Jan 15, 2025, 10:28 AM Last Edit: Jan 15, 2025, 06:58 PM by Guybrush
Hey Guest!

You're probably wondering when those votes are gonna get posted. Well, today is the day and so without further ado, I present to you the results.

If you want, you can see the entire dataset here: The 2024 SCD Awards Votes

Thank you to all who voted! I've presented the winners and notable runner-ups below :)

Best Avatar

For wowing us in 2024 with their digital representation of themselves, the person with the most votes is:
Votes are evenly spread out with no clear runner-up.

Best Writer

Our member most eloquent or otherwise able with the written word is, of course..
It was a landslide victory and surely no surprise. Well done!

Nicest Member

The member we found to be the nicest and most pleasant among us in 2024 was:
And it should be pointed out that we have a runner-up in the surprisingly nice @Lexi Darling.

Funniest Member

The one who made us laugh the hardest or maybe most in 2024 was no other than:
There was no clear runner-up in this category.

Best Debater

Our most capable member at wielding an argument in 2024 was.. Hey, it's a tie!

Biggest Troll
Our most beloved chaos agent in 2024 was:
And runner-up for this most coveted award was @degrassi.knoll.

Most Improved Fitness

The members who tended to their own beef and saw the most fitness gains in 2024 was.. It's another tie!
May our beef be both bulky and lean.

Most Missed Poster

This is hardly a surprise. The one we miss the most is:
Oh Ribbons, where art thou? If you ever read this, you will surely know that you are missed.

Best New Member

Our newest addition to our community who has wowed us the most is:
Thank you for your contributions so far <3 And although the winner was clear, we do have a runner-up in @Auroras In Ice!

Biggest Movie Buff

Our biggest movie afficianado in 2024 was, of course:
It's hardly a surprise as noone else seem more prepared to sit through hours and hours of pure schlock. A small runner-up is myself, @Guybrush.

Biggest Muso

Who had the biggest taste for music in 2024? Our biggest muso was:
And a mention of our runner up, @Trollheart, is of course also warranted.

Supremo politico

Our member with the keenest political awareness in 2024 was, of course..
The only other contender, though a bit behind in our votes, was @Lisnaholic.

Most Creative Member

The member who expressed and shared their creativity the most with us in 2024 was:
He is decidedly the winner with myself and then @tristan_geoff as the trailing runner-ups.

Most Underrated Poster

The person whose contributions we feel don't quite got the attention or recognition they deserved in 2024 is.. It's a split decision!
Know that you are appreciated <3

Thread of the Year

Which thread has generated the most quality discussion in 2024? It was:
No real surprise, though other great threads did get mentioned :)

Journal of the Year

Which personal project or journey wowed us the most in 2024? It was:
Other journals were mentioned, but not three times like this one was. Grats to our esteemed author!

Member of the Year

The votes are so evenly spread this year, we've ended up with not just one, nor two, but three members of the year 2024. In alphabetical order, they are:
Any extra vote to one of these three would have changed things, but for myself, I am grateful that we have several deserving contenders for this special award :)

A round of applause to our winners! :clap:

As a final word, I would like to say - whether you won a category or not - thank you so much for your contributions to our community last year ❤️ And may they continue into the new!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Congratulations to everyone! It's an honor to share the member of the year trophy with two wonderful posters, you both absolutely deserve it. <3

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: Guybrush on Jan 15, 2025, 10:28 AM...we do have a runner-up in @Auroras In Ice!

(jk, glad to be here!  ;D)

Official 2024 New Member Silver Medalist

Congratulations everyone! And to @Lisnaholic , my frequent and always engaging debate partner of 2024...

QuoteBest Debator

Our most capable member at wielding an argument in 2024 was.. Hey, it's a tie!

...it would appear the 'Best Debator' is...up for debate.  :laughing:

Here's to 2025, everyone!  :beer:

Debator with an O, huh. Sorry guys 😅 Will correct!

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: Guybrush on Jan 15, 2025, 06:57 PMDebator with an O, huh. Sorry guys 😅 Will correct!

You're really trying to get someone to make a 'Master Debator' joke, aren't ya? Well I'm not falling for it.  ;)

#7 Jan 15, 2025, 07:31 PM Last Edit: Jan 16, 2025, 02:55 AM by degrassi.knoll
Gee thanks I feel like a valued member of the community
I wonder which two members voted me for biggest troll.. a mystery for the ages.

motherfucker, i fed my young to the hawk

Predictable, over-the-top, Simpsons-heavy Trollheart response # 6,501

What in blue blazes??!! Only THREE awards? Why, when I pay good money to have you fix a popularity contest, Mister Brush (if that IS your name), I expect to... ah. Yes. Perhaps better if you forget you heard that. Let's see, let's see, acceptance speeches, acceptance...

Hmmm.. hard-working staff... long hours put in... couldn't have done it without.. Thank you JESUS??!! I'm not reading that! This speech is over!

Bah! I shall make it the focus of my remaining years that all your dreams go unfulfilled!

Uh, what Mr. Burn - I mean Trollheart (no no, not the same person at all! Whatever gave you that idea?) means to say is that he's honoured and humbled to

I should be able to win as many awards as I like!

Sir, please! The crowd is turning nasty...
Anyway, Mr. TH thanks you all for your kind nominations and is humbled to have won so many awards..

Time for your injection, sir...

Sorry about that, people... he really does thank you...

Alan-Partridge-muso" border="0

Thank you guys, that's very kind of you!! And felicitations to other winners and runner-uppers!

"He woz a most underrated muso" is going on my epitaph.

"An underrated muso" but don't quote me on it..

Thank you all so much. As a late in the year joiner I'm bowled over. If you could see me now I'm blushing...
Congrats to all the other winners and runner ups as well.

Congrats to all the worthy winners, and Congrats also to all the people who contribute to SCD but weren't singled out for a mention. My tip if you want to win an award next year, and paraphrasing SGR, "Post more often you bums" :laughing:

Quote from: Guybrush on Jan 15, 2025, 10:28 AM... I would like to say - whether you won a category or not - thank you so much for your contributions to our community last year ❤️ And may they continue into the new!

Thanks for putting these awards together, Guybrush, and for once again adding some unity to our community. :thumb:

I was very flattered to be mentioned twice, and to be considered a master - no - an award-worthy debater. In fact I was handed a perfect opportunity with the constantly changing drama of the US election, and the smart, informed and gentlemanly SGR to debate it with...

QuoteThread of the Year

Which thread has generated the most quality discussion in 2024? It was:
No real surprise, though other great threads did get mentioned :)

Rather late in the day I've thought of a new award: The Tip-Of-The-Iceberg Award for people whose posts indicate deeper things below the surface, and who, off screen, have clearly done or been through a lot.
In that category, of note are jimmy jazz, DJ Chameleon, Guybrush, Lexi, InnerSpaceBoy and Janszoon. Those anyway are ones that I've noticed. 

What you desire is of lesser value than what you have found.

Quote from: Lisnaholic on Jan 16, 2025, 04:30 PMRather late in the day I've thought of a new award: The Tip-Of-The-Iceberg Award for people whose posts indicate deeper things below the surface, and who, off screen, have clearly done or been through a lot.
In that category, of note are jimmy jazz, DJ Chameleon, Guybrush, Lexi, InnerSpaceBoy and Janszoon. Those anyway are ones that I've noticed. 

That's a good idea imo. I had one of my votes swayed by this exact thing, and I wasn't sure which award would be the proper outlet for it. Another idea I had, one that seems more obvious, is 'Most Voracious Reader/Biggest Bookworm' - seeing as we have an award like that for music and movie consumption/discussion, it would only make sense to have one for books. I would've tipped my hat to @Lucem Ferre for it this year, as he was ripping through books.

Congrats to all the winners and I second that Lucem would get the win in that category if it was presented. Maybe for next year.

I was this cool the whole time.

Thank you all and also thank you for the votes. I shared a victory with @QuantumSync for most improved fitness, a category I made this year. It's always nice when you are recognized for something you tailored to fit yourself and very few others, but I am hoping to see @Trollheart nab also this one for this year's awards.

There definitely should have been some sort of book lovers' award. If you have more suggestions, let me know 🙂

Happiness is a warm manatee