You not lifting weights any more Mindy?

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 25, 2023, 08:55 PMYou not lifting weights any more Mindy?

Nope but maybe I do some tonight, I was planning on going to the gym after I eat my rice tonight. I have mainly just been going to the running track to get some fresh out and get outside. I have been kicking the idea of going back to Iowa (Where my dad lives), and running this big 7-mile race they do every year. The Bix 7, going to start trying to run 7 miles straight again and then see where Im at, and if I can do it then Im traveling to Iowa for that race.

What's been going on in your fitness world?
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 23, 2023, 10:58 PMReckon if we moved this thread to the secret forum we could post progress pics and pics of our sexy physiques?

Good idea or na?


If I ever get a sexy physique, I'll post a picture 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 25, 2023, 08:34 PM@DJChameleon @Janszoon @Mindy what are you guys doing and what are your goals?

Nothing right now, unfortunately. I was doing really well for five years, then I had rough year personally in 2022 and it really derailed me. I'm still trying to get back on track.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Supplements I'm taking
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

Quote from: Mindy on May 25, 2023, 09:23 PMNope but maybe I do some tonight, I was planning on going to the gym after I eat my rice tonight. I have mainly just been going to the running track to get some fresh out and get outside. I have been kicking the idea of going back to Iowa (Where my dad lives), and running this big 7-mile race they do every year. The Bix 7, going to start trying to run 7 miles straight again and then see where Im at, and if I can do it then Im traveling to Iowa for that race.

What's been going on in your fitness world?

I just lift for 1 hour a day around 5 days a week. Been doing that now just over three years.

Quote from: Janszoon on May 25, 2023, 09:47 PMNothing right now, unfortunately. I was doing really well for five years, then I had rough year personally in 2022 and it really derailed me. I'm still trying to get back on track.

Good luck. I did the same. 2018 was bad for me and I wasn't well but I started again in 2020 and I'm doing better now.

Only God knows.

Mrs. Waffles's health masterpost incoming.

As of right now I do a 25 minute morning workout consisting of pushups, squats, kickbacks, dips and crunches every Monday and Friday, a 35 minute workout of the same every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and a brisk morning walk every weekday while the weather is nice. The reason for the length is that Mondays and Fridays I have longer work shifts so I go easier those days. I have also found to not underestimate the exercise I get from doing household chores. Mopping, scrubbing, vacuuming, that stuff does help, and it adds up if you do it as frequently as I do.

I'm sticking to a strict 1500 calorie diet as well. I can basically eat whatever I want, but I do tend to go for salads, chicken dishes, whole grain bagels, semi-healthy options and such. Sometimes the mister will request something for dinner that I'm not comfortable with eating and I'll just make a big chonker meal for him and something smaller/healthier for me. We've not eaten any fast food in over a month, which I do miss a bit as one thing Mr. Waffles and I bonded over in the very beginning was our mutual love of Taco Bell, but holding ourselves to no fast food has helped me get better at cooking, plus it's just healthier and cheaper in the long run.

Cutting out alcohol has been a massive help in the past five months, both for my physical and mental health. I've gotten to the point where I can mix drinks for the mister on a regular basis and not once get a craving to drink some myself. I am notoriously bad at holding my alcohol and honestly I don't like the feeling of numbness I get once the buzz wears off. There were just too many disadvantages and I'm perfectly capable of laughing and having fun with my friends and family without drinking.

I've lost nearly 100 pounds since January 2022. It's really great to see tangible results; I can actually wear some of my old clothes from my college years now, not that I really want to for most stuff as I was still dressing punk/alt at that point. But there's a few shirts and belts I've repurposed for new outfits.

Overall this is by far the healthiest I've been since I was 18 just before college.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 25, 2023, 08:34 PM@Guybrush @Trollheart can we move this to the secret forum?

@DJChameleon @Janszoon @Mindy what are you guys doing and what are your goals?

I started in the gym just wanting to be more active and because I'm diabetic. I also wanted to get my A1C under control. Also working from home I needed to add some movement to my life. Now that I have a personal trainer I'm just trying to get rid of my moobs and the flabby shit behind my arms while being active.

My last session had me focusing on arm machines in the gym. The one before that was chest. I'm also learning proper form with different equipment in the gym that I've never used before.

I train Monday and Thursday alternating different areas. Chest, back , arms, legs.

Tuesday and Friday are pure cardio days. The stairmaster is the devil but it's efficient and makes me sweat like crazy within 15 mins.

I was this cool the whole time.


How long have you been doing it now @DJChameleon and have you made gains?

Do you enjoy it?

Only God knows.

Quote from: jimmy jazz on May 26, 2023, 12:12 PMNice.

How long have you been doing it now @DJChameleon and have you made gains?

Do you enjoy it?

I started going to the gym in January 3 days a week. When April rolled around I bumped it up to 4 days a week. I only recently started with my trainer but I've noticed small improvements already. I feel like when I was on my own. I was just messing around in the gym and using machines that I shouldn't have. I also wasn't using the machines properly so I don't think I was gaining or anything.

The major thing I have noticed is my pants not fitting as well. I went from 48 w down to 42 w but I haven't lost much weight. I don't like looking at numbers on a scale. If I'm feeling good and my clothes are fitting differently and shrinking then I'm on the right path screw scales.

Especially when I'm building muscle at the same time as losing fat. Muscle weighs a certain amount. I'm not looking to get down to a number weight. I'm just working out to feel healthier than last year.

I was this cool the whole time.

It's good that you don't obsess over the numbers on a scale. I reckon you'll be more consistent over time that way. People tend to give up if they don't make a certain amount of progress but nobody is perfect all of the time.

Only God knows.

I'm mostly focusing on improving my 5km running time. I try to get out twice per week in the evening for an 8km+ run, and then try to kill it at my local Parkrun on a Saturday morning. I'm gradually improving my time.

Tracking of your workouts!
Yesterday was a 2-mile run;
Today was another short 2-mile run;
Going for 3 miles tomorrow!
May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

I did 90 pushups and later on I will do my daily calisthenics.

I was this cool the whole time.

Fitness thread?

Quote from: DJChameleon on May 27, 2023, 07:09 PMI did 90 pushups and later on I will do my daily calisthenics.

In one go?

Back and Bis later.

Barbell rows
Dumbbell rows
Concentration curls
Preacher curls

Only God knows.