Jan 03, 2024, 03:48 PM Last Edit: Jan 04, 2024, 12:54 AM by Guybrush
Hey there, Guest.

Welcome to the SCD Awards for 2023!

Some of you have voted for most notable members or threads in the following categories:

  • Best avatar
  • Best writer
  • Nicest member
  • Smartest poster
  • Funniest member
  • Best mediator
  • Biggest troll
  • Most underrated poster
  • Best Thread Starter
  • Most Missed Poster
  • Thread of the Year
  • Journal of the Year
  • Best New Member
  • Member of the Year

Now I've counted and tallied and checked and double checked and the numbers are in!

Without further ado, I'll go straight to announcing the winners and notable runner-ups if there was one (there usually wasn't).

Best Avatar

This forum user has shown great taste and an eye for appeal. Their avatar gives a shine to every thread and is a sight for sore eyes, dried and scoured by the harsh light of our mobile screens.

The winner of best avatar is: @jimmy jazz !

I expect James Cameron will call him soon.

Best Writer

This member has honed his writing skills online for years and years and can master any genre. His crime mysteries will confound you and his erotic shorts even more so. He is our own James Joyce and resident bard.

The winner of Best writer is: @Trollheart !

Nicest member

No, "nicest member" is not about penis size, but rather the size of one's heart. And the winner of this category has a heart big enough to warm our entire community.

Winner of nicest member is: @ribbons !

Smartest poster

Our next winner is one of our cleverest, wittiest members. His mind is so sharp, you risk cutting yourself if you ever get into a discussion with him. He's always got his thinking cap on, although not necessarily much else.

Winner of Smartest Poster is: @Jwb !

Funniest member

We're not talking weirdly shaped extremities, but who regularly makes us laugh the most. It just so happens this one was a tie, as we have a couple of guys here so funny they'd give Dave Coulier a run for his money.

The tied winners of Funniest Members are: @Toy Revolver and @Jwb !

Best mediator

The winner of this category is our community's biggest wet blanket to any fire that might erupt. He also comes from a country famous for its mediators.

Winner of Best Mediator is: It's me, @Guybrush !
Runner up to Best Mediator is: @Marie Monday

Biggest troll

Whether they do it on purpose or just have that effect on people, our biggest troll is the member who most often gets a rise out of people. Sometimes you gotta pay the troll's toll.

Winner of Biggest Troll is: @jadis !

Most underrated poster

Winner of our next category is someone who doesn't always get his due for his tremendous contributions to our community. Though he might sometimes slip under the radar, he is an instant improvement to anything he gets involved with.

Winner of Most Underrated Poster is: @Lisnaholic !

Best Thread Starter

Our next winner has made the biggest impression in terms of creating threads that create fun and engagement on our forums. He's thankfully also never shy with his honest opinions.

Our Best Thread Starter is: @DJChameleon !

Our Most Missed Poster

The winner of our next category used to be prolific, but is sadly no longer with us. We miss his wildcard shenanigans and dearly hope he will return to us some day soon.

Most missed poster is: @Toy Revolver !
Runner-up for Most missed poster is: @Trollheart

Thread of the Year

The voted best thread of 2023, started by @jimmy jazz and following a tradition from MB, has made us share fun as well as deep and intimate details about our lives, wants and opinions.

Thread of the Year for 2023 is: Saturday 5-Pack!

Journal of the Year

The voted best journal of 2023 has given us a detailed glimpse into the passions of one of our members, a passion for tirelessly exploring fantastic worlds, fighting monsters, getting better equip and much, much more.

Journal of the Year for 2023 is: Into the Breach - Key's Gaming Journal by @Key !

Best New Member

Most of us hail from MB and/or have known eachother for a while now, but the winner of this category is a recent outside addition to that has quickly become an appreciated member of our community. We sincerely Hope she sticks around.

Best new member is: @Hope !

Member of the Year

Our highest accolades go to a member who has really made this place her home and always has the best of our community in mind. She may just be the first person you'd meet and also a big part of why you'd want to stay. Our member of the year is one of our most engaging and prolific members who also tackles any challenge or hardship with dignity and shows by example how to be a fellow mensch. We are all lucky to have her here!

Member of the year 2023 is: @Mrs. Waffles !

So that's it :) Congratulations to all winners and thank you everyone (winners or not) for your contributions to our community in 2023 ❤️

Happiness is a warm manatee

Thanks guys. I'd like to thank the forum, everyone who voted and my cat Cecil.

Congratulations to everyone else who won.

May 2024 be an even better year.


Only God knows.

Congrats everyone!

Come back @Toy Revolver !

Oh gosh, it's such an honor! Your words mean so much. SCD's lovely community has been there for me in a time of IRL flux and uncertainty; one year ago I was a stranger, and you all have shown me so much love and have inspired me greatly. I feel treasured and at home here, away from the social media driven internet that feels more isolating by the year.

Congratulations to the other winners, thank you all, my forum family, from the bottom of my heart, and here's to a great 2024!

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Journal of the year?! I'm very thankful for that. Thank you guys!

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on Jan 03, 2024, 04:17 PMOh gosh, it's such an honor! Your words mean so much. SCD's lovely community has been there for me in a time of IRL flux and uncertainty; one year ago I was a stranger, and you all have shown me so much love and have inspired me greatly. I feel treasured and at home here, away from the social media driven internet that feels more isolating by the year.

Congratulations to the other winners, thank you all, my forum family, from the bottom of my heart, and here's to a great 2024!

I voted for you, and it was well deserved!  :clap:

Hope this year goes great for you and Mr. Waffles - congratulations!

Quote from: Key on Jan 03, 2024, 04:22 PMJournal of the year?! I'm very thankful for that. Thank you guys!

Voted for you too! You da man, man! That being said, I bet I could beat you if we played Smash :laughing:

Quote from: SGR on Jan 03, 2024, 11:06 PMI voted for you, and it was well deserved!  :clap:

Hope this year goes great for you and Mr. Waffles - congratulations!

Aww, thank you! Best wishes to you and your wife for a great year as well!

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

If I could have tacked on an extra category, it would've been Most Swole Member. Then I could've voted for @jimmy jazz for his peptalks and support for the betterment for all our physiques and general health 💪🙂

Maybe we can do that category for 2024.

Happiness is a warm manatee

I won every category in the nearest parallel universe.

Congrats to jimmy and Troll!  A real shame SGR and Key didn't win somethin'.

Quote from: Nimbly9 on Jan 04, 2024, 12:07 AMI won every category in the nearest parallel universe.

Congrats to jimmy and Troll!  A real shame SGR and Key didn't win somethin'.

Yeah, if only I had won Journal of the Year. Oh well, better luck next time.

Quote from: Nimbly9 on Jan 04, 2024, 12:07 AMI won every category in the nearest parallel universe.

Congrats to jimmy and Troll!  A real shame SGR and Key didn't win somethin'.

I was a shoo-in for the laziest member! But @Guybrush didn't include the category!

Quote from: SGR on Jan 04, 2024, 12:55 AMI was a shoo-in for the laziest member! But @Guybrush didn't include the category!

I'm sorry. I guess I got too lazy 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee

motherfucker, i fed my young to the hawk