nice. My friends want to arrange a Christmas party which Im all for.
2) I had a fun little chat with a dope dealer at the subway 😄 he asked me if I wanted to buy and I said no. He said it was real good quality and I was like how do you know? He said because it was American. I guess that's where the good shit comes from. I then asked about prices, just out of curiosity, and we had a brief chat. Of course I didn't buy anything, but it was still fun.
3) I'm thankful for getting to read on the bus. The 4,5 hours ride was a nice break in the day 🙂 Also got a couple of naps.
Today's Kindness
Today, I gave a hug to my colleague who is going through a hard time in her life. I also thought about our new trainee.. Im a little concerned that she might be feeling a little lonely and friendless, so I invited her out to the nearby Starbucks for pumpkin spice lattes and a chat.
Today's Gratitudes
1) enjoyed my friendly colleagues today for aforementioned reasons in particular.
2) I enjoyed the season finale of the Rings of Power series.
3) I also enjoyed watching the last half of The Frighteners with my kids 🙂
4) And I was thankful for the raise I got today 😊
Today's Kindness
There was a crazy person at the bus stop, screaming and banging a bag of bottles at a wall. I could see one of the women waiting for the bus seemed very uncomfortable, so I positioned myself between them and asked him if he needed help. He just sat down and ignored me, then resumed screaming again when I got on my (and her) bus. I wasn't able to help him, but I'm sure she appreciated me turning up.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My kids have been successfully smitten with my love for horror, so now we're watching Gremlins 🙂
2) My back is almost back to normal after the DL sesh last Wednesday, thankfully. I was worried something might have gone irrepearably wrong, but I no longer think so.
3) I am enjoying my work projects, even if they have become rather mundane 🙂
Today's Kindness
I was friendly to a mother with a baby on the street, striking up a small conversation 😄 Uhm, and I made a point to go chat with a Russian friend who I haven't seen in a long time.
Today's Gratitudes
1) We were invited today to the place where my wife works, which is in a new building. There were games and stuff for the kids and we got a free dinner; a delicious chili con carne.
2) I enjoyed my colleagues today, E who is so positive and great and S who is nearly as morbid as I am when it comes to her taste in horror. I should invite her to the movies one day 🙂
3) I am grateful for my friend N who is unfortunately having a hard time. She's using us for friendship and support and I love that. She says we're the only ones she talks to who bring a little positivity to the situation she's in.
Today's Kindness
No special kindness today, unfortunately. I didn't really find an opportunity.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm thankful to my boy being such a brave little guy. We went to the hospital to check out his eye which was recently infected. I know the tests and equipment scares him, but he was brave, really tried and was so funny with the doctor.
2) I'm thankful for my wife for making such a delicious green curry today 👌
3) I was happy to find a new show I might like, Uzumaki on Max.
Today's kindness
Well.. I tried to help a friend with a music parody project, but needed an MP3 or equivalent of the song she wanted to parody and couldn't find it. My intentions were better than my results, I guess 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I liked making breakfast for my family today and really tidied the kitchen too, which I like.
2) I enjoyed the conclusion to the podcast trilogy on Joseph Fritzk that I've listened to.
3) My wife made a delicious lasagna today.
4) I enjoyed watching Poltergeist 2!
Today's Kindness
I tipped off a colleague about the new Uzumaki series on Max because I know she's a fan of Junji Ito. More thoughtful than kind, maybe, but whatever 🙂 Oh and I produced a parody song for a friend to use at some guy's retirement party.
Also spent like.. hours.. folding and tidying clothes.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am thankful to my wife for making a wonderful lamb stew with mashed potatoes and vi arious bsked root vegetables. It was delicious, though I have to say the warm southern winds will be blowing tonight.
2) I got to do a bit of music production for the first time in a while.
3) I felt inspired listening to The Happiness Lab podcast about stoicism today, a philosophy that I've vaguely held dear for most of my life.
Today's Kindness
I did some extra kitchen duty at work today, cleaning and making lotsa coffee. Is that kind?
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the old cheese (its called Old cheese) that we bought on Saturday. People don't generally like it, so its become more rare, but we found it in a store on Saturday and I'm a fan. It's a bit like cuddling with a dirty farm animal, only in your mouth.
2) I'm thankful I got some exercise in today after taking it easy for a while after I hurt my back with the deadlifts. Just did bench presses and curls, but it's something. Will do more tomorrow.
3) I'm thankful for The Penguin. It's great!
Today's Kindness
I reinforced good behavior in my kitten by rewarding him with treats. He's been knocking fragile things over due to a lack of exercise and always bats the toys I give him under the fridge. When he refrains from that I snuggle him and feed him treats. I love him.
Today's Gratitudes
I spent yesterday and today working on my new video art installation project. I was able to phone an artist friend from my teens and consult her about my next steps, updated my Artist Bio and drafted an Artist Statement which I'm very happy with so far. I'm grateful that art takes me mind off my fears of unemployment and losing my home.
Anyone who'd like to chime in about my project can do so in the thread I started here (
I'm grateful for the peace and quiet of my beautiful home, and for the steadfast love of my friends.
Today's Kindness
No special acts of kindness today, unfortunately, though it's been great overall and I've had fun with family and colleagues.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I did 30 kilometers on an exercise bike today which felt great. Pace wasn't too high, trying to get some of that lower intensity aerobic stamina training in.
2) I got a couple of new projects handed to me at work which I like ❤️
3) I had so much fun playing with the kids before bedtime today! I was a robot. They fought me.
Today's kindness
Not sure. I did check in with a colleague who's getting treatment for cancer. Maybe that's kind.
Today's gratitudes
1) There was an event at the kindergarten today where all the parents brought homemade cooking and so many of the children are from immigrant families, so it was a really multicultural culinary experience with some great food. It was delicious!
2) I am thankful for my wife taking care of our youngest today who needs eye drops in the middle of his kindergarten day. She did everything except put him to bed.
3) I am thankful for this time here now, in my comfy bed and getting ready to read my book and have a nice sleep 🙂 I love this time of the day, even if I typically don't last long before I dose off.
Today's kindness
My wife was sad she was having trouble learning her dance routine, so I told her she could go practice and I could put the kids to bed 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I got to take a midday nap today. I think I probably slept for at least an hour 😄
2) I did my exercise today, got 70 minutes on a bike (because it doesn't hurt my back much) and did 32350 meters and 990 kcal. It was nice 👌
3) I've been re-playing Enter the Gungeon again and am having a lot of fun with it 🙂
Today's KindnessI posted to a forum with a basic description of myself asking if anyone would like to be pen pals. I love to write and crave that interaction. A lovely lady replied in the affirmative so I spent the day penning a letter sharing bits of myself and asking all about her career in Art Education. I stated that I'll endeavor to be thoughtful and engaging, to practice reflective listening, and to take a vested interest in her contributions to our letters. Hopefully she writes back.
Today's GratitudesI'm grateful to have a new pen pal.
I'm grateful that
@Guybrush provided valuable insight and took the time to read and reflect on my Artist Statement.
I'm grateful that a member of a CRT forum reached out and offered to collaborate with me to help me realize my RetroBox project! He also suggested I contact whom I've done work for before for their expert input regarding my copyright/DMCA concerns. I promptly penned them a letter and hope to hear back from them soon.
I'm grateful that I thought to check the Message Requests Spam folder on Facebook where I found several messages waiting for me from months ago about helping with my mental health. I took the time to write back to each of them apologizing for not having seen their communications sooner.
Thanks for your contributions, ISB 😊
Today's Kindness
I was outside in the dark, spending at least half an hour looking for my daughter's lost teddy bear. Then I again put the kids to bed so my wife could practice her dance moves
Today's gratitudes
1) I was at a meeting for nerds about statistics today. A fellow geek from the municipality sent me, without my encouragement, his Power BI project so looking forward to checking that out 🙂
2) I hung out with some colleagues after work today, which was very nice 🙂
3) I also ate, for the first time, a homegrown apple from your new apple tree. Last year, the yield was only a few apples and the kids messed them up or something. We got more this year, though not a huge amount. Very nice 🙂
Today's kindness
A few things, but the most obvious was giving 500 NOK to a beggar.
Today's gratitudes
1) There was an open day in the town hall where I work today, so we brought the kids there and they had a great time. My wife is part of a dance troupe who had a performance there. It was nice, so Im grateful for that and for the city/my employer to open the doors to the public.
2) What I liked most today was talking to a female friend whom I really haven't seen in years. She seemed real happy to see me and we had a really good chat 🙂
3) I enjoyed today's workout 💪 bench press, pullups, curls and some modified Candlestick. I miss squats, but am taking it easy still.
4) My wife made a great dinner withe the most strangely delicious cabbage salad I've ever had. It was so good ❤️
5) We found a little time to ourselves to be romantic partners 😊👌
Went straight to bed without doing this yesterday, so doing it now 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
I helped my daughter with her lost gear in Minecraft Dungeons.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I made breakfast yesterday. I love that time to myself, getting a fire going in the fireplace, tidying the kitchen, making coffee etc. while listening to a podcast.
2) I did another 32 kilometers on the exercise bike yesterday, so that's roughly the third time since Tuesday. Happy with my effort 🙂
3) We went for a dip in the ocean! It was about 10 Cs, so a bit nippy, but very refreshing.
4) My wife made an amazing cleftico, greek lambs leg stew with root vegetables baked with white wine and Dijon mustard sauce with feta cheese. Holy moly.
5) We started watching The Boy and the Heron, I think it's called. Very exciting! We got about half way through and I'm looking forward to continuing today.
Such a great day 🙂
Today's kindness
I had a long chat with a friend which was sorta kind. I let the kids stay up much longer than they should.
Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed chatting with some colleagues that I don't see that often at work today 🙂
2) I appreciated a frank heart to heart conversation with my wife today.
3) I enjoyed talking with my heartbroken but hopeful friend who is going through a very dramatic part of her life.
Today's kindness
I've enjoyed the company of others in a kind way today. Did offer a protein infused beverage to my mate after exercise, but he didn't want one 😄 I read the book my boy wanted me to read. Just normal, tiny acts of regular kindness.
Today's gratitudes
1) I was asked to join in an impromptu meeting with 4 colleagues who work in the environmental department, working on pollution etc. For years, they've expressed a wish for me to switch positions so I can work with them, an idea I'm not actually entirely opposed to. They are so nice and made me feel appreciated 🙂
2) Tough workout with my buddy John who is much fitter than I am, but such a great guy. I really enjoy his company and although today's workout was punishing, I really enjoyed myself.. at least when it was over.
3) I did some things that I've been postponing, like getting service for the car and buying some tickets for this conference, organizing some meetings. It feels nice to do the things I've put off.
4) I enjoyed bedtime and reading for my boy 🙂
Today's kindness
I helped out my colleague and buddy get sound from his mic on the PA for the big meeting he was having. My wife was a little fed up with the kids come bedtime, so I put the little rascals to bed.
Today's gratitudes
1) I appreciated the free lunch I got at work today 🙂
2) I also enjoyed riding my bike to and from work today, something I haven't done in about a year.
3) I'm satisfied with my short jog workout. It wasn't much, but as long as I'm doing something every day I'm happy. Plus.. yesterday was killer and I can't be killing it every day.
4) I tidied the upstairs living room and it's so nice now 🙂
Today's kindness
I put my daughter to bed and read for her, even though she was supposed to go to bed on her own. I tidied a lot of house today also.. not sure how kind that is, but it does feel good.
Today's gratitudes
1) I feel like me and my boss are getting more familiar and like we're getting a better relationship. I like it.
2) I got to work a lot in Excel today 😄 which I love.
3) Having not much else to watch, we picked up Barry again at season 2 (we only saw the first) and I enjoy it 👍
Nice to see you posting in this thread again
@QuantumSync 🙂
Today's KindnessMe and my daughter were on our way to swim practice, but backtracked and went back home to pick up and give a ride to her friend who suddenly found himself without means to get there. Also we bought some candy.
Today's Gratitudes 1) Driving with the kids today was fun. We listened to Kvelertak and the kids wondered what blodtørst means. Its blood thirsty, of course!
2) We bought a big wool blanket like less than a week ago and I've snuggled up with it for three naps already 😄 I love woolen blankets.
3) I enjoyed watching Addams Family Values with my family today 🙂
Today's Kindness
I've been more a recipient of kindness today.. but I did sort out my wife's economics for October 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) It was sunny today and I had a 45 minutes jog in the sun. The workout itself didn't feel that great 😄 but I loved that the sun was our and I appreciated getting to run and my own determination to do it.
2) After the run, we went to town and had some coffee and sweet rolls out in the sun. Nice!
3) Roguebook (game) was on sale for Xbox, so I bought it. I love it 🙂 played it on Stadia - and lost it when that service got chopped. Now I can enjoy it again. Yay!
Today's Kindness
Not sure.. I cozied up the kitchen, cleaning, got the fireplace going, made coffee and made it nice for breakfast. Perhaps that's kind.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Exercised today. Importantly, I got some squats in. I feel it in my lower back, but it's still good.
2) Me and my wife spent some time together, alone.
3) In reference to my previous post, I finished my first game of Roguebook and completed it 😄 I honestly dont think that's supposed to happen. You're supposed to play it over and over again, unlocking more and more power ups etc. and then, somewhere down the trousers of time, you finish it.
Today's Kindness
In Norway, a lot of what used to be beggars now sell magazines, so I bought one of these today.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got some with this little Excel wastewater sampling project that I've been working on. It's been fun 🙂
2) I listened to music this evening with the kids. We've often have bedtime focused on learning something about an animal. Today's that animal was Peter Gabriel. Very nice!
3) I also has fun listening to music while doing the dishes and tidying the kitchen today while my wife was working. For some reason, I remembered lots of songs that I haven't heard in years 🙂 like Lola by the Kinks and Mellow Yellow by Donovan.
Today's kindness
I spent my whole working day helping my old wastewater department set up their 24 hour support service rotations for 2025. It's a responsibility for the guy who took over my job a year ago, but if course it's all after a system I set up so I get it and am happy to help 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed seeing my old colleagues at my old workplace again.
2) I got to play a little bit of piano today.
3) I'd delivered our car for service this morning and had to go get it after work. An old colleague was kind enough to offer me lunch and drive me back to the auto workshop 🙂
4) My wife cooked like 3 dinners today, all of which were amazing. Spaghetti Bolognese, baked root vegetables with feta cheese and two lovely salads. I was so full.
5) I got to take a daytime nap 🙂
Today's Kindness
I'm at a conference and.. I did see someone who was by themselves and who seemed a little lonely, so I sat down and had a chat with them. I think it was appreciated.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm at a conference at a spa resort, so got to spend some time in various saunas and baths.. and also three dips in the cold ocean. So nice!
2) I met an old colleague here who is so pleasant and nice 🙂 I appreciate seeing him again.
3) I love my sister and am so grateful for having her in my life. She called me today to tell me she has breast cancer which has spread to her bones 😢 looking forward to coming home and seeing her again..
Today's Kindness
I was generally the receiver of kindness today 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I was up early today and got some time in a sauna and then a dip in the ocean before breakfast. Nice!
2) I held a presentation at the conference I'm at. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of positive feedback afterwards by people who felt inspired by my talk 👍
3) I enjoyed getting to read on the bus back home 🙂
Today's Kindness
Went to my sister's today and brought some edible gifts.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful for my big sister who is such a tropper and wonderful human being. She's going through something awful, having gotten cancer in one of her breasts and some of her bones. Despite it all, she approaches her situation with wisdom and her life and the people in it with a tremendous amount of gratitude. She's such an inspiration to me and I love her dearly.
2) I'm thankful to my wife for being warm, supportive and positive. She's a help to both myself and my sister.
3) I'm thankful for my kids for being funny and distracting little goofballs ❤️
Today's Kindness
Sent a couple of supportive messages, first one to my sister.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I went to crossfit. It was awful, but I'm happy I went 😅
2) A friend who's an electrician came over and checked out some problems with our car not charging. Of course the problems were gone now. We had a great talk afterwards and cups of coffee.
3) I'm thankful to my wife for today's great dinner 🙂 simple noodles with broccoli and chicken, but very yummy.
Today's Kindness
We hosted a family get-together for my parents, my sister and younger brother and spouses, kids, etc. It was great 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful for my loving family.
2) While I hate that my sister has cancer, I am grateful that it is bringing us closer together.
3) I am thankful for my health.
Today's Kindness
Helped a colleague with a case he was working. Also gave my nephew some advice on how to fix his PC.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I was consoled at work by a colleague today. I really appreciated that.
2) I had a great workout.. just by myself, lifting weights 💪
3) I enjoyed watching the start of Bram Stoker's Dracula with the kids 🙂 Gary Oldman is the best Dracula.
Today's kindness I took time off from work to join my sister at the hospital today as she was getting a biopsy and a blood test. Later, and unrelated, I helped her son / my nephew with his computer problems which took 2-3 hours.
Today's gratitudes 1) I miss my kids as I've been too busy today and they were asleep when I got home from my services in IT. But I appreciate that I miss them, if that makes sense.
2) I love my parents. They are so supportive. They told me today to talk to them about anything, also if I'm just a little depressed (I told my family about my seasonal depression and my steps towards a happier life, like the daily exercise I'm doing here).
3) I signed up for fetlife 🙂 I have a kinky side to me that is repressed, along with my gayish side. I do feel like exploring these things might make me happier or at least teach me things about myself. I don't necessarily mean taking action, but perhaps taking some steps towards talking about some of this stuff. I am grateful for finding out about this place and taking some small steps towards figuring some of this out.
4) Re point 3, I am grateful for Lexi reaching out after my post in the sexual preferences thread 😊 Thanks,
@Lexi Darling!
Today's kindness
I donated money to a cancer charity today run by the gym I'm a member of.
Today's gratitudes
1) For work, I visited the wastewater facility in my old town 🙂 the people at that facility are really nice and friendly. Also I got lunch.
2) I did a bike session at the gym today, getting 1000 kcals in in just a little over an hour. Felt great!
3) Me and my wife found an intimate moment away from the kids in the evening and we also found time for a very honest, candid talk about turn-ons etc. Best talk we've had in a long while 🙂 I feel like it brought us so much closer on this topic where I've previously felt we didn't quite align.
Today's Kindness
I made coffee for my friends and shared my snacks and pizza. That's maybe to be expected, but it was also the most concrete thing I could think of 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) Me and a couple of mates today went and bought Magic: The Gathering decks and then played them at our place for hours 😄 it was fun!
2) One of them, I haven't seen in a few years now, so really appreciated him coming over.
3) I occasionally found my thoughts drifting over into sexual fantasies at work today which is not a common occurrence, but a very welcome distraction 😄 I feel a little more virile than usual
I usually write these posts just before bedtime when I cam summarize the day, but today I'll do it a bit early and see if maybe there's something I'd like to add later 🙂
Today's kindness
I have a colleague, mentioned before, who's had some trouble with her life and happiness. We gave eachother a couple of good hugs today 🙂 I also offered my services to another colleague and I think it was appreciated.
Today's gratitudes
1) I'm thankful to my colleague who seemed to love the idea of going to the cinema together! I'm thinking perhaps wednesday or Thursday next week or postpone until a friend of hers can also join us.
2) I attended a meeting with my other family in the municipality. My colleague Elise will take her pregnancy leave next week and I will fill in for her. I was told they appreciated me coming back 🙂
3) My own boss told me he was very happy with the work I'm doing in a contentious area where property owners will have to connect to our coming infrastructure. My focus is on problem solving and delivering good services to the people who live there, something he noticed in a meeting today.
4) Me and my wife are going on a dinner today organised by our union 🙂 Looking forward to it!
Today's Kindness
I received more kindness than I gave today. My wife wanted to do bedtime a certain way, so I conceded. Maybe that was nice 🤔
Today's Gratitudes
1) Thankful to my wife again for her willingness to explore some kinks together 🔥
2) We had a delicious dinner, an Indian chicken / rice meal. Yum!
3) I had a playfight with the kids just before bedtime and they love it so much 🙂 I love it.
Today's Kindness
I had a talk with a friend who confessed to suffering from depression.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My wife baked buns for breakfast and they were delicious 🙂 and also made pancakes and homemade Apple jam for the kids
2) Had a great exercise session today with a buddy 🙂
3) I had a long soak in the bathtub
4) I enjoyed watching Blues Brothers with the kids while folding clothes
5) I enjoyed some us-time with my wife 🙂
Today's Kindness
I haven't been particularly kind today, but have been a fun dad to my kids. I didn't meet many other people to be honest! Will try harder tomorrow.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Grateful again for my kids goofiness 🙂 they're so much fun
2) I found out I do t have to go on this bothersome business trip on Wednesday 😅
3) I was really in a peppy, good mood today. I'm not sure why, but I felt great 🙂
4) Also my back feels better!
5) I had a bath 👌
I've been meaning to start posting in this thread for awhile just never got around to it. Mines will cover November 11th.
Today's Kindness: I used my military ID to get a discount on weed from a local dispensary for my friend that smokes. He smokes weed to self medicate his mental issues.
Today's Gratitude:
I'm grateful that I joined the military at the age of 17 because every Veterans Day. I'm able to get free meals and more discounts than normal from specific places. I went to Dennys in the morning to get free breakfast and was gonna hit up Chili's for a free dinner but I was tired after running errands all day. I normally hit up three different Dunkin Donuts for the free donuts but I'm on my fitness journey and told myself I don't need to be eating donuts.
Yiles, forgot to do yesterday's, so will do those first.
Yesterday's Kindness
I bought a Christmas calendar for charity from some kids who came to our door.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Wife was our of town and the kids were really great and so sweet 🙂 things get a little more chaotic when mom's not home, but we have a lot of fun and I really enjoyed being with my kids ❤️
2) I'm helping some of my colleagues in the environmental department out and they were so grateful 🙂 also they are biologists so we got to chit chat about biology related things
3) I finally killed the High Dragun in my replay of Enter the Gungeon 😄
Today's Kindness
Today I said goodbye to Elise who is leaving work as she's very pregnant and the baby should be coming in about three weeks time. I got her (or him / them) a little gift; a little wool hat for the newborn.
Also I bought some charity lottery tickets from our neighbour's kid who came at our door.
Today's Gratitudes
1) With Elise leaving work for a while (until May), I am grateful I got to give her a hug and tell her how a wonderful colleague she is and that I will miss her 🙂
2) I am thankful to ChatGPT for making some of my work easier. It was very helpful today.
3) My wife came home from her trip to Oslo 🙂 It's nice to have her back.
I wrote so much and then the browser crashes 🤪 Oh well
Today's Kindness
We made a bunch of green curry for my sister today so she has some quick meals ready 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) My sister's cancer isn't due to genetic factors, so I don't have to worry more about that in relation to my own daughter ❤️
2) I held a meeting for some people in the region today and it went well 🙂 I enjoyed it.
3) I wasn't alone; I held it with an old colleague of mine. Afterwards, he told me how much he enjoys working together, saying if he wasn't paid he'd have to do it for free. I told him how much I appreciate him as a colleague, which I really do 🙂 such a nice moment
4) I love this bed and reading in it!
Today's Kindness
Can't think of much.. I did ask an old friend who's been away on sick leave for a while how he was doing 🤔 I've received more kindness today than I gave
Today's Gratitudes
1) A handsome young man put his bag in his lap so I could sit next to him on the bus today 🙂 tiny gesture, but I really appreciated it
2) I was invited by my old colleagues from wastewater to go on a guided tour of this old coastal fort from the early 1900s that was later upgraded to a cold war facility. Most of it by far is in tunnels inside a mountain and I love a good tunnel.
3) I was also invited to dinner by the same guys 🙂 it was the annual baccalao dinner. Nice 😲
4) I enjoyed spending time with my old colleagues
5) I am also currently enjoying a cold tonic while waiting for the bus 🙂
I love you guys :D
Today's kindness
(Look, it was Thursday but since I live in a cave and only come out once a week, we'll have to go with that)
Crossing the road on the way to the shops I was amazed to see a flat black oblong object on the ground in front of me, at the central aisle as I waited for the traffic lights. After ascertaining that there were no apes around with precariously-raised bones in their hands, and ensuring it was not a miniature monolith, I picked it up to discover that it was in fact a mobile phone. As there was only one person in front of me, walking down the road on the other side, I legged it over, hailed him and it turned out to be his. He was delighted, saying he had lost his phone so many times. I suppose some people might have kept it/sold it, but had I not been able to see anyone and reunite the phone with its owner I would, like most of us I hope, have made every effort to do so later. Nice to help, and I always like to act in a way that I hope, were the situations reversed, someone would act with me.
Today's gratitudes:
(Again, spread out over days)
1. I finally managed to go into Karen's bedroom after over a year. I was afraid of how it would affect me, seeing it empty, but I've managed to get over that huge hurdle and can now go in and open the window every morning. It hurts of course, but not as bad as it did.
2. Last week I was writing when I thought I saw a face at the bedroom window. Given that my bedroom is on the first floor of my house, this seemed unlikely, but looking out I saw a lovely black-and-white cat looking in at me in that shocked, surprised way cats seem to have. Of course, as soon as I went near the window it ran off, but I like to think it was Karen looking in and checking on me.
3. Sorry to say it guys, but I kind of have to be grateful I'm not living in the USA. It ain't looking good, is it?
4. On a lighter note, a new season of Gangs of London is on the way!
Nice! Both Tristan and Trollheart 😊 Wonderful to see you both here.
Today's Kindness
We arranged a little get-together for my sister at our place 🙂 My little brother also came.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am thankful my sister's still doing well all things considered. She was laughing and smiling a lot 🙂❤️
2) The house is tidy again, yay!
3) I made wonderful coffee today. I love good coffee.
Today's Kindness
I put both kids to bed so my wife could get a nap 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) Coffee today was lovely!
2) I enjoyed listening to a podcast today
3) I watched the last half of Akira with my kids 😲
4) I took a bath. Nice!
Today's Kindness
I gave my colleague her weekly hug. It was very nice 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) My sister has gotten a treatment scheme for her cancer and the way her doctors are talking, it does sound like they believe she'll be around for a while still 🙂
2) I had an honest heart-to-heart with my wife about something that I've tried to bring up in the past, but the weight of it never came across. This time it did. It was hard but important.. I appreciate her and us being able to talk together like we did today.
3) I enjoyed teaching my kids about black holes at bedtime 🙂
Today's Kindness
I put the kids to bed yet again as my wife had a late meeting she wanted to attend.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got to play the piano at work today
2) In the evening, we took the kids to this school next to a forest. The drama class had made various miniature plays for the kids in the forest, many based around popular fairy tales. It was dark, but they'd lit some areas so the little stages/areas were easy to see. It was fun! Lots of people were there.
3) We had pizza for dinner 😄
Today's Kindness
Was I nice today? 🤔 I invited a colleague for a coffee break just the two of us. It's a little nice? 😅
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got a good lunch today - food I'd ordered for a meeting
2) Dinner was very nice. I love a good spaghetti.
3) I enjoyed my coffee break with my colleague 🙂
Today's Kindness
I spent most of the day at work, also the evening. I talked at a meeting for people who we're basically forcing to connect to the city's wastewater line. I offered to stay for a while after the meeting for chats in case anyone wanted to discuss things. Some did.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful it's friday tomorrow 😅
2) I've been a little sick, but that finally seems to have mostly cleared up.
3) I'm really enjoying Enter The Gungeon again and got to play it for two hours straight today as my wife was too tired to do or watch anything 😄
Today's Kindness
I was too busy to be kind today, I think. I was very witty at lunch and always kind in the general sense, but.. I did carry my boy quite far on my shoulders after he asked me to. Maybe that's a little nice 🤔
Today's Gratitudes
1) We finally got started with a big project at work, so.. busy day, but feels good still 🙂
2) I got to play lots more Gungeon today 🙂 Am getting close to 100%ing it for the second time.
3) My wife did something sexy today. I don't wanna get into details 😄
Today's Kindness
Various things today, like our birthday present to my father and we played a silly song we'd made about him 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I love the relaxed, liberal, fun atmosphere we have in our family 🙂 Everyone can be their silly selves.
2) I enjoyed my brothers 30 songs music quiz. Me and my wife beat all the opposition thoroughly.. and of course I would've won easily by myself 😄
3) I loved the tapas buffet dinner we got at the hotel where we celebrated my fathers 75th birthday 😊 I ended up eating way too much both for dinner and dessert
Today's Kindness
Bought some lottery tickets from the kids of a friend of mine 🙂 Also put aside some things for Elise's new baby that's on the way, but that would be future kindness, I guess.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am thankful to my wife. We're trying to kink up our life a bit and it's fun.. and very satisfying.
2) Breakfast was awesome today. Lovely coffee, fresh buns. I made Ramsay style scrambled eggs.
3) I really enjoyed listening to podcasts today as I did chores 🙂
4) I also enjoy listening to music a lot these days.
Today's Kindness
I attended the first annual Frost Moon Festival, a convention of artisans, hippies, and new age spiritualists to support an artist friend who makes books by hand. I made the effort to engage the vendors and really praised and encouraged one young woman who was new to the world of self-marketing. I think I helped her confidence.
Today's Gratitudes
I also attended Center For Inquiry's Secular Sunday event and contributed much to the discussion. It always feels great to get together with fellow secular humanists.
And to finish off the evening I attended a monthly meetup of local musicians we call "Whiskey Sipper." At multiple points in the conversation I instantly chimed in with semi-obscure facts off the top of my head to answer questions, each time resulting in a throwing of hands and laughter for my consistency with this trait.
An example that stood out and made me laugh with them was when I mentioned seeing Roni Size perform "Brown Paper Bag" live. Another attendee said, "oh - wasn't that Soul Coughing's drummer doing the live percussion?" [and blanked on his name.] I broke the silence decidedly stating, "Yuval Gabay" much to the approval of the group.
The Frost Moon Festival was a hoot, too. There was a soundbath, dowsing rod demo, spell jars, crystal healing, and much more. Perhaps the most novel thing I spotted was "Theraphi" - a Tesla coil energy therapy guaranteed to "Transform Your Energy Levels" and "Unlock the Secrets to Enhanced Energy!" Here's a shot of the setup. (Note the copper pyramid!) 🙂
All in all a very satisfying day. Goodnight everyone.
I fell asleep yesterday before I got to this, so doing them now first thing in the morning 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
I gifted the gift of coffee to one of my colleagues.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I'm discovering a new side of myself. I've been a gentle creature for most of my life. I was only assertive when I was irritated. Now I've been tapping into this side of me more and it's very interesting 🙂
2) After all these years, I have found out that my favourite colour is turquoise.
3) I had a lovely sexy, intimate, romantic and cuddly time with my wife yesterday ❤️
Today's Kindness
I invited a new colleague for coffee today and she told me about some of her problems with job insecurity (her contract is out just before New Years) and her health problems. I didn't offer any solutions, but I think she appreciated just being able to talk to someone.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm thankful for getting to know my new colleague better.
2) I am thankful for getting back to the gym for a bike session - and my wife who took care of bedtime si I could go.
3) I'm thankful to my wife and daughter for making lovely pancakes 🙂
Today's Kindness
I picked up litter on 3 occasions 😄 and I rang up a colleague who needed help with something.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got a little closer with a colleague. We had a good takk walking to and from this place where we had a seminar.
2) Playfight with my kids today was great fun 😄 it's often the highlight of my day.
3) I got to leave early for work today, for which I'm grateful. Usually, I take our boy to kindergarten.
Today's Kindness
1) As I mentioned in Your Day thread, the last time I visited my mother, she said her Gmail account was telling her it was maxed out. She had over 32,000 emails in her inbox. I organized them into a structure of subfolders, unsubscribed from mailers en masse, and purged tens of thousands of junk messages.
This time I visited her and learned her Google One photos and videos hadn't been maintained since creating the account in 2015 and was maxed out at the free 15GB limit.
I performed a Google Takeout of all 17,000 photos and videos which auto populated them into folders by year on her laptop. Then I calculated the folder size of each to most efficiently copy them to DVDs and flash drives as backups. I bought blank DVDs and spent the rest of the visit burning and verifying them all for her before purging the content from her Google One account.
2) Unfortunately, just 5 minutes before we sat down for Thanksgiving dinner, my mother's sister died of cancer, so it was a sorrowful holiday. The family embraced her while she wept for the evening.
Today's Gratitudes
My new top hat arrived at last and I was able to use hat size reducers on the underside of the sweat band to make it a perfect fit. The adapters arrived literally minutes before a dinner outing so I was able to appear on time sporting my new accessory and an iridescent burgundy damask suit.
Pics here. (
Today's Kindness
I took time off work to get some stuff for me and my wife, tfen picked up everyone and made pizzas for dinner.
Today's gratitudes
1) Grateful to my wife for our newfound intimacy this last week 🙂
2) I got word yesterday that my colleague Elise gave birth to a baby boy on Tuesday and they're alright 🙂❤️
3) I am thankful to myself for making some great tasting pizzas today 😊
Today's Kindness
Participated in a charity event with my crossfit gym and gave quite a bit as well. It was for (or rather against) cancer.
Today's gratitudes
1) I'm thankful for getting to know some of the other people in the crossfit gym a little bit more.
2) I'm thankful I stuck it out today. I hurt my back early on - I've now learned I cannot deadlift, not even light weights - but I kept going for another 35 minutes or so. Stuff and acting now 😄
3) My wife had made us a wonderful lunch when I got back.
4) I had an evening nap on the couch.
5) I beat the lich in Enter the Gungeon 🙂
Today's Kindness
Arranged a nice, sexy date night for myself and my wife 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) We went to a Christmas event at our daughter's school. Kids sang Christmas songs. There was coffee and cake. They turned the lights on the big tree.
2) I put up Christmas lights on the garden 🙂 it's so cozy.
3) My wife made a wonderful dinner today, delicious lye fish.
4) I enjoyed our date night 🙂
Today's Kindness
I provided verbal encouragement and support to the disabled man with pneumonia who was coughing all over the Friendsgiving turkey as he carved it before making my exit prior to the meal being served.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful that I escaped the Friendsgiving event without catching pneumonia.
2) Last night I was spontaneous and drove to a Target store. (I've been in a modern store once in the past several years so this was novel.) I found a nice sized box with a snap-lock lid to protect my new top hat and keep it from getting dusty. Better yet it had a Black Friday discount so it was just $6.30.
3) My neighbor offered to show me how to craft a foam insert for the box to hold the hat securely in place without knocking around the interior of the box. We're going to tackle that task tomorrow. I appreciate her sharing her expertise.
4) I have a number of social outings lined up for the week and I hope they provide comfort. I've been calling the suicide hotline nightly this weekend and overdosed on all my prescriptions trying to lose consciousness. At least I can look forward to seeing compassionate friends.
Today's Kindness
I talked to my colleague who's a little sad and gave each other a long, warm hug. Its our weekly ritual now and very nice ❤️
Today's Gratitudes
1) It's decoratedfor Christmas now. People are wearing ugly, awesome Christmas sweaters. There are trees and lights. We got lights up in the garden. It's so dark this time of year, but this makes it cost 😊
2) Colleagues had brought Christmas cookies and also made gløgg (like mulled wine, but alcohol free) at work ❤️
3) My wife picked me up with our car after work 🙂
4) I got a nap on the couch. Man, I love daytime napping 😅
5) Dinner was a delight today. The kids couldn't sit still, but they were really funny. Our boy was talking about how he was going to get two pet rats and call them Spaghetti and Ground meat.
Today's Kindness
My colleague was hosting a seminar today and I helped him out a bit with the mics.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed today's seminar with the Christmas lunch being the highlight of the day 🙂
2) I enjoyed going for a jog in the forest.
3) Our friend wanted to watch a movie with us, so we did that on facetime 🙂 very nice!
Today's Kindness
Gave a hug to a temp working in my department today. She has her last work day on Dec 27th. She has applied for more work, but was denied.. Understandably, she was very sad about it.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had a nice push-ups workout, just taking it easy. Also some dead hangs, which suck, but kinda fun 😄
2) Had lots of fun fighting the kids just before bedtime today 🙂
3) I made hamburgers for dinner today 😲 delicious!
Forgot to do this yesterday, so here it is.
Yesterday's Kindness
I helped my temp colleague by sending her open application to the bosses of my part of the organization :)
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) My wife was willing to go out on her own and buy some presents for our family. A mutualistic arrangement that I very much appreciated.
2) I'm grateful for the time me and my wife got to spend together later in the evening.
3) A colleague brought some really good cookies to work :laughing: and lots of them, fortunately, because I couldn't stop eating them.
Today's Kindness
I made sure to check first thing today on a colleague who told me yesterday she needed something urgent. Turns out it wasn't so urgent after all, but she appreciated the gesture.
Today's gratitudes
1) My wife made a delicious rice Bowl with asian style marinated ribs which was so good
2) I enjoyed watching the Warcraft movie with my kids today. We didn't finish it, so will continue tomorrow.
3) I had another daytime nap 😄
Today's Kindness
We were at a Christmas market and so bought some things for my sister as well that we dropped off 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the Christmas market today 🙂
2) I made a wonderful breakfast with superb coffee and scrambled eggs.
3) I set a new personal best for time spent cycling 1000 kcals at the gym today. It's too wet and cold for jogging, so biking it is.
Today's Kindness
I did my weekly hug with my colleague today 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I ate lunch with a couple of female colleagues and fellow biologists work in the environmental (?) department. Nice! I like them 😊 we talked about all the strange foods we like.
2) My wife made us spaghetti dinner. I ate everything that the kids didn't eat 😅 my wife was going to a dinner party so didn't have any, so I are way too much.. hard not to with spaghetti Bolognese 😬
3) I enjoyed late night time with wifey when she got back from her dinner party 🙂
4) I put up the donations thread today and I see it's gotten a fair share of responses already! I'm very grateful for that 😊
Today's kindness
I read in the news that one of the booths in the town square that's part of the town Christmas market got broken into. Things got stolen and trashed. The owners were interviewed by the local newspaper and it was the first time they ever had a booth like that. They lost something like 4000 USD worth of goods. So, I went down there and had a little chat with them and bought lotsa cookies.
Today's gratitudes
1) We went to my daughter's school Christmas thing where she sang in a choir. It was wonderful 🙂
2) We had a digital meeting in our band to plan our upcoming concert on Dec 25th. It was nice seeing the guys again 🙂
3) I ate lotsa Christmas cookies today 👌
Today's kindness
I've been home all day with my sick kid, so actually haven't done anything very nice besides help out some colleagues.
Today's gratitudes
1) I put some work into cleaning and tidying the house, which I, in hindsight, appreciate having done 🙂
2) My boy, despite having been sick, is such a great little guy. His mood has been impeccable all day.
3) Two of my old mates came by and we played the Hero Quest boardgame for hours 😊
Today's kindness
Another day at home with little opportunity for special sorts of kindness. I made hot cocoa for everyone, though.
Today's gratitudes
1) I appreciated having a restful day off. I napped twice.
2) I went for a jog, so appreciated that.
3) We had sushi for dinner. Yay!
Today's kindness
A neighbor friend is helping with a home repair, and while I have no income with which to compensate him, he appreciates a full belly so I'm treating him to his favorite hot spicy chicken finger sub. He gratefully accepts.
Today's gratitudes
1) After the amazing stroke of good fortune last night I mentioned in the Last Movie thread last night (, I had brunch with my new artist CEO friend again and she invited me to a gallery opening of her students' work and a wine soirée closer to the holiday. I'll get to meet all her fellow artists and am sure I'll have a blast.
2) I received a call today from my caseworker for my Disability claim. She is coordinating the provision of the results from my autism evaluation which should be complete by mid-February to the government for my claim. She says she can ask them to hold off on their verdict until they receive that new diagnosis, but that there are no guarantees that they will. Hopefully things go in my favor and I can get on with my life at last early in the new year.
Today's Kindness
I did a few nice things today. Most prominent may have been driving a couple of my colleagues home after today's Christmas party. They both lived some way putta time, so took about an hour.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed going to the wastewater department's Christmas party. What I enjoyed most was talking to a colleague who comes from the same town as me. We talked about things we both remember.
2) I got a lot of good hugs today from colleagues.
3) Walking through the town tonight, it looked beautiful with all the Christmas lights and decoration. I love this about Christmas.
Today's Kindness
Hmm.. Not sure. We bought things at a local Christmas market, so supporting local produce etc. But that's mutualistic and not an act of selflessness. I did collect the plates for some people at this place we were eating. There were a lot of people and they were kinda caught behind their table, so I helped them out.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Had a lovely breakfast today 👌 my wife bakes such a wonderful rye bread
2) I am thankful for the stuff we bought today. Most of all, I look forward to the gløgg (a bit like spiced wine) and sweet apple ciders that we bought.
3) I enjoyed watching The Pope's Exorcist with my wife. Silly, but fun!
Today's kindness No standour moments of kindness today, I think, but I was generally good to a few of my crossfit friends. One has been disgruntled with his employer and we talked about it for quite a while.
I've also been very patient and fun dad with my kids today. They're so funny.
Today's Gratitudes 1) I enjoyed today's Crossfit workout
2) I don't have any back pain ❤️🙂
3) We decorated our Christmas tree today. I really enjoyed it.
4) I had a lot of fun playfighting with my sadistic kids who completely for the better if me. Mom had to save dad.
5) I enjoyed watching TV with my wife. We saw some Great British Bake-off, What We Do in the Shadows and most of that inbreeding documentary that
@jimmy jazz posted 👌
Today's kindness
Today's, I gave my one of my colleagues the weekly hug. Or we gave each other, rather. Then I left work a little early so I could go down to the fish market and buy some well fermented trout. We've been looking for it in the regular stores, but difor some reason it's gone. But I found some at the fish market, yayy.
Today's gratitudes
1) My kids are so funny. I just laugh so much around them. They brighten my day.
2) I made dinner today! Meatballs and mashed taters. Nothing advanced, but it was yummy. I like making food.
3) I enjoyed some time spent with my wife watching telly and doing some other things too.
Today's Kindness
I went to a job interview and held the doors for a gentleman carrying a large, heavy package into the office. He in turn directed me to the writing team in the back whom I was supposed to meet with.
Today's Gratitudes
I arrived at 9:05. The CEO wasn't in for a doctor appointment so I instead interviewed with my team of four co-writers. I went in early and stayed with them until 9:50 despite it only supposing to be a 30-minute interview.
The position is for a researcher/writer to compose and publish technical blog and website content about dental technology and procedures.
They said that I was the only one of 3 people who bothered to compose a cover letter... and it's a writing job. They ate my letter up.
Everything I shared they replied enthusiastically, I LOVE IT!"
They love that I want to carry the torch for dental work in my family for the next generation. (My mother was a dental assistant for nearly 25 years.)
They loved my passion for research and writing.
They asked me how I would hook a reader. I, off the cuff, described Moondog. They replied astonished, "now I want to read all about him!"
When I asked if in 5 years could I elevate to a supervisory role they said THAT'S EXACTLY what they wanted to hear because they're growing rapidly.
When I closed saying I'm looking for a place where I can not just succeed but thrive for the next 20-25 years they were nearly in tears with excitement.
They said now they don't want to interview any of the other candidates this week.
They hope to call with a decision before the holidays.
Wish me luck!
Holy moly,
@innerspaceboy 😲 That's incredible! Good luck! I'll be crossing my fingers for you even though it sounds like you certainly won't need it this time 🙂
Today's kindness
Was I kind today? Hmm. Only extremely pleasant, probably 😄
Today's gratitudes
1) I saw an old friend and former colleague today 🙂 He said I look good and hinted that he wants to bang. I don't want to have sex with him, but I appreciate being, uhm.. wanted by someone.
2) We met my parents after work and they bought us dinner at this Italin restaurant. I had a delicious pasta with beef and mushrooms. It was very nice 🙂
3) I felt reasonably effective at work today and like I got a few things done. I love that feeling.
Today's kindness
I made sure to express my gratitude to the secretary who has been helping process disability and insurance paperwork while my insurance fights to not cover my autism evaluation. She appreciates my kindness.
Today's gratitudes
I received a call from the CEO today - the afternoon immediately following my job interview with his team in his absence as he had a doctor's appointment. He was so confident in the team's praising of me that he was willing to cancel all other interviews and hire me on the spot without having met me!
He asked when I'd like to start. We agreed I'd come by on the 27th and 30th to get paperwork out of the way before the real work begins.
He said, based on my experience as a researcher and writer, that he's confident offering me the highest-tier pay rate for me to start, and anticipates I will be promoted to a supervisory position as the company continues to grow with further increases in pay and responsibility.
Yay! <3
@innerspaceboy that is so wonderful!! It is well deserved, my friend. Congratulations! ❤️😊🥳
Today's kindness Not sure if this is kind, but I noticed the largest meeting rooms in town hall were free on friday, so decided to send out invitations for an open meeting for those who want to see the latest from Google's Gemini Advanced.
Today's Gratitudes 1) Today I got an offer to exercise with a colleague who also attends the same crossfit gym as me, so it was us and her friend. It was a hard exercise, but very nice. Man are they in good shape.
2) I also did a two minutes dead hang and it wasn't too bad.
3) My wife made me dinner while I put the kids to bed 🙂
4) I am grateful for ISB's a new job 😊
Today's kindness
Took my boy to the hospital in a somewhat nearby town today for an eye checkup. I treated him to the things he wanted which was fishcakes for lunch and then a smoothie after his appointment 🍹
Today's Gratitudes
1) I liked listening to music today on our car ride
2) I got a fun work project that I enjoy 🙂
3) I had a nice time watching Queer Eye with my wife, of all things.. we don't actually watch much reality TV, but it was fun.
Yesterday's Kindness
I worked very hard amidst Christmas porridges, gifts getting handed and other distractions to get a form done at the request of a colleague. It's just work, but I did it in a kind way? I also held that AI meeting that I initiated.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I got a Christmas gift from this gift-game at work. It was randomly given and I ended up with small bags of cedar wood that you can put places that smell, like shoes. Thanks!!
2) I thought I had band rehearsal yesterday and was secretly grateful when it turned out that's not until Sunday 😄
3) I enjoyed watching Twilight for a laugh. Man that must have been embarrassing to make 😅
Today's Kindness
We bought a gift for my mate and his wife who invited us for lunch 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) We had a Christmas lunch at a friend's house 🙂 it was very nice. Turns out they're pregnant again too ❤️👌
2) We bought lots of snacks today
3) I sorta enjoyed cleaning the house a bit. Will do lots more of that tomorrow.
4) My nephew came and delivered us a freshly baked bread 😊 so kind ❤️
Today's Kindness
I took my boy out today to find things for a homemade Christmas wreath. I thought it was a nice thing to do, though Im a little unsure how much he enjoyed it. Then I drove quite a long way with three guitars, a keyboard, a melodica and an amp for band rehearsal.
Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed spending some time with my wife today, wink wink nudge nudge.
2) I enjoyed collecting stuff for the wreath with my son and making it. Bits of pine trees, some rosehips, ivy, a bit of Juniperus communis etc. It turned out nice.
3) I greatly enjoyed band rehearsal today even if it was a hassle to get to. It's good to hang and play music together ❤️
Today's Kindness
1) I helped my mother search Discogs to rediscover all the Elton John LPs she had as a teen. She had just seen the new biopic and swooned over recollecting the original pressings.
2) My brother called me saying he'd scoured the web all day trying to find the cassette recording of the stage play, Really Rosie that he'd taken out of the public library in 1990 and had starred in the play at his school. He explained that the web was flooded with results for the Carol King version but that's not what he remembered. Ten seconds on Discogs solved the mystery - his beloved cassette was the off-Broadway cast recording from 1981. I quickly found it on YouTube and will check a music sharing service when I get back home after Christmas to get him the isolated tracks.
Today's gratitudes
I had a safe trip to my neighboring city where my mom lives for Christmas, but as I pulled up to her house on a side street corner my car spun out of control 270 degrees and I nearly hit a tree. I'm glad I'm okay. It will be comforting to not be entirely alone on Christmas.
Happy holidays, everyone. Travel safely.
Today's kindness
Nothing in particular - been home all day tidying and cleaning the house. I was exceptionally patient with the kids this morning.
Today's gratitudes
1) Today's breakfast of coffee and baked rolls with soft boiled eggs and herring was 👌
2) I also enjoyed dinner which was jellied pig's knuckles - a first for me, but certainly not the last 🐷
3) I enjoyed watching the movie Longlegs, something I've been looking forward to.
Today's kindness
Did lots of acts of kindness today which is really what's so great about Christmas. What I liked the most is my nephew got a turntable from his parents and a couple of records. But a turntable without a preamp and two LPs isn't that much fun, so I gave him my own preamp which I paid a bit for years ago and I also gave him some classic records from my personal collection.. stuff everyone has like Boston's debut, Close to the Edge, Selling England by the Pound. Even Caravan's For Girls Who Grow Plump in the Night with the foldout sleeve as I had two. Some ELO, some Alan Parsons, etc.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm thankful I have my wonderful family. It's not a given and several off you here have lost people lately. My own sister is currently battling her own cancer diagnosis. But today we celebrated christmas together ❤️ hopefully not for the last time
2) I'm thankful for all the yummy food and drink 😊
3) I am thankful for the wonderful presents my wife got me! A nice sweater and a perfume I had wanted.
4) I discovered the charger to our car isn't broken after all 😄
Today's Kindness
We had a family lunch gathering at the wastewater plant today 😄 just the lunch room which I was able to borrow rent free. I took the kids for a walk through the facility.
And I helped my boy build the marble run thing he got for Christmas.
And my nephew called about hooking up his bee lp player.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed being with my family today as well 🙂
2) I was at the gym before 9 am and got a proper workout.
3) I enjoyed watching, with my wife, Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable in The Misfits from 1961 or so. None of us fell asleep, yay!
Yesterday's Kindness
We played a concert yesterday and we heard from the venue owner that a journalist had tried to reach us. He gave us her number. My band mates didn't really want to talk to her, but I generally try to say yes to things so convinced ny buddies to give it a go 🙂 so I like to think of that as being kind to the journalist who got her interview.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Playing the concert was fun! I'm am so grateful for our fans who were there singing along with us even from the first song.
2) I got to see a bunch of old friends 🙂
3) I got to go for a night out on the town after we were done. This doesn't really happen very often.
Today's Kindness
I invited a friend over to watch a movie with us today 🙂 I think he appreciated it!
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am grateful that we got a visit from our boy's best friend in kindergarten and his mom. She turned out to be super nice.. I think we talked for two hours.
2) I enjoyed gaming with my kids today 🙂 We played a little bit of Choo Choo Charles and Poppy's Playtime
3) I enjoyed having my buddy over! He doesn't know the Evil Dead movies, so we watched the first one.
Today's Kindness
I invited my buddy back for Evil Dead 2 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I played Choo Choo Charles with my kids 🙂 it was fun!
2) I enjoyed making a lasagna today.
3) I enjoyed watching Evil Dead 2 with my wife and my buddy 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
We were kind to animals yesterday. We brought lots of food on a trip so we could feed birds. Later on, we invited friends to us for dinner.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) At the local zoo, I found a nice cockroach in the ape house. Then I petted more roaches in the reptile house. I like handling bugs 🪳
2) I also got to pet the Tapir
3) I enjoyed feeding the aforementioned ducks, sparrows, crows and.. fish too.
4) I very much enjoyed dinner which was steak with cream baked potatoes and honey baked root vegetables
5) I enjoyed having our friends over for dinner 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
Just spent the day at home and not doing much. We were kind to my daughter's friend who visited and stayed for dinner, but I do feel like that's a given 😄
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I was quite tired today, so appreciated being able to take a slow day.
2) I enjoyed watching Squid game S2
3) I enjoyed playing Minecraft with my daughter 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
I reached out to my buddy and invited him for some Army of Darkness 🙂 thus completing our Evil Dead trilogy marathon. Yes, it's new year's eve, but that's what I (and we) wanted to do.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I played more Poppy's Playtime with my kids which was a lot of fun.
2) I enjoyed watching Army of Darkness with my wife and my buddy, finishing the original Evil Dead trilogy.
3) I enjoyed exposing my buddy to some other ridiculous things I like, like Tim and Eric sketches 😄
4) I went to the Crossfit New Year's event which was a fairly gruelling workout. Well done, me!
I'm glossing over that it was New Year's eve. It's because I don't particularly like that day and don't feel like celebrating it, but I could add that my wife made a great tapas dinner. My kids slept through the whole fireworks thing.
Today's kindness
We're hosting for my in-laws who came today and are staying over the weekend. That's kind, I guess, if expected? We gave them a couple of Christmas gifts and also received a few 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I tidied the house a bit and while I didn't like doing it, I love that it's mostly back in shape.
2) I bought a couple of games that I'm a little excited for. Biggest of them is Hogwart's Legacy (?) which I'm hoping will be a hit with my daughter.
3) I'm thankful for the gifts we received from my in-laws and my wife's aunt and uncle. We got a lot of edible things like salamis and cheeses.
4) I enjoyed watching the Will & Harper documentary about newly transitioned Harper Steele and her famous friend Will Ferrell who go on a road trip together.
Today's kindness
I dunno.. I served my father in law some cake 😄
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed watching the 90s thriller Copycat with my wife
2) I enjoyed the brief moments I got with Hogwarts Legacy. Seems well crafted and fun!
3) I enjoyed spaghetti dinner and a late snack, christollen which is an upgraded version of Stollen which is a German cake. Yum!
Jan 3's Kindness
I invited a buddy to come with me and my wife to the cinema to see Robert Eggert's Nosferatu.
Jan 3's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the snow which has become really quite lovely.
2) I was thankful to my in-laws for watching the kids while we went out.
3) I was thankful for the movie Nosferatu which I enjoyed a lot 🙂 Also my buddy joined us and the seats were good.
Yesterday's Kindness
We were kind to the kids, perhaps, and took them and their toboggans to a place with snowy slopes.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed the break we had during our day on the slopes. The sun was shining. The snow was crisp. We had snacks and my daughter had brought her book oj jokes that she got for Christmas (she loves reading us jokes now).
2) We made a pizza dinner and the pizza turned out so delicious, with bacon, pinespple, mushroom and the usual meaty sauce and cheese ❤️
3) I enjoyed watching Wicked Little Letters with my wife and her parents. It is set in the 1920s and based on a real life case from Littlehampton in the early 1920s.
Today's Kindness
I spoke with a woman at my crossfit who was very honest about a bad breakup she had during Christmas. One of the problems was he never validated her or commented on her looks. She is really going for the Instagram model look. I passed her by again on my way out and told her how impressed I was with her honesty and that she doesn't have to pursue the Instagram model body because she already has it. She seemed super pleased.
Also I promised to give a bunch of coffee brewing things we no longer use to my buddy!
Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to crossfit exercise today which was great. I so enjoy time with my buddy from work too.
2) Hogswatch Legacy is so much fun! Addictive for sure.
3) I enjoyed some special time with my wife ❤️
Today's Kindness
I helped a woman get on the bus today. To understand why, you may have had to be there, but a barrier of large amounts of wet snow was involved.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I met my new doctor today and I like him a lot 🙂 pleasant, even funny, handsome and very easy going. He laughed a lot at my jokes and he placed his hand on my shoulder as a gesture of support. I'd hook up with him if that was on the table.
2) We had sushi for dinner. Lovely!
3) I weirdly connected with a lot of people today, like chit chatting with people on the bus stop, sharing a laugh at someone with their car stuck in a snow drift with a rando, taking the person I helped into the bus by the hand, the doctor etc. It's actually very nice.
Today's Kindness
I had lunch with a colleague who told me about the hard time another colleague was having at work. He told me she'd been crying at her desk. I like her a lot and wanted to see if I could help her.. I figure She probably doesn't have many to talk to. She works in a department where she's surrounded by guys. There's like two other women less commonly seen, but both are significantly older. So, with all this in mind, I asked her if she wanted to go for a coffee one day, my treat. She was very happy I asked and we agreed on friday. Maybe I can help her with whatever is troubling her or at the least just be a friend and we can enjoy some coffee together.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed putting my kids to bed today. They are so sweet.
2) I enjoyed lunch with my colleague today and a chance to catch up. He's been on and off work for a while as he's been getting cancer treatment.
3) I enjoyed dinner today which was a strange mix of leftover pizza, string beans and fish fingers.. and raw cabbage. Leftovers!
Today's Kindness
I out the kids to bed so my wife could go skiing ⛷️
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful to myself for going to the gym today. Yay, keep it up, Beef Master!
2) I am thankful for dinner which was burgers. Eat it up, Beef Master!
3) I feel a little more virile than usual, uhm.. which I enjoy. Beat it, Beef Master!!
Today's Kindness
A buddy came over to play some Magic: The Gathering today, so bought him a bunch of snacks he didn't want.. like pistachio soda and dried squid that smelled like sour, unwashed genitals.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had a wonderful burger for dinner today. Nice junk place!
2) I enjoyed playing MtG with my friend
3) I felt wanted at work, like in a professional capacity. People want to pick my brain or get my help with stuff. It's a little exhausting, but also nice 🙂
Today's Kindness
1) The people I talked to on the phone yesterday were kind and helpful
2) my family was kind to me
Today's Gratitudes
1) Verizon the cellphone/internet company. Amazing people in the stores and then the people at the office for online stuff are so helpful
2) the instagram ads, for promotional and personal reasons
Today's kindness
I'm taking care of the kids today while my wife gets drunk with her colleagues 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I had a long coffee date that turned into a lunch with my colleague who I'd made arrangements with previously. It was a great, candid talk and I definitely have a friend in her 🙂 I like her. Awesome!
2) I had fun picking up my boy from the kindergarten. I brought my daughter along and I got to have a nice chat with the guy who works there. He's a metal guitarist 🤘
3) I found time for a daytime nap 😅 Oh yeh!
Evening is still young, so I might add more.
Today's Kindness
I left my quarter in the cart when I returned it to the corral at Aldi for the next customer to use it for free, pay it forward, or keep the quarter. I do little things when I can.
Today's Gratitudes
A check engine light left my vehicle irreparable, but I scored an incredible replacement at the dealership where I bought the last used car. I've never owned a new vehicle and the concept of setting the interior temp with my voice is mind boggling. Details and photo on the Your Day thread here (
Today's kindness
I made everyone a lovely breakfast and later played lots with my kids today.
Today's gratitudes
1) My sin is growing up real fast and ges turning into such a funny little guy. We have so much fun together.
2) I enjoyed making breakfast which turned out great.
3) I enjoyed watching Smile 2 with my wife today 👌
Today's kindness
We brought our daughter's best friend with us to the local pool.
Today's gratitudes
1) I enjoyed exercise with my buddy today, early morning 🙂
2) I enjoyed Aquarama, the local pool.
3) I enjoyed catching up with my sister who seems to be doing very well, all things considered (she's getting cancer treatment)
Today's kindness
I don't know.. I played with the kids and put them to bed 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) My boss gave me nice feedback on something I did for him, which was nice!
2) I went to my physiotherapist today because of my back. They have a small gym there, so he looked at my squatting form and said it was absolutely perfect 👌
3) I enjoyed some late evening me-time today.
Today's Kindness
I helped a colleague with an excellent problem 🤓
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am happy I finished one of my more annoying projects today.
2) I got to know a colleague from another department who plays music and has published a bit 🙂 he hooked me up again on Dama this evening.
3) I've been flirting a little bit with a guy today 😅 I don't necessarily intend to do anything about it, but I enjoyed the attention.
4) I enjoyed a candid and open conversation I had with my wife 🙂
Today's Kindness
I was a receiver of kindness today more than a giver. I feel like I could be kinder 🤔 I'll work on it.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Had a long ass chat with a distant colleague and fellow music lover / musician which was great 😊 I like getting new friends.
2) I worked from the home office today and I enjoyed it. I don't use it enough.
3) I enjoyed getting a squat session in today 🙂 adding weights, trying to get back to where I was before this back pain business. Most importantly, it seems to have gone reasonably well. I feel it, but there's not much actual pain.
Today's Kindness
I sent a message to my colleague who had her baby late november, offering to drop by with some baby clothes, but they had more than enough. She seems desperate for adult connection, though, so we're gonna ser up a coffee date for next week 😊
I also checked in with friend who came to stay with us for a night or two. She's going through some stuff.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I am grateful for my understanding wife who supports me in what I know are kinda crazy ideas at times
2) I enjoyed getting a visit from our friend today
3) I enjoyed reading for my boy today. He's so enthusiastic, it's amazing.
Yesterday's Kindness
I stayed up until 4AM or so talking with my friend who's sleeping over about her relationship problems. It was nice, though I was very sad to hear about her loneliness. I told her she can live with us whenever she wants and also for longer periods. I love her like a sister ❤️ Eventually I fell asleep while she was talking 😅
I also talked with a colleague about her drug-addict brother who has finally been committed and is now catatonic. They're cleaning out his apartment which is a drug den, so really sounds like a lot of work. We hugged. I offered my help which was greatly appreciated.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I love my colleague who's going through a rough time with her brother (mentioned above). I told her about the date I was supposed to have yesterday, but got stood up for. I told her I was a little bummed out and she was super nice.. we've agreed to go to a gay bar together soon 😁 Sent her a message this morning, thanking her for the talk 🙂 she's so nice and supportive ❤️
2) I am grateful for our friend who is staying with us. She has love troubles and turn to us for support and consolation. I am grateful for that and hope we can help. We talked lots yesterday and had some fun reading and Fortune telling with tarot cards.
3) I went to the pub straight after work with some colleagues and ended up talking music with a very friendly and kinda cute Dutch guy 🙂
@Guybrush I love reading your daily posts in here and yesterday noticed a decrease in emojis used in the post. Today they are back : )
Yesterday's Kindness
1) there was a lady in the woods and she said "hello" as I walked by on the trail
2) the store worker near me in the morning while I was getting water, coffee, and protein mentioned how the next few days are going to be very cold, that was kind of her to tell me
3) i picked up a few wipes off the gym floor that were there when I put my wipe in the trash
4) during a zoom meeting yesterday, i was kind and made sure to participate with my camera on the whole time
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I am grateful for a friend who pushed me further to clean up my apartment more than what it was. i mentioned it was clean and she said "it can always get cleaner", so I spent the rest of the night reorganizing and cleaning as I went.
2) grateful for the app/website Bluesky, its been really amazing
Quote from: QuantumSync on Jan 18, 2025, 05:20 PM@Guybrush I love reading your daily posts in here and yesterday noticed a decrease in emojis used in the post. Today they are back : )
Thanks mate 🙂 I'm happy you enjoy them! It is a resolution of sorts to post these. Optimally, I'm in the right headspace and reflect on my day as I write. Other times, I just bang them out 😄 I'm guessing this and a lack of big feelings might cause a lack of emojis.
I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow yesterday, so I'm still a day behind. So:
Yesterday's Kindness
Gave more emotional support to our friend who had another rough day that culminated when she got an angry email from the wife of the guy she's in love with 😬
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) My daughter was so nice to our friend, telling her how she hoped she would feel better tomorrow. Our kids are great sometimes.
2) I'm actually thankful for my friend getting that email because although it was nasty, it's also given her some closure. I think she can move on from this guy/event in her life a little more easily now.
3) I enjoyed some special time with wifey 😘
Today's Kindness
Just more emotional support for our friend. I told her I was concerned with her admitted loneliness and told her she can come stay with us whenever she likes. She seemed to really appreciate that 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) We went to my parents today and also met my sister and three of her boys there. We weren't supposed to meet until next weekend, but we'd all gotten the date wrong. Still, it was great 🙂 and I got a chance to catch up with my sister again.
2) I enjoyed more intimate time with my wife. We're doing something new which is very exciting 🤩
3) I enjoyed watching Severance, first episode of the new season. Yay 😊
Today's kindness
Checked in with a colleague today, the one with a semi recent divorce behind her who broke down crying at work last spring. We've been doing weekly talks and hugs. Today I showed her dick pics from the guy who stood me up and she complained about this guy who wants to be with her but who has a way too small penis. She said she's too old to have bad sex and we gave eachother a hug.
Today's gratitudes
1) I had fun posting a little on this forum today ❤️
2) I also sent a message to my colleague who I'm covering for as she's on mom leave, asking when she wants to go for a coffee. I proposed dates. She seemed very enthusiastic and suggested Thursday 🙂 so now I'm really looking forward to Thursday. I'm hoping she brings her new baby ❤️
3) We took our daughter to this gymnastics thing after school and it was a lot of fun. I was mostly playing and goofing around with my son while she was learning to jump on trampolines etc. I love my kids ❤️🙂
Today's kindness
I helped some colleagues get their meeting room and equipment in order 🙂 then I asked ANOTHER colleague out for coffee, this time someone I suspect is a little burnt out and might need a good talk or a break. She's not in town, but we agreed to plan something together when she's back
Today's gratitudes
1) I got good feedback on a lecture / course I held today about Microsoft Teams 😄
2) I got some exercise in at one of my employers' gyms 💪
3) I got to relax and play some Secrets of Hogwarts or what it's called on our Xbox 🙂
Today's kindness
No special kindness today. Invited a colleague for a coffee break, but that was pretty much it.
Today's gratitudes
1) I came out to my exercise mate. Ideally, I shouldn't have to, but everyone assumes I'm straight as an arrow and for good reason too as I'm married to a woman. I've actually been a little scared he might react badly, but he hasn't and I'm very thankful for that 😊 now I feel silly for even thinking it. It's always weird to bring up, but I also want to help normalize the idea that sexuality can be fluid and flexible. The reason I'm doing it now is it's just been on my mind again lately. How well do I know myself? I go through periods where I might feel some yearning. The deep of winter does tend to put me in such a frame of mind, I believe.
2) I enjoyed a cup of coffee with my colleague S who who I love to talk to about gaming and horror movies. We also seem to see eye to eye on everything, though she does tend to lecture me a bit 🙂
3) I am really enjoying the series Slow Horses that we started watching a few days ago 🐴
Yesterday's Kindness:
1) im sitting here thinking, i have nothing. no examples that stick out. I had short conversations with some local store workers and then saw my neighbor in the hallway, i was kind but it was just normal social interactions. yesterday wasn't an extra kindness day, just a normal kindness day
Yesterday's Gratitudes:
1) the gym was empty from 11pm to midnight, not that people in there are a problem but it was does create a different vibe when it its just you in the gym
2) Google Earth. The amount of gratitude I have for Google Earth is wild.
Today's Kindness
Just small things, trying to reach out to people who I think might need a little chat or pick-me-up.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had lunch with my colleague Elise who is so wonderful 🙂 she bought me lunch and a Cappuccino and listened to me talk about my various uncertainties.. for once, someone's taking care of me 🙂 I love her (as a friend). Plus she brought her new, cute baby ❤️
2) I finally got fresh shrimps at the store 🦐 I've been craving it for a while, but they've the last two-three times I looked.
3) I felt a little sick today and so my wife let me rest after dinner. I greatly appreciated it 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
I was kind with a coworker on DMs when she told me she was home with her 3 year old who had had a concussion. Poor girl!
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed getting to know my aforementioned coworker a little better. She seems like such a positive person, so even though I've only had a little interaction with her, I like her a lot.
2) I've gotten to know a couple more male colleagues better as well and made a ø chat for sharing music tips with them and I got some interesting stuff sent my way already 🙂
3) I enjoyed Friday night with my wife 😘 and then we both hell asleep trying to watch Severance S2.
Yesterday's Kindness
I made everyone a perfect breakfast 👌
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I really enjoyed making, serving and eating my perfect cappucinos and scrambled eggs on toast.
2) I enjoyed our trip to the swimming pool 🙂
3) I enjoyed shopping strange groceries and weird flavoured snacks and beverages at this local eastern European shops. You can buy things like birch sap and soda with cashew nut flavour (kinda nice).
Today's Kindness
No special kindness, though I did sort everyone's socks and underwear after a huge clothes washing operation.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My friend wrote to me on DMs stating he actually feels happy. That is actually tremendous 🙂 I'm really happy about it! I'm very fond of him.
2) I did some exercise today and my wife has agreed that yes, we need to do something to better our physical selves every day, even if its just air squats while playing the piano 🎹
3) I had a lot of fun playing Minecraft with my daughter. We wanted teal dye for this house we're making which was going to have teal beds and a teal wall, so that took us on a long trek to find cacti and create a cacti farm first, then create teal sheep etc. We got it all eventually.
Today's Kindness
My wife went to a yoga class, then a dance class later on while I left work early to take both our kids to our daughter's gymnastics thing.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed dinner today. I had baccalao 🐟🍅
2) I enjoyed playing Minecraft again with my daughter
3) At the gym thing that I brought the kids to, by chance I met the younger sister of a woman I went to primary school with. We didn't recognize each other or anything, but just started talking and it turns out we had some connection and know some of the same people from my old town 🙂 she was also there with her kid and she was very nice.
Today's Kindness
Not sure if this is kindness, but I did reach out to my old classmate whose sister I met. I thought it might be fun to connect. She's yet to respond, though.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I worked with my friend today at the wastewater facility, working together on a technical problem. It was actually a lot of fun 🙂
2) I was so tired after work, but enjoyed a little bit of post-dinner gaming.
3) Play fighting with my kids before bedtime was fun today 😊
Today's Kindness
No special kindness today I'm afraid. The closest may have been rough housing with the kids (which they love).
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got a new coffee and chess date with a woman I vaguely know from years before 🙂 We (me, my wife, my sister and her as well as others) were involved with an organization that was about helping immigrant women get a social / support network and basically friends. It was for women, but I did help out with IT related stuff and joined in on some activities. I kinda suggested we play chess and she was all in 🥰 just gotta find a date.
2) I had a good exercise today 🙂
3) Had to tidy the house a bit. It was a lot of work, but now I'm happy we did it 🙂
Today's Kindness
I had a good talk with a colleague. Some days ago, I told him I'm not completely straight. Turns out.. He also isn't straight 🤯 though he is in the closet. I do hope his honesty with me can be the start of a journey towards acceptance and coming out for him. Of course my only male bff would also be a little gay.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My friend's honesty and the talk we had 🙂 looking forward to the next one!
2) Me and wifey talked a bit today and had some cuddles. I felt like I really needed it today. I'm happy that I have her and that we're doing alright ❤️
3) Bought some toys for adults and.. this one's very nice 🤩
Yesterday's Kindness
I dunno.. I sorted out dinner for the fam. Not very kind, but that's what I got 😅
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) Me and my wife did some exercise together for the first time in a while.
2) I enjoyed the book I'm reading
3) I felt rather productive at work 💪
Today's kindness
On Saturday mornings, I usually make breakfast for the whole family. I take my time with it and do it well.
Today's gratitudes
1) I always enjoy making that breakfast
2) I enjoyed playing Minecraft with my daughter again
3) I got back on the "erg bike" and did a 1000 kcal session. Its been 2 months since last time 😄
Today's kindness
I did collect all the Christmas lights that were outside.. then I put the kids to bed while my wife went off to have an evening ocean dip with her friends.
Today's gratitudes
1) I had a good workout today 🙂 Did wall balls, hand release push-ups, pull-ups, push press aaand.. toes to bar. 12 reps of everything and did 5 rounds. Could've done more, but hey. I needed breakfast.
2) Me and wifey finished The Substance 🙂 I already saw it at the cinema when it came, but she hadn't seen it. Great movie!
3) Had meatloaf for dinner for the first time in my life.. as far as I can remember. Very nice!
Today's kindness
I finished a task my boss gave me a while ago to secure some permission for radio telemetry for some of our infrastructure. It's kinda fun sometimes what I end up working with. Anyways, we got the permission today and my boss was really appreciative. I made sure to inform both him and the rest of the org that it was really my colleague who knew everything and had everything in order that made our work so much easier. Credit where credit's due. I think my colleague appreciated it 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I had some passionate recreational time with my wife 👌🤩
2) We had breakfast for dinner.. that is oven baked buns and fry up with bacon. Also some soy marinated/pickled eggs which are friggin delicious.
3) I had a meeting today which I thought would be a pointless bore, but which actually ended up being super useful. It was municipalities getting together in a digital meeting to talk about buying services for no-dig pipe renewal. Yay! I'm tasked with sorting this out for us and now I know who to nag.
Today's kindness
I spent a little extra time at the end of my working day writing something for a colleague that he wanted to have for tomorrow. I also helped my wife with some work stuff 🙂
Today's gratitudes
1) I spent the day working from home today due to my hickey that my wife gave me.. and was super effective! I got a lot of work done. Feels good!
2) I was so tired from trying to sleep in the same bed as my kid last night. Should've tossed him out! What's he doing up at 3AM? Anyways, it made me really appreciate today's daytime nap 😅
3) I am thankful for Kefir. I don't know if you have it elsewhere, but it's a bit like a yoghurt, but more sour and has this lovely mouth feel that they call "pearling" in Norwegian. I bought some today!
I usually get this one with blueberry and blackcurrant flavour 👌
Today's kindness
Not sure about kindness today. I did handle the kids and dinner time etc. while my wife went shopping birthday things with a fellow mom. Not sure if that counts.
Today's gratitudes
1) I had fun at work today 🙂 I got the exact sort of technical task that I love doing.
2) I enjoyed getting more familiar with some Michael McDonald tunes today 😄
3) My wife let me go exercise in the evening and took all bedtime duties with the kids ❤️
Today's Kindness
I organized a little coffee get together for tomorrow with a couple of colleagues. A mild sort of kindness 😄
Today's Gratitudes
1) Had a long day at work today, but uhm.. It's nice to get some extra hours in and lunch was great.
2) My wife made us pancakes for dinner 👍
3) I was really tired after work, but got a nice daytime nap 👌
Yesterdays Kindness
1) cant think of anything randomly but just typing back to people online.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) It snowed a lot here the past two days and grateful that the weather warmed up top melt most of it for a morning running
2) having parks and hiking places here in my area for photography/hiking sessions
This is turning into a bit of a diary.
Today's Kindness
I gave my colleague a hug today ❤️
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had coffee with two colleagues today, which was very nice 🙂
2) I enjoyed watching the first half of Ghostbusters Frozen Empire with the kids. Looking forward to the continuation!
3) Also enjoyed watching Oddity yesterday. It has some nice creepy scenes.
4) Dinner was awesome! Pasta chicken with cheese and lots of garlic and stuff. My wife knows her stuff 👌
Yesterday's Kindness
I stayed at home with the kids so my wife could go shopping 🙂 also made breakfast!
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I loved the breakfast I made. I always do.. I love a good breakfast! ☕
2) We finished watching Ghostbusters Frozen Empire and I actually really enjoyed it.. even if it was over rather fast in the end.
3) Me and my wife had a sexy date night at home 🥰 some new, sexy lingerie was involved 🤩
Today's Kindness
We visited my mom for Mothers Day 🙂 Thought we could get flowers, but that store was gone. Got some cake instead.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to the gym today before breakfast 🙂 felt quite good today, actually, even though my back and shoulder has been complaining a bit. Did squats, pushups, inverted rows instead of pullups due to shoulder pain, Wall sits, push press aaand.. situps rather than modified Candlesticks due to back pain.
2) My parents made us dinner 🙂 old timey, hearty food; meatballs with potatoes, mashed peas and other root veggies. Very nice!
3) In the evening, I really enjoyed just watching telly with my wife ❤️ we're watching Slow Horses and season 2 is getting interesting.
Today's kindness
No special kindness today, I'm afraid. Kept to myself mostly.
Today's gratitudes
1) Work was fun today! I felt like I learned a lot and achieved a lot too.
2) I had such a great nap with my boy today ❤️😊,
3) I got to spend some alone-time in the bathtub 😲
Today's kindness
I was kind to a couple of colleagues today, one who I am helping with some task and another who has had to deal with some difficult people. I told her she could redirect them to me.
Today's gratitudes
1) My work is fun these days 🙂 today I was a little reluctant to go home as I've got stuff to do!
2) Dinner was wonderful. Very yummy and the whole family ate together, no drama 😄
3) I am looking forward to something I ordered
4) I had fun playing with the kids before bedtime.
5) I enjoyed watching Slow Horses with my wife 🙂
Today's kindness
I commended a colleague a couple of times today for being a good mensch who took other people under his wing when they needed it 🙂 he's a super good guy
Today's gratitudes
1) I'm on a business trip and staying at a hotel and it's one that has such great food! Lunch and dinner was delicious 😋
2) We spent some time in the evening at this water park / bathing resort (?) with a wellness area. I got to spend time in a sauna and then go for a dip in six degrees sea water ❤️ So niiiice!! I love it.
3) I am thankful for lying here in bed all alone knowing there's likely nothing that's going to get between myself and roughly 8 hours of sleep tonight 😁
Today's Kindness
Don't feel like I did much today, but a colleague was very grateful for the work I've done the past two weeks to help make data available to her for her reporting task in a couple of weeks.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I had a great lunch today. Roast chicken with kale and mashed potatoes, but it was better than it sounds.
2) I enjoyed okay fighting my kids before bedtime.
3) I enjoyed a nap on the couch 👌
Yesterday's Kindness
A colleague wanted to get beers after work, so I was one of two people who joined her. Not sure if that's very kind, but I do think the event would've been cancelled without me 🙂
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed getting to know my drunk colleague better! It was fun. She repeatedly told me how much she enjoyed our evening and we separated with a hug 🙂
2) I enjoyed my work yesterday!
3) I enjoyed coming home to my wife and watching more Slow Horses.. it's very good 👌
Today's Kindness
Me and wifey bought each other snacks for a late Valentines date.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I really liked making and eating breakfast today 🙂
2) I've enjoyed listening to LPOTL's series on the shipwreck and disaster of the Botavia. The last episode came out today. What a crazy story!
3) I enjoyed date night with wifey and some of the toys we've bought 😁
Today's Kindness
We went on a trip with my sister and her family to one of the local peaks. It was cold, but sunny and we set up a couple of bonfires. I don't think I was necessarily kinder than anyone else there, but I generally make an effort in an everyday way 🙂
Oh and I put the kids to bed so my wife could go ice dipping.
Today's Gratitudes
1) Our trip out was very nice 🙂
2) I got some exercise in this morning. I didn't enjoy it much, but I'm happy I did it 😄
3) We were tired after spending the day outside, so just ordered some pizza for dinner and ate it in front of the telly.. so nice 🙂
Today's Kindness
Yarrr!! I need to do more. Its a little hard when you don't see many people during a day. I did spend the whole day washing and riding clothes which is sort of kind, but also to be expected now and then. Anyways, ny wife was very grateful.
Today's Gratitudes
1) We got a new container thing for the house. It's a chest.. that I can lock with a padlock. It's for the basement and for organizing things we don't want the kids or guests to have access to. Feels good to tidy up this part of our lives a little. Maybe you can guess what it's for? 😄 Anyways, I'm happy with it!
2) It did feel nice tidying all those clothes 💪
3) I'm grateful that it's winter vacation week here now and things are a little slower at work. I might spend some time in the home office 🙂
Today's Kindness
I helped a colleague with a job she's doing with writing a report from 2024. Oh ye!
Today's Gratitudes
1) The canteen served Danish pastries today 😍
2) My wife let me take a midday nap 😄
3) My wife was also in a really good mood today, playful and with energy to spare 🙂 I love that.
4) I love watching Slow Horses still, yarr
Today's Kindness
Have I been kind? I was kinda funny chatting with this woman at the spa. She was taking picture of her feet and a woman berated her, telling her picture taking was prohibited. She said she was just taking pictures of herself and then I told her she could take pictures of me and my wife of she wanted to.
It's just fun to say stupid things sometimes.
Today's Gratitudes
1) My parents!! They came and got the kids. Took them away for a sleepover at their place. Yay!
2) We immediately went to the spa and spent a good two hours there, laying about in saunas and taking cold dips.
3) We then got a bunch of drinks and kebab-related junk food 🍕
4) And proceeded to watch through S4 of Slow Horses while getting our chub on and gorging ourselves 🐴
5) And then finished the night off with a bang 🥰🤩
Today's Kindness
My daughter really wanted me to play fight her before bedtime, so even though I was busy with something else, I gave her a good pummeling 👊
Today's Gratitudes
1) I was grateful for the kids being at their gramps' this morning. Wow! You can get to work so quickly when you don't have to dress and feed and shepherd two little monsters to school and kindergarten first. It'd be slightly easier if they were a pair of wild badgers.
2) I was grateful for seeing the little monsters again, even though they make a point of telling me how much more they missed mom than me ❤️
3) My parents served us tacos when we went to get the kids 🙂
4) I enjoyed White Lotus S3E1, ye!
I will try and catch up a bit.
Friday's Kindness
My wife wasn't feeling great (we've both been a little under the weather) so tried to take a little care of her.
Friday's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed working from the home office. It was the last day of winter vacation anyways, so the kids were gonna be home which makes it hard to go to work.
2) We had some yummy pizza 🍕
3) I also wasn't feeling great, so took half the day off and it felt so nice being able to do that 😅
Saturday's kindness
I made my family a lovely breakfast, like I do every Saturday ❤️
Saturday's Gratitudes
1) We're looking at getting a vacation to Mallorca this summer because it's so easy.. we can fly there direct from here. And we found a great hotel/place so its looking good.
2) I love that breakfast with that nice coffee
3) I had fun fighting the kids again at bedtime.
4) I did some relaxing exercise (phase 2) on the erg bike for about 70 minutes while listening to a podcast. It was good!
5) I enjoyed watching I Saw The TV Glow with wifey
Today's Kindness
Not sure.. though I did spend most of the day tidying. Is that nice?
Today's Gratitudes
1) I'm happy I did those chores. Yeah!
2) We had hamburgers for dinner and dinner was really fun too. We're a weird family. Our daughter's friend visited and ate with us and I can see his confusion sometimes.
3) I enjoyed taking a break and playing Avowed a bit today.
4) Me and wifey saw Melancholia which has been on my to-do-list since it came out. I liked it. Reminded me of a friend we have.
Today's Kindness
I guess closest thing was I spent some time with our daughter today, helped her with homework and bought her a thing for a game that she really wanted.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed my work day, working from my home office. I've been just a little under the weather so seemed smart. I felt like I got a lot done.
2) I loved dinner! A guy who sold frozen sushi quality salmon out of a car came to our door a day or two ago and my wife bought salmon for like 2000 NOK (180 USD). So today we had homemade sushi.
3) Im enjoying Avowed 🙂 I feel a bit guilty sinking more time into a game, but it's also fun!
Today's Kindness
I made a fun bath for my kids with bath salts and music and disco lights. It was fun!
Today's Gratitudes
1) I contacted a company about a parcel I haven't received and without requiring anything more from me, they just went ahead and sent another. Nice service!
2) I exercised today. Man, something is wrong as I got absolutely knackered from a workout that shouldn't be so bad. Still.. happy I went 🙂
3) I couldn't pay for groceries at the store because I only had my phone and Google Wallet only has my credit card and that was maxed out because I just paid the entirety of our upcoming 2-week vacation to Mallorca in late June. The cashier helped me out, so she paid and I was able to reimburse her ❤️ Also, I got her number now.
4) Had fun with the kids in the evening 🙂 such great little trolls
5) I enjoyed chatting with my colleague and friend. He gave me a tip about a very pure creatine supplement.. I've been a little worried about trace elements in supplements 😄 Ordered it!
6) I enjoyed watching comedy stuff with my wife on the telly ❤️
Today's Kindness
Can't think of anything in particular besides being a helpful colleague. I get asked for help sometimes. I help!!
Today's Gratitudes
1) Went to my union's yearly meeting today. Ate pizza 👌
2) I felt like I got a lot done at work and I kinda had fun doing it.
3) Got to play Avowed for a little bit after work. I like it.
Today's Kindness
Checked in with my buddy and colleague at work today 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I got to play the piano at the wastewater facility today ❤️
2) I liked working with my buddy today. Also, it felt like a productive day.
3) My wife came home late and a little drink today from an office party and I like her when she's drunk 😄
Yesterday's Kindness
At a pub, me and a friendly stranger tried to console a depressed guy. He'd broken up with his GF, but they still lived together and she was banging around. Gotta get out of ttere, man! Move in with a buddy.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I made an awesome breakfast ❤️
2) I cleaned the house real good. It was boring, but felt good afterwards.
3) I went to a gay bar with two female friends colleagues 🙂 and we went for a quick joyride in a very fancy Porsche afterwards. It was fun!
4) I was then dropped off at the bar where my wife and her friend was dancing, but it wasn't for me. Instead, I got picked up by a group of four women who took me along to another couple of pubs 🙂 They were super nice ❤️ I wish I could get a message back to them how much it meant to me.
5) I was overtly hit on by a very young, attractive woman, just slightly blasted drunk.. must've been in her 20s 😲 Of course I just wriggled out of it (what's there to talk about?) but I appreciated the attention 🙂
Yesterday's Kindness
We hosted and celebrated our daughter's 9th birthday for our family. There was soup and pasta and cake and presents.
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) I'm grateful to my family who came to our daughter's party 🙂
2) I'm grateful to my wife for making the food and organizing. My role was mostly getting the house tidied and cleaned.
3) I am grateful for my fantastic daughter who is such a fun, cool girl with a huge heart ❤️
Today's Kindness
I took our daughter to gymnastics today and we also brought along her friend and classmate.
Today's Gratitudes
2) I enjoyed work today
2) I got a bit of exercise in. Feels good! I just did it at home while watching some telly. Very relaxing.. will get back on that horse.
3) I enjoyed playing some Avowed in the late evening and watching an episode of White Lotus with my wife ❤️
Today's Kindness
Took our kids to the water park. We had dinner there (bad pizza) and played lots. So I guess that was sorta kind 🤔
Today's Gratitudes
1) I spent four hours today with a colleague I haven't seen in a while. It was very nice 🙂
2) Another colleague brought me a board game he borrowed years ago!
3) I love going to the water park. Got a good couple of swings by the sauna too ❤️ it was really fun!
4) I was at the police station to get a new passport, but I'd forgotten the old one.. not acceptable! So I couldn't get a new, but there super cute police lady there told me to come back later in the evening. So I did, just before closing time at 8 PM and she was still there . And helped me out 🙂 thank you, cute police girl.
Yesterday's Kindness
I was a good host to my buddies. We gathered at our place to play Magic the Gathering and Hero's Quest!
Yesterday's Gratitudes
1) One of my roles is being quality manager for an org that is accredited by the international standard that commercial labs, blood banks and that sort of businesses use. Yesterday, the national org that reviews such work had their annual review with our org.. and it's by far mostly my work that is being reviewed. Every year I'm a little more prepared and yesterday was actually very good. I impressed my boss and other peeps and the reviewer who interviewed me for hours was a very cute and friendly fellow biologist from my old alma mater 😲
2) I was grateful for getting to play Magic the Gathering and Hero's Quest with my friends 😊
3) I was thankful to my wife for wrangling the kids all day 😄
Today's kindness
I helped a guy with a wheelchair who was locked out of the building where a meeting he was supposed to attend was being held.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I organized and held an out of town meeting today for the heads of water/wastewater administration in municipalities in our region. It was a lunch and then open discussion about stuff in the agenda. I led the meeting and discussion and it went really well. Everyone seemed pleased and my boss told me at least twice how good he thought I was. Nice!!
2) My wife had made a delicious dinner 🙂 asian style pork chips, baby!
3) I watched Beetlejuice with my boy. I fell asleep, but it was still really nice and I love how our kids now love things that I love ❤️
Today's kindness
I was very kind to one of our directors who had forgotten to comment something in the yearly report/review. I fixed the whole thing for her 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I was sitting alone at lunch because a meeting finished late, but was joined by two female colleagues from the environmental department. Very nice!
2) I was at an after work pub thing today. Yay!
3) A female colleague who knew one of the handsome bartenders forced him to come out and say hello to me in a very overt attempt at matchmaking 😅
4) I got hit on by a couple of people! Maybe more. I don't quite know how to respond, but I enjoy it 🙂
5) Another friend joined me for a drink at a gaaay bar. It was nearly empty, so we left, but not before having a drink and a nice chat.
Today's Kindness
I dunno.. I took the kids out playing outside and, uh, er bought the five nights at Freddy's movie because they wanted to see it.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I've been a little sick lately, but am getting better
2) We've had a small pressurized container of buthane for a while and it's been worrying me, so we drove to an empty industrialized area and blew it up!
3) We had tacos for dinner 🙂
4) I enjoyed playing Avowed!
Today's kindness
Nothing special today.. I made dinner for me fam and played with the kids 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) I've been feeling a little sick lately and so decided to work from the home office. I got so much done! Nice. Also, I actually did appreciate just being on my own.
2) I enjoyed making baked trout for me and wifey and fish cakes for the kids for dinner!
3) I enjoyed playing Avowed today as well. I'm hooked 😬😅
Today's kindness
I was a great colleague today for all the environmental case worker. There's a number of laws where authority should be delegated to their agency, but isn't. I don't think they've known quite how to fix it, but I do so have taken it on myself to fix this thing for them.
Oh, and I bought a lovely bouquet of flowers for my sister and dropped by a bakery for some danish for my wife 🙂
Today's Gratitudes
1) My sister has breast cancer which spread to her bones. Today, she got a load of test results back for the first time in months and they show a big reduction on almost every parameter 🙂 it seems to be going great! I am so happy about it ❤️
2) I had lunch with the aforementioned environmental case workers, most of them biologists like me. I don't mean anything by it, but one of them is so cute 😁 Good lunch!
3) We really went shopping so much food today and found Kavring (crumbly bread biscuits) and sour milk (I think it's fermented?). You eat it together with sugar sprinkled on top. Looking forward to having it tomorrow morning 🙂
It looks like this:
Today's kindness
Hmmmm... I've been a good colleague. Have been helpful and friendly. More so than usual, but it's also my job sometimes so hmm 🤔 did ask someone out for coffee, though, sorta.
Today's Gratitudes
1) I enjoyed my coffee break with my colleague today 🙂 It's one I don't see that often, but she's a horror buff and a gamer, so of course we always have lots to talk about 😊
2) I got some exercise in today! Which is good because something is up and it's been killing my motivation. I just gotta find my way back to a better routine.
3) I have a music chat going with some work colleagues and I'm picking up a lot of tips there 🙂 lots of stuff I haven't even heard of before and that's a relatively rare occurrence with regular peeps. It's nice to meet a musi with a slightly different taste so you don't completely overlap 😄
Today's Kindness
I've just been a good colleague to a few of my coworkers, helping them understand some calculations done in an Excel file used to evaluate offers for contracts. They were extremely grateful.
Today's Gratitudes
2) Been getting a lot of praise from other colleagues today, including someone saying I spend 10 minutes doing something that would take them 10 days and then suggesting I should come work with them 😄 it's nice to feel appreciated!
2) I enjoyed sharing an office with an old buddy today
3) Weather was lovely! We finally got some sun 😊