I can't believe I was unaware of this when it happened.

This is what you want. This is what you get.

Quote from: Mrs. Waffles on May 10, 2023, 11:53 PMI just checked this guy's Twitter, holy transphobia Batman.

I literally only saw those two tweets. You have to admit he nails both of them.

Only God knows.

It is a good JP impression. But it's just a lot less funny knowing what kind of other "comedy" this guy does.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

Comedian kills with a 12 minute bit about peanut butter.

(I'm like this all the time.)

David Bowie ribbing on David Gilmour 😄

Happiness is a warm manatee

I had a good laugh recently. A friend of mine pointed out how she thought it was amusing that the mister and I have incredibly different ways of greeting each other. To illustrate this she did impressions of us.

Her impression of me to him: "Good evening, darling!~"

Her impression of him to me: "Sup babe".

It's probably funnier if you know us IRL, but I lost it at the utter accuracy.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards