I haven't been here for a long time; been very depressed. I was just starting to come out of it when Karen, whom as most of you know is my sister who suffered with MS (Multiple Schlerosis) became unable to swallow and I had to bring her into hospital. To my terror, they took her immediately to the Emergency Resuscitation ward, but she came out of that alive and was moved to a high dependency ward. On Friday they moved her down to a less urgent care ward. I was concerned: she was asleep almost all of the time my other sister and I visited but she woke up a little when they were moving her.

Yesterday morning at 0800 I got a call from the hospital to tell me her condition had deteriorated and I should get in fast. I broke my neck trying to get a taxi but I arrived too late and she had already gone. I am, as you may imagine, heartbroken. Karen was my world. For 17 years I looked after her, 13 of those as her fulltime carer. I have no idea what I'm going to do now. My whole reason for living for the last almost two decades is gone. I'm numb, I'm hollow, I'm at the lowest ebb I have ever been. My darling, beautiful, kind and gentle baby sister has gone to be with my mother and my auntie Eileen. I will miss her forever.

Sorry for your loss TH. Don't know what else I can say. Very sorry to read this.

Only God knows.

Thanks man. Nothing anyone can say: I just thought you guys should know, as you've always been very supportive to me and some of you may feel they've come to know Karen through me. Thanks for your condolences.

Quote from: Trollheart on Sep 03, 2023, 06:06 PMThanks man. Nothing anyone can say: I just thought you guys should know, as you've always been very supportive to me and some of you may feel they've come to know Karen through me. Thanks for your condolences.

🫂 Thinking of you.

Only God knows.

My sincerest condolences, Trollheart. Sending you all my love.

"stressed" is just "desserts" spelled backwards

My condolences, Trollheart. Definitely take as much time as you need before coming back.

I was this cool the whole time.

Very sorry to hear, TH. With grief, the only way to go is through it - it helps to talk about it, to share your memories and experiences (the good, the bad, and the ugly).

I hope it goes without saying that you're always welcome to share those things here, and we as a community will assuredly hold that space for you. You're not alone.

I will light a candle for Karen today, and keep you in my thoughts. I'm so sorry for your loss.

a particle; a fragment of totality

I've been a member at MB long enough to know about your situation with your sister and how devoted you were to her. I never know quite what to say in times like this but my heartfelt condolences go out to you in your time of profound grief. Try to hang in there as best you can and remember that your forum friends are here for you if you need us.

So sorry, TH. I know there isn't much we can do from afar, but at the very least know that we're here even if only to lend a compassionate ear if you need a sounding board in the days ahead. All our best to you. <3

(I'm like this all the time.)

So sorry for your loss, TH. I was truly saddened to hear this and offer my condolences as well, and know that we'll be right here when/if you're ready to return at some point

sorry to hear about this Trollheart  :'(
I only know what you've told us on here about Karen but I'm sure it's hard for you going through this. I wish the best for you, I was wondering about you in your absence from MB and here. I am not good at news like this but I feel sorry for you and and hope for the best for you.

May 21st, 2024


Big fan of the Internet
Kindness is the highest form of intelligence

This is terrible news.  To say I am very sorry to hear of Karen's passing is an understatement, TH.  You are such a wonderful, truly caring person and I am sure that your selfless devoted care brought Karen tremendous consolation during her long period of illness.  You never, ever left her side and never let her down.  There are many types of love in this world, but your love for Karen was likely the most profound and awe inspiring I personally have ever witnessed.  Karen certainly faced many misfortunes in life, but she was fortunate to have the greatest brother in the world. 

Sincere condolences to you, and also to your other sister, at this time.

Please know that I am here for you whenever you want to talk. 

Oh I'm so sorry trollheart, that's terrible and heartbreaking, knowing how much you've cared for her

My condolences, TH. I've been rooting for you guys ever since I found out about your situation and very sorry to hear about her passing.


Sorry to hear this Trolls, hang in there. You're not alone, our thoughts and sympathies are with you.

Practitioner of Soviet Foucauldian Catholicism